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Everything posted by teacherofwoe

  1. Thanks all for your suggestions.
  2. Any recommendations for fishing a beach in Pattaya, or a fishing boat trip?
  3. My mistake, there is a pelican crossing at Suthep Hospital, Chiang Mai.
  4. Zebra crossings don't have traffic lights. Pelican/puffin etc. crossings have them. Can't say I've ever seen one here, but that's what's needed I guess.
  5. If you see someone using their phone in a car, take a picture of them with your phone from your car. See if you can claim a reward. Better still, see if you can claim two rewards. Should cover the cost of your fine and be in profit.
  6. I read the entire article and there is nothing to back up their argument other than assumptions and data statistics.
  7. Artitya gold resort is fully booked by Koreans for a month which means I can't play there. Never mind, there are plenty of other golf courses. Problem is, they will be staying at Artitya resort and spending money mostly there and other golf courses, but nothing into the "local" economy.
  8. For years Makro has limited the quantity of alcohol a person can buy. If your Makro card is for your restaurant/business, then you can purchase all you want.
  9. Psst, someone explain to him why farmers generate carbon dioxide in their greenhouses.
  10. https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/other/victorian-government-may-impose-profoundly-serious-restrictions-on-free-speech/ar-AAObFst?ocid=msedgntp
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