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Posts posted by smurph

  1. Apologies in advance if this has been covered before. I have an appointment to extend my Non-Imm O visa (issued in Vientiane) at Bangkok immigration on Friday based on marriage to foreign (US) spouse. I have Irish passport. Does anyone have experience of what documents are needed to complete this? We have full proof of marriage here in Thailand, spouse's work permit and letter from her employer. Is anything else required, besides the usual copies of passport, visa pareses, etc.? Thanks in advance. 

  2. Hello. I just wanted to share my TM30 experience at Chiang Mai Airport Immig. (Building 3 at back) this morning - Dec. 6. It appears that, from today, new TM30 applications must be done at Promenada. Two people in line in front of me were sent there. However, I was able to report in and "update" my existing TM30 slip at the Airport office, having returned from abroad late last week. I'm assuming "updates" can be done at Promenada as well, but didn't confirm this. 


    As ever the staff there were friendly and polite, and apologised for the "confusion".

  3. Sorry if this was asked before, but can't find specifics. I'm European and married to a US teacher with work permit. We hold a Thai marriage certificate. I wish to get a single entry non-Imm O in Vientiane. Can anyone advise on what documents are required for the application? Specifically is anything required from her employer, such as a letter, details of financials or anything like that?

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

  4. Hello,

    Apologies in advance if this has been dealt with before, but I can't find any threads that answer my specific questions.

    To explain my situation. I hold a non-imm B visa issued in my home country in Europe that was extended based on my marriage to a foreigner who works here. That extension is expiring in the next three weeks, as is my wife's. Her extension will be arranged by her employer with immigration, and I will need to arrange my own extension based on that. My questions are:

    * What documents do I need to show immigration? Just a marriage cert? (We were married here in Thailand so I assume no translations, certification required?)

    * Also what is the procedure? Should I go along with my wife to immigration (Chiang Mai) on the same day so it can all be done at once, or is it an entirely separate process?

    Any thoughts or advice on this much appreciated.

  5. My 2010 Macbook Pro needs an overhaul and I'd prefer not to fork out Apple Store rates for a 4- to 5-year-old machine. Happy enough with spurious replacement parts at this stage. Can anyone recommend a good, reasonably priced shop to take care of this.


    - New battery

    - Speaker replacement/repair

    - Trackpad replacement/repair

    - General hardware check

    Thanks for any tips.

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