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Posts posted by AyG

  1. In addition, by setting Khao Yai and Phu Hin Rong Kla National Parks as green zones, visitors will not be allowed to bring private vehicles into the parks. Tourists will only be allowed to enter the parks in electric cars, provided by the park authorities.

    Easy to explain. A new way to generate income.

    I rather doubt it. Surely the number of visitors will plummet - as will entrance ticket revenue - if they introduce this hare-brained scheme.

  2. "It seems that in the context of the stability of the past 2 years this is quite a dip."

    If you have a look at the GBP/THB exchange rate chart for the last couple of years you'll see that a dip of this magnitude has occurred four times, so it's hardly an unusual occurrence - though, admittedly, this dip appears to have been somewhat swifter than the other three.


  3. Or in Thai: เยอรมัน คนยิว แยม เยลลี

    There are a number of words which I suspect entered Thai from English in the Ayutthaya period. These words in English all start with the sound //, yet in Thai are written with rather than (the seemingly closer) . The best theory I can come up with is that an initial was pronounced differently in those days. Does anyone have a better theory or explanation?

  4. You beep your horn after the incident?

    Not only is that utterly pointless, it just serves to provoke the hot-headed idiot in the wrong.

    Count yourself fortunate he didn't pull a gun on you.

    Try learning the (unwritten) rules of the road here rather than relying upon some other set of standards irrelevant here.

  5. We need variety in our diets and the more options the manufacturers give us the better.

    Every other animal and plant specie on the planet thrive on drinking water exclusively (except for baby mammals) so why should it be any different for humans?

    Because humans are smarter than other animals and can make tastier drinks? Fruit bats absolutely love drinking orange Fanta given half a chance.

    Oh, and some adult animals do drink things other than water. For example, badgers will drink milk from sleeping cows, and vampire bats drink blood.

  6. Why have so many protesters assumed that those involved in this case are Buddhist? Is there any evidence of this? Thailand has a substantial Muslim majority and marrying children as young as six is acceptable in Islam. (Mohammed did it himself when he married Aisha - though waited until she was 9 before having sex with her.) A village with a number of child brides sounds more typically Muslim.

    Where is your evidence to support that the village is muslim ?......seeing as we citing reglion in this case...both Jewish and biblical religious texts condone this practice as well...please refer to a link I provided in an earlier post...

    I have no evidence that the village is Muslim - I'm just questioning the assumption (apparently equally without evidence) that those involved are Buddhist.

    As for other religions, Islam is the only major religion where the mainstream in this day and age still advocates and practices marriage of young children.

  7. Why have so many protesters assumed that those involved in this case are Buddhist? Is there any evidence of this? Thailand has a substantial Muslim majority and marrying children as young as six is acceptable in Islam. (Mohammed did it himself when he married Aisha - though waited until she was 9 before having sex with her.) A village with a number of child brides sounds more typically Muslim.

  8. I don't have experience of Pro Language, though studied for more than a year at another school upstairs in the Times Square building. My impression was that Pro Language catered almost exclusively to East Asians.

    I'd strongly recommend that you ask for a trial lesson or two at any school that you're thinking of committing to.

    Incidentally, if your Thai language skills are "non existent" you're probably going to struggle with any school - most expect that you have a basic grasp of Thai before you start. I'd recommend you do a self study course before you start. Pimsleur springs to mind.

  9. Install Thai fonts. If you can type the language, you will want to have Thai fonts available, not just copy and paste.

    I'm not expert, but if the computer doesn't have any Thai font installed, how can the pasted text be displayed correctly? Isn't it more likely that the font being used when the OP is typing isn't a Thai font? (Though to be honest, I'd have thought that Word would be intelligent enough to notice that the glyphs weren't available in the current font and would substitute an appropriate font which contained the Thai glyphs.)

  10. The "serves 21 dishes at once" probably means that a large number of dishes will be placed before you and you only pay for the ones that you eat. I seem to recall that it's acceptable, though, to take a small taste of the sauce for dishes you're uncertain about without charge.

    I think you'll find that a lot of dishes that appear to be vegetarian/vegan include ngapi [ငါးပိ] (cf. Thai kapi, กะปิ) - shrimp (or fish) paste - it's a very prevalent seasoning in Burmese cuisine.

