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Everything posted by teacherofwoe

  1. Update: I went to my branch and they went through all of my details. They said, and I still can't believe what I heard, that my phone number details were wrong as the clerk had entered my phone number one digit short which is why they didn't pay the interest. Needless to say I withdrew my money. I had to wait 24 hours, but I'll be taking my business elsewhere.
  2. I just got off the phone to Krungthai bank service canter to ask why the bank hasn't paid any interest. I was informed that Krungthai doesn't pay interest on savings accounts to foreigners. Are there any banks that pay interest to savings accounts held by foreigners?
  3. The owner doesn't want the cost of replacing all of the windows and frames. Most of the windows are in good condition despite not being regularly painted. It's an older house in koolpunt ville 9 and pretty much every house in the village has their original doors and windows.
  4. The previous owners neglected the property hence the renovation.
  5. I'm renovating a house with wooden windows and I need to replace ten of them.
  6. thank you
  7. Thank you
  8. Does that include the frames?
  9. Can anyone suggest a company in Chiang Mai that makes wooden windows?
  10. I don't have a Thai card either. My banking app works just fine.
  11. So if you've lived in Thailand for 23 years and no longer have a UK debit/credit card you can't get a passport?
  12. https://www.google.com/search?q=Operation+Paperclip&gs_ivs=1#tts=0 https://www.nasa.gov/people/wernher-von-braun/#:~:text=For 15 years after World,installed at Fort Bliss%2C Texas. Quote: By late 1944, it was obvious to von Braun that Germany would be defeated and occupied, and he began planning for the postwar era. Before the Allied capture of the V–2 rocket complex, von Braun was sent south, eventually to Bavaria. He surrendered to the Americans in the Austrian Alps, along with other key team leaders. For 15 years after World War II, Von Braun worked with the U.S. Army in the development of guided missiles. As part of a military operation called Project Paperclip, he and an initial group of about 125 were sent to America where they were installed at Fort Bliss, Texas. There they worked on rockets for the U.S. Army and assisted in V-2 launches at White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico.
  13. Hi, does anyone know of a place to get silver bars in Chiang Mai? Thanks
  14. A friend recommended a French artisan cheese maker to me, so I placed an order. All I can say is I had the best soft cheese I've ever had. The taste is incredible; totally different to whet you get in the supermarkets. He says he delivers to customers all over Thailand, so you can order no matter where you live. I highly recommend his cheeses, and I have already ordered some more. If you would like to see his cheeses and contact info, you can DM me.
  15. Sorry if this has been covered before. The scenario is this: A grandparent opened a joint bank account for her grandchild back in the 70s. Either account holder can access the funds without the other's signature or being present. How could the grandson who is living in Thailand get access to the account from here? Is the only option flying to the UK and being physically in the bank? If anyone has experienced this situation, or knows of someone, please give some suggestions. Thank you.
  16. I've been wondering for a while now how Klaus Schwab would start a cashless society and fifteen minute cities in Thailand.
  17. Don't hesitate now or you'll be one of those scummy antivaxxers. Just keep getting jacked to save granny.
  18. No, NATO troops next which will make WWIII official. Nukes will come after.
  19. We've received enough blood donations, so consider this closed. Thank you.
  20. Thank you!!!
  21. Please let me know how to find this blood group. It doesn't matter where the donor is from. Thank you.
  22. A Negative emergency. Please donate at the Red Cross blood bank (any province in Thailand) Rh Negative is extremely rare in the Thai population. 0.3% of Thai people have Rh Negative. It must come from expats. Please contact: POM 0846873974 For: Patient Edgar D. James ( Chiang Mai Ram Hospital)
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