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Posts posted by BillyDeno

  1. I have been in Thailand 3 years and, daily, hear about the MAFIA. Originally from Chicago, a small village, nestled between the Midwestern mountain range, I know mafia ! Here they say Baht Bus mafia, street vendor mafia, and on...............

    The mafia I knew, and loved, had stretch limos. high class broads, $2000 suits, police officials on their payroll, mansions and, class. I've seen no evidence of that here. ( except fpr thr government of course ), so - is there a mafia office, or web site I can consult to ?

    What are you a wana be Mafia Don? You love a respect Murders/pimps/drug dealers! Get a life.

  2. Check out that young cats body language. All defensive with the cops and strutting himself with the guard :o . And the wee hookers in the background.

    Wait till his ma finds out what he's been up to! Alone in Pattaya, 19 years old, a few failed street walker / massage parlour sqeezes and ends up in the belly of the beast.

    Google his name and the only thing that the whole net has to show is this thread......... I bet he's well pissed off.

    Young man, Im gonna tell your mum


    Leave him alone! His mum will kick his ass if you grass him up.

  3. Ever since he was born our son has slept in our bed. I have tried several times to persuade my (Thai) wife to put him in a cot in our bedroom to no avail. I even dedicated a bedroom in the house for him with murals, toys, kids bed and furniture, etc but that just gets used to play in during the day. My wife thinks it is ridiculous of me to even consider having our son sleep anywhere but in our bed. For any of you who have been through this.......does it last forever? I worry so much about squashing him that i dont sleep very well until they wake up around 7am.......and what about sex? sneaking a quick one every now and then when he's fast asleep hardly seems right....

    Please share your experiences..

    If your lucky kid will be 10yrs old, don't have any more mate go and get the snip. Or have you got baby monitors explain 2 your wife that it would be better to put kid in other room and she can hear kid if he wakes up through the nite. Good luck anyway.

  4. Wow...30 grand for all that! Is that because she's Thai do you think? I hear a lot of stories about hospital fees being quite expensive for the birthing package (3 days + procedure, etc) . Anyone else have any prices for comparison?

    My wife is Thai cost 10'000bht £150.00 sterling she had C section was in for one week 08/08/07 no problems Chaiyaphum Hospital. Hope you find good Dr+ Hospital good luck for the future.

  5. In the past 2 years, I've heard many stories about Issan weddings. I've been warned by many who've left broken hearted and broke.

    But I will tie the knot with a fine lady of 30, a graduate of Ubon Ratchisima University, who worked as a quality control specialist at cpk, earning 18K bhat per month, a decent salary. She's a virgin. Is that really possible? Are women like this real?

    Knowing that many a farang has settled in Issan with their love, I'd appreciate your stories and advise. Especially about dowry, gold Bhat, and wedding costs. If Dad gets a dowry, is that it? Or am I expected to help the family with each "emergency"?

    Maybe this issue has been discussed many times before, but I'm new to the Forum, and hope to hear some good stories. Mike

    I payed dowry 105'000bht and gold for my wife nice village girl. I woud'nt care what anyone thinks if you want you pay dowry as respect, to her family. If I had more I would have given it. You love her then ask her how much she will help you to sort out with her parents what you can afford.I was only asked for half of what I payed. I just wanted my wife and her parents to be happy.

  6. Other than the standard immunizations which they will already have had:

    rabies (human diploid)

    hepatitis A

    Same for you & any other adults travelling

    Hepatitis B not necessary for 8 year old, advisable for adults IF they are likely to be having sexual contact with locals or using injectable drugs. Unlike Hep A it is not spread thru food or water, only blood and bodily fluids.

    Thanks Sheryl Im all up 2 date with my injections just Emma to sort out.

  7. About two weeks ago my girlfriend took me to the gym that she'd just joined. California Wow, which is situated in The Avenue, Pattayas newest shopping Mall opposite the Lek Hotel on second road. A quick word in Thai to one of the assistants and we're getting a tour of this place, now this is where the fun begins. After the tour we're sat downstairs and the American manager comes out and recognises my girlfriend and comes over and starts a conversation with her in Thai (she'd told me about him earlier but I'll get to that), I'm very easy going but he almost instantly made my skin crawl, talk about one slimy bastard. Anyway, I got the impression that he didn't want me there as he tried to weasel his way in with my girlfriend. He made polite conversation with me but was trying to get me to part with more cash, which I eventually did to upgrade her membership and get me a "free" membership. The fact that I'd had major surgery 8 weeks ago seemed to make little difference in his sales push.

