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Posts posted by humqdpf

  1. 4 hours ago, fittobethaied said:

    Did anybody else notice this? A typical "fake news" report by Rueters!  Go back and listen again to the words of Lady Gaga's song.  She sings of "inclusiveness", but the reporter conveniently forgot to tell us that she actually "included" the words "under God" in her reciting of the American Pledge of Allegiance.  Here's what the reporter wrote.... Gaga recited part of the American Pledge of Allegiance, "one nation, indivisible with liberty and justice for all," in her opening song. The hypocritical liberal mass media wants to be politically correct, and they stand behind the tree hugging all tolerant liberals, but they themselves do not want to include the name of God in their reporting. The liberals want inclusion, but they want to pick and choose who or what they want to include. The irony and hypocrisy is sickening!  

    If the worst you can say about so-called "liberals" is that they left out a mythical creature, then fine.


    For your information, there are many conservatives who are not believers in God or a god. Try talking to a few conservative Buddhists. Just as there are many theists around who are "liberal" in the sense I think you want to use it.


    Trolling that Liberals are by definition atheist is not going to get you far as in fact many liberals are true believers!

  2. The headline should have read, "Cambodian Police/Authorities sign trafficking pack with UK." Otherwise the implication is that the really dreadful local police in London have been forced to sign a pack with London city authorities that they will pursue trafficking offences, which would be far from the truth!

  3. Wherever you go, make sure that the hospital has the latest in technology as this is what decides the best outcomes in such surgery nowadays.


    Although I have had surgery done in Thailand, I would also caution that Thailand is still behind when it comes to certain new developments - for instance, I cannot get my biologic drug in Thailand even though it is available in UK, USA etc because the authorities have not gotten around to certifying it after years.

  4. On 31/1/2017 at 3:53 AM, Golden Brown said:

    well its quite simple.........if you were a christian you would know that God's word never changes and you would know what God says about his chosen people Israel.   At least now that President Trump is in power things for Israel WILL change for the better of both Israel and the world.

    I think that if there is one item that Jews (all versions), Christians (all versions) and Moslems (all versions) would agree on is that no one should usurp the word or name of the Almighty. And no one should be telling God or anyone else whether his word changes or not.


    On a more secular note, there is a saying, "beware what you wish for." Trump may be one of those. Yes, he may be against Iran and pro Israel but for how long and how much? Yes, he may do something that will make the people who support Israel happy but will it be real and sustainable? Just a building a wall between USA and Mexico may make his voter base happy in Ohio and such rust-belt states, it will only go to raise prices that those people (who are not the wealthiest anyway) pay for imports from Mexico in Walmart. So even though they think they are winning, they are losing!


    In the same way, Trump doing things that makes supporters of Israel happy, such as moving the embassy, ratcheting up the rhetoric and sanctions against Iran etc could actually serve to move Israel towards a war in the Middle East (something that ALL recent presidents of the USA have tried to avoid).  Is Trump the kind of ally who will stick with you when the going gets tough?  Remember that his latest best friend is Russia's Putin whose best friend in the region is Bashir Al Assad of Syria who is close to Iran. Hmmmmm

  5. 6 hours ago, bangon04 said:

    Surely there are still plenty of Philippine maids available for abuse? And they speak "inglish"already..... Perhaps they are just getting too expensive.

    Or perhaps because Filippinos can speak English and know their rights they are not amenable to being bullied and  "know their place."

