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Posts posted by luluanator

  1. I can tell you what it is like if the hubby and wife are both Westerners. I (wife) work at a university in Bangkok. My university prepares the documents (contract, passport copies, copy of diploma, resume, birth certificate) for immigration- I get an non-B. For my husband I had to prepare all the documents the university used for my visa and bring original and copy of both b-certificates, our marriage license, and an signed affidavit from my embassy (US) stating that my husband is my husband and that I needed him to be able to stay with me here in Thailand- basically stating the obvious. He was issued and non-O and we both have to check in every 90 days. He does not have to leave the country and we did not have to provide any financial prowess. It may be different for schools/universities than businesses. But I was pleasantly surprised how easy it was.

    However, I should add that in 2004, I was told at immigration that my husband could not get a non-immigrant visa because, "in Thailand men take care of women." As a result, it was the 90-day tourist visa run.

  2. They were probably drunk and were being silly. I don't know. But it seems there are many harsh comments on here. I know I've done some stupid things in my life, haven't any of you.

    Yes, they should be punished- me thinks a monetary fee and maybe some community service (always litter to be picked up here). But one year of jail- that is a disproportionate penalty for the act committed.

  3. This is typical TV fashion ust put the guy down to hel_l and call him all the names under the sun..

    Yes the guy is stupid and he will really regret this for the rest of his life but npobody knows the circumstances on why he did this, maybe the guy was on his arse and in so much desperation that he thought it was the only was to do this, or there again maybe not..

    I recon a fair few of the slag emm off characters have probably had a dabble in their time so it doesnt really make them any better whether the dealer or taker.

    This guys life is effectivly gone now, it isnt law that after a few you get a pardon...

    I for one dont like to see the drug dealers get life it just aint right, life should be saved for the pedos, rapist and murderers not some poor mule who was probably gonna get a few g for his cut..

    good luck mate, and i mean that

    I second that.

    Governments, who are the biggest drug dealers, haven't gotten busted.

  4. I think this is a bad idea for Thailand. "Good" many may say to get rid of all those illegal English teachers and those "pesky" (though I think groovy) backpackers. Yet around 80% of teachers here don't have a visa because schools, particularly language schools, are not given many. So they rely on tourists- which is a whole other problem.

    Also, giving those arriving by airport 30 days but those by land 15 days is discriminatory. It comes down to a monetary thing. Does Thailand think that those "extended tourists" don't bring money to this country? Do people staying at resorts buy fruit from fruit stands and items from other vendors? Usually not. This country needs all the income it can get now, and those "extended tourists" really help out the local economy, maybe not so much the resorts and more elite tourist destinations, but they do really help.

    Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy living here, but I think it was a really bad move, especially since tourism will be way lower in the coming years due to the political upheaval.

    Also, this country is in desperate need of foreign teachers: legal or not. I am asked at least once a week, even from random people on the BTS, if I know of any falang looking for teaching jobs.

  5. Teaching in Thailand can be frustrating when you consider the costs to become legal, that fact that you can't fail students- or at the very least teachers must fit them into preordained quotas (no more than 3 As, 8 Bs, 10 Cs, etc per class), and the endless plagiarism encountered from students, that is endlessly tolerated.

    But, it can also be a great experience. I teach at a Thai university and it has to be the cushiest job I have ever had, and I have had many. Working at a university seems to exonerate one from many of the loops holes that teachers at elementary and secondary schools need to get through. And there are plenty of extra gigs that teachers can pick to make extra $$.

    My husband used to work at a language school that employed 20 teachers, yet the government only granted this school 2 W permits per year. This school couldn't survive if they only employed 2 teachers. I think the government turns a blind eye on illegal teaching much of the time. Or at least they used to. (I've only back here for 4 months this time, so not sure about any new laws).

    I think that Thailand should consider letting non-diploma holders teach, as long as they are good at it and have a SOLID foundation on English grammar- which many teachers, with or without diplomas don't have. If the diploma is so valued then those with them should be paid more. As many of us with them- especially from the US- are still paying back student loans. One monthly loan payment is about 20% of my monthly salary.

