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Posts posted by ricklee

  1. Also, loan sharking is a good business in Isan.

    Typical rates would be at least 1% per month, usually much more. It would probably be a bit hard on the health though!

    Typical rates were from 3% up a month. I say "were" because most moneylenders are no longer lending due to the impending recession. Some would be borrowers who have been used to paying 5% monthly are now so desperate for cash that they are offering to pay 10% a month, and still finding no lenders.

    In response to Isee's earlier post, the maximum permitted loan rate is 28% a year, which equates to approx 2.4% a month. Most (but not all) village people have no idea of this legal maximum, and when in default, have neither the will nor the money necessary to contest it. They will just forfeit their land or any other guarantee given.

    Hi prakhonchai nick

    Thanks for your input but I was shocked to see the permitted loan rate of 28% - which appeared to me to be very high. I'm not sure if that is a max rate for credit cards or what? Anyway, decided to track down the rate and according to section 654 of the Civil and Commercial Code it states the maximum being 15% p.a and any contract above that would be reduced to 15%. The section is under the heading of "Loan for Consumption". Could you clarify the source of your quoted 28% rate?


    The "permitted loan rate" and the actual rate the loan sharks charge have nothing to do with each other. That's why they call them "sharks". When I lived in Viet Nam the moneylenders on the street were getting 10% a month.

    My wife and her family are running a little "minimart" in front of our house and, yes, the margins are slim but it's bringing in enough to feed us all and put gas in the vehicles. They love doing it as it puts them in the middle of the neighborhood social circle. They have a great time. It was a very small investment and pays small but steady dividends every day. And I don't have to walk far for a beer :o

  2. I don't really expect a reply here but I'm running out of options. I live in Nakhon Phanom and I have a recording studio. My Furman power conditioner blew up and I need it fixed. Does anyone know a place in Bangkok (or anyplace else in Thailand) that repairs high-end or pro audio gear? I've tried googling a place but haven't had any luck and didn't get a response from Furman in the U.S. Maybe I'll get lucky here. Thank you! :o

  3. Can anyone tell me where the good used English language bookstores are in Bangkok? I just moved to Ranu Nakhon and I need a library desperately! I'll be in BKK next week and want to take an empty suitcase down with me to fill with books, something a bit meatier than Tom Clancy and John Grisham. Thanks!

  4. It would seem that the Thai government is doing everything possible to run all the expats out of Thailand. I live in Viet Nam (moving to Thailand in 2 weeks) and they make it very easy to stay here. 6 month visa, take it to a travel agent 3 weeks before it expires, pay $85 and you get another 6 month visa. You can do this forever. Cambodia also makes it easy. I meet people every week who used to live in Thailand and now they live here because they couldn't put up with the BS or were not welcome to stay. They spend money here and bolster the economy. Viet Nam and Cambodia are welcoming the Thailand "expat refugees" with open arms. What's up with the Thai gov't? I have tried to find some logic in their actions and cannot.

  5. Thanks, gunnyd. I basically wanted to know if they are honest and reliable and you answered my question. Between saving me the time and expense of an unnecessary trip to Bangkok and then all the hassle of running around town, trying to do it myself without a clue how, it sounds to me like hiring them is the best bet. Thanks again. :)

  6. I realize that this may be inappropriate as Siam Legal is one of the sponsors of this site, but I am considering using them to help with my visa and marriange legalities and would be interested in hearing from anyone else who has hired them in the past (before I fork over my thousand US dollars.) Considering that they will be saving me from taking one trip from Viet Nam to Bangkok and back it's looking like a very attractive deal so far. Any information will be appreciated.

  7. The info above only applies if you wish to marry in Thailand.

    You may find it simpler to tie the knot where you are?

    Marriage is marriage, no matter where it is performed. :o

    I'm not sure if a marriage in Viet Nam would be recognized by the American and Thai governments. It depends on whatever sort of treaties they have. Also, this place is so corrupt that we would wind up bribing 20 people and all their relatives and in-laws in order to get it done. We might not have enough money left to move to Thailand!

  8. Thanks very much for the information. I am considerably less confused now. I still wonder about the age requirement for putting 800,000 in the bank. I always thought it was 50 (retirement visa) but the guidebook I got from the US Embassy last week says 55. I'm 51 so this makes a difference to me. If you're interested you can go to their website and download the guidebook to check it out. I'm just wondering if they raised the age recently and didn't tell anyone.

  9. Thanks for your very quick replies. Is the 50-year-old requirement the same as for a retirement visa? Last week at the US Embassy they stated the eligable age as 55, making me think that they have just raised it. I also read about the 65,000 monthly income (to insure that you can support your wife). There seems to be a lot of conflicting information coming out of Thailand these days.

  10. I am an American citizen living with my Thai fiancee in Viet Nam and we wish to move to Thailand later this year and get married. My first of many questions is this: In order to get married do I have to (a) deposit 800,000 baht in a Thai bank AND show 65,000 baht monthly income or (B) deposit 800,000 in a Thai bank OR show 65,000 baht monthly income? Also, as I understand it, I will have to enter the country on a tourist visa and then attempt to upgrade it after I'm there. What sort of problems might I encounter with this? Thanks for your help.

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