  6. The "victim" may have been a perp in another matter who raised the matter of the Danish guy so as to muddy the waters and maybe curry favour with the cops or at least get some money for his defence. But all of this is speculation as the journalists just do not do anything more than copy type and fit the story into so many column inches and check that it does not break the laws against journalism and publishing. No time for investigating and asking questions. Not that such questions would give rise to answers in any case

  7. Although your employer may request your passport to expedite paperwork (work permit etc), they should immediately return your passport with your work permit paperwork as soon as it is available. This is for two reasons:

    1. With most countries, the passport is the property of the Government/Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is only given to you to facilitate your crossing borders. Handing it over for safe-keeping to unauthorised third parties is a breach of the conditions by which you receive the passport

    2. Specifically in Thailand, you must have a passport in order to be able to show the police that you are who you are. While you may be given some slack if you carry a photocopy of the relevant pages, they have the right to request the original - and this being locked up in the employer's safe for the long weekend is going to cause you a headache, to say the least. It goes without saying that you should carry your original work permit whenever you are working in case you are asked to show it to the relevant authorities. Again, it being in your employer's safe is no excuse.

  8. 17 hours ago, Enoon said:

    This was a special Thai variant of "below the age of consent":


    "The age of consent in Thailand is 15 regardless of gender or sexual orientation, as specified by article 279 of the Thai Criminal Code The current legislation applies to all regardless of gender or sexual orientation...............having sex with an adolescent under 18 is a compoundable offense even with the consent of that person. The parent or the adolescent may file charges against the other side if they later regrets their own action. This ostensibly makes the Thai unfettered age of consent 18."


    In this case sort of: "It's only a crime if you want it to be".   In order to enjoy the delights of "compensation"?


    "pedo" = "Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Sex with pre-pubescent ."  


    Which was not so in this case.


    But maybe you are one of those people who, like the Thais, has their own "special" rules.



    There is also an additional law that makes it illegal to purchase sex from anyone under 19. So even if he makes it good with the parents, he could face that additional charge too.

  9. On 31/1/2017 at 5:14 PM, FrankThai said:

    You signed a contract agreeing to work for a certain amount of time. 


    How about this, instead of violating what you agreed to, how about you be honorable and hold to your agreement.

    The last time I checked, indentured labour and slavery was illegal in Thailand as it is in most countries. You cannot force someone to work for you for any reason, not matter what it says in the contract.


    There are many reasons why someone might want to change their job and withholding work permit might be one of them, especially given that it is the employee has to produce the work permit at the place of work if there is a raid - having it locked in the director's office which is likely to be in a different location means that the boss is forcing the employee to break the law by not having the documents to present when he is working in the event of a raid. And it is the employee who will be prosecuted if this occurs.


    So much for violation of contract - how about a contract forcing the other party to violate the law. Is that violating enough in your view of the employer's honourable keeping to the letter of the contract?



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  10. 11 hours ago, Thechook said:

    So is under 18 a minor in Thailand?  I thought 16 was the age of consent, guess I was wrong.

    If the parents have not given their consent, yes 18 is the age of consent.

    It is 19 for sex when money changes hands. So our Korean American suspect here is in double trouble as it is clear he has paid the young woman for sex

  11. 10 hours ago, ezzra said:


    Jerusalem is not mentioned EVEN ONCE in the Quran, while it is mentioned

    over 400 times in the Holly bible,....


    Yawn, not this troll bait yet again.

    And not all Palestinians who support a separate state are Muslims either - some are Christians. Just like some members of the Israeli armed forces are Muslim - oh, you did not know? Hmmm. Things in that part of the world are a little more complex than why a city was or was not mentioned in eh Quran.

  12. 15 hours ago, AlexRich said:

    Don't waste money on monks over something so stupid ... or is it just a ploy to separate you from your money?

    Get the monks to do a "bassi" and if you really do not trust your wife then pay the monks directly.


    Otherwise you are in for a world of issues. You can read up on the cultural stuff if you want to or just go with the flow.

  13. It is completely unclear what kind of advantage she was looking at. Employers look at degrees depending on what the job is. If the job requires a specific degree (must have an economics component, for instance), then there would be no point in applying with a degree with no economics component. Sometimes, the employer is looking for high-level numeracy. In that case, stats, maths or degrees with a serious amount of maths and stats would be appropriate. And clearly there are degrees that are aimed at a profession - law for lawyers, geology for geologists and medicine for doctors.


