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Posts posted by robbiecia

  1. i have no doubt that Penang and many of the other consulates issue many visas each and everyday. In my case however, they did not. The reason for this is indeed speculation, but the fact remains that there is NO clear policy with regards to long-stay tourists and the tourist visas they are allowed.

    As i mentioned before, i do not live in Thailand on tourist visas, but like to spend quality time here each year. However, it seems that there is a small limit to the number of visas we are allowed in any set period of time. In my case TWO in the past calender year.

  2. Thank you Chris

    I used an agent in Penang on the advice of this forum. (next to Swiss hotel) The agent informed me that Penang rejected the application on the basis of the remark in Singapore. This came as a shock to me as my passport clearly shows that i dont live in Thailand.

    Im back in Thailand on a 30 day stamp and weighing up my options right now. Looks like i will cut my holiday short as i dont want to be held hostage to the mood of an immigration officer.

    This is an excellent forum with lots of good advice, but there does seem to be no clear idea of how many visas in a set period of time we are allowed. If it is only two per year then it would be nice to know this fact for holiday planning purposes.

  3. I understand that regular visa runners have used Penang in the past, but surely having a clear record in my passport of not being in thailand for six months of the year, i would think that i cant be classed as a regular visa runner.

    Penang rejected my application on the basis of the "do not apply here again" comment on my last visa from singapore.

    From what i have seen in this forum, Thailand just doesnt have a clear-cut policy for longer term tourists like myself. Dont need to work here, and am not married to a Thai, so i dont qualify for any other visas apart from a tourist.

  4. Was aware of the situation in ventiane.............but considering i have never been to Penang, i thought it should be no problem. What worries me is that Penang rejected my tourist visa application on the basis of a remark(not red stamp) on my last visa recieved in Singapore.

    I would like to add that im only a tourist on an extended holiday here in Thailand. By having a tourist visa i find it easier for longer term planning. Before my last entry i have never used the 30 day stamp.

    My main concern is the fact that regional embassies (Penang) will reject your application when they see remarks or warning stamps from other embassies.

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