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Everything posted by TallGuyJohninBKK

  1. And adding some more perspective on the projected risk-reward ratio for COVID vaccines in Thailand: "A research team from Mahidol University and Naresuan University led by Associate Professor Dr. Charin Modchang expanded the study and utilized the same mathematical modeling approaches to estimate the number of lives saved due to Thailand’s vaccine rollout. The study revealed that between the time the first vaccine was administered in 2021 and July 3, 2022, 490,000 lives were saved. Thus, half a million people in Thailand would have lost if the Covid vaccines had not been available." https://aseannow.com/topic/1266704-half-a-million-in-thailand-saved-by-covid-vaccine/
  2. No doubt, there are real and rare serious side effects from COVID vaccines. But what comes into dispute is the scale of those injuries, and how they weigh against the vast numbers of lives saved by COVID vaccines, estimated to be more than 20 million just in the first year of their rollout: COVID vaccines saved 20M lives in 1st year, scientists say https://apnews.com/article/covid-science-health-england-54d29ae3af5c700f15d704c14ee224b5 The NY Times report cited above was interesting, including its wording about people "believing" they had been harmed by COVID vaccines. Well, people believe all kinds of things that have been clearly disproven or not proven, but they still believe anyway. The NYT report almost makes it sound like it's just a "he said, she said" dispute, with the claimed victims of vaccine injury saying one thing, and public health authorities and regulators saying something else, and no way to discern the real big picture. But even though the NYT doesn't seem to mention it, there was a major global study on vaccine safety / side effects involving more than 240 million doses given in multiple countries that was released earlier this year, and it came down squarely in favor of the benefits of vaccination. Posts misrepresent findings of world's largest Covid vaccine safety study 28 February 2024 "The February 2024 publication of the largest peer-reviewed study of Covid-19 vaccine safety to date has inspired misleading social media claims that its findings show the jabs are unsafe. Study authors and independent experts say the research confirms that adverse reactions to vaccination are rare and pose far fewer risks than Covid-19 infection." ... Epidemiologist Anders Peter Hviid, one of the study authors, told AFP the findings confirm previous research and should not deter people from receiving Covid-19 shots. "What we take away is that the Covid-19 vaccination campaigns have been very effective in preventing severe disease," he said on February 23. "The few serious side effects that we have observed in this and other studies have been rare." https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.34K78ZW AND Study Largely Confirms Known, Rare COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects February 27, 2024 "An international study of around 99 million people confirmed known serious side effects of COVID-19 vaccination. It also identified a possible relationship between the first dose of the Moderna vaccine and a small risk of a neurological condition. Social media posts about the study left out information on the vaccines’ benefits and the rarity of the side effects. COVID-19 vaccines — like all vaccines and other medical products — come with side effects, including serious side effects in rare cases. The vaccines were rolled out to protect people from a novel virus that has killed millions of people globally and would likely have killed millions more without the arrival of the vaccines. There is a broad consensus from experts and governmental health agencies that the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the risks. ... “What we take away, is that the Covid-19 vaccination campaigns have been very effective in preventing severe disease,” study co-author Anders Hviid, head of the department of epidemiology research at the Statens Serum Institut in Denmark, told us in an email. “The few serious side effects that we have observed in this and other studies have been rare.” https://www.factcheck.org/2024/02/study-largely-confirms-known-rare-covid-19-vaccine-side-effects/ And this study wasn't based on anyone's estimates or projections. But instead, the study drew on actual national or regional health records from eight countries with institutions participating in the Global Vaccine Data Network, an international group that studies vaccine safety. The researchers analyzed health outcomes after around 184 million doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, 36 million doses of the Moderna vaccine and 23 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine.
