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Ciaran Mc

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Posts posted by Ciaran Mc

  1. My wife went to submit her documents for a settlement visa today in Manila (i know it's not in thailand).
    We thought our documentation was complete but she was asked to also provide . .


    Form SU07/12 - SPONSORSHIP UNDERTAKING being required I can understand, but the others seem to be covered by the online application and supporting documents.
    Can anyone advise.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. Hi All

    Looking some advice on the use of Rental Income to meet the financial requirements for a settlement visa for my wife.

    With the requirement being being £18,600 per year I fall a bit short with my current job, however I have rental inciome of £5,400 per year which takes me well over the £18,600 requirement.

    However. I haven't declared this income to HMRC (didn't know I had to initially) because when I deduct allowable expenses it is below the threshold tax is paid at.
    I have a rental agreement and proof of the money being paid into my bank acount every 4 weeks (by a government agency) for the last 12 months and more, so can I still use this income to meet the financial requirements.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. Although I am no great fan of Mr Head for his skewed, unsided reporting on the political crisis pre-coup, I am with him on this one.

    That's your view and I appreciate Jonathan Head became a hate figure for the myopic mainly Sino Thai urban middle class.However his true offence was to scrutinise the cynicism and deceipt of the unelected elites.These people and the useful idiots in their trail cannot bear any deviation from the approved narrative.The predictable but utterly stupid suggestion that he was sympathetic to Thaksin can be demolished simply by looking at what JH said and wrote.

    I have it on the personal opinion of Khun Anand Panyarachun - universally regarded as someone of knowledge and integrity - that JH is a journalist of the highest distinction.

    And that's your view. I've read what Jonathon Head wrote and do find him often a little economical when it comes to mentioning past Shin transgressions; and always seemingly choosing words that flatter them.

    Quite frankly, with absolutely no disrespect intended to the former PM you want to name drop and impress us with your contact, I doubt he would be a universally known or recognized figure.

    If you don't find his work to be sympathetic to the Shin cause, you should perhaps review it without your own bias. But that's not really possible, of course.

    However, here he does seem to have fallen foul of Thailand's rather unique defamation laws which is unfortunate.

    It's a satisfying delusion on the part of many dullards and mediocrities that one man's opinion is as good as another's.It isn't.That's a different matter from saying all should have the right to express an opinion - with which I would agree.

    If you can provide some referenced examples of JH's bias, please supply them.Taking all sides seriously does not qualify as bias.

    If anybody wishes to read some zany criticisms of JH's work by all means Google "Jonathan Head" "bias" and you will find a splendid article by Tony Cartalucci.That should satisfy you and other fruit cakes out there.Interestingly even the bonkers Cartalucci recognises JH's intelligence and knowledge.

    I freely admit to name dropping Khun Anand.We are both Cambridge men and occasionally meet at social functions.The fact that neither you nor your circle of acquaintances appear to understand his significance in recent Thai history pigeonholes you more than you apparently have the wit to grasp.Most Thais understand his significance perfectly.

    you may have been to Cambridge but your comprehension skills are pretty pathetic . . Baerboxer obviously knows who Anand Panyarachun is (as do I) . . and he sure as <deleted> isn't "universally regarded as someone of knowledge and integrity" !!

  4. Hey to everyone again thanks for the sincere.hilarious. and

    d!ckish replies...some are real gems. I just read 8 pages at once and will try to clarify some things as if it even matters...

    1. We open cam every day. The issue hasn't been raised since the initial bomb drop. Her fb pic is still black...but its all kid thueng chan rak khun again...tears from missing me....

    2. We met on thai friendly. We have lived together for 1 year. Her parents and family have no idea...but her mom i think is worried/suspicious she stays with me.

