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Posts posted by WongKarWai

  1. The world runs on oil and oil is priced in US dollars. As the US dollar and other currencies (including Thai Bhat) are in a competitive depreciation (printing loads of money), nominal prices have to rise. Inflation is happening in almost every country.

    Tip: Inflation will be high in the next 1-2 years. Buy stuff (e.g. pasta, canned food, toilet paper) before their prices increase, saving you lots of money. After that, there would be a worldwide economic depression, at which time prices would decline.


    At the moment oil is priced in dollars worldwide (Venesuela is an exeption).

    The US went to war with Iraq because they decided to price oil in Euros.

    Then Iran announced they would switch to Euros - and surprise now the US doesnt like Iran.

    If the other Arab countries switch to Euros, the Dollar will crash. Now is the most sensitive time for the Dollar and if these countries decide together to switch to Euros this may be the end of America as we know it - and even world war 3 as america attempts to invade and control the supply of oil in producing countries (to force them to sell in Dollars). We can expect to see huge hyperinflation, depreciation of the dollar etc. On the contrary we will see the Euro sky rocket.

    At present the USA never pays for any oil, they just print dollars which countries around the world use to stockpile and purchase oil. In return they receive plenty of oil (so they can cap their own wells for future use). If they switch to Euros all these dollars will be changed to Euros, and we will see the end of USA and Japan as we know it (Japan is owed a lot of dollars).

    America has huge oil reserves - the problem isnt that they wont have the oil, but that countries in the world wont want to buy dollars to purchase Arab oil and there are too many dollars in overseas accounts which are used to purchase oil and stabilise economies.

    Europe is now financially more powerful and stable than the USA and it has a greater demand for oil, and a better currency to purchase it with. If these countries switch to Euro, which they are likely to do - America will have plenty of oil to fight a war but very little money. As history has shown America can not win and the dollar is in no state to finance another war.

    Bloody anything could happen in the next few years....

    lolz, you guys are hysterical. i just wish i could see what you guys really look like in real life and have you saying this stuff in front of a camera. that would be gold!

  2. Well, at least this time they are honest about the price rise ....

    A common strategy of raising prices at 7-11 is that they put a certain article in the 'promotion' (2 or 3 baht of the regular price). When the promotion has ended the article is suddenly 2-3 baht

    higher than the regular price ...

    Probably, Thai consumers have no clue ....

    Yeah, most Thai consumers can't do math....

  3. This is the overall view, correct, and it probably will be like this.

    Here in Ko Chang we have the worst 7/11, six of them, run by the CP-Mafia who not only got the land cheap at Toxins time but now rip off the unexpecting tourists and Thais alike. Can of Chang 30 Baht, Dutchie Yoghurt 13 Baht. Every local store is cheaper. Only reason to go 7/11 is to pay the bills and get phone-cards.

    lolz at you if you're actually serious.

    7/11 is mafia because they are ripping off consumers who choose to go to their store instead of going to the cheaper local shops? What exactly is it that you would like 711 to do?

  4. perhaps the staff knows you are married so you wont be able to complain because they can just go and tell your wife that you were buying prostitutes drinks all night. if you are in a small little town everyone is watching you OP.

  5. I am considering taking a shot at creating a brand name of handbags, thus I am looking for a manufacturer of handbags. To give an idea of the level of quality, it would be similar to the Kipling brand (actual Kipling quality, not knockoff Kipling quality). Can you give me an idea of how much it would cost for X number and websites or places in Bangkok to look?

    Thank You

  6. Donald trump left a 10,000 tip two nights ago at a restaurant!

    Personally, I think tipping 1000 baht to a food vendor is just ridiculously silly but I guess the vendor is not complaining and its their money, so its none of our business.

    I heard that about the Trump. He is in a class by himself and everyone knows he is a world class Azzhula, so good on him, and the lucky waiter.

    You should not aim to judge your self worth against others. There are 6 billion people on this planet, you will often come up short. Insulting someone for being charitable, even if it is silly, just makes you look like a jealous guy with self esteem issues.

  7. Donald trump left a 10,000 tip two nights ago at a restaurant!

    Personally, I think tipping 1000 baht to a food vendor is just ridiculously silly but I guess the vendor is not complaining and its their money, so its none of our business.

  8. I also feel that there is a difference between complaining and pointing out problems. Complaining usually involves the speaker labeling himself as a victim. Her is an example:

    There is a lot of crime in Thailand. It wouldn't hurt to have more policeman patrolling certain sois in the early morning hours


    I can't walk down the street past 8pm without carrying a gun because the motorcycle taxi mafia might try to stab me to death with a machete.

  9. I feel bad for those who feel the need to complain. I made a decision to never complain about anything. I consider my life in Thailand to be perfect. Each day is better than the next. Heaven on Earth.

    Don't feel bad. But actually I don't believe you. Someone is smacking your head, you made a decision never to complain? About anything? UNREAL.

    I get frustrated. I experience problems like anyone else, but I don't feel that complaining helps solve them. Perhaps some people find comfort or piece of mind in complaining, but for me, I would rather remain silent, calm and work towards a solution to my frustration or problem.

  10. I feel bad for those who feel the need to complain. I made a decision to never complain about anything. I consider my life in Thailand to be perfect. Each day is better than the next. Heaven on Earth.

    I think its just a personality thing. I am not bothered by those who complain, I find them amusing to be honest.

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