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Everything posted by TallGuyJohninBKK

  1. The report below elaborates on how the side effect risks from being infected by COVID often are higher than those of the same rare side effects from the COVID vaccines: How antivaxxers weaponize vaccine safety studies to falsely portray vaccines as dangerous Antivaxxers have weaponized a huge multinational vaccine safety study of 99 million patient records that found rare adverse events and [anti-vaxers] concluded that the risks of COVID-19 vaccines outweigh the benefits. How? A combination of the Nirvana fallacy and spin. https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/how-antivaxxers-weaponize-vaccine-safety-studies-to-falsely-portray-vaccines-as-dangerous/ https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/science-based-medicine/
  2. Study Largely Confirms Known, Rare COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects FactCheck.org February 27, 2024 SciCheck Digest An international study of around 99 million people confirmed known serious side effects of COVID-19 vaccination. It also identified a possible relationship between the first dose of the Moderna vaccine and a small risk of a neurological condition. Social media posts about the study left out information on the vaccines’ benefits and the rarity of the side effects. -------------- COVID-19 vaccines — like all vaccines and other medical products — come with side effects, including serious side effects in rare cases. The vaccines were rolled out to protect people from a novel virus that has killed millions of people globally and would likely have killed millions more without the arrival of the vaccines. There is a broad consensus from experts and governmental health agencies that the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the risks. ... “What we take away, is that the Covid-19 vaccination campaigns have been very effective in preventing severe disease,” study co-author Anders Hviid, head of the department of epidemiology research at the Statens Serum Institut in Denmark, told us in an email. “The few serious side effects that we have observed in this and other studies have been rare.” (more) https://www.factcheck.org/2024/02/study-largely-confirms-known-rare-covid-19-vaccine-side-effects/
  3. A study from back in February.... Posts misrepresent findings of world's largest Covid vaccine safety study Agence France-Presse 28 February 2024 The February 2024 publication of the largest peer-reviewed study of Covid-19 vaccine safety to date has inspired misleading social media claims that its findings show the jabs are unsafe. Study authors and independent experts say the research confirms that adverse reactions to vaccination are rare and pose far fewer risks than Covid-19 infection. ... Epidemiologist Anders Peter Hviid, one of the study authors, told AFP the findings confirm previous research and should not deter people from receiving Covid-19 shots. "What we take away is that the Covid-19 vaccination campaigns have been very effective in preventing severe disease," he said on February 23. "The few serious side effects that we have observed in this and other studies have been rare." (more) https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.34K78ZW
  4. TRC report: 5 stories of residential school escapees who died Accounts of ill-fated escapes contained in final report of TRC December 15, 2015 The final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada was released Monday and reveals in chilling detail the horrors of the residential school system. Within its over 3,700 pages are stories of children forcibly separated from their families, communities, language and culture who ended up suffering shocking rates of mental, physical and sexual abuse. Over 3,200 of those children never returned home, with many of their bodies buried in unmarked cemeteries across the country. The majority were taken by disease — tuberculosis, influenza, typhoid and other maladies. (more) https://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous/truth-reconciliation-commission-final-report-escapees-1.3364325
  5. "the core facts that Indian Residential Schools were designed to forcibly remove Indigenous children from their parents and assimilate them into white society in underfunded schools awash with corporal punishment and sexual predation." So all of the above was their public advertising slogan thru the years, and the described actions were not hidden thru their many decades of operation? And forcibly removing children from their parents isn't "nefarious"? It certainly is in my book!
