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Posts posted by MrBrad

  1. Here, in tambohn San Pi Seua, garbage pick up is every Thursday.  They arrive at my place between 6:30 and 6:40 without fail.  In years past, dogs would get into plastic garbage bags and spread the contents all over the road.  They particularly liked sn!t-filled baby diapers.


    Having had enough of regularly cleaning up the mess, I had a local welder make a wire fencing cage in which all the neighbors deposit their bagged trash.  It works like a charm.  After the garbage has been picked up, I check to make sure that all bits and scraps are picked up.  From week to week the area looks well tended.  It's a bit of overkill on my part, but it's worth the effort.


    Now, having said all that, I had encountered a scrap-picker who would come around just minutes before the garbage truck.  He would open bags and strew the contents hither and yon.  That happened only once, or maybe twice.  Anyway, the following week I monitored his doings, and asked him to pick up after himself.  He doesn't come around anymore.

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  2. I have one question.  About the proof of money in the bank, one previous post made reference to a bank statement which takes a few days to produce.  Another post made reference to a letter from the bank regarding one's bank balance. 


    I have always presented both.  If I remember correctly, Bangkok Bank charged me 200 baht for the 12-month bank statement--which took almost a week to obtain, plus another 100 baht for a letter confirming my account balance to date.


    In your experience, at Chiang Mai Immigration, are both documents necessary?  How chancy might it be to opt to provide only the letter, and then find out that they want the 12-month statement also?  That would be a disastrous situation if one does not have the time required to obtain the statement.

  3. Try the Old Medicine Hospital (as it's sometimes called) for knowledgeable masseurs.  It's located in the south part of the city, near the airport, more specifically just around the corner from the Rim Ping supermarket at the Nim City strip mall.


    This link emphasizes their school for studying massage, but anyone can receive massages.  The cost should be 200 baht or a bit more for an hour's treatment.



    • Thanks 1
  4. 15 hours ago, nigelforbes said:

    Take the road that is in the center of the North side of the moat (107), the road leads to Mae Rim. On the left side, less than 100 yards, is an Audiologist who does hearing tests for CM RAM. She inexpensive and has all the equipment and is very professional. About 400 baht for the test, three times that at a hospital, same person.

    I'm not clear about the directions here.  This appears to be on Changpuak Road somewhere in the block between the market on the south and Photobug on the north, is that right?



  5. 17 hours ago, Mahseer said:

    Ok this is what you need for LoR:


    Application form  from tent or the lady.
    Passport & Photo 2"x2"

    Copy of: Passport ID page / entry stamp / visa  / 90 day report / TM30.


    On the sign in front of immigration it doesn't mention copy of chanote/lease agreement but take along if you have.


    Should be it. 

    I was just there an hour ago (at 1:00), and told to come back tomorrow.  The sign at the desk clearly says mornings only, i.e., 8:30 to 12:00.  Be forewarned.

  6. On 10/30/2022 at 1:40 PM, Mavideol said:

    same here, they claim it to be fresh but it's absolutely NOT, same with their Freshly Daily Baked pastries, bred(s) some stay on the shelve for 2-3 days, bred hard as a rock but still say "it's Freshly made" .... liars and   jerks

    Re: baked goods in Chiang Mai and most likely all of Thailand


    Day-old items (and as attested above, many-days-old items) are sold at full price.  There's no discount for the stale stuff, unlike in the old country where I came from.  I'd still choose to pay full price for the freshest.


    Ja, I know, if I don't like it, I can pack up and leave.  Or, just not buy the old stuff if it's possible to know how long the product has been sitting on the shelf.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

    Thais are creative not rationale. They cant read maps.

    They're getting better at reading maps, I think, in part thanks to Google maps and other internet sites.  It used to be much worse; they often preferred to turn maps upside down or sideways to somewhat sort of orient themselves, though in reality, that didn't help much.

    • Thanks 1
  8. I, too, don't understand the "help" that is given in a retail setting.  When asking an employee where anything is, you'll usually get an extended arm pointing more-or-less in the general direction of the item in question. How about telling us the aisle number and if the item is on the right or left? 


    And while I'm ranting, why don't shopping malls have (more) floor plans posted showing the locations of various merchants and other features?  Looking for an ATM or even a toilet can involve touring the whole complex at times.  At least that's the result for those of us who seldom visit particular malls. It takes a number of regular visits for the customer to learn the layout of the shopping center.

    • Like 1
  9. 41 minutes ago, Rsteeltje said:


    We did just that and were sent back because now they also need pink house address card. Which was not mentioned on their requirement sheet. LOL.


    So you will need all the required paperwork PLUS pink house address card. 



    PS. Pink card can be obtained for free at local amphor office. Bring passport and yellow book.

    Disregard this posting.  I was wondering about the requirements for renters, but now see that the question is addressed in the photo.

    • Haha 1
  10. 8 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    FYI, I mailed my new passport application to the U.S. Embassy BKK back on Aug. 15, with it arriving there the next day the 16th via EMS.


    I kept checking the above State Department website periodically for about the first week or so after my submission to see if my application would show up in their system, but it never did during that initial first week period, so I gave up on it for a while at that point.


    Today, at 15 days after my original submission, I want back to the above State Department website and now finally it shows the status of my application. And to my surprise, it indicated the U.S. folks sent my passport back to the U.S. Embassy BKK as of Aug. 23.


    After that, the website's advice gets to be typically governmentally confusing. The website starts out saying I should receive my passport "on or around" Aug. 26 -- just three days after their mailing date (which makes no sense, considering they're in the U.S., I'm in Thailand, and it's going to get remailed along the way).


    But after telling me that unlikely date, further down on the page, the website has a footnote saying that for those who applied at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad (such as us folks here), it may take up to 7 business days to get from the U.S. to the Embassy where you applied.


    Which in my case, the 7th business day from my supposed Aug. 23 mailing date out of the U.S. would put the potential arrival date to the U.S. Embassy here as late as tomorrow, Sept. 1... And then some unspecified number of additional days to get remailed from the U.S. Embassy here onward to me in BKK.


    In short, I was at 15 days post submission as of today/Wednesday, and tomorrow will be 16 days.... So I'm hoping the new passport book shows up either later this week or early next week... since Thai Immigration is beckoning me off on the horizon.


    UPSHOT of my experience above -- don't expect the State Department tracking website to provide any information of the status of your new passport application for perhaps at least a week or so AFTER you've submitted it to the U.S. Embassy in BKK.


    Anyone have any different, better, worse experience with that?


    I had a similar, dragged-out experience in June.  The tracking website is worthless, something I'd think that the U. S. government would do better.  Thaipost eventually delivered my passport to my home here in Chiang Mai without anyone having to sign for it, which I found to be quite surprising and somewhat risky.

  11. 17 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Maybe if you were just starting as a child.

    But as a retired old person, I don't think what you eat will make much difference.

    I don't believe this is true.  From the attached article: Healthy eating is important across your entire life, especially as you age. Choosing nutrient-rich, lower-calorie foods may help you prevent or manage chronic health conditions. It can also help you feel stronger and energized, allowing you to enjoy the golden years of your life.




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