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Posts posted by happyaussie

  1. Your lucky. I have gotten in trouble for putting the bamboo pointing in the wrong direction while building a fence thus bring bad luck on the whole family. Had to redesign the porch on for my new house because the posts did not lineup with the posts in the house--more bad luck. Dreams telling of future sickness, lucky numbers written on cucumbers. Anyway as long as the ML is alive, I also just go with the flow. Sometimes living here reminds me of Carlos Castaneda books.

    I has similar experience when building. My ensuite bathroom and walk in robe became a Buddha room, bedroom configuration has to be changed so feet don't point a certain way, I even had to change the entire bathroom layout because the dunny was pointing the wrong way. Oh and everyone was an expert at determining which direction things should face. Trying times, but well worth it. A lot of respect for people with faith. I'm just a fence sitter.

  2. A few weeks ago I asked for advice on internet access. I live in the Loei province and tried everything. Thanks to TA a subscriber came to my house to try the 3bb and TrueMove gadgets. Neither worked.

    The good news is that CAT were able to help. With the thanks of a 30' receiver. We now have internet. And the speed isn't too bad. No slower than most coffee shops I've been forced to use.

    Total cost was about 12,000bht installation and parts, plus 790bht per month, I think.

  3. Hi I live just south of WS and I have just purchased a Truemove H 3G air card and it is fantastic cost 990 baht and 599 a month and is day and night better than my old AIS edge aircard and has the advantage that it is portable, pop in and see them in Tesco Lotus in Loei.

    I enquired about this and apparently my signal isn't strong enough.

    Are you sure, they told me the same thing, but I had already checked it out with a friend who already had an aircard and he tried it at my house and it had a full 5 bar signal, If you want pm me and I can bring mine to you and see if it works.

    Wow that is very generous of you. Give me a few days and I'll get back to you.

    3bb won't work. We're one km out of range. I'm pretty sure True move is the same story. CAT and I aren't friends so I have to discount that option. Unless there is another option my last chance will be getting a land line from TOT. Provided they have a lines where I am. What's strange is that I'm on a semi main road.

    Still love to hear any other options.

  4. Hi I live just south of WS and I have just purchased a Truemove H 3G air card and it is fantastic cost 990 baht and 599 a month and is day and night better than my old AIS edge aircard and has the advantage that it is portable, pop in and see them in Tesco Lotus in Loei.

    I enquired about this and apparently my signal isn't strong enough.

    Are you sure, they told me the same thing, but I had already checked it out with a friend who already had an aircard and he tried it at my house and it had a full 5 bar signal, If you want pm me and I can bring mine to you and see if it works.

    Wow that is very generous of you. Give me a few days and I'll get back to you.

  5. Hi I live just south of WS and I have just purchased a Truemove H 3G air card and it is fantastic cost 990 baht and 599 a month and is day and night better than my old AIS edge aircard and has the advantage that it is portable, pop in and see them in Tesco Lotus in Loei.

    I enquired about this and apparently my signal isn't strong enough.

  6. I live about 10km outside Loei and a few months ago had the new CAT wireless service installed. I get speeds of 30Mb/5Mb at a cost of Bt2500 per month. There are other plans available.

    I believe this service is also available in the Wang Saphun area or if not try to see if CAT will install fibre which a friend of mine outside Wang Saphun has recently had installed

    Thanks for your advice. I'll talk to CAT again.

  7. Have you tested to see if True or AIS/1 2 call have a stronger signal?

    Yeah a few weeks ago. Apparently there is a 3km radius. I'm 5km. So close, but so far....argh. I'm technologically challenged, hence the need for advice. Thanks for the thought.

  8. Firstly my apologises for bringing up something that has been covered previously.

    Here's my dilemma. I live approx 5km from Wang Suphung, near Loei. I am just out of range for TOT wifi and we have crap phone reception (behind a hill).

    4 years ago I installed a CAT system with an antenna. It wasn't very successful. By memory it was about 12,000bht install and 700 but per month.

    Knowing technology changes regularly I was wondering if anyone out there heard of any new services that may work.

    Fingers crossed.

  9. It's not exclusive to Thailand. A recent survey in Australia showed a major supermarket chain was selling the same products at different prices in different suburbs. Prices determined on affluence of that suburb or region.

    Understanding the wealth and salary differences in Thailand, I have no problem paying a little more if signposted. Or if I consider the deal good value or fair. But I do dislike exorbitant farang pricing when buying items which haven't been tagged.

