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Posts posted by damian

  1. Just got mine done and just showed my aussie license which was OK.

    Need to have:

    Copy of passport main page

    Copy of visa page

    Copy of license front and back

    Residency certificate (get this from 2nd floor immigration office and take your passport, a photo, house registration or rental agreement with you - only takes a few minutes)

    Medical cert (you can get this from any clinic)

    Plusoriginals of the first three.

    Get there around 08.30 and not after 09.30. Line up present your papers and head upstairs for the practical tests (giggle). After you pass go back downstairs and get your 1 year "samart card" license. No need for a photo as they do it there for you.

    I was in and out within 1.5 hours.

    Hope that helps.

    PS: if you have nothing better to do in the afternoon and want some entertainment take a six pack and go and sit out at the training track and watch the students get their licesne simply by driving around the test track once.

  2. LiK,

    It had been floating bewteen 200 and 300k for a number of months. Like I said I had the monthly foreign transfers as required and this seemed to be OK. They really only seemed interested in the transfers and didnt make any comment on the balance.

    My own perspective on this rather traumatic experience that we are forced to go through each year is that if you come in and do it on your own (as I did) showing no intention of paying tea money they like to teach you a bit of a lesson to make you perhaps think about an "agent" next time and thus make the whole process time consuming and difficult. But I was determined to use the correct process just to see if it worked and it did luckily.

    Glad its over but not looking forward to next time!!


  3. Got my first extension (marriage) approved showing +40k monthly income from my overseas bank with a stat. dec. from my embassy (Australia) and under 400k in the bank. Lots of huffing and puffing (in Thai but mainly complaining about the bank statements) by the captain but when he personnaly reshuffled my paperwork the application went in and a month later approved.


  4. Just got mine back from LINMARK advertising Phuket town using advice from this forum. Did my own artwork and they offset printed it. Excellent quality rughly THB2,000 for 500 2 colour. Expensive yes but I wanted the quality (both print and card) and got it in 4 days.

    You can check them out on the net.


  5. Hi all,

    I posted some time back about Aussie rules footy in Rawai.

    I go to Staffords place at his Phuket Sports Club up the end ofthe soi after lemon green gas.

    Now that the game times are a little more civilised (check www.austarlianewtork.com for times) it would be great to meet some other Aussies who maybe interested as I am usually the only one (aussie that is apart from Stafford) there and I have no one to banter with (well at least no one who understands the game).

    I usually go to the Adelaide matches but now we are getting a game at 1700 on friday evenings my after work sustinance will take place there irrespective of who is playing.


  6. Did mine a few weeks ago.

    I did both just to be sure as it was my first extension but the 400k had not been in there for the 3 months and they seemed more interested in the monthly foriegn transfers but who knows.

    My situation is I work off shore am under 50 married to a Thai. The first guy gave me a flat NO when he asked if I was working in Thailand and when I told him I worked offshore and transfer my money in he referred me to the Captain who ummed and aahhed a lot but once he saw the transfers gave me the "under consideration" stamp and extended this for 2 months becasue I told him I have to go off shore before the initial mmonth was up - very nice of him.

    I was waiting to see if I get approval for the one year before I posted and gave my experience becasue it was quite an unecessary ordeal but in the end we were all chums and having a bit of a joke. if you want to talk about it off list you can contact me.


  7. Quick note to let you know that the daughter and I were knocked up with Dengue he week before last. Both back to sort of normal now but is a lesson to be learnt that you cannot be too complacent about mozzies especially this time of year an with all the rain we have been having.

    We are in the Saiyuan Soi Pattana area so be careful out there.

  8. Happy to go paying or not, prefer not Patong though although we will suffer it for a night in the spirit of sharing!

    Instead of looking for a freebie maybe we could team up with Thai visa, if they can get some sponsorship and we could organise a charity night?

    We get a pi** up, feel good about ourselves for helping someone or something less fortunate and get a few brownie points in the Karma stakes. Winners all round.

    This Saturday old Stafford of Mikes Bikes is throwing an Aussie barbecue at his new Rawai Sports complex. It's up behind Lemon gas. If going from Rawai Beach to Chalong circle, take the left just after Lemon gas and where that road then forks, stay right. Go on up the hill and you'll see the sign.


    Might be fun; music, food, drinks, he has all kinds of games, pool, pentanque, volleyball, tennis. Bring the whole family.

    Maybe we won't call it the TV pissup, but hope to see some of you guys there.

    This is not an ad for that, just a suggestion of something that is already happening that maybe we all might enjoy.

    Cheers, HB


    As a newbie on the island and an Aussie I saw his sign at the 7/11 - sounds like a good night so me and the mrs will be there as well mainly to meet people and maybe indulge a little. Wont be wearing a pink carnation but hope to stagger into a few TVers just the same.

  9. Have aklways used TRANSPO Asian Tigers for all of my moves. The most recent to Phuket last week. Never a drama unbelievably efficient and will always try and get you a cheaper price if they can share a truckload with another mover heading in the same direction.

    Look them up on the net at www.asiantigers-thailand.com or give their BKK office a call on 022590116.

    Hope that helps.

  10. Hi all,

    Finally made down from BKK to settle into our 12 month recon of living in Phuket. Thanks again for the driving tips.