    That day my girlfriend had been decidedly stand offish with me and I couldn't quite figure out why but being a drunken falang buffoon most of the time I didn't think too much of it at that moment. Now, a bit about her. At the risk of sounding arrogant my girlfriend is beautiful and I don't just mean pretty. She is one of the most beautiful girls in Thailand if not THE most beautiful and she knows it and is acutely embarrassed about it. She's a University educated, Hiso girl whose father, now retired was the king's gardener and she'd met him hundreds of times and saw herself as being hugely privileged because of this. What she was doing with me is anybody's guess but I feel like the luckiest man alive because of this.

    That night, later on we had an almighty argument and fell out big style. Once the "red mist" had cleared I just couldn't figure out where it had come from as neither of us are the argumentative type. I'd not done anything to justify the barney we'd had, or so I thought. I texted her two days later to try and make peace and she eventually opened up to me and asked me "Why you tell your friend at California wow you don't pay me for sex?"

    I answered "I don't pay you for sex, you're my girlfriend!"

    She replied "yes but why you tell him", meaning why am I discussing her sex life with my friend.

    Now I'm racking my brain trying to figure out which of my mates has had this conversation with her. Trying to figure out how many pieces I'm going to cut him into before he goes into Pattaya bay to feed the fish but for the life of me I just can't figure out who it would be. My friends are all decent lads who wouldn't drop me in it like this as they'd all met her several time and were model friends, in front of her, a bunch of tossers the rest of the time. So I'm at a loss over this. Eventually she tells me who it was. It's the fxxking manager at California Wow that the day before had claimed he knew me and, trying to work out which bar she worked in had told her a load of <deleted> implying he was repeating things I'd told him. The fact that she was a shop manager in Big C had put his nose out of joint.

    The day after we'd fell out I realised I'd been talked into paying or a "gym package" that I couldn't use so I went back to the gym to cancel it. I went to the front desk and explained what I wanted and the same manager was phoned and he came out for a chat. Straight away he try's to talk me out of cancelling and tries to get me to sign up for a bigger package. He calls over his friend, another American employee and says "let's go get a coffee" so we have a walk to the coffee shop next door and the both of them are adamant that I shouldn't leave but I've decided I am so we buy a coffee and walk back to the gym and sit down, they both make excuses and leave, leaving me sat on my own. I can see one of them in their office that periodically looked through the window in his office door to see I'm still there. After 40 minutes it's perfectly obvious that they have no intention of talking to me so I walk away and go on the internet to their website and make a complaint about what had happened. I get and automated reply saying they will reply after 2 days. That was 8 days ago and still nothing so I thanked them yesterday for their prompt reply.

    Last night I ran into one of Pattaya's finest in the shape of one of the Pattaya tourist police and local TV channel owner. I explained what had happened and he suggested I come on here and enlighten your members as to what had happened and secondly they had had so many complaints about this same place that it wasn't funny and had refused to give them free advertising.

    I apologise if this is a bit disjointed but I needed to write it down while it was fresh in my mind.

    Hope you get back with your girl mate! you should kick that tw-t in the balls for all the sh-t he has caused you.

  8. I am a little disappointed in some of the people that seem to have arrived in Pattaya/Jomtien. Last Sunday evening, my wife and I went for a walk, returning via Beach Rd. onto Chayapruk Rd. As we were coming up to Soi 4 a motorbike went by us, at speed, and the Thai rider gobbed us. Full in the face, both of us. I know that many people comment on the "gun culture" in the USA but, I can tell you that this would never happen without reprisal. Jai Yen Yen, just doesn't cut it !!!!!!!!! Don't tell me that this sort of thing happens world-wide. I have been all over the USA and Europe, and this has never happened to me or anyone I know. Had this happened in the USA, there would have been an "accident" !

    OK, my venting is over now.

    I do enjoy Thailand and most of its people but I had to say something.

    Hope your up to date on your Hep A-B jab's you never no what that dirty sod has got that spat at you!