    On a recent trip to Vietnam I lunched in a touristy seafood restaurant with menus without prices. Price was clearly determined by the colour of your skin. Even more prevalent when the order taker hums and ha's when asked the price. "Hmm, how much can I rip this guy off for"

  10. I've build a house and lived in the Loei area for 5 years. However the last couple of years I've been away quiet a bit with business. I really love living in this part of Thailand. It's really quiet beautiful with mountains and plenty of vegetation.

    But very little to do. No western bars etc.

  11. 50+ and you think you don't need health insurance, you must be nuts.

    Well thats the plan - I'll see how it goes and let you know if anything drops off.

    Perhaps my biggest worry living outside the UK is a traffic accident or being hit by someone crossing the road. I might take-out some accident coverage with a decent company.

    Well good on you. Wishing you a long and healthy life.

  12. 50+ and you think you don't need health insurance, you must be nuts. How much is your health worth?

    I'm 57 have never been sick and like most blokes I think I'm indestructible. But once people hit 50 you start to notice guys in similar age group dropping like flies. Not to mention all the various ailments.

    Local hospitals maybe okay for short stays and relatively minor incidents. But anything more you'd be in more capable hands with a better environment in a private hospital. Prices are cheaper than home, but being private they know people are either well off or have insurance. Therefore their pricing reflects this.

    By the way. I hate insurance companies. Their greed is simply confirmed by the fact that in any city or town in the world the biggest and best buildings are either insurance companies or banks......I also hate banks, but that's another story.

  13. My response:

    1. I don't drive a motorcycle so I do not need a helmet.

    2. I put on my seat belt right after putting the key in the ignition.

    3. I have a valid Thai driver's license which expires in 2017.

    4. I don't need an international driver's license. See number 3 above.

    5. I carry my original passport in a little sissy purse which accompanies me when I drive anywhere.

    6. Both of my vehicles go through the required MOT tests annually.

    Now I have a question for happyaussie.

    Why does the Australian government not permit you to carry your camera to the beach? What is their rationale?

    The rationale is to stop pervs taking pics of girls in bikinis and kids.

    Another stupid rule in the media this week, is that Australian airlines won't let men sit next to unaccompanied children on a plane. Sound lke a nation of perverts and paedophiles.

  14. On a recent trip back to OZ I was amazed at how much of a nanny state Australia has become. People with very nice cars limited to 100km per hour on fantastic multi lane duel carriage way roads. Your not even allowed to take your camera to the beach and take pics.

    The do gooders will always play the "saving lives" card. Which is a difficult argument to contest. I agree 100% on drink driving but I'm sure better roads and better training are more important than revenue raising cameras and speed traps. Not to mention the improved safety of cars.

    For me I like flexible rules and regulations. But as impossible at it seems, weeding out corruption in the Thai police would be a positive step. Control the drugs and various organized crime factions around the country and Thailand would be a much better place.

  15. I'll stick my neck out here and say that I really enjoy driving in Thailand, roads a generally good. Multi lane duel carriage way in most areas. Even the B roads are quiet good. Don't have to worry too much about speed limits and cameras.

    And yes, I have driven extensively and continue to do so. And yes, there are some maniacs and I frequently see some dangerous behaviour.

    My only fears are 1) Buses and long haul trucks (most of those drivers are so wired on drugs it's no wonder they smash so much) 2) Unmarked road works 3) Killer pot holes

    Oh I forgot to say - bikes and side cars with no tail lights at night.....scary

  16. I'll stick my neck out here and say that I really enjoy driving in Thailand, roads a generally good. Multi lane duel carriage way in most areas. Even the B roads are quiet good. Don't have to worry too much about speed limits and cameras.

    And yes, I have driven extensively and continue to do so. And yes, there are some maniacs and I frequently see some dangerous behaviour.

    My only fears are 1) Buses and long haul trucks (most of those drivers are so wired on drugs it's no wonder they smash so much) 2) Unmarked road works 3) Killer pot holes

  17. Two years ago I taught my wife and was told by the authorities that there is no such thing as a learners permit. People are expected to learn in Temple or school grounds. This may answer some of the bad driving questions.

    After a few lessons in back streets we ventured onto a multiple lane road (not busy). Got stopped at a checkpoint and told she cannot learn to drive on roads????? Must be some Thai logic in there somewhere.

    Over the years I've taught a few people how to drive. So I applied the same methods and she became quiet good. Went for the test on the Motor Registries test track and realized I hadn't taught her to reverse for long periods (50/100m). Fortunately the instructor could tell that she was an okay student and let it slide.