  3. Those are decent numbers and point in the right direction, but the latest updated data regarding deaths is even more telling: Up thru 2023 in the UK, with a population of almost 70 million during the pandemic, there were 56 cases where any COVID vaccine was listed on death certificates as the primary cause, and a similar number (63) where any COVID vaccine was mentioned in some way on the death certificate, according to the UK ONS earlier this year. Source: UK ONS So if you put those two together, that's 119 related or possibly related deaths from COVID vaccines in the UK out of more than 151 million doses given thru Sept 2022 (and millions more after that). By my math, that's one related or possibly related death per 1.27 million vaccine doses. Source: OWD And then balance against that, the facts that COVID, even with the vaccines, killed more than 230,000 people in the UK, and estimates are the number would have been 400,000 higher without the COVID vaccines. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/uk/ https://inews.co.uk/news/science/covid-vaccines-saved-lives-england-scotland-who-2862550 And the balance of benefits in favor of COVID vaccines is clear, as the various public health agencies have been saying all along. "COVID-19 vaccines significantly reduce the risk of severe disease, hospitalisation and death from infection with SARS-CoV-2. ... Evidence from the more than 13 billions of vaccine doses given worldwide shows that COVID-19 vaccines have a very good safety profile in all age groups. The benefits of the approved vaccines far outweigh the possible risks. The vast majority of side effects are mild and temporary. However, safety monitoring (pharmacovigilance) systems have identified some very rare (occurring in less than 1 in 10,000 people) but serious side effects. Medicines regulators around the world have put in place measures to reduce the risk of harm from these side effects. ICMRA statement on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities https://icmra.info/drupal/strategicinitiatives/vaccines/safety_statement Any needless death is sad and regrettable. But the vast numbers of COVID deaths and the vast numbers of lives saved by COVID vaccines totally overwhelm the reported deaths related to COVID vaccines.
  4. Thailand's spring 2024 COVID surge continued for an eighth consecutive week last week, with the government reporting 1,792 new COVID hospitalizations, up 7% from the prior week, and 12 new official COVID deaths. The Ministry of Public Health also reported the total number of current COVID hospitalizations rated in serious condition climbed to 501, a 28% increase over the prior week and a tally that appears to be Thailand's highest in almost a year and a half. The number of currently hospitalized COVID patients requiring intubation / ventilation to breathe also rose to 187, up 26% from the prior week, and the highest number in that category since mid-June 2023. The Thai government does not publicly report the total numbers of all current COVID hospitalizations, but instead only breaks out the subtotals for those in serious condition and requiring intubation, and then the new COVID hospitalizations each week. With the latest update for the period April 28 to May 4, Thailand's weekly new COVID hospitalizations at 1,792, averaging 256 per day, have more than tripled from the 501 weekly count recorded in mid-March when the latest COVID surge began. The latest weekly count on new COVID hospitalizations is Thailand's highest number since mid-June 2023, when the total hit 2,158. The latest tally of 12 new COVID deaths, up from 9 the prior week, is the highest since 14 were recorded for a week in mid-July 2023. Thailand had a similar COVID surge last spring as well, when weekly COVID new hospitalizations rose from a few hundred to a peak of more than 3,000 by early June 2023 before eventually subsiding. Among the 12 new COVID deaths reported for the past week, 6 were male and 6 were female. The MoPH said 11 were ages 70 and above, while one was in the 20-49 age range. The MoPH only recently resumed publicly disclosing the broad age ranges for Thailand's reported COVID deaths, something they had ceased many months prior with the end of COVID's declared emergency status in Thailand. With the latest weekly report, Thailand since the start of 2024 has now seen 13,057 COVID hospitalizations and 93 official COVID deaths, according to the MoPH. Even while COVID hospitalizations have been spiking, Thailand's officially reported weekly COVID deaths had mostly remained in the single digits during 2024. The weekly COVID new hospitalization counts reported by the MoPH during the past eight weeks have been as follows, with the spring surge beginning well before this year's mid-April Song Kran holidays, but then climbing rapidly after they arrived: March 16 -- 501 March 23 -- 630 March 30 -- 728 April 6 -- 774 April 13 -- 849 April 20 -- 1,004 April 27 -- 1,672 May 4 -- 1,792 The MoPH's weekly COVID reports for Thailand are available at the following MoPH website: https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/?dashboard=main They also have been posted each week in the following AseanNow forum thread: https://aseannow.com/topic/1311049-weekly-thai-ministry-of-public-health-covid-reports/
  5. Thailand MoPH Weekly COVID report for Apr. 28 - May 4, 2024: --1,792 new COVID hospitalizations, averaging 256 per day, up 120 / 7.2% from the prior week --12 new COVID deaths, up 3 / 33.3% from the prior week --501 current COVID patients hospitalized in serious condition (pneumonia symptoms), up 111 / 28.5% from the prior week (dark purple) --187 current COVID patients hospitalized requiring intubation/ventilation to breathe, up 39 / 26.4% from the prior week (light purple) Cumulative figures since the start of the current year are COVID new hospitalizations (13,057) & COVID deaths (93). Of the 12 new official COVID deaths, the MoPH below is reporting that 6 were male and 6 female. By age, 11 were 70 and above, and one was age 20-49. https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/?dashboard=main Reported weekly COVID new hospitalizations have now risen for the past 8 consecutive weeks since mid-March and more than tripled over that period, as follows for the weeks ending: March 16 -- 501 March 23 -- 630 March 30 -- 728 April 6 -- 774 April 13 -- 849 April 20 -- 1,004 April 27 -- 1,672 May 4 -- 1,792 The latest weekly new COVID hospitalizations total is Thailand's highest since mid-June 2023, when the total hit 2,158. Thailand's weekly new COVID hospitalizations peaked last spring at 3,085 in early June amid a similar run-up that began in mid-April.