    3. She wont come to the usa with me...not ready. I only met her mom and dad once. I made her get a passport...I want her to move with me to tokyo this june...and see the world with me...rent an ocean cottage in greece...apartment in madrid..few months here few months there....her mom won't let her meet me in Brazil in march for a maroon 5 concert (backstage my boy does sound for dashboard confessional. Opening act) so she says now as of today she is ok to go to America end of this year

    4. I dont know what to say about the money thing. Yes i take care of her but to be honest I was thinking about starting a new thread about "the long game." My girl friend is not materialistic..at all..is not into fashion...and hates to spend money. I have offered her money since i left...she refuses. I even gave her a bank card copy (sans password ) so if she needs money she can dip in there and take it. She is all about saving money. She thinks a pair of shoes for 500 bht is pang mak...she likes to look at expensive things but she never wants to buy or me to buy. I paid the rent for the next four months gave her walk around cash and paid for graduation pics. She works her ass off for 300 bht a day at tesco lotus. She just got hired at a lab starting next month.

    I dont want to be the "my gf is different!" Guy but seriously some of you are way off base. She wants to get a house and start a coffee shop...I'm not ready to invest in thailand until the gov improves...and then a condo..i am not a chiang rai country guy...

    Anyways I don't know why i just shared all that...maybe to keep getting more feedback on it...sorry if its off topic... thanks again its lovely to see all you guys commenting here...whose posts i read all over this site daily.

    if your life is all that, why the <deleted> are you asking for advice here !!

    • Like 2
  5. Awesome responses from some big hitters on this site...I'm humbled...Thanks guys! Gives me something to think about and figure out how to best play the next move...That city isn't coming up until after my next stop in Austin....my ex's place is a 2 bdrm downtown loft laced out with art and high end decor, furnishings, easy access to everything...and she welcomes me there...always has. It may seem cheap charlie college couch surf sponge to some of you geezers but I come from the burning man generation and circle...my peeps miss me and always welcome me indefinitely....I just prefer my own room and privacy vs couches and wives...again lots of solid view points i appreciate it all.

    yep . . you're a dick !!

  6. Perhaps the UK and Ireland should join and have a common visa policy with the rest of the Europe..

    You have to understand the politics that go back over a century to appreciate that will never happen.

    The anti English feeling runs deep. Just listen to the songs in a Temple Bar or Finglas pub on a Saturday night.

    We are just two years away from the centenary of the 1916 Rising and events in O'Connell St.

    Eire has what is best described as a truce with the UK which will probably take another generation or two before history is forgotten.

    In the mean time I'd suggest anyone who has an Irish (Six Counties or Eire) parent or grandparent make use of their ancestry to get their partner home via the back door. Irish immigration officers are not like their English counterparts and have more latitude and compassion.

    There is no queue outside the immigration office in Burgh Quay, Dublin so you can walk in although there will be a wait in the warm.


    Like <deleted> year are U living in dude ?? You have heard of the Good Friday Agreement . . . and are aware that the Queen has recently visited Ireland and shook hands with a certain Martin McGuinness ??

    • Like 2
  7. I would argue that murder rates are absurdly low in the UK and Germany; how does Thailand compare with countries with similar socio-economic levels would be a more apt comparison.

    i would suggest that is a ridiculous arguement to make ... IMO a murder rate can NEVER be too low, as even 1 murder is 1 too many !!

    having spent 16 years living in Asia i get the impression life is seen as relatively cheap here compared to home !!

  8. How about telling me in your own words what you think the motive was?

    i don't have a clue what his motive was ... i would guess there has been some dispute over the fare, but we can't even be sure about that. but i think it's pitiful people on here saying stuff like ..

    "No one with half a brain would suggest that the farang victim was completely innocent in this case"


    "but he was at least partially to blame for being belligerent"

    the poor guy is dead and can't defend himself from halfwits making cockeyed assumptions on here about what he did to provoke a taxi driver to kill him with a sword !!

