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Posts posted by 2008bangkok

  1. Iv tried both Dtac and AIS and fo me where i live in Suk DTAC is by far better than AIS which is really really slow...unfortunately im using the slow one AIS at the mo as its free

  2. Unfortunately doing a system restore will not recover deleted files anyway it only restores your system to a previously benchmarked state incase of corruption when installing programs etc to check if this is turned on right click my computer>>properties then system restore and make sure turn off system restore isn't checked but you will have to get some 3rd party recovery utility..pandora is okay and free..good luck

  3. This is by far one of the worst posts iv read on TV, I just cant believe what im reading, and whats more shocking is to think that all those people who believe its okay to grass somebody up, are whiter than white law abiding citizens that have never as much as parked in the wrong place, come on snitchs wake up and smell the roses why dont you try shifting your attention to more important thinks instead of worrying if the next door neighbour's motorbike has a valid tax disk on it...

    You curtain twitchers make me sick...

  4. Xp will save it to the last location you asked it to so if you saved it in my documents it will be there, if you save it in the temp it will be there, if you want to know for definate then just download something and when says save it will bring up the location it is saving it to..if on the other hand instead of hitting save you hit run then it will save it to the temp folder

  5. Offically your not supposed to travel or be let in Thailand with less than 6 months on your passport but they are quite leinent a buddy of mine had 2 weeks left and they still let him back in but i wouldnt recommend it..

    best bet if you are worried is just got to the British Embassy and get a new one which takes 10 working days so make sure you have enough days on your visa as they will overstay you if you dont, then once you have your new passport just got the nearest immigration with both passports and they will transfer your visa over for you for free, no problems, the worst part is the 8.5k or 10k depending on a 32 or 48 page passport you have to pay...grr...

    good luck

  6. Done it 2 weeks ago so reading from UK Embassy receiptChilds 1st passport 4940 Baht. Registering a birth 5980 Baht. Certified birth certificate 7670 Baht. Therefore answer to register birth, obtain certificate and 1st passport is now 18590 Baht.

    Hi iv gotta do it myself in a couple of months when my 1st boy is born, and iv got the right hump it is a complete con, they know just as they do with the passports that we need them so they just bump up the price and what really gives me the hump is the way they try and make the price seem lower by quoting a completely ficticious exchange rate, i went to get renew my passport the other week and they were saying it was 74 to the pound which then makes the passport not seem that much more but considering the banks were 63 then its wrong wron wrong....rant over now for my question

    What is a certified birth certificate at 7670??? Can i not just get a thai birth certificate translated at about 500 baht then register the birth at 5980 then get a passport at 4940??? i dont wanna have to fork out 19k in one hit if i have to..

  7. Hi

    I have a extension of stay along with a NON-B which are valid till the 31st October, i have already reported once after 90 days but have just recently been back to UK for a week, when i arrived back in Bangers the immigration have stamped my passport until 31st October, is that normal and how it is for everyone who has extension of stays work??

    Do i still have to go to one stop after 90 days as technicaly im not staying pass my stamp date!!

    Help would be appreciated

  8. Anyway, thanks a ton for your response. It makes me feel good that I won't be locked out of the country once I cross the border.

    I wouldnt be worried about being locked out rather being lockeds in the country, working without a work permit and on 30 day tourist visa's is a serious offence, a friend of mine just got caught in Chaing Mai and had to pay 100,000 tea money to make it go..

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