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Posts posted by AyG

  1. High fees.

    Expensive way to get life insurance.

    Only allows investment in Unit Trusts/OEICS (funds) - not lower cost alternatives such as Investment Trusts and ETFs.

    The only people that it makes sense for are financial advisors. (Lots of lovely commission. You can almost imagine them rubbing their hands in glee.)

    Far better in my opinion to open an account with an offshore broker such as TD Direct Investing in Luxembourg which allows investment in funds, shares (including ITs) and ETFs. If you don't want to invest in funds, then Saxo Capital Markets in Singapore is a lower cost alternative.

    And if you want life insurance, buy cheap term insurance to cover the period you need it for.

    • Like 1
  2. Website is up, but has a Captcha before you get to it. This has probably been put in place because the site was under some sort of DoS attack.

    See attached screenshots.



  3. อ can have 3 functions:

    - the function of a long vowel like in พอ, มะละกอ

    - the function of a silent first consonant like in อัน, เอา, อื่น

    - it can be part of another vowel like in เธอ

    The short version of the อ-vowel in an open syllable is เ-าะ like in หัวเราะ

    or in a closed syllable: -็อ like in ล็อค

    Or it can modify the class of the following consonant (though this only applies for four words): อย่า อยู่ อย่าง อยาก.

  4. Buy a packet at Tesco or BigC and follow directions Thai & english:


    Nooooooo! The Lobo pastes are absolutely dreadful. So salty.

    I would choose any brand over theirs.

    (The recipes on the packet are also very basic, with few ingredients, not reflecting the true subtle complexity of a Thai curry.)

  5. Curry paste can be readily purchased from any market or supermarket in Thailand.

    As for a recipe, what kind of curry are you interested in? Red? Green? Matsaman? Panaeng? Sour (som or orange)?

    You can find some recipes at:




    All very reliable.

    Just replace the meat with chicken and (in the case where the original uses beef) reduce the cooking time.

  6. agree and wonder how some of them get jobs in Banks. Also, most of their English ability is dire, yet they all have degrees. Most seem to have no interest in new accounts and often cannot even tell you what the interest rates are.

    I also have a degree. Actually I have four of them, including a PhD. My Thai ability is still pretty mediocre, despite almost two years of full time study. What exactly is your point?

    • Like 1
  7. From the Kasikorn website (http://www.kasikornbank.com/EN/Personal/BankAccounts/Fixed/Pages/HappySeniorFixedDeposit.aspx):

    Required documents for account opening
    • A copy of national ID card or other card with a photo issued by competent government authorities
    • A copy of house registration certificate

    No mention of a work permit there. Try printing off the page and showing to them. It's an approach that's worked for me in the past in similar circumstances.

    (The Thai version of the page is at http://www.kasikornbank.com/TH/Personal/BankAccounts/Fixed/Pages/HappySeniorFixedDeposit.aspx )

  8. Papaya is rich in enzyme papain which is effective against cancer. Papain breaks down the fibrin cancer cell wall and protein into amino acid form. Other than papain it also contain lycopene which highly reactive towards oxygen and free radical. Isothyocynate effective against breast, lung, colon pancreas, prostate as well as leukemia. These enzymes capable of inhibiting both formation and development of cancer cell.

    What utter rot.

    Papain is a protein and, like all other proteins, is broken down by the digestive system. It would never get near a cancer cell.

    There is no conclusive scientific evidence of any health benefits of lycopene - only a general observation that people who eat a lot of tomatoes are less likely to have cancer. There is no conclusive medical evidence that any antioxidant in the diet contributes positively to health. (Betacarotene, to which lycopene is related has actually been shown to increase the risk of lung cancer.)

    Isothyocynate (apart from being misspelt) isn't a chemical compound - it's a structure. Isothiocyanates are found in high concentrations in brassicas (horseradish, wasabi, mustard, radish, Brussels sprouts, watercress &c.) They are not found in high concentrations in papaya, and there's no in vivo medical evidence for their effectiveness in inhibiting cancers.

    Why on earth do people bother writing such pseudoscientific nonsense?

    • Like 2
  9. Glottal stops occur when there is a short vowel ending, not followed by any consonant.For example in the word 'island' เกาะ.

    That is unclear or incorrect (not sure which).

    For all syllables ending in a written short vowel there is a terminal glottal stop. So, for example, in มะละกอ there are two glottal stops - after ma and after la.

  10. Thai mangoes are out of season at the moment. Season starts in March and goes through to June.

    Mangoes in the UK won't necessarily have come from Thailand. They'll be from somewhere they're in season and relatively cheap.

  11. Problem may be she will or could give into mom at any age - kids can be like that - Open a bank account in her name US or where ever and make sure the money came from her account to buy and not yours to prevent issues and abuse or harassment of your status. Then lease it back to you long term ending any way for some time that anyone but you controls the fate of the property - you have a contract. If you pass she will have to stand on her own feet and keep it - not much you can do about family once your gone.

