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Posts posted by AdventureAsia

  1. There is a show here (USA) call human weapon, they measured how powerfull blows from all different martial art including boxing. Grabbing someone from the back of his head and give him the knee like they do in Thai boixng was the most powerful blow register, it had the potential of breaking ribs, puncher lungs and a bunch of other damage.

    Please don't setup anything for your friend he may die from just one blow, it happens all the time in boxing.

    LOL, that might be stupidest comment yet no offence... You can also get cancer from eating carrots and meat...and u might die fom it.. Will it stop u from eating em?... didnt think so

  2. hehe guys i got a msg from the owner of the gym he welcomes my friend for a match if i "we" he said pays (i guess it means me and him or only me, but does not matter they should not be that expensive) for a professional thai boxer to meet him because they wont fight for free. The trainer of them muay thai gym will also train my friend a little bit before the fight. This could be really good, i have yet to talk about if we will make the fight official. If so i guess ur all welcome :D . i will give him a call tomorrow though to clear this out and arange it. I just don't hope my friend backs out hehe :o

  3. Well i want the fight to be clean as i said and it wont be knife fight so need for talking about that. It will be a fight with K1 or pride rules it depends how far the thais are wiling to go. More like a MMA fight with other words.

    I know khali og kali has a lot to do with knifes but that would be to harsh hehe we will keep it clean just like a Pride or K1 fight. I am not sure if i will allow a ground game or not if so we got for Prie if not K1 :o Have to talk with the two fighters as well so far i dont have a thai boxer

  4. Well, my brother in law is a well trained muay thai boxer. He recently entered a few bouts here in CM (he was trained in Chon Buri). No one had seen him before, but he beat the stuffings out of all the competition and is now in demand. I personally wouldn't dream of taking him on, but then that's just my survival instincts kicking in. :o

    Is you and ur brother Thai or farang? I would like him to fight a Thai fighter of thai blood. If i dont get a positive reply from the muay thai place i mailed i would like to contact you and your brother especially if he is Thai origin.

  5. You don't say where you are in Thailand.

    I would have thought any of the Muay Thai boxing ring / beer bar set-ups may be open to some kind of deal.

    Ohh yeah i live in Bangkok for the moment. I know they have some of that in Pattaya but am not sure about BKK. The fight needs to be serious though with some hard kicking muay thai guy hehe, i really want him to get his ass kicked for once :o

  6. Okay now i live in a nice apartment in Thailand and an old friend of mine came to visit me. I have not seen him for 2 years.

    The thing is that he has trained Khali Sarikan or something. Its a martial art from the philipines. He is now extremly cocky when he goes out and thinks he can beat up everyone even though he never fights in real. I wanna show him the power og the muay thai because he is just waaaay to cocky and am sure sooner or later he will get himself killed hehe.

    He will stay here for 2 more weeks and i was wondering if thee is a place he can go to fight some ass kicking thai boxer. I do not want to hear about any illegal underground stuff but a good pratice fight, fair and square in a boxing ring or something. I guess u guys know what i mean so is there any place i cn take him where he can face a good muay thai fighter and have a practice fight or something?

  7. He is a troll or a very stupid young kid who should not be out unless mummy is with him.

    This cannot be for real can it????

    hello this is for real and regarding the walk and they ill tell u now, if u read my other post u can cleary read that i gave it up. it was to hard.

    About job and money, i can work ONLINE i dont need a visa for that. I dont have much money now but i started to work online more with a dam_n good affiliate program. I work on a intenet cafe so its expensive hehe but all in all i earn on it.

    if i get a place to leave i can continue working and get enough money to fly to norway. That is why i really want a place to live, but it must have intnernet. I have been checking out a few places and am going to one today in sukumvit road. proably ill stay there :o

    Thanks for help everyone, but they wont call the ebassy etc and report where i am and stuff? i never heard of that before...

  8. So do you hope to live in thailand with no visa for the rest of your life? :o:D I mean at some point you are going to have to meet the guys at immigration right?So why not do it now,& be done with it?

    Because am not going to jail, i dont have any money, if i get a place to live i can work, get money pay the 20k baht fee and buy a ticket to Norway. If i go there no they put me in a cell for a few years.

  9. Hello i am back hehe after some talk i got some free online talk. I am not a troll and i don't see the point in being a so called troll at all. I dont even know what troll means but i guess its some kind of wanna be strayer and liar.

    Thank you for advice, i am looking at apartments now and i will take my chances i think. I will just make a copy of my passport where it says my name and all that stuff. If they ask for my real passport ill just say that i got it with my "fantasy gf" or something which is not here right now. And if they have to see it i just don't live at that place. I will try call some interesting places now, i have ot felt this good for a long time, my hopes are really high!

    I have to pray that everything go smooth as silk, and if anyone have a simular experience feel free to share it here or over a PM if you want to keep it private.

  10. Before I waste any more time replying ... can a mod verify that his post was indeed made from BKK?

    I am from BKK, please just tell me if its possible or not. Anyway my time is out, no luck today as well. I will be back in a few days when i got some money. I hope for some good answers than.

  11. Hello, maybe you heard my story on this forum and i would just like to say tha i am not a troll.

    Anyway my questions is "Do i need to show my passport and proof of visa to be able to rent a house or a apartment in Bangkok"?