  6. The survey results posted above come from just a few dozen health care workers in Poland, 69 to be precise, according to the article. Not exactly impressive in scale or consequence. But among the 69 who first had the opportunity to take a 2nd COVID vaccine booster starting in fall 2022, more than half did. And there were some other interesting details making these HCWs hardly poster-people for the anti-vax movement, as follows: "At the time of enrollment, all HCWs had received the recommended two basic doses of BNT162b2 vaccines (Pfizer—BioNTech) in January/February 2021. The vast majority of study participants (92.75%) had received at least one dose of vaccine booster, with two doses of vaccine booster administered to 50.73% of the analysed individuals. Interestingly, all HCWs with no previously confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection had received at least one vaccine booster dose. Only 5 of 69 HCWs had not received any vaccine booster. The highest number of HCWs without any vaccine boosters was observed among administration personnel " And, the future vaccine hesitancy opinions expressed in the article came from a grand total of 34 out of the 69 total HCWs, most of whom had already had three COVID vaccinations. So the number giving any particular reason for their views (too busy, already had COVID, do plan to get a future vaccine, prefer not to answer, etc.) mostly was less than 5 respondents per answer. Earth shaking stuff. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/12/5/475/pdf?version=1714393067
  7. From the OP article: "Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel stated: “As we anticipate the launches of our Spikevax 2024-2025 formula and RSV vaccine, we are exercising financial discipline and have intensified our focus on building and utilising AI technologies to further streamline operations and enhance productivity. "With ten late-stage programmes, and additional new programmes advancing toward pivotal studies, we continue to expect numerous product milestones this year across our vaccines and therapeutics portfolio. This is the start of a banner year for our vaccine platform as we continue to advance mRNA medicines for patients. This is just the beginning.”
  8. Latest COVID-19 vaccines reduce hospitalization risk by around half March 01, 2024 The latest COVID-19 vaccines reduce the risk for hospitalization or visits to an ED or urgent care by around 50%, according to interim data published in MMWR. ... Overall, VE against COVID-19-associated ME or hospitalization was 51% (95% CI = 47%-54%) in the first 7 to 59 days after receiving an updated vaccine dose and 39% (95% CI = 33%-45%) in the 60 to 119 days after an updated vaccine dose. ... https://www.healio.com/news/infectious-disease/20240301/latest-covid19-vaccines-reduce-hospitalization-risk-by-around-half
  9. There's no evidence that Flu and colds are killing 100+ people per week like COVID still is in the UK. Nor putting another 1,100+ per week into the hospital for COVID... And this ONE week of 100+ COVID deaths just recently in the UK is more than ALL of the documented AZ vaccine-related deaths in the UK since the start of the pandemic 4+ years ago, per the prior reporting above in this thread by The Telegraph. But of course, The Telegraph in their AZ reporting never talks about the UK's total number of COVID deaths (320,000+), or the number of UK lives saved by vaccines (estimated at 400,000+), or even that the AZ injury cases come from almost 50 million AZ doses that were given in the UK. Why would that be? (all stats previously cited/sourced in this thread). https://ukhsa-dashboard.data.gov.uk/
  10. "Fabien Deruelle, PhD, Independent Researcher, Ronchin, France." "independent researcher" -- a guy who has no background or credentials on the pharma topic he's writing on. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Fabien-Deruelle He's really more into conspiracy theory stuff like: "For a half century, the military has been developing technologies to turn climate and extreme environmental phenomena into weapons." AND "Are persistent aircraft trails a threat to the environment and health?" AND "Conflicts of interest and political lies are used to hide the truth about the dangers of electromagnetic pollution." And you're complaining about my sources......