  6. Police Order 606/2006 section 7.19 if you are able to obtain a one year extension of stay he can then convert to extensions of stay to match yours.
    1. Application form

    2. Copy of passport of the applicant

    3. Copy of passport of the foreigner

    who is granted permission to stay in


    4. Copy of documents showing the

    relationship such as the evidence of

    marriage, copy of birth certificate,

    evidence of the registration of

    ordinary child adoption, certificate of

    the registration of adopted child

    adoption or other papers issued by

    other related government


    Thank you for the precise info. Happy New Year.

  7. I had a non-b when I worked at a bangkok university teaching from 2003-2005. I got married in 2004 and tried to get my husband a non-b. At immigrantion I was told that: "In Thailand, men take care of women, not woman take care of man." My husband continued to do visa runs every 2-3 months.

    I am back in Bkk now and have the opportunity to work at a school, get non-b and work visa- all the legit stuff to stay. I want to do this, but I want to be able to find a way for my husband to have a non-b, or something comparable. He is a free-lance computer programmer and has clients in Europe and the US so there is no need for him to find a job in BKK.

    Does any one know the rules on getting a spouse a visa, if the wife has a non-b?

    Thanks for any help or leads

  8. Honestly, I was horrified by what I saw last Thurs night when I got home from work. I guess because I had never seen anything like it, and of course being a parent.

    In any case, went to doctors Friday afternoon. He basically thew out 80% of the pills the Vietnamese doctors gave, and provided new instructions for the two remaining. The redness of her feet had largely disipated by this time, although still had the blotches on her legs. He said this was an infection. Sorry I do not have more info on this, as I was satisfied to hear it wan't something major. He said it should go away in a couple of days, and if not he would administer antibiotics.

    Friday night the baby cried all night. Then by Saturday she was back to her old self (smiling, happy, not crying, sleeping through the night, etc.)

    Well, glad it wasn't anything major, and have her set up with a foreign pediatrician that I can actually talk to for future issues that I am sure will arise.

    Glad to hear your girl is back to normal. I can completely understand your fear. While I don't know of any docs in Vietnam, it seems like you found one you can communicate well with. We used to take our boy to Dr. Buppha at Samitivej in Bangkok. She is great.

    Did you look up the symptoms on the net? You can try various sites like babycenter.com.

    All the best with a sincere heart.

  9. Dr. Supriya is who we have used. She is English speaking and also American trained. She delivered both of our children. She works out of Chiang Mai Ran and Sri Pat hospital. She also has clinics around the city every night. I can give you more details if you want about locations. For your info, we had our first child at Chiang Mai Ram. The second child was at Sri Phat (same doctor). While the hospital does not look as nice, the experience was MUCH better at Sri Phat as well as half the cost of Ram. We highly recommend it.

    There is another female doctor at Ram called Dr. Catriya (or something like this). Our friends went to her and really liked her as well.

    As far as Lanna, the doctor is Dr. Udom who is loved by some and hated by others (generally loved though because he is very personable).

    I will also tell my wife to add a pregnancy section to www.sanookbook.com as she contributes to the info on it (no porn on that website as far as I know). However; you really need to visit the Raintree. Not only do they have a guidebook, they have pre-natal classes as well as English speaking nurses who are willing to assist you in the hospital if you want them. They are a very valuable resource (as to speak to Lori or Jan if you go there).

    Good luck and congrats!

    Thank you for the info. Cost is somewhat of an issue for us, so I appreciate your mentioning it. I assume that if I want to make an appointment with Dr. Supriya, I could go to Sri Phat hospital and make an appointment with her there, rather than track her down at CMR.

    I plan on going to Raintree today. Again, thank you for your help.

  10. Hi. I just moved up to Chiang mai and lo and behold, I am pregnant. Can anyone recommend a good ObGyn (preferrabely female and English speaking) to me? I have heard Lanna Hospital is good, but that is the extent of my knowledge. There is a Chiang Mai parents website, but all the forums are filled with porn, so it wasn't very helpful- FYI.

    Thank you in advance.

    Congratulations! :o

    Dr. Kat at CMRam is fantastic. She listens, asks questions, and is up front about things.

