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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. I have had prostate trouble for years and it wasn't getting any better so I went to a large public hospital in Chiang Mai and the doctor said if I had my prostate taken out it would cost so much and if I didn't have the money the monthly payments would be so much. Thailand has a heart all thro many can't see it. And as far as Jesus goes give him a chance as he is always in my heart.
  2. They treat you first than give you the bill and if you are on a pension like many of us are, they will let you pay it off monthly until finished.
  3. My brother has done 5 colonoscopy's any they never found anything wrong. I think he is going queer as he is starting to enjoy them.
  4. Maybe you should have a listen to 60 miniates in Australia about their free hospital system going down the drain. This world is in chaos right now how long do you think the UK will be handing out lollipops?
  5. Nothing is for free in this world, and waiting for many hours to see a Free doctor may not be the best way to go.
  6. In most country's dogs have chips in them stating the owner and their address. Too many dogs here are let go to defend for themselves when they get older. When you own a dog it's for the life of the dog this is the root of the problem that many don't want to understand.
  7. Yes, Thailand is a great place. But like any country there's the good, the bad, and the ugly. The Thai people is what makes this country so good to live in and the weather is great and it's cheap to live here. I think most retirees that are on pensions would not be able to live on their pensions in their home country .However with this fine weather there are a few draw backs like being careful when you eat out as bad bacteria grows at such a high rate in hot climates. Stay heathy and you will live a long and happy live here in Thailand ,I know I will.
  8. This is Putin's war pure and simple. All he has to do is pull out and let the Ukraine people rebuilt their country and bury their dead.
  9. So how is that working out for Biden? Manchin might be the only one left to run in 2024.
  10. Again always a excuse for poor old Joe. Did you have that many excuses for Jimmy Carter as they are in the same ball par? I am trying awful hard to find one thing good he has done for the USA. But I will bet you this and that is he will change his mind on oil and gas very soon as Americans are fed up with his stance.
  11. Yes I seem many of this type in 1969 when I got out of the service. They were all over the world smoking everything and anything. I met family's of these so called Hippies in Katmandu with no intension of leaving. There were quite a few places where you can sit down and have something to eat or drink or buy some grass and smoke it there. Most of these places in Katmandu were run by kids I still remember them chopping the grass up. A whole new world for some.
  12. This is why I help my Thai friends as much as I can in these hard times.
  13. You know since she was in the house she hasn't had one of her bills passed. What is she doing there?
  14. One must go back to the basics. Did they have a motorcycle license in India? Did they know how to ride? Was the corner well marked? Give us the whole story.
  15. Like AOC, I hear she may run, what a mess America would be in. I better watch myself as I have been having holidays lately.
  16. Well some drivers think they have the right of way coming out of Makro's on to the main road as I have had a few near misses. Thais seem to change when they drive, like some kind of evil possession has take hold on them. Sad to see a older bike rider go, I am sure you will be missed.
  17. And to think I used to play with cherry bombs over 65 years ago. I like the ash cans much better because they were waterproof. Memories last forever!
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