    It's amazing no one can get beyond the actual act to even discuss the "why's" of what happened. As I've said before, if there is no motive, then what are you suggesting? That this guy and other Thais would just randomly murder farangs for no reason whatsoever? Is that how you see life in Thailand? If so, I do not agree. Thais will rarely attack farangs without being provoked. If you think it's ok to disrespect or insult the Thais anytime it pleases you, than do it. Frankly, I don't give a hoot what you do or what happens to you as a result. Go on hating.

    ! i haven't said there is no motive ... i have just said i don't have a clue what this guys motive was ... and let's be honest here ... neither do u !!

    so what exactly is the point of speculating (wildly) on what the "whys" of what happened might be ??

    and where have i said that "other Thais would randomly murder farangs" ?? i haven't .. so u are just making up BS !!

    however it is quite possible for an individual, in any country in the world, to kill another human for what we may perceive as no real reason !! and why do u insist on using the term "farang" ??

    and where have i disrespected or insulted Thais ??

    to clarify .. i don't know what happened ... none of us do.

    only 2 people really know what happened ... and unfortunately 1 of them is dead. the other 1 is the killer .. therefore it is in his interests to try and make himself look like the injured/insulted party as much as he can ... therefore (IMO) i would be very sceptical of anything he says .. not saying it's going to be lies, but there is that possibility.

    so what is there to base a discussion on "why" this killing took place ??

    the only thing i would feel confident in saying is .. "that no matter what Troy did, he didn't deserve to be killed" !!

  9. Just to clear things up. I personally have never seen a swastika propaganda flag in Thailand in the 12 years of coming here. I have never seen it either whilst living here now. The difference in its propaganda usage is completely obvious. The topic was the swastika. This pic is exactly the same as the one someone I personally know uses who practices Buddhism. Yes its origins I know are not from Thailand but that wasn't the topic. I appologise for thinking it always faced the other direction also and a thank you for those members who have been informative on the swastikas origins, different orientations and applications. It could have been an interesting topic but as usual the Professors on TVF can't sometimes help themselves from becoming over assertive. Cheers


    well u must have been walking around with your eyes closed then !!

    i've seen loads of Thai teens wearing t-shirts with Nazi Swastikas on them, i've seen street stalls along rampkhamhang selling same t-shirts and i remember walking past a little bar/restaurant near mall bang kapi with Nazi flags pinned to the wall !!

  10. Yes the first Buddha came from India so yes its origin is Hindi. Buddhism progressed from India. How else is it over 2500 years old with a little education? I was stating why Farang confuse it here in Thailand. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't most Thais practice Buddhism and display the symbol because of the relationship and parallels between the two religions? Some farang in Thailand have no idea that the first Buddha was from India and continue to be critical of the symbol and ignorantly start speaking of its use by the Nazi Party. This topic was applicable to discussions heard in Thailand? So thank you but I am far from being confused.

    jesus wept ... where do these people come from ... why would "farangs" have no idea that the first Buddha came from India ?? where do u think they think he came from ??

    and how can we "speak ignorantly of its use by the Nazi Party" .. did they not use the swastika ??

    i think it is you who is confused and ignorant ... ANY swastikas i have seen here in Thailand have been the Nazi swastika ... Black in a White circle with a Red background ... where's the confusion there ??

  11. I pay for my taxi rides. i would not fight with machete man.

    look at the video the machete man walks backwards. someone who really want hack someone to death would make other moves.

    to me it is believable that he just wanted to scare the american farang. the farang was maybe too scared and thought now i must start a life or death fight. but when you attack someone who holds a machete in his hand you only make sure that he will finally use that machete and not hand it over to you or stop asking for the taxi fare to be payed.

    why not believe the story by the taxi driver. other here in the forum told they acted the same when the felt cheated. just leave the taxi without paying and maybe throwing some insults at the taxi driver. maybe that happened to the driver more than once in the past.

    did you watch the video ? do you need glasses ?? he walks backwards AFTER already striking the UNARMED American !!

    and yeah ... let's believe the excuses (or stories) the world over from people who have just killed an unarmed person in cold blood .. i mean ... what possible reason could they have to make anything up !!