    But, when there is not specific component or specialism required, quality employers look for something else, which are positive character traits that they require and some secondary characteristics they might find desirable. The first thing that employers desire more than anything when a specific specialism is not required is high achievement as it usually indicates both intelligence and ability to work hard and be self-motivated. Wave a first class honours degree in front of employers and see what happens!


    A Masters is a different story. It does help you to get certain jobs but clearly they would not be the jobs that the degree-less people would be in the market for. Now you are looking at jobs where brain power is more important than some other characteristics, where research skills are more to the fore, where someone can intellectually pick up something very new very quickly. 


    Anyone doing a Masters degree is well-advised to think it through - do you want to be an academic? Is this subject going to wake you up in the morning and motivate you when you have a cold and feel tired? You will not lose by getting a Masters degree but it costs you in time and effort. You have to really want to do it. And at the end, you will have a job. I have a Masters in Philosophy and I have a job, in fact many jobs since I got my masters!

  14. 8 hours ago, Pdaz said:

    Reports mention that he refused to give the cops his name when asked. Became abusive and then resisted arrest. So he got tazered. Big deal.  Police doing their job. Idiot with bad attitude got what he deserved. Had he answered their questions politely and informed them off his position as a relations officer I doubt he would have be tazered. 

    Actually that is not what happened. He was prevented from going into his own property with his dog. He does not have to give his name (in the UK) and he had done nothing wrong. The local plod had assumed that a black man entering a property by the front door must be a burglar (although why a burglar would bring a dog with him on a job beats me!). They then tasered him without checking anything, which is against the law in the UK.

  15. I have yet to meet a true digital nomad who really supports him/her-self independently from their work or their entrepreneurial activities where location does not matter one bit. Almost all of them I met were really living in some way off Mom and Dad either via inheritance or some other way and calling it research. To me they seemed to be itinerants who wandered from moon party to moon party.

  16. 15 hours ago, zorro1 said:

    Not at all, it's a deterrent. you must remember he is in a public area and could easily have several body guards stationed stratically armed to the teeth, a bloody gun fight is preferable to life in the Hilton . USA uses 20 swat team members for similar arrests, less but better trained

    In the "air-side" of an airport? This is a restricted area and for someone to just wander in with any gun is laughable.

  17. 22 hours ago, Thorgal said:

    It only mentions that a warrant alleged that he had "close relationships" at one stage with certain AQ figures. (Even former President Bush Senior had close relationships with such people in Afghanistan!) 


    The information in many such warrants was often found to be based on very dodgy information and from sources who had an agenda. If any of it had any legs, he would have been tried or sent to Gitmo. Not to even have enough "evidence" to send someone to Gitmo is saying something.


    Even if any of it were true, the question still arises - why did the UK and USA conspire to send a suspect (untried in any court) to Libya to be tortured?

  18. 4 hours ago, Langsuan Man said:


    Really, you think that the US should have invaded Pakistan to help this doctor ?


    And in case you didn't notice but it is fairly easy for a president to commute a sentence in his own country, kind of difficult impossible to do it in another country


    But enjoy yourself, you only have one more day to blame Barack Obama for all the ills in the world.............Friday it will be Trumps turn  

    The US could have done several things, including get the doctor and his family out of the territory as soon as possible after the event. Second, even if they were not able to do that, they could use any number of opportunities to put pressure on Pakistan, including cutting their funding.


    If you are like me, you may have certain concerns at the truth of the story we are told about the lifting of Bin Laden. There is a book written by a credible journalist who claims that Bin Laden was being held under house arrest in that building by Pakistan (or by its military). Pakistan had a problem - they needed to get rid of an unwanted guest. USA wanted Bin Laden. This is why the special forces were able to invade Pakistan airspace for so long, go to a location which is a military area and not even raise a single eyebrow among the military defences in the country. Hmmm.


    The doctor may know to much. He may have been sent by the USA because he was trusted to do a DNA test as the Americans needed to be sure they got the right guy. For all we know, the man is probably dead now.

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