  6. This 2023 report from the right-center leaning Canadian National Post news outlet gives a more nuanced recounting of the history of all this, saying that it wasn't mostly the local tribes groups who started referring to "mass graves," but instead foreign news media. At any rate, the report below ends with what it says is the continuing factual basis of all this, that many thousands of tribes children did indeed die in the former Indian Residential Schools: FIRST READING: Who started calling residential school burial sites mass graves? At least in the beginning, First Nations didn't claim there were deliberately hidden 'mass graves.' Media and activists did ... But there’s just one problem with claims that this was all an engineered hoax: The preliminary claims of First Nations performing the surveys did not state that these were “mass graves,” that they were deliberately concealed or that they were the result of homicide. At least in the beginning, the claims of “mass graves” or mass murder would stem mostly from foreign news outlets." And then to end the article: "None of the events of 2021 disturbed the core facts that Indian Residential Schools were designed to forcibly remove Indigenous children from their parents and assimilate them into white society in underfunded schools awash with corporal punishment and sexual predation. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 2015 final report found 3,201 confirmed student deaths, mostly due to disease — although the poor state of record-keeping led commissioners to conclude there was likely many more." https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/first-nations-graves
  7. Of course, they both also claimed he won the last presidential election. So that pretty much tells everyone what they need to know about the total lack of credibility of both.
  8. Seems like many of the forum-familiar pro-Trump / COVID denying anti-vaxers are populating this thread about Canada... Perhaps there's something to the above CBC reference: As for the credibility of the CBC, a whole lot better than the OP source: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/cbc-news-canadian-broadcasting/ https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/western-standard-bias/
  9. Truth and Reconciliation chair says final report marks start of 'new era' Dec 15, 2015 ... The final report is a detailed account, spanning nearly 4,000 pages, of what happened to indigenous children who were physically and sexually abused in government boarding schools. Two chairs at the front of the room were left empty to symbolize the more than 3,200 indigenous children who died in residential schools — a number Sinclair estimates to be much higher. Sinclair along with commissioners chief Wilton Littlechild and Marie Wilson, spent the past six years hearing heartbreaking testimony from more than 6,000 residential school survivors who were abused and lived to tell their stories. (more) https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/truth-and-reconciliation-final-report-ottawa-event-1.3365921
  10. Hard to know whom to believe, considering the report above is from a right-wing website with a poor record of accuracy, which is repeating a Canadian website article hidden behind a paywall... And we had prior reports from credible sources such as the national public broadcaster Canadian Broadcasting Corp. saying the following: Residential school denialists tried to dig up suspected unmarked graves in Kamloops, B.C., report finds Denialism is the last step of genocide, says report from independent interlocutor Jun 16, 2023 ... Residential school deniers tried to dig up suspected unmarked grave sites at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School, not believing a May 2021 announcement from the Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc that as many as 215 Indigenous children had been buried there, according to a new report. ... But the unauthorized visits to the site are the work of a "core group" of Canadians who continue to deny, defend or minimize the physical, sexual, psychological and emotional abuse inflicted on Indigenous children in the Indian Residential School System "despite the indisputable evidence of survivors and their families," Murray said at a Friday news conference. ... Since the confirmation of community knowledge of suspected unmarked graves in Kamloops, First Nations across Canada have located evidence of the remains of more than 2,300 children in suspected unmarked graves at or near former residential schools and Indian hospitals, according to the report. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/denialists-tried-to-access-unmarked-gravesite-tkemlups-report-1.6879980
  11. Here's the kind of thing AI fakery can do: NOTE: The video below is absolutely a FAKE! And is posted solely for the purpose of demonstrating how easily this technology can be misused and abused for malicious purposes and to spread false misinformation. Trump Deep Fake AI video.mp4 If I paid for their subscription, they'd remove the source watermark overlay on my videos.