  12. No one with half a brain would suggest that the farang victim was completely innocent in this case. He certainly didn't deserve to die, but he was at least partially to blame for being belligerent and refusing to pay the guy.

    I don't understand some of you people with this anti-Thai attitude. Do you all think it's open season on farangs because of this one incident? I'm not a bit concerned for my own safety as I understand what not to do in this country. Depriving some guy of his income and being rude about it is not what I would recommend. On second thought, some of you guys should act out and perhaps get what you deserve.

    how do you know he was being belligerent ???

  13. I had thought transporting the stuff by road would have been the easiest, cheapest and most straight forward of doing it .. But it appears if I want to do it officially most companies ship by sea !!

    Yes but do you have that much stuff? If I were you, I'd choose one of the methods I have mentioned. Using traders to cart your stuff across the border might sound pretty brazen, but this is developing Asia, that's how they do things here. Unfortunately you can't just rent a big huge van from Avis Thailand, load it up with all your stuff and drive it to Cambodia - Thai rental cars aren't allowed to leave the country and Avis Thailand wouldn't dream of allowing their cars to drive into Cambodia.

    well i didn't think i had that much stuff, but nearly fell of my chair when i saw what was being quoted for shipping my stuff to Phnom Penh ... A hell of a lot more than I expected.

    Initial thoughts had been to hire a pick up or van and driver .. load it up and get them to drive to Phnom Penh, but unfortunately doesn't appear to be that easy.

    The problem/issue that I see with your "cart" system is actually getting the goods across the border. Everything that we are moving is personal belongings and we have been assured that there is no tax or duty liable. However, is it really that easy to just physically move your stuff from 1 vehicle to another at a border crossing ??

  14. UPDATE:

    American hacked to death over Bt51

    Quoting eyewitnesses, police said both men had scuffled after Pilkington threw the coffee in his paper cup at Cherdchai through the passenger side door window. Cherdchai had been yelling at the man to pay up. The suspect told police later that he took the long knife from the boot and confronted the American, but the victim attacked first.


    The passenger accused him of rigging the meter and got out. Cherdchai said he was enraged and grabbed the machete, only with the intent to threaten him.

    I believe that version without much doubt.

    machete man surely just wanted to scare this non fare paying farang. but after he continued to attacked him he finally used the weapon he had in in his hand. in the short video you can also see how machete man is still walking backwards and probably surprised by the farangs reaction to attack him.

    i have seen some complete and utter <deleted> posted on this site, but this is up there with the best/worst ever !!

    u believe the taxi drivers version without much doubt ??

    who else (apart from the taxi driver) has said they saw this poor guy throw coffee at the driver ??

    who else has said he attacked the taxi driver first ?

    unless u have seen a diiferent video from me ... the American guy doesn't react until he is struck by the taxi driver !!

    and even IF (and that's a big IF) he did throw coffee or water or whatever at the driver ... he still didn't deserve to die !!

    Tell me why should i not believe a Thai taxi driver or Thai eyewitnesses?

    well because the Thai taxi driver has just xxxxxxx killed an unarmed man with a sword would lead me to treat anything he says with a tad of suspicion !!

    and u can show anywhere, where ANY eyewitnesses have said they saw the American either throwing coffee at the taxi driver or attacking him first !!

    • Like 1
  15. UPDATE:

    American hacked to death over Bt51

    Quoting eyewitnesses, police said both men had scuffled after Pilkington threw the coffee in his paper cup at Cherdchai through the passenger side door window. Cherdchai had been yelling at the man to pay up. The suspect told police later that he took the long knife from the boot and confronted the American, but the victim attacked first.


    The passenger accused him of rigging the meter and got out. Cherdchai said he was enraged and grabbed the machete, only with the intent to threaten him.

