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Posts posted by skycop51

  1. Who will screw around on you, and hurt your pride and feelings I exspect.

    skycop :o

    Give her as much as you can. In fact give her the shirt of your back for those cold nights back home without you.

    You might also consider any insurance policies your parents have taken out that might benefit you/r girlfriend in the event of a tragic accident befalling them.

  2. Their Heart Surgeons show no US trainging or Europe either.

    Would be concerned about that...

    skycop :o

    As always, Buyer Beware. There are good and bad Doc's in ALL kinds of med facilities here, in my experience. Be very assertive and proactive with any medical care providers in Thailand (or, for that matter, anywhere).

    very good advice.

    the hospital and facilities are first rate.

  3. You know its not worth a screw. Cause you get screwed forever. Is that worth it for you? In my day it was just the clap. Now you got troubles real worries. Good Luck...is all I say.

    skycop :o

    It sure is a major problem. Two girls in my wife's village of 300 or 400 people have returned from Pattaya with full blown Aids in the last 18 months. Both are now dead. One from Pneumonia the other (who was also pregnant) took her own life.

    Everyone should be aware of the problem and take care.

  4. Been married Thai over 32 years, and we do that. Does not keep great but I have eaten day old rice all the time. Never a problem here..

    skycop :o

    My Thai g/f says it's a sin to throw away cooked rice and we should stick it in the fridge and re-use it (re-cook it - I think) the next day.

    Other western friends say it's a major cause of food poisoning.

    What do you think?

  5. Its a company apparently that works with Retired Military in using "their earned" Medical Tricare. Helps paying copays etc.

    The Sarge :o

    I am retired US military and Health Visions is a option for us.

    How good is Bupa and how much..


    Have a look at Thai Health's website : www.thaihealth.co.th

    They have a range of packages available and you can obtain an instant quote online. I think they're a bit cheaper than Bupa too!


  6. Maybe useful information, the insides of those machines are geared to play in the country you bought it in. Got some games for xbox and will not play in the US machine. Got to change out some chips then it will rock anywhere.

    Hope this helps some of you.

    skycop :o

    I'm going to splash out on a new games console this weekend which is the better buy PS2 or Microsoft's x-box.

    I have used PS2 before and think it is superb but have no experience of the X-box.

    Has anybody used both and if so which is the better buy?

  7. You can't mean $28,000 USD can you??

    skycop :o

    Just read the topic on Bupa's prices increasing. As alternatives to Bupa, somebody mentioned Royal Sun and NSI's health insurance. I can't find any information on their prices or benefits. Does anybody know how they compare to Bupa: how much they are etc - I have previously had the Bupa Emerald package, which costs about 12,000 baht a year. It is coming up for renewal. Please advise.

    An article from another well known site. It starts with BUPA but talks about other options too.


    When I went to BUPA end of 2002. with my wife they quoted her 28K per year, myself 35K py and we had to be both members for at least 2 years (unsure now, it could had been even as long as 2 years) before any baby care is covered. (She was not pregnant then).

    All isurance companies have restrictions but I have never heard that both parents have to be members for a specified time to receive any baby coverage.

    I was not even living in Thailand (never really have, only frequent or long visits).

    Finally, the insurance came from overseas but without it I would have had reconsidered what was on the offer in BKK.

  8. I have diabetes and gave up on my BS, because I have to take Steriods for another condition. I take pills and now my feet are numb, won't be long for me. Killed my Mom.

    What to do...###### I do not know.

    Oh, by the way, I still do a lot of homecooking (via my housekeepr) and the only added sugar I use is Splenda, and it's helped a lot to maintain a better quality of life. Unfortunately, rice and noodles must be severly limited in my case due to their high carb levels...

    Splenda is available from the States, and they will ship to Thailand. Duty-free, too.


  9. Is this God telling us something or really just the end of time coming. Just wondering not preaching.

    skycop :D

    04 February 2005 0307 hrs

    New Yorkers diagnosed with rare sex disease


    NEW YORK : Two New York men have been diagnosed with a rare sexually transmitted disease that has recently been making inroads among gay and bisexual men in Europe.

    The disease, a rare form of chlamydia known as lymphogranuloma venereum, or LGV, can cause serious illness, permanent disfigurement and fuel the spread of AIDS, according to New York health officials.