  9. Outback Bar is located on Soi Arunotai which is the soi adjacent to Carrefour. The bar is attached to Shagwell Mansions. I live near Outback Bar so send me a PM if you need a drinking buddy. The girls are a little older than in the main tourist areas but that will please the largely frequent visitor crowd that stays there.

    Needs up dateing shagwells-outback bar web page some photos of the bar girls. Anyone got any to post?

  10. I had problems with a Canadian when we both wanted the same girl. He quickly settled the matter when he announced that he was 500 baht more handsome than I was.


    See what happen's when you mix your beer with Viagra! Goes straight 2 your head and you end up with a large pole. Just becareful you dont bang your head on it.
  11. The so called victim here seems to me to have been a foul mouthed drunken arsehol_e.

    I hbabe spent over 35 years visiting this country and now love here.

    I was never beaten up by a thai but have witnessed many occasions when some farang truly deserved a good hiding for his lack of manners-understanding and foul mouth

    me too. 18 years, the farang i have witnessed in trouble with thais all deserved a beating ,.

    Tell me - in your view what actions or words deserve beatings?

    Do you hold those same values in your home country or anywhere else in the world?

    Do you think three young men beating up an old man as in this case is OK?

    If you saw three young guys beating an old guy up on the streets of the UK what would your reaction be - he probably deserved it? - I bet a pound to a penny it would not but people come over all hypocritical as F^&K when Thai's are involved - they lose any ounce of rational thought and values they might have had.

    If the old guy had been a woman would that have been OK too - after all its a farang deserving it!

    What happened to a lone Thai with a chair versus a big drunk Scotsman and his brother?

    So you have his brother jumping in now do you.

    < Forum Rule-Breaking Flame Snipped > but now you are reporting something not mentioned elsewhere - were you there perchance?

    It is mentioned that he was with his brother at the time, its on here,it did not however say his brother was part of the fracas,.i think we will never know the truth and im past caring,.

    a poster that's aware of the intent of my clarification....

    Can some change the the heading 2 Scottish man as he's not English! :o

  12. Mr. Eckard Romanczyk aged 57 from Germany, explained that he was walking along the road when the suspect, Khun Tawee aged 40 approached him and placed her arms around him and suggested the pair go to his Hotel room for some early morning fun.

    so did the german actually say that or is it cutting edge news reporting at it's finest?

    Did the Trannie get a 2 phone this solicitor on the mobile? :o
  13. Aussies are barred from all sorts of places!

    Shagwell's is Aussie owned/run a good mix of Brits Aussies and others....good plain rooms...pool...food....Sunday lunch and the "naughty" but not so nice "Outback Bar"

    Had the pleasure of watching an American looking at the cricket on TV and then loudly declaring....

    "It's like watching paint dry!"

    I wonder whatever happened to him?

    Last time I as there they had closed the outback bar down no more naughty's there now! new boss with family plus regs Thai wife's put a stop 2 it. :o

    I think you'll find it's re-opened!

    That's me bared then when I come over to see the wife! Or ill brave it and just let her watch me like a hawk. :D
  14. Aussies are barred from all sorts of places!

    Shagwell's is Aussie owned/run a good mix of Brits Aussies and others....good plain rooms...pool...food....Sunday lunch and the "naughty" but not so nice "Outback Bar"

    Had the pleasure of watching an American looking at the cricket on TV and then loudly declaring....

    "It's like watching paint dry!"

    I wonder whatever happened to him?

    Last time I as there they had closed the outback bar down no more naughty's there now! new boss with family plus regs Thai wife's put a stop 2 it. :o
  15. You say he was running a B&B around Soi Welcome in Jomtien?

    Haven't heard anything, but I will call in that area sometime this week to see friends - maybe get better info.

    Thank's mate hope it's not true! but he did say if went bad he would'nt be coming back to England. Never thought he do it fow. :o

  16. Cabbages and Condoms or Rabbit Resort are great...but about 3 k or more in high season I would think. Both have beach and pool and nice gardens. I still think C&C is one of the best in Pattaya. they have family bungalows too - lovely modern ones.

    will check out thank's for your help. do like Talay Condos up 2 now think ill be staying there. But when looking on internet is saying low season until April as I going only March am I likely 2 get stung 4 high season prizes? :o

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