    I, personally, wouldn't recommend Lanna Hospital to any pregnant woman. Had my first son there - when I went into premature labour and showed up at the hospital the staff told me the doctor was home in bed and I should come back in the morning. When I went for an ultrasound they confused my order with someone else's and tried to give me a chest x-ray when I was obviously pregnant. When my son was born (premature), the nurses wouldn't let me see him for 3 days, and they only gave in because I got really upset (my husband, friends, and boss had all been to the nursery to see him. the nurses said I coudln't go).

    Perhaps my experience was a one off, but for my second child I went to Ram and Dr. Kat was wonderful. She was also the only doctor I found who let me try a natural birth after a C-section.

    Good luck with everything.



    Thank you so much for the info. I am sorry to hear about your experience at Lanna. That has definitely made me feel better about chosing CMR. I went there yesterday and will see Dr. Cathreeya next week. Is your Dr. Kat by any chance the same as Dr. Cathreeya?

  11. There are quite a few "play groups" for mothers and kids in the city. Your best bet is to try to connect through schools or one of the churches. The problem is that all play groups/prenant mother groups are all informal so you really just need to meet them.

    We have a toddler and a two week old baby so we're definitely in these circles of people. Here are some other suggestions to help you out:

    - Tumble Tots is used by some families (although a tad expensive)

    - there are several music/dance clubs for young children.

    - get the Sanook Book (it has resources for families)

    - go to the Raintree (they have a resource guide for having babies in Chiang Mai).

    Thanks for your info. I plan on checking out Raintree.

    Did you have your baby here in Chiangmai? I am off to Chiangmai Ram to make an appointment today. Any suggestions on docs? Hospitals? I have checked out past forums and I go the impression that CMRam, is the best bet?

  12. Huh.. I couldn't find anything untoward??

    (And believe me, I tried!!! :o )

    Anyway, when you say 'people in the same situation' would that be limited to Western mothers / expectant mothers?

    By the same situation, I mean expectant mothers or mothers already, but certainly not limited to Western women. I just thought if a group exists or one could be created around the theme of mother/mother to be, that could be nice.

  13. Hi

    I am new to Chiangmai. I am looking to meet up with mothers and expectant mothers. I just found out I am pregnant and I would love to connect with people in the same situation. I have found a website for parents in Chiangmai, but the forums are full of pornography and do not address the topics listed. If you have any information mother's groups or if we can start a group if one doesn't exist, I am most definitely interested.

    Thank you.

    Hi, I found that website too, it's disgusting, I sent a complaint to the police. I don't understand why a company still provides hosting for it!

    www.sanookbook.com is very good.

    Thank you. Just checked it out. I also sent a complaint, but have heard nothing. Too bad as it seems like a good resource.

  14. Hi

    I am new to Chiangmai. I am looking to meet up with mothers and expectant mothers. I just found out I am pregnant and I would love to connect with people in the same situation. I have found a website for parents in Chiangmai, but the forums are full of pornography and do not address the topics listed. If you have any information mother's groups or if we can start a group if one doesn't exist, I am most definitely interested.

    Thank you.

  15. First of all, giving birth isn't exactly state of the art medical science. Most women give birth in the city where they happen to live, unless it's really a deserted island.

    Where do you live? I live in Chiang Mai where there's many fine hospitals of course.

    I would recommend you doing check-ups at/with the same doctor who will be doing the delivery, then you can make it known early to not pull that crap of speaking Thai when there's a Thai person present (your husband).

    Can give a recommendation for Chiang Mai, but let's hear where you live then people can perhaps recommend a doctor / clinic / hospital.

    Could you please refer me to a good Obgyn in Chaing Mai? Just found out I am pregnant.

    Thank you- Lulu

  16. Hi. I just moved up to Chiang mai and lo and behold, I am pregnant. Can anyone recommend a good ObGyn (preferrabely female and English speaking) to me? I have heard Lanna Hospital is good, but that is the extent of my knowledge. There is a Chiang Mai parents website, but all the forums are filled with porn, so it wasn't very helpful- FYI.

    Thank you in advance.

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