  12. Gotta love this Trump-Fox News craziness reported in USA Today: Fox News calls Trump a ‘sex god,’ RFK Jr. has a brain worm and I want off this planet ... Daniels’ descriptions of her alleged brief — ugh — affair with the man who’s now the Republican Party’s presumptive presidential nominee prompted Fox News host and apparent misogynist Greg Gutfeld to suggest it all demonstrated Trump’s sexual prowess: “Truly, he screwed the brains out of her—that makes him a sex god.” I don’t know exactly what’s wrong with Mr. Gutfeld or how sewage entered his soul, but I do know that repulsive statement caused thousands of Americans to lose their lunch. It made me want to pilot a rocket ship into the sun, as it’s clear humanity’s time is up. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/fox-news-calls-trump-a-sex-god-rfk-jr-has-a-brain-worm-and-i-want-off-this-planet/ar-BB1maJDB Greg Gutfeld Makes Truly Vile Comments About 'Sex God' Trump And Stormy Daniels https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/greg-gutfeld-makes-truly-vile-120736638.html And more reported here: https://www.mediaite.com/tv/gutfeld-on-trump-and-stormy-daniels-he-screwed-the-brains-out-of-her-that-makes-him-a-sex-god/
  13. By seizing condoms and lubricants??? I kinda thought those were still legal in Thailand, even in the Muslim south! The other stuff I can understand, this being Thailand. Or is this their way of finding a new market for locally produced palm oil??? 😁
  14. The only way to know for sure about COVID is to test, either (expensive) RT-PCR type at the hospital, or (inexpensive) rapid antigen tests at home, ideally, done a couple times in succession to confirm the result. Because, with the latest variants, it seems the RAT tests tend not to always recognize the virus until the person is a couple of days into the infection (assuming there is one). Otherwise, it's just guessing. Per the U.S. CDC: "Antigen tests produce results quickly (within minutes), and most can be used at the POC or at home. Most self-tests, or at-home tests, are antigen tests. Antigen tests are better at detecting a SARS-CoV-2 infection when someone has COVID-19 symptoms compared to if they do not. Antigen tests for SARS-CoV-2 are generally less sensitive than real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and other nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs), which detect and amplify the presence of viral nucleic acid. ... All initial negative antigen test results should be confirmed with a NAAT or repeated with additional antigen tests following FDA’s recommendations on repeat testing." https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/lab/resources/antigen-tests-guidelines.html
  15. From everything I can recall reading on this topic here over the years, "mule" accounts would seem to be predominantly a Thai thing used by local criminals and big money types to avoid having all the transactions and balances under their own names, in an attempt to gain some guise of anonymity.
  16. An interesting selection of comments from the UN meeting as reported by the UN: (comments from the U.S., UK, China, Russia, Pakistan, Israel and others also are posted on the UN link below) President of the General Assembly Dennis Francis: Middle East on course for ‘full-scale catastrophe’, warns Francis Mr. Francis said from the podium of the Assembly Hall that the Israel-Palestine crisis was the original crisis before the world body when it was founded in 1946. Peace has remained elusive, and today has become an untenable situation that is deteriorating "at an alarming speed", he told delegates. This is “bringing countless innocent victims into its deadly fold and pushing the region further to the brink of full-scale catastrophe”. ------------------------------------- On behalf of the Arab Group, Mohamed Issa Hamad Mohamed Abushahab, Permanent Representative of the United Arab Emirates to the UN, introduced the draft resolution, saying it recommends that the Security Council reconsider Palestine’s full UN membership application. “Today marks a defining moment,” he said. The State of Palestine has demonstrated that it deserves full membership in the international community by acceding to international treaties, adhering to the UN Charter and meeting requirements of statehood. In addition, more than 140 countries now recognise Palestine as a State, he said. ----------------------------------------------------------- French Ambassador Nicolas de Rivière Reiterating his country’s condemnation of the terrorist attacks by Hamas and other groups on 7 October, Ambassador de Rivière stated France’s demand for a ceasefire and release of all hostages. “The offensive that has started in Rafah risks causing numerous victims and displacing people at a time where nowhere can be deemed safe today in Gaza. There is further risk of disrupting delivery of aid,” he said, expressing his country’s opposition to the military operation. “All parties must do everything they can to protect civilians and guarantee access for humanitarian aid. It is high time to mobilise for a political solution,” he added. https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/05/1149596
  17. Hmm... not quite the same thing: "Earlier this month Israeli media reported that Israel was buying 40,000 tents to prepare for the evacuation of Palestinian civilians from Rafah. On Wednesday Reuters quoted Israeli government sources as saying each tent could hold between 10 and 12 people." PS - thanks for your link!
