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Posts posted by Jandajoy

  1. I'd go with the proposed ban if they weren't using the old "protecting the non smoker" arguement. How anybody can live in BKK or even Mataphut for that matter, and really think that smoking is their biggest worry is beyond me. The air pollution alone must be equivalent to 30 fags a day.

    Secondly, to all the non smoking activists, will you stop driving your 4x4s, belching fumes around town to protect me? It's not as if there's a lot of off-road driving to be done in town.

    pip pip

  2. As a retired Principal with about 30 years in the game in various countries including both the state and private sector I'd like to offer my sympathies to all the parents who've commented herein.

    A couple of points;

    1. All private institutions are established to make money. That is the be all and end all. The question to ask is "how much profit?'

    2. School play grounds. I would never agree to a designated play ground area being used as a car park. A reciope for disaster. Beside the fact that kids and cars don't mix there's also the question of appropriate surfaces.

    3. Parents can, and should, be part of the management of any school. Do you have no PTA or the like. If not, why not?. Parental input is particularly important for the private sector as it helps to keep the "customer" happy.

    4. Home schooling can be very good but better still is "cooperative home schooling" where a few families get together and organise themselves into small groups, share their skills and experience ( and work load).

    That's it for now. I'd be interested in Thaiclans views on the points I'vew raised given his experience in the field.

    pip pip


  3. Nope, 1,000 a week. That's assuming the hotel has customers. No people no work and the women just sit and wait. Two years ago I tod the Boss it was crazy work and she should quit. She stopped working for 3 days but got boored so went bank. A new manager has changed the rules and now it's just slave labour. I grant you that there are a few women who are supplementing their income by providing services over and above that required but there are more who don't.

    It's not a good set up for any of them. The Boss is now teaching massage privately and she's making twice as much for half the work, and no sitting around.


  4. Interesting....

    To add to the info, my wife worked, ar her insistance at a hotel near Rayong as a masseur. She spent 4 years qualifying, unlike all the other girls there. They're all paid the same, however, i.e 300 per hour BUT 60 % goes to the hotel. The girls get coupons which the hotel exchanges every two weeks. If they turn up 2 minutes late they are "fined" and continue to be fined by the minute. If they want to take a day off they get 500 per day deducted. With negotiation we got it down to to 200 per day but only 'cos I threw in my satangs worth. The boss has now quit! But God is she boored. Can't wait to head up north and get stuck into the garden.

    Over all the average take home for the women working is around 1000 a week if they put in a 12 hour day, 7 days a week with no deductions.

    Secondly, a friends son (19) is working 12 hours shifts at the, soon to be opened, Lotus for 200 a session. He's allowed 2 x 15 minute breaks per session. His mum takes him food. He's now being asked to work 24 hour sessions, with 6 hours off in between, as they're behing schedule for the grand opening.

    happy days ?

  5. Hey guys as i said i got no money, so i will be sleeping outside or if someone let me in their house on the way its great. I belive this can be done. I also been a boyscout before i know its not much but i know basics for survial. I am also very scared to end up in jail but in the same way i feel very excited to. I will post here as often as i can about where i am and how i am doing, so please keep this thread open atleast 1 more year (hehe)

    I will do whatever it takes, walk and hitchike with people. Maybe i never get to Norway but atleast i had a adventure.

    Maybe i settle down for a few years in a small village i china, i mean who knows! I will wear old clothes and make myself look thai, i wont be going around in gucci jeans, a white tank top and sunglasses.

    I like the thought of being free, you might say you are free if you are rich or wahetver, but the true is you are bever free and you will never be free if you dont challange yourself and have nothing.

    I have been working the import/export here for 2 years now, but my buseiness went downhill and i ended up on the street, i can honestly say am more happy now because i can do what i want.

    I am a very healthy guy, i never drink,party,fuc_k around,take drugs or do other stupid things. I also been going to gym and thai boxing quite long so my shape and health is pretty good.

    On the way i will bring some old clothes which am going to wear and my back pack. In my back pack i have another set of clothes,food,water,2x Knuckle Buckers (you never know what might happend) a compass and a maps over asia.

    Both of my parrents died in a car accident while i was here, something that i feel bad about and i dont have any friends in Europe, my goal is Norway but when i get there i dont know what to do, thats why i say maybe i settle down in a small village somewhere on the way if the poeple are nice and if it is a quite place.

    Anyway am going to sleep now with the rats outside hehe, wish me the best of luck, i wont be back here for maybe 1 week, cheers

    Well that is quite an ambitious target you have set yourself. To walk home with no money, intent on illegally crossing borders remotely and hopefully getting food for free, and the rest of Europe say that you Noggies have no sense of humour ! how wrong they are.

    However if you are really intent on this adventure then can I suggest you prepare yourself with suitable clothing for each country you intend to enter. For example in Thailand you can clearly dress as and pretend to be a Monk, that will resolve your food problems and most probably assist in travel. Get rid of them quick of course in Burma as the military will roast your nuts, best there to wear a false nose, stick on 'tash and horn rimmed glasses - they will just think you are from the UN.