  11. More irrelevancy: I haven't cited any CDC sources or research relating to the AZ vaccine's use in the UK and TTS. The AZ vaccine was never approved or used in the U.S., so citing a report about the U.S. CDC's past employment history details is pretty irrelevant to this UK-focused topic. Frankly, if your "help us out" allegation had any merit, then the AZ vaccine should have been approved in the U.S. But it wasn't. Because the data wasn't there to support its approval. And the CDC and the FDA acted on the data (or lack thereof). That's called following the science. Government vaccine advisers say they don’t foresee AstraZeneca vaccine being used in the US April 9, 2021 (CNN) — Vaccine advisers to the federal government tell CNN they don’t foresee AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine being used in the United States, and even if it were offered, they personally wouldn’t take it, given the other available options. At one point, hopes had been high for AstraZeneca’s vaccine, with the US pledging to invest up to $1.2 billion in the vaccine. But questions arose about the accuracy of AstraZeneca’s data, and even more significantly, on Wednesday, European drug regulators said there was a possible link between the AstraZeneca vaccine and rare blood clots. Some countries – more than 70 have authorized the shot – have now limited its use." (more) https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/09/health/vaccine-advisers-astrazeneca-us/index.html Then later: AstraZeneca withdraws US COVID vaccine application, shifts focus to antibody treatments Nov 10, 2022 After missing the boat for emergency use of COVID-19 vaccines, AstraZeneca has finally pulled the plug on efforts to sell its shot in the U.S. AstraZeneca has decided to withdraw its application for COVID vaccine Vaxzevria with the FDA, CEO Pascal Soriot told reporters during a press briefing Thursday. The U.S. market is already well supplied, and the demand for vaccines is declining, Soriot said. Because the FDA has already fully approved mRNA vaccines from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, the agency’s emergency use authorization pathway for other vaccines is closed. Given the two mRNA shots have already become entrenched players in the U.S., there’s little room left for Vaxzevria in the market. (more) https://www.fiercepharma.com/pharma/astrazeneca-withdraws-us-covid-vaccine-application-focus-shifts-antibody-treatments
  12. Here's another one for you pointing to viral vector, not mRNA: 4.3.1. Epidemiology of VITT including vaccine-associated causality Two adenoviral vector-based vaccines have been implicated in VITT: ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (produced by AstraZeneca, University of Oxford, Serum Institute of India); and Ad26.COV2.S (produced by Janssen, Johnson & Johnson) [34]. There are limited data available for the Gam-COVID-Vac/Sputnik V vaccine (produced by Gamaleya Institute), though cases of possible VITT have been reported related to this vaccine [35]. A single case of possible VITT has been reported related to the mRNA-1273 vaccine (produced by Moderna) and another related to the Gardasil 9 vaccine for human papillomavirus [36], [37]. Caution should be used in interpreting these discrete cases since they may represent the background rate of spontaneous heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (which also involves platelet activating anti-PF4-IgG), viral-infection associated VITT, or other types of TTS also unrelated to vaccination [21], [23], [38], [39]. ..... Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X24000574
  13. The above grant was to study post COVID conditions, ie, Long COVID. Nothing to do with vaccine research or vaccine related blood clotting. That issue with the CDC foundation was many years ago, long before the COVID pandemic, as your citation notes. And to the best of my knowledge, Pfizer in recent years has not provided any meaningful financial funding to the CDC Foundation -- which is a separate entity from the CDC. In its 2022 year donor funding report, Pfizer was listed as contributing between $1000 and $9,999 to the CDC Foundation. https://www.cdcfoundation.org/FY2022/donors?group=corp
  14. The feds seem to be saying, and other research I've read, that COVID infections do directly cause blood clotting problems, as posted above, per the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute: COVID-19 and the Blood Last updated July 11, 2023 "Some people with COVID-19 develop abnormal blood clots, including in the smallest blood vessels. The clots may also form in multiple places in the body, including in the lungs. This unusual clotting may cause different complications, including organ damage, heart attack and stroke. Researchers think the clotting may be triggered by the high levels of inflammation caused by the SARS-CoV-2 infection. A high level of inflammation can affect multiple organs and result in severe disease. In children and teens, this high inflammation is called multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C), and it can particularly affect the heart. People who already have damage to the blood vessels from diabetes or high blood pressure may be at higher risk of developing blood clots. In addition, some chronic health conditions may impact how COVID-19 affects your body, including your blood vessels." https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/covid/blood