  18. Do you have some source to offer here substantiating that statement. I can't find anything saying that. This is the 400,000 people reference that I'm finding: UN says over 400,000 people displaced in Gaza, appeals for $300 million October 13, 2023 GENEVA (Reuters) - The U.N. humanitarian office (OCHA) said early on Friday that more than 400,000 people had fled their homes in the Gaza Strip and 23 aid workers had been killed since the start of Israeli retaliatory strikes in response to a deadly Hamas incursion. ... "Mass displacement continues. In the Gaza Strip, the cumulative number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) increased by 25% over the past 24 hours, now exceeding 423,000, of whom over two thirds are taking shelter in UNRWA schools," OCHA said, referring to the U.N. Palestinian refugee agency. [emphasis added] https://au.news.yahoo.com/un-says-over-400-000-061203909.html
  19. Because the world is watching: Battles rage around Rafah’s edge as more than 100,000 flee the city Heavy fighting between Israeli troops and Palestinian militants raged east of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on Friday, as terrified residents jammed roads out of the city, many of them fleeing once again for their lives without any guarantees that they would find safety. ... At least 110,000 people have fled Rafah as Israel’s bombardment there intensifies, according to U.N. agencies, and the closure this week of two main entry points for aid has accelerated the humanitarian crisis in southern Gaza. ... Israel for months said it planned to pursue Hamas militants in Rafah, on the border with Egypt, framing any offensive there as necessary to its goal of eliminating the group. It launched what it said was a limited operation to seize the Rafah border crossing on Tuesday. But aid agencies and the United Nations, as well as Israel’s closest allies, have all warned against a full-scale invasion of the city, saying the toll on the more than 1 million people sheltering there would be nothing short of catastrophic. Washington Post https://archive.ph/FKLKf
  20. I would take the General Assembly resolution on this as a sign that many in the international community, while supporting Israel's right to exist and sovereignty, nonetheless believe the country has gone too far in the ways it has pursued its retaliatory war campaign against the Palestinians. US says Israel may have breached international law with American weapons in Gaza https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68984999 The report said the UN and humanitarian organisations had described Israeli efforts to mitigate civilian harm as "inconsistent, ineffective and inadequate". UN general assembly votes to back Palestinian bid for membership Assembly votes 143 to nine, with 25 abstentions, signalling Israel’s growing isolation on the world stage ...the vote was a resounding expression of world opinion in favour of Palestinian statehood, galvanised by the continuing bloodshed and famine caused by Israel’s war in Gaza. ... The other nations which voted against the resolution were Argentina, Czechia, Hungary, Israel, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Papua New Guinea. The UK abstained. https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/10/un-support-palestine-membership The U.S. probably would veto the Palestinian membership resolution should the issue come to the Security Council, as per the Guardian report above: "The US mission to the UN, which voted against the resolution, warned that it would also use its veto again if the question of Palestinian membership returned to the security council for another vote." But the overwhelming General Assembly vote is still sending a clear message. And apparently, the General Assembly action gives Palestinians new rights in the General Assembly even in the absence of a Security Council vote: Per the Guardian report above: "Palestinian diplomats will have the right to introduce proposals and amendments, they can be elected to official posts in the full chamber and on committees, and will have the right to speak on Middle Eastern matters, as well as the right to make statements on behalf of groups of nations in the assembly. But the resolution also makes plain that “the state of Palestine, in its capacity as an observer state, does not have the right to vote in the general assembly or to put forward its candidature to United Nations organs.” As per reporting from CNN: UN member nations vote overwhelmingly to back Palestinian membership bid United Nations (CNN) — A United Nations resolution in support of Palestinian membership passed with overwhelming support on Friday, and granted new privileges to the Palestinian Authority in its current capacity as a non-member observer state. ... Only member states can vote, but the Palestinian Authority can now be seated among member states in alphabetical order; submit and introduce proposals and amendments; and co-sponsor proposals and amendments. It can also make statements and explanations of votes, and has the right to reply on behalf of a group within the UN. It can also request proposals to be put to a vote and request items to be put on the UNGA’s provisional agenda. https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/10/middleeast/unga-palestinian-membership-resolution-intl/index.html