    China of course is a differant kettle of fish because unlike yourself they are not stupid so will quickly put you in the slammer if you are detected. My suggestion for here would be get a football shirt with number 18 on it, that way the Chinese authorities will just think you are a mobile portion of chicken chow mein and ignore you. Now in Russia you will meet your most serious problem yet. As the other poster mentioned it can be very cold, it can be very hot of course also, especially with your bollicks being roasted as joke by the border guards that track all border crossings by satellite. Trick here is to try and convince them that you are a Pollonium sandwich maker, that way you will get state protection and possibly the Order of Lenin bestowed upon you.

    Guess then it would just leave Finland - no suggestion here except perhaps to dress up as a vodka bottle, where the young female finns will immediately take you in hand. Then it's back to Norway where you have no friends also - can't understand why being such a sensible chap, such a shame.

    Alternatively of course you could always dress up as pantomine horse and make a right ass of yourself or alternatively try to atract sponsership for breaking the Guinees book of World records for remaing submerged in Frogs bladder.

    Anyway best of luck and should you make it to Norway please seek medical attention as soon as is practicably possible.

    What a brilliant wind up, LMAO, it made my day.

    Particularly the number of people who took it seriously.

    I just hope the guy has the imagination to keep it going.

    Incidentally, if anyone finds a book called "The Rucksack Man" by a guy called Sebastian Snow it's a dam_n good read. He's since dead but he was the first person to walk solo from Terra Del Fuego to Alaska back in the 60s. Fascinating bloke whom I met in an old peoples home in Exeter, UK. Took him out for lunch and he got hammered on port. A member of the Royal Geographical society his was truly a major achievement.



  6. My Satang's worth for what it's worth is to comment on the state of mind of an alcohol addict.

    I speak from personal experience.

    When you regain conciousness in the morning and the first unbidden thought that comes into your mind is the location of the next drink and when every action is based on satiating that thirst throughout your concious hours, personal hygene, immediate environment, associations with others become completely irrelevant.

    The grog is the be all and end all of every minute of your day. If you're not actually freezing to death there's no reason or need to do anything but nurture the need for more grog.

    I've carefully read this entire series of posting and I've been impressed and depressed by the various attitudes expressed. I'd have to say, however that realistically there's no point in the guy being forced back to the UK, he'd be dead in a year, not that that would neccessarily bother him. Especially if he's read Camus or the like. (Les Syllphides "the only real question in life is as to wether you should or should not kill yourself")

    A far better place would be the Northern Territory, Australia. Warm climate, lots of space and..... Oh sorry that's what the Brits did 200 years ago, maybe California then?

    I conclude by suggesting, in agreement with a couple of others that apart fom donating food, clothing or possible medical help he's probably best left to conclude his story in his own way. Who knows, he might be happy.....

  7. Sorry for the late reply, forgot about this thread and have been busy with mummy and daddy. The big C is coming along although i think it will be a few months before it is ready. There is some more building going on the other side of Macro and also half way between Chaiyaphum and Chatturat. No idea what that is going to be though.

    Hi all,

    I'm moving up to Phak dee Chumpon, about 80 km west of you in a month or so. The boss has bought a bit of land and a house for renovation there, so we'll be in Chaiyaphum a fair bit shopping for house stuff. We're moving up for good so it'd be great to catch up with any / all of you for a cold one or 10.

    So.... keep me informed. Sounds like to towns getting organised.

    Regards to all


  8. Hi,

    We're moving to Pak Dee in the next month or so and it'd be great to touch base with any one in the area. My partner has bought a house for renovation and a couple of Rai and we hope to be as permaent as anything can be in this day and age. I look forward to hearing from you and maybe sharing a cold one.



    hi Geoff my wife,s family live in pak-dee-chumpon therefore i may be able to offer help and advice ect

    Hi mate, thanks for that. Unfortunately I don't have your name or email. Mine is

    [email protected]

    If you can let me have your contact details I'll email you, if that's ok.

    Are you living there now?

    Thanks for your response, I look forward to hearing from you



  9. Hi,

    We're moving to Pak Dee in the next month or so and it'd be great to touch base with any one in the area. My partner has bought a house for renovation and a couple of Rai and we hope to be as permaent as anything can be in this day and age. I look forward to hearing from you and maybe sharing a cold one.



  10. You can probably get TT & T to fit you up with ADSL in Ban Khwao I have that now and its pretty good. The other option would be TOT ipStar. I had that at first and paid them to take it away, it was slower than a 2 wheeled tuk tuk.

    When are you actually coming to Bang Khwao? Will you be living i nthe town or an outlying village?


    Thanksfor that mate

    I'm in a similar situation but moving to Pak dee chum pol. I was wondering if a sat. system would work. There's no phone now or likely to be in the future. Everything I've heard about ipstar is bad.

    Any other info or advice you might have would be greatly appreciated.



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