    Next job on the agenda is to find a place that regularly (as a priority) shows Aussie rules Footy each weekend while I investigate getting ABC TV.

    I know plenty of places in Patong but as we live in Rawai does anyone know of anyplaces in the Rawai/Chalong area that shows it?


  11. Thanks to all for the great info.

    We leave tomorrow and will take the Krabi road option.

    We will be living in Phuket so I reckon we will have plenty of opportunities to see the other areas over time.

    Again thanks for the info.

  12. About to embark on a road trip from Bangkok to Phuket. Which way do you think is best; Highway 4 all the way (Via Ranong) or Highways 4, 41, 401 and 415 (Via Phang-Nga) in terms of:

    Road quality;

    Time; and



  13. Good info guys,

    Mines coming up in March and I was wondering how important the embassy letter is. I transfer more than 40k from my offshore savings into my Thai bank account each month. If I show the bank records from both banks with appropriate letters from each bank (the offshore acoount will show income earnt from abroad andnot Thailand) do I really need to have an embassy letter.

    I'll be doing mine in Phuket and want to avoid a trip to Bangkok if possible.

    I also intend to take along heaps of receipts for house rent, wifes daughters schooling etc to show that I do spend the money here.


  14. Thanks PTV for the info bt I would love to hear from someone what the actual requirements were from Phuket immigration who has actually been through the 40k per month process based on:

    - extension of an O marriage visa

    - under 50 yo not employed in Thailand (off shore work only as part time consultant or the like)

    - using offshore savings/interest as income and transferring these to you Thai bank once a month

    As much info on this as possible would be great as I gather a number of us are facing the same dilemma.

  15. I am Aussie and (unless he barracks for Collingwood or Port Adelaide) I am happy to suggest as previously i.e. ring the Thai consulates around the place and makes a personal visit to immigratioin to explain his situation. Based on the child and his setting up the business maybe they will be OK.

    Mekka if you can scrounge enough cash (not sure how much) in any bank account to show you have a bit of money then try Singapore for the O. But go to see them in immigration and take the baby with you and ask about your extension requirements.

  16. Hi Mekka,

    Only a newbie here myself but I can give you my experience after just getting married earlier this month.

    I rang the Singapore consulate and asked them what they wanted for the O multi marriage visa.

    Passports and copies of both

    Marriage license

    Marriage cert

    House registration cert (my wifes)

    Photo plus application form

    Wifes daughters birth cert (gave this as additional support but they didnt specifically ask for it)

    Proof of money - now on this they said they wanted to see "any" bank account statements. As I was not sure I got a letter from my Bangkok Bank account showing around 500k and I also showed my statements from my citibank showing my deposits there.

    Went down there armed with all the stuff and got the multi O for 3 months (see previous post as the 3 months should have been 12 and they may have made a mistake).

    Now for my extension application. As I am self employed as a consultant and work a fair bit off shore we have decided to take the income and pay tax route. I will deposit 40k in my wifes bank account each month starting January and we will pay tax on this. (despite what others may think or advise I want to stay here leaglly and without hassle to support our new life and I think its only fair I pay some tax and for us the amount is minimal)

    We will be moving to Phuket in end of February but I am going down there probably tomorrow to have a chat with them first and make sure everything will be OK. My suggestion is call acouple of the embassies and explain your circumstances. Then I would visit the imm office in Phuket and check for your situation for the extension application.

    Best of luck with this and the new baby.

  17. On this O marriage extension and 40k thing am I correct with the following:

    1. 40k income from Thailand - show tax statement and bank book etc OR
    2. 40k from abroad - show evidence of income in bank book with a letter from your embassy stating that you earnt the money from abroad OR
    3. 40k from abroad - show evidence of income in bankbook with a statement from the financial institution stating your income.

    Once you get the extension you go for the re-entry permit (if you are travelling) and when you return your entry stamp will show the expiry date of the extension and you dont have to do any more visa runs. Is this right?

    Got my first extension coming up in March next year.

  18. Singatraz:

    Yes exactly as you have shown.

    Designer ring:

    copy and original of marriage cert,

    copy and original of Amphur office marriage form,

    bank letter from Bangkok bank showing balance of over 400k

    bank letter of my citibank showing balance

    copy of passport front page

    copy of wifes passport front page

    original of wifes house ownership cert

    They gave all the originals back except the bank statement letters upon aplication. All very easy really. There is a big sign saying "check your visa when you get it" Well I did and queried the 3 month thing but I misinterpreted the reply as "the 12 months starts when you enter Thailand" which is wrong and my fault for not asking more questions or checking further before I left. But it was my first O so will be more dillegent in the future.

    Like I said I will post the response when Icall them next week.

  19. Morning all,

    I was issued a Non Imm O marriage visa (first one after recent marriage) in Singapore on 12 December thinking it was a 12 month multi entry and paying S$220.The visa is classified as a non imm O multi entry.

    Talking with friends last night I explained that the visa does not have an expiry date on it but an "enter before" with the date stamped "11 March 2008". I assumed that the 12 months would start from the first entry stamp which I got at the airport on arrival back here on the 15th December giving me 90 days.

    My friends said that they do not issue multi's for 90 days and there must be a mistake. Can anyone clarify this please.

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