    I believe that version without much doubt.

    machete man surely just wanted to scare this non fare paying farang. but after he continued to attacked him he finally used the weapon he had in in his hand. in the short video you can also see how machete man is still walking backwards and probably surprised by the farangs reaction to attack him.

    i have seen some complete and utter <deleted> posted on this site, but this is up there with the best/worst ever !!

    u believe the taxi drivers version without much doubt ??

    who else (apart from the taxi driver) has said they saw this poor guy throw coffee at the driver ??

    who else has said he attacked the taxi driver first ?

    unless u have seen a diiferent video from me ... the American guy doesn't react until he is struck by the taxi driver !!

    and even IF (and that's a big IF) he did throw coffee or water or whatever at the driver ... he still didn't deserve to die !!

    • Like 2
  16. It`s all to do with money and profits.

    At the moment many Asian countries are on the up and up, which is quite the opposite regarding the Western countries. Asians simply have more money to spend. The Thai tourist industries and businesses connected with Thailand tourism have been concentration more on the Asian markets of tourism rather than from other countries who are only visiting Thailand on low budgets for cheap accommodation, cheap booze and cheap sex.

    The irony of this is, that the majority, if not all, farang beerbar owners in Thailand are illegal owners anyway, mostly using Thais to front their businesses and paying off whoever in order to turn a blind eye.

    Perhaps it would be more appropriate and viable to rid the bar establishments of their behind the scenes farang owners and give the Asians a shot at running the show? Better quality service, less seedy and some real decent adult entertainments establishments dealing in a more better class clientele.

    It would be easy to summarize and say it's all about the money, but I don't think it is. I've seen some farangs (the minority) act rather belligerent after having a few and many do feel a sense of entitlement. That is, spend a few baht and they should be allowed to do what they want....to anyone they want. That's mostly what the article was about, attitude. I actually sympathize with the bar owners who have to put up with this sh*t night after night.

    as this is mostly about the girlie bar scene i don't sympathise with the bar owners at all ... they tend to get exactly the type of customer they deserve !!

  17. Interesting article from the Stickman regarding the demographics shift within the Thailand bar industry (http://www.stickmanbangkok.com/StickmanWeeklyColumn2013/Bangkok-bar-Asian-customers.htm). Some rather startling revelations. Below is an excerpt from the article:

    In my bar the number of Asian customers has gone from 5% to 15%. In a couple of years I'm going to go close the bar and open a new bar that will be all Asian customers, with no farangs allowed. I can't continue in business with people like this."

    (quote from an English bar owner)

    I'd be curious to know if anyone has actually seen this type of attitude in the bars that you visit.

    Note: If you intend to "shoot-the-messenger" (i.e., Mr. Stickman), DON'T! This thread is not about whether you agree/disagree or like/dislike the Stickman. It's simply about the prevailing attitudes of bars owners and bargirls towards their customers. If you're going to attack or criticize the Stickman, do it somewhere else!

    Don't go to those go go bars.

    Never been turned away from a bar in Thailand

    don't shoot the messenger .. why not .. it's just Stick's usual <deleted>. 1 bar's asian customers has gone from 5% to 15% and now he's going to open a bar for asian's only ... maybe he should invest in a new calculator first !!

    anyway ... his article (as usual) concentrates on the gogos and girlie bars ... who cares whether 1 or 2 of them r gonna be "asian only" !!!

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  18. I will be moving to Phnom Penh at the end of the month and was wondering if anyone has any experience of moving their personal belongings from Bangkok to Phnom Penh ?

    Any forwarding or removal companies people might recommend ?

    Most of what we plan (hope) to ship can be packed quite easily in boxes: DVDs and CDs, Books, Computer and speakers, some kitchenware, bedding and clothes and shoes.
    What may be slightly more difficult to pack are 42" LED TV, Bicycle, Bookcase and CD racks.

    Are there any potential issues/problems with tax or duty when bringing goods into Cambodia.

    Do goods tend to be transported by road or sea ?

    Thanks in advance for any advice or pointers !!

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