  11. I've eaten at Dosa King a few times, both before and after the move. The southern Indian dishes (dosai and the like) are better than the northern (Punjabi) dishes. The masala dosai are actually pretty good, though a little light on the filling. However, service can be poor, and the place doesn't serve beer.

  12. Not sure what you mean by "packaged options", but if you're looking for Thai restaurant dishes with vegetables, then most places will have Phat Phak Ruam Mit (mixed stir-fried vegetables). Also look for Nam Phrik dishes - raw or lightly cooked vegetables served with a chilli dip. Also consider Kai Phat Met Mamuang (chicken stir-fried with cashnuts and vegetables - usually onion, carrot and capsicum). Many times of Yam (Thai salad) are good, too, for example, Yam Makuea Yaaw (long aubergine salad) and Yam Tua Plu (wing bean salad).

    • Like 1
  13. HMMMM if you have never heard of Rogon Josh and a Balti maybe you were meaning Thai Currys biggrin.png Balti's are AWESOME

    Except baltis aren't traditional Indian cuisine. They were invented in (I believe) Birmingham, England back in the '80s. I suspect that someone not familiar with British-style "Indian" food may not have heard of the delights of baltis.

  14. Hi

    Try ozono very nice place where the owners are real dog lovers

    Touch pricey but peace of mind ain't free


    The link should be http://www.ozono.us - however that website has virtually zero information about dog boarding. The name of the boarding place appears to be Petropolitan Hotel. Googling for "petropolitan hotel ozono" (without the quotes) brings up a few relevant links.

    • Like 1
  15. You appear to be missing two things in your understanding: (1) dead syllables, and (2) two syllable words where the first syllable has an unwritten/unstressed "a" sound and the class of the first letter of the first syllable influences the tone of the second syllable. Perhaps rereading the book's explanation might help.

    Incidentally, for สนาม and ฝรั่ง the initially tone of the first syllable is only low in very formal speech. Becker doesn't (as far as I know) bother to mention that in normal speech the first syllable is unstressed and for all practical purposes the tone becomes mid. Other books such as the AUA ones and the Union/UTL school texts all show such tones as mid - and Union/UTL goes as far as to use a different character to indicate "unstressed".

  16. Cheap ham is pumped full of polyphosphates which are only there to absorb water, so making the ham heavier than it would normally be, making more profit for the manufacturer (and to damnation with the pleasure of the consumer). In time polyphosphate gunk leaks out into the packet.

    Good quality ham doesn't contain polyphosphates - and is seemingly unobtainable in Thailand unless you make it yourself.

    • Like 1
  17. I'm unclear whether the OP wants to spend a lot of time researching the individual companies and then deciding which to buy or whether he/she just wants broad exposure to the SET.

    If the former, then this will be very time consuming - and particularly challenging if one doesn't read Thai fluently. And even then there will be surprises. I can think of at least a couple of large share price movements in the last 12 months which can't be explained by publicly available information. Indeed, I am inclined to liken the stock exchange here to a casino rigged for the benefit of a group of insiders.

    Personally, I think for most investors gaining market exposure via an ETF is probably the better approach. iShares has an ETF (iShares MSCI Thailand Investable Market Index Fund) which would provide such exposure and could be readily purchased through an offshore broker.

  18. I bought a bottle of 12 year old Malt for my wife's BIL in whose house we stayed at before we married and built our own place. He gave it a way, and that taught me a big lesson. Never ever again.

    You might be misreading the situation. It's probably not that he didn't welcome the gift - it's just that it was more valuable to him as a present for someone else than as something to drink himself.

  19. None of the above. At year end complete a tax return. Submit it and wait for the cheque in the post.

    RUBBISH - the last thing anyone wants is to have to lodge a tax refund claim (which will trigger an audit). I invest in LTF and RMF each year, and my HR Section reduces the tax that would otherwise would have been payable - such that there is no refund/shortfall at the end of the tax year.

    (1) I didn't write "tax refund claim" - I wrote tax return.

    (2) Everyone with a taxable income is required by law to file a tax return every year.

    (3) Of the millions of people who file tax returns each year very few are investigate - "will trigger an audit" is sheer nonsense.

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