    The test is done in a group situation and quiet fun. But I was amazed how some students had zero idea on how to drive.

    If you choose a school, be careful. The driving test is a standard test and most schools focus just on the test and nothing else. They produce people who can drive around a test circuit in a car park. But have no road skills what so ever.

    End of the day my wife has become a good and confident driver

  18. When I was a 14, I used to belong to a moped gang. All our motorcycles were modified to go as fast as possible and to make as much noise as possible. Traffic rules, like any other rules, were made to be broken. The only explanation I can find we all made it to adulthood is it seems god has a special affection for idiots.

    Everywhere in the world, kids will always be kids. Honestly with teenagers, I don't know what is best, to know where they are and what they do or not to know and hope that statistically they should make it.

    I agree, when I was about 15, I was riding a BSA around at night without lights so the cops wouldn't catch us ... and...there is the rub. We knew we were doing dopey stuff (we were young boys, n'uff said), BUT we also knew the cops would crucify us if caught. Since then, I have grown up. 'There are old riders and there are bold riders, but there are no old bold riders', is a true statement. I've worked as an advanced motorcycle rider trainer with Oz governments so I know a little about road craft and bike riding in particular. Thai and most Asians (no I am not racist, only observant) are possibly the worst drivers I have ever witnessed. The concepts of forward vision, entry / exit points/ following distances / flexible gearing .. jeeez I could go on forever... are completely unknown. I guess it is a combination of zero education, zero policing and a cavalier attitude to life in general. I no longer take buses here and use planes when I can. I try not to get angry, only when their stupidity endangers my life. Needless to say I never ride big bikes here... risks are just too much and, ...... I have a high death threshold.

    The fact that the west has become so sanitized is one of the reasons I choose not to live there. When I was a kid in OZ we'd go on holidays sitting in the back of a station wagon or even more fun, a ute. Now you can't scratch yourself without being fined or some twit saying your breaching OHS. One good example of over regulation is the main Sydney to Newcastle motorway. It's speed limit is slower now than it was when it was built in the early 70's.

    Two or three on a motor bike isn't overly dangerous if ridden carefully.

    If you think Thailand is dangerous visit Vietnam. 90% of bikes don't even have mirrors and there is total disregard for other vehicles. Riding 3 abreast covering one lane is normal practice. Fortunately the roads are bad and they ride slowly. So not as many deaths, but plenty of accidents. I know, because I've lived there for 2 years.

  19. I think 1000bht per day minimum if living in the country.

    I nor any of my farang friends could spend that much a day in the country, no matter how hard we tried! Are you having your meals catered to your home? Are you driving a HumVee? Do you have eight A/C units running full-blast 24/7 in your palace? <deleted>??? blink.png

    Try running a car, 2 kids in school, cable tv, electricity, food, a few beers and incidentals.

  20. This is exactly why Thailand has strict immigration laws. Men wanting to live here on the cheap and give nothing back. Obviously your freelance writing doesn't pay well so why not stay where you are and get a real job. Thailand doesn't need more freeloaders.

    Hey, MoroseAussie, that's one of the meanest, cruelest, heartless, calloused replies I think I've ever seen on Thai Visa (in 10 years). You're making a lot of unfounded assumptions to support your ignorant, mean-spirited post. Or just maybe you're off your meds? (Yes, another unfounded assumption, sorry.).

    1. Maybe the OP is a beginning freelancer. Everyone has to start somewhere.

    2. Coming as a short-termer, who's to say he might actually like living here, and stay and therefore start "giving back." I and many of my western friends fall into this category.

    3. Thailand's immigration laws leave a wider "market" than you may think or wish. Just look at the farangs around you.

    I agree with other posters that 5,000-7,000 is a reasonable amount to live on. In Isaan, I pay 2,500B for a spacious apartment, 760B/month for internet, and about 3,000/B for 3 meals a day (100B/day). Sure, it's do-able. Go for it!

    Oh get a life will you. Maybe I was a little strong, apologies to all. But I stand by the premise of my comment. Why do you think Thailand introduced limitations to tourist visa extensions.....too cull out those who want to live here with hardly two bob to rub together. Who don't work and who's only contribution is the tax they pay on their bottles of Leo. It's as simple as that.

    All credit to those of you who live on the amounts you've quoted. Nothing wrong with that.

    I think 1000bht per day minimum if living in the country. I split my time between country and Phuket. When in Phuket more like 2000bht per day.

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