    Do they have "Child Trust Funds" in Thailand,if so then perhaps you could discuss your wishes for your Daughter,with a competent Thai Lawyer!

    Thai law doesn't have a concept of trusts set up by individuals. (The only kind of trust that is recognised is trusts for transactions in capital markets.)

  12. Some being clever some not so much, afraid I can't tell the difference. Maybe someone could answer my question?

    Does the Thai word มะละกอ have a glottal stop at the end of its pronunciation?

    I have no idea about the written aspect and that's a secondary question if anyone wants to address that.

    Thanks in advance.

    If you look at the spelling, มะละกอ, you will see it is not a glottal stop, though easy to mistake it as such because that final "vowel" is a short vowel.

    The final vowel is actually long (but yes, no glottal stop). (If it were short a short vowel then there would be a glottal stop.)

    • Like 1
  13. But simply, by your own admission, you have turned out to be higher risk because of the findings:

    "To give the full history, I was found with 4 polyps which were removed. (At the time I was in my 40s. I had overt blood in my stools.) I had a follow-up colonoscopy after one year which was clear. I was then told to come back every 5 years."

    It is for that reason that you are on a different scale from the no/low risk group and that is why you have been advised to have an exam every five years.

    Nobody knows what risk group they are in. Get tested before 50. Get tested regularly. The idea that a tumor could be growing for 10 years before it's discovered is, at least for me, scary. After 10 years there's a very real risk that it's cancerous.

  14. Low/no risk patients, every ten years - high risk patients every year, a sliding scale based on risk exists between those two points:


    That site is also recommending (and I'm cutting and pasting here):

    - Flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years

    - Double-contrast barium enema every 5 years

    - CT colonography (virtual colonoscopy) every 5 years

    10 years is too long if you're just relying on colonoscopy.

    No, 10 years is not too long. That site says in full:

    "Beginning at age 50, both men and women at average risk for developing colorectal cancer should use one of the screening tests below:

    Tests that find polyps and cancer

    • Flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years*
    • Colonoscopy every 10 years
    • Double-contrast barium enema every 5 years*
    • CT colonography (virtual colonoscopy) every 5 years*
    Tests that mainly find cancer
    • Fecal occult blood test (FOBT) every year*,**
    • Fecal immunochemical test (FIT) every year*,**
    • Stool DNA test (sDNA)***
    *Colonoscopy should be done if test results are positive.

    **For FOBT or FIT used as a screening test, the take-home multiple sample method should be used. An FOBT or FIT done during a digital rectal exam in the doctor's office is not adequate for screening.

    ***This test is mentioned because it was a part of the ACS guidelines published in 2008, but it is no longer available."


    I beg to differ. I had no reason to suspect I was higher risk. I'd assumed the overt blood was simply internal piles. I wasn't even 50 years old.

    Polyps can grow 1 cm/year, so after 10 years one can have a very large polyp which could well be cancerous by that stage.

    The guidelines start from a basis of "average risk". Nobody knows they're other than "average risk". I certainly didn't. No history of problems within the family.

    My personal advice would be to get a colonoscopy ever 3-5 years after age 45.

  15. did you not hear the news thad ad money for google is going down? 1138 dollars for just one share? wow... wait till the bubble bursts again...

    The price of a share is absolutely irrelevant. They could do a 100 for 1 split, taking the share price down to 11.38. That wouldn't make the share a significantly better or worse deal.

    The Berkshire Hathaway A share price is currently $164,817. That price isn't putting off a certain type of investor.

    • Like 1
  16. Low/no risk patients, every ten years - high risk patients every year, a sliding scale based on risk exists between those two points:


    That site is also recommending (and I'm cutting and pasting here):

    - Flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years

    - Double-contrast barium enema every 5 years

    - CT colonography (virtual colonoscopy) every 5 years

    10 years is too long if you're just relying on colonoscopy.

  17. From another website:

    "You'll want to cover them with cheesecloth, raised so it does not touch the tomatoes, to keep out any critters and provide proper ventilation. You will also need to bring them in during the night, lest the evening dew undo your drying process."

  18. I've been told that polyps can grow in diameter 1 cm/year. Waiting 10 years between colonoscopies seems to me too long. My doctor has told me to get rechecked every 5 years.

    (To give the full history, I was found with 4 polyps which were removed. (At the time I was in my 40s. I had overt blood in my stools.) I had a follow-up colonoscopy after one year which was clear. I was then told to come back every 5 years.)

  19. Most educated Germans will be able to communicate in English just fine, so I can't really see the point of learning German actually, unless you plan a career in German speaking countries dealing mainly with people who aren't really proficient in English.

    A lot of documentation for German technical equipment is available only in German - particularly equipment from smaller manufacturers.

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