  15. The increased risk of TTS blood clotting has NOT been associated with COVID mRNA vaccines, only the COVID viral vector vaccines like AstraZeneca, where the risk was discovered shortly after the AZ vaccine went mass market. Because the blood clotting problem was so rare, it did not surface in the clinical trials for the AZ vaccine. Do COVID-19 vaccines cause blood clots? "The Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccines have not been shown to increase the risk of blood clots in multiple studies. However, two COVID-19 vaccines are associated with an extremely rare syndrome known as vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT). It was discovered in March 2021 in connection to the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine and then later with the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. In rare cases—2 to 20 per million—antibodies that the body produces as a side effect of the vaccine lead to uncontrolled activation of platelets. This causes both low platelet counts and blood clots to form." https://healthcare.utah.edu/healthfeed/2022/09/blood-clotting-covid-19-and-vaccines
  16. The 50 some plaintiffs here who are claiming injury from the AZ vaccine are entitled to their day in court. And if their injuries are proven to be related to the vaccines they received, then they should be entitled to just compensation under the law. Any such death or injury is tragic and regrettable. But despite all the nonsense from anti-vaxers, virtually any medication or treatment taken -- even the ones we use every day in life -- have the potential for causing rare or very rare and potentially serious side effects. (Listen to the side effects warnings on virtually any drug medication commercial you see on TV.) But those medicines are still licensed and used, because they're needed, and the benefits far outweigh the risks. In this instance, we're talking about 50+ plaintiffs out of about 50 MILLION AstraZeneca vaccine doses administered in the U.K., mostly back in 2021, and COVID vaccines in total in the U.K. having been credited with saving some 400,000 lives during the pandemic. (sources for all cited above in prior posts in this thread). That's literally the definition of rare, very rare.
  17. And more: Blood Clotting, COVID-19 and Vaccines "Blood clotting is a well-recognized complication of SARS-CoV-2 infection. It has also been identified as an extremely rare side effect of certain COVID-19 vaccines. The risk with vaccines is exceedingly low and individuals are at a significantly higher risk of developing a blood clot from COVID-19 infection than following COVID-19 vaccination." [emphasis added] What is the link between blood clots and COVID-19? The association between COVID-19 and blood clots was recognized early in the pandemic among hospitalized COVID-19 patients. These patients experienced blood clots both in deep veins and arteries, which sometimes led to strokes and heart attacks. Although these conditions have mostly been seen in patients with severe COVID-19 illness, people with non-severe illness have also developed blood clots. ... If deciding whether a COVID-19 vaccine is worth the risk, Abou-Ismail tells his patients that ”mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are safe in patients with a history of blood clots or increased risk factors. The risk of developing a blood clot from COVID-19 infection is far higher than getting a blood clot from a COVID-19 vaccine.” https://healthcare.utah.edu/healthfeed/2022/09/blood-clotting-covid-19-and-vaccines
  18. And there's plenty of evidence that COVID infections themselves can lead to greater and more frequent blood clotting problems than from the viral vector vaccines: COVID-19 and the Blood Last updated July 11, 2023 "Some people with COVID-19 develop abnormal blood clots, including in the smallest blood vessels. The clots may also form in multiple places in the body, including in the lungs. This unusual clotting may cause different complications, including organ damage, heart attack and stroke. Researchers think the clotting may be triggered by the high levels of inflammation caused by the SARS-CoV-2 infection. A high level of inflammation can affect multiple organs and result in severe disease. In children and teens, this high inflammation is called multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C), and it can particularly affect the