    "LGV is a serious condition and its emergence in New York City reflects continuing high levels of unsafe sexual activity among men who have sex with men," said the city's health commissioner Thomas Frieden.

    "It is also critical for gay and bi-sexual men to minimize risky sexual behaviors and practice safer sex ... to help prevent the spread of this illness and HIV/AIDS," Frieden said.

    The federal Centers for Disease Control has confirmed six recent cases in the United States, including the two in New York, three in San Francisco and one in Atlanta.

    Previously prevalent only in less-developed countries in Africa, Southeast Asia and the Caribbean, LGV has recently gained a foothold in Europe, with the Netherlands reporting more than 60 cases in 2004, compared to fewer than five cases in recent years.

    - AFP :o

  10. BEst of luck, I am sick and going to live in Thailand soon. Can die anywhere.


    I have had a headache for the last fourweeks, it has been constant and started on the right side of my head and now seems to have moved all over the top of my head, from the top of my hairline to the back of my neck. I have also been having trouble breathing and last night, I thought my heart stopped a few beats and couldnt get my breath. I also started gym about 1 month ago and whilst doing preacher curls, I tried too hard and my headaches started from that day.

    I hardly drink (once a week/ twice a month?), eat very well and excersise 6 days a week, but I do smoke cigs.

    I am off to the doctors now as I didnt think I would live last night. I am going to get a head x ray (no jokes :D ) and my blood work done - Ill see what the outcome is  :D .

    I think Pepe is a DR or anyone else that can give any advice would be real helpfull to me, as I am really worried - I never get sick and never go to the docs.

    Off I go  :o

  11. Had that happen to my Thai son and I, and we just slipped a few baht into his cupped hand as he was looking around. Thats the way it is...welcome to Thailand.


    Being a reasonably careful driver I've got through nearly two years of driving in Thailand without incident. Until last week that is. Last week I got stopped for speeding twice in one day.....

    I wasn't going particularly fast, and they didn't know I was a Farang when they stopped me, but the misleading information they gave got me wondering.....

    They told me that if I didn't 'pay for their lunch' I must go to the police station some miles away and probably pay a thousand Baht fine.

    I was doing 98 on a highway which I understand to be 90 KMH?

    I thought that if they issue me with a ticket I pay there and then - is it true they can insist I go to the police station?

    Does anyone know what the official fines are?

    Of course I ended up paying in both cases without receiving a ticket.

    Can anyone tell me what the legal situation is?

  12. Right... :o

    AN extract of South Korea's famed spicy fermented cabbage dish known as kimchi could cure bird flu and other chicken diseases, scientists said.

    Researchers at Seoul National University said chickens infected with the deadly bird flu virus began recovering a week after they were fed with fermented bacilli extracted from kimchi.

    The experiment has yet to be scientifically proven but professor Kang Sa-Ouk said kimchi did appear to have a curative effect.

    Kimchi, made by fermenting cabbage with radishes, red peppers, garlic and ginger, is a symbol of national cuisine.

    "Our research showed the chickens fed with a cultured fluid of fermented bacilli extracted from kimchi were recovering rapidly from bird flu and other diseases," Kang said.

    "Only four of the 26 chickens used for our experiment died within four days," he said.

    Park said his team needs more research to see whether the extract is an effective remedy against bird flu. "We will speed up a chemical study into its constituents," he said.

    Since late 2003 millions of birds and 69 humans in Asia have been infected with bird flu. A total of 33 people have died in Vietnam, 12 in Thailand and one in Cambodia.

    Kimchi consumption rose sharply two years ago when some Asian countries were hit by SARS. It was reputed to prevent the respiratory disease although there was no scientific proof.

    Bird flu 'cured' by cabbage dinner

  13. Am wondering not much mentioned about the power problem. I intend on buying a lap top...when I get ready to come over. Dual powered is the way to go correct?

    What about tv, I own many dvd's and know I will need a multi system tv/dvd player right!

    Real concerned, power appears to be problematic. I have lived there but it was a long time ago.

    Looking forward to retiring there.

    My best,


  14. New here but am married Thai for over 31 years. I dreamed so many years ago of retiring to LOS. Got to go back in 2002, and fell in love with it again.

    Now I am retired out of the USAF, do not have a lot of money. Hope to have 50k US, and with our retirements should have 2k a month. Wife has land in Uttaradit and we are going to build.

    Hope we can make it! I bet we can.

    Bill :o

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