  21. What Is COVID-19 Reinfection? Reinfections are most often mild, but severe illness can occur. If you are reinfected, you can also spread the virus to others... As the virus evolves, new variants with the ability to evade your existing immunity can appear. This can increase your risk of reinfection. Reinfection can occur as early as several weeks after a previous infection, although this is rare. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/reinfection.html What doctors wish patients knew about COVID-19 reinfection Reinfection is problematic “It can be problematic if you are reinfected,” Dr. Rouhbakhsh said. “We know from a pretty elegant study that was recently published in Nature Medicine that each subsequent COVID infection will increase your risk of developing chronic health issues like diabetes, kidney disease, organ failure and even mental health problems.” Such evidence “dispels the myth that repeated brushes with the virus are mild and you don’t have to worry about it,” he added, noting that “it is akin to playing Russian roulette.” That is why “you want to try to avoid reinfection if possible. That should not be the mechanism by which you aspire to get immunity from the virus,” Dr. Rouhbakhsh said. https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/public-health/what-doctors-wish-patients-knew-about-covid-19-reinfection "Altogether, the findings show that reinfection further increases risks of all-cause mortality and adverse health outcomes in both the acute and postacute phases of reinfection. The findings highlight the clinical consequences of reinfection and emphasize the importance of preventing reinfection by SARS-CoV-2." https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-02051-3
  22. Regarding the elderly: Because even though in the UK the average age of a person dying from COVID has been high, the demographics show that those people would still have years left to live, on average, if they could be protected from dying prematurely from COVID. Regarding the rest: Because even though they have lower COVID death rates than the elderly, they still died from COVID in sizable numbers around the world. And protecting those people from dying prematurely from COVID (reducing their risks of COVID death) via vaccination gave them even more years to live by avoiding what otherwise would have been premature COVID deaths, on average. As posted just a bit earlier in this thread:
  23. Not surprisingly, you're taking out-of-context what Gates actually said on that point. What he really said was that after the huge spike in COVID cases from the Omicron surge, there should be fewer cases in the ensuing year and thus COVID could be treated more like the flu during that interlude (because the population would have temporary, high level of infection-induced immunity. He was NOT claiming that COVID is the same as the flu, or that the COVID pandemic should have been treated like the flu. "Gates touched on that scenario in his Twitter Q&A, predicting that “omicron will create a lot of immunity, at least for the next year.” https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/12/bill-gatescovid-can-be-treated-more-like-seasonal-flu-after-omicron.html
  24. No it doesn't.. And yes, the age of COVID deaths in the UK and elsewhere has been periodically reported, including in posts here on this forum. But none of that changes the fact that older people who die from COVID, on average, would have otherwise had years left to live, because those who actually survive into their 70s and 80s (absent COVID) have longer life expectancies on average than the overall population averages at large. But, it is a common claim that COVID deniers make it order to falsely minimize the impact of the pandemic. Average Covid-19 victim dies years before they otherwise would What was claimed The average age of Covid-19 deaths is higher than the average life expectancy, which means that people who get Covid live longer. Our verdict This isn’t how life expectancy works. Life expectancy is an average, pulled down by people who die young. As you age, your life expectancy increases. People dying from Covid-19 lose about a decade of life on average. https://fullfact.org/news/boris-johnson-whatsapp-covid-life-expectancy-cummings/
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