heart. People who already have damage to the blood vessels from diabetes or high blood pressure may be at higher risk of developing blood clots. In addition, some chronic health conditions may impact how COVID-19 affects your body, including your blood vessels." https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/covid/blood Thrombosis (blood clots) with Thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS): During thrombosis, blood clots form and block the blood vessels. In thrombocytopenia, there are low numbers of platelets cells that help blood clot. This can cause internal bleeding. These issues were reported in a small number of cases after more than 12 million doses (Johnson & Johnson and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines). These conditions can be life-threatening if untreated. Most cases have occurred one to two weeks after vaccination in women, ages 18 to 49. If you get a COVID-19 infection, the risk of thrombosis is greater than you would get from the vaccine. [emphasis added] https://www.stjude.org/about-st-jude/stories/making-a-difference/covid-19-vaccine-side-effects-how-common-are-they.html
  19. The rare blood clotting with low platelet levels problem, informally known as TTS, can be caused by many different conditions, not just viral vector vaccines, and with quite a few different causes more frequent than those vaccine-related (which are rated below as "rare"), as laid out in the following study from March 2024: 4.1.3. Thrombocytopenia with thrombosis syndrome (TTS) TTS has many possible causes which vary in frequency and pathogenesis which can be immune-mediated or non-immune-mediated (Table 3) [29]. VITT is in the category of immune-mediated entities. Some of the conditions in Table 3 can be easily recognised clinically, whereas others are more difficult to diagnose and may require specific laboratory assays. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X24000574
  20. The election is still months away, and depending on which poll someone wants to pick, the numbers are close, generally within the margins of error. Newsweek via MSN: Donald Trump Stung by Double Polling Blow Two polls have suggested Donald Trump will lose the presidential election, in the latest swing in what has been a tight race so far. ... Polls have so far shown that the results will be tight as the pair are statistically tied in most surveys or enjoying only marginal leads. However, two recent polls have suggested Trump is now lagging, marginally. In one poll of 1,046 adults by Florida Atlantic University and Mainstreet Research, 40 percent of all voters said they would vote for Biden and 38 percent would choose Trump in a race in which independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was included. When only likely voters were polled, 44 percent said they would vote for Biden and 39 percent for Trump. (more) https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/donald-trump-stung-by-double-polling-blow/ar-AA1o5xpW
  21. Here's a Thai ingredients label for their product. They call it "Ice Confection"! Actual liquid milk or cream seems kinda hard to find. https://www.tops.co.th/en/walls-ice-cream-vanila-cup-51g-8851932074025 In the past, when I've checked the ingredient labels for the cheapest "ice creams" in Thailand, they often seemed to have various forms of sugar and palm oil as among their primary ingredients.
  22. Try keeping up, or at least paying attention. No chance? UK COVID deaths lately were running more than 100 per week, along with more than 1,000 weekly new COVID hospitalizations. https://ukhsa-dashboard.data.gov.uk/
  23. Everyone understood all along that the rapid tests were not as accurate at the PCR tests. But early on in the pandemic, the testing demand was huge and sufficient PCR capacity simply didn't exist. So they ended up going to the mass market with the best alternative they had. The rapid tests worked to a reasonable extent, particularly if repeated as recommended, just not as well as the other kind. As cited two posts above: "Alternatively, if RT-PCR tests are not available or accessible, clinicians and patients should follow FDA's [Food and Drug Administration's] serial antigen testing recommendations to help optimize diagnostic test performance," they added.
  24. Yep, clearly exposed: Report: COVID-19 vaccines saved US $1.15 trillion, 3 million lives A Commonwealth Fund study estimates that, through November 2022, COVID-19 vaccines prevented more than 18.5 million US hospitalizations and 3.2 million deaths and saved the country $1.15 trillion. [emphasis added] https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/report-covid-19-vaccines-saved-us-115-trillion-3-million-lives Right here for everyone to see.
  25. Obviously you've got your opinion, but apparently, nothing credible to back it up that you're willing to present here.
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