    Now i live on the street and with a strange thai family that i really don't find enjoyable. I need a place to live, i got money for it but i dont have Visa here in Thailand. I see they got a aprtment section on this site with many cheap rooms, would i need to show visa to be able to rent them? I just want a okay place to live, am really tired now. I earn about 25k baht a month from online business so i want a place for like 5-10k a month if that is possible. Anyone have any tips or something please tell me :o By the way am just 20 years old.

  12. Hi AdventureAsia .

    Im a Norwegian , I can help you if you need money for travelling home to Norway. And contact your friends here. If u wanna walk all the way home at least try to get some travel documents and visas with you.

    So If you're for real let me know.

    Du er vel norsk ? :o

    Ja jeg er Norsk :D

    Thanks for good tip everyone ill try em all out, i liked the 1 about the pool thing, am gonna try it nothing to loose anyway. Okay am going to a pool for sleep now and ill shape myself up etc. Anyway i will be back later to tell u guys how am doin. Thanks for all support :D if all else fails ill be coming to Pattaya.

  13. Hi everyone, after i walked north for a while ang got hungry but there were no people to feed me i decided to go back to BKK to live my life here, i heard about a Swedish lasy in Pattaya that also lives on the street maybe ill team up with her.

    Anyway i hitch hiked back to BKK with some old truckers, it was a nice trip but i would never made it back to Norway and i don't wanna stay in prison in Burama. Now i just gotta avoid the cops so they won't lock me up. Anyone know some decent places to sleep in BKK?

    When people see a white farang sleeping on the street they usually call the cops so i need a place where i can actually sleep more then 1 hour a night. Anyway when it comes to food i sometimes get food from some thai people i "know" and a few bucks for my old business.

    Anyway if you have some recomendations where i could sleep in peace tell me. Maybe i should get down to Pattays seems to be more people like me there. Okay anyway i will check back on the forum in a few day i guess to check for recommended places to sleep, i found that some bushes in a park here are accaptable.

    ohh and i havent stopped my plans about getting back to Norway completly yet, but i will train first. Survival and strenght training in BKK.

  14. Hey guys as i said i got no money, so i will be sleeping outside or if someone let me in their house on the way its great. I belive this can be done. I also been a boyscout before i know its not much but i know basics for survial. I am also very scared to end up in jail but in the same way i feel very excited to. I will post here as often as i can about where i am and how i am doing, so please keep this thread open atleast 1 more year (hehe)

    I will do whatever it takes, walk and hitchike with people. Maybe i never get to Norway but atleast i had a adventure.

    Maybe i settle down for a few years in a small village i china, i mean who knows! I will wear old clothes and make myself look thai, i wont be going around in gucci jeans, a white tank top and sunglasses.

    I like the thought of being free, you might say you are free if you are rich or wahetver, but the true is you are bever free and you will never be free if you dont challange yourself and have nothing.

    I have been working the import/export here for 2 years now, but my buseiness went downhill and i ended up on the street, i can honestly say am more happy now because i can do what i want.

    I am a very healthy guy, i never drink,party,fuc_k around,take drugs or do other stupid things. I also been going to gym and thai boxing quite long so my shape and health is pretty good.

    On the way i will bring some old clothes which am going to wear and my back pack. In my back pack i have another set of clothes,food,water,2x Knuckle Buckers (you never know what might happend) a compass and a maps over asia.

    Both of my parrents died in a car accident while i was here, something that i feel bad about and i dont have any friends in Europe, my goal is Norway but when i get there i dont know what to do, thats why i say maybe i settle down in a small village somewhere on the way if the poeple are nice and if it is a quite place.

    Anyway am going to sleep now with the rats outside hehe, wish me the best of luck, i wont be back here for maybe 1 week, cheers

  15. just "sneak" myself over the borders (since i dont have any visa's) I plan to go from BKK to north thailand-to laos-to-china-russia-finland-sweden

    If sneaking over borders is your plan, I suspect that you will end up imprisoned in one of these countries when highway patrols stop and question you as to why you are walking in the middle of nowhere, and discover that you have no money or visa.

    Hi, i do not paln to follow the highway all the way since i know this is dangerous, i plan to to take shortcuts in the jungle and small ways and so on. Crossing the borders i think will be easy since there is a big crossing for all those country's

  16. Hi since i got no Visa,no money,no credit card and most of all no "real" life i thought to myself. Am tired of being stuck in Bkk with nothing. After some planing i thought i might as well walk back to europe and just "sneak" myself over the borders (since i dont have any visa's) I plan to go from BKK to north thailand-to laos-to-china-russia-finland-sweden-norway where i live.

    I am not sure if i will take this way yet, maybe i go another way. Since i leave Thailand with only 500 baht i will need to get free food on the way, something i think is easy once i get out of bangkok and more north in Thailand. I am worried about when/if i reach russia, if it would be very cold. probably it would be summertime if i leave now. This will take me around 1 year i guess, something thats not so long since now am only 19 (20 in a few days)

    I am very excited with this idea and i would be a great adventure, i got nothing to loose anyway.

    Anyone here done this kinda stuff before? I would love if someone would join me on the way because i guess its pretty boring to walk for 1 year alone.

    I plan to leave from bangkok next week, if anyone want to join me on my adventure just tell me, am a very friendly guy and a good english speaker.

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