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Posts posted by craigt3365

  1. To be honest it absolutely disgusted me and upset me to tears. Which is what documentaries should do.

    That one, has just lowered my thinking of humanity.

    I doubt India is much different than most 3rd world or developing countries with regards to this. I remember traveling in China and staying in a 4th floor walk up room. The owner just yelled at his wife to carry our bags. I felt bad, so carried my own. He just laughed at me. The world has a long way to go in so many areas....

    • Like 1
  2. If you come to Pattaya live on the dark side. As to condo prices dropping like a rock,as someone said please pm the wife with details of them as she is an agent and would love to list them,and perhaps we could buy a few at these rock bottom prices,I take it they are in prime positions

    I saw one on Tuesday in Pratumnak. Was listed at 18MM for the past 3-4 years, now at 12MM. Stunning 180 degree view of the ocean with Koh Larn in the background, top floor penthouse, huge balcony, large jacuzzi, fitted out with top of the line fixtures. Nothing can be built in front to block the view. If I had the money, I'd buy it! LOL

    I can't imagine. I could buy a heckuva place with ocean front in Maui, Hawaii for that. Or 1/2 that. A house. On the beach. Including the land.


    That place is stunning! But over 3x the price of the place I saw. Hawaii is super expensive to live there. I should know, I was born there! LOL

    But I have to agree, what they get for properties here is a bit ridiculous. Considering the quality of the build and the surround infrastructure. sad.png

    • Like 1
  3. I shop for clothes in the U.S. Much better value.

    Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    ... and quality!

    Probably made in China or the Philippines either way.

    Camel Active at the Outlet Mall or Central is as good quality as you'll get for that price range of clothing in the US ... although some people may find it difficult to find clothing here in their "special" sizes.

    Most clothes are made in Asia and Africa now. But, there's varying degrees of quality. What I've found in the US is...for the price...a much better quality and a much better selection. Here, we're really stuck with few choices for inexpensive and quality clothing. That goes for most consumer goods here...unfortunately.

    I've got quite a few pieces from Camel Active and I do like them. Good stuff!

    • Like 2
  4. When we moved here, we paid for extra luggage and it was something like $100 per bag, limit of 22kg or something like that. I was a frequent flyer with them, so got a bit of a break. We each carried on a bag, we both had backpacks that were full that we stuffed under our seats, and we got 2 bags for free and 1 paid for as checked luggage. That's a lot of stuff.

    I checked into some shipping companies and the prices didn't seem cheap. So, on each trip back home, we'd do the above and eventually got a majority of our stuff here for not a lot of money.

    As mentioned above, each airline is different as is each class of service.

  5. It's open again. I believe it's under new management, but the original owner is still somewhat involved. Saw him last night while we were in Bang Saray.

    Mike: have you tried the other Belgium run restaurant there? We ate there last night and it was quite good. It's the one across from the fire station.

  6. I've got some friends in from Bangkok. So, doing a bit of touring around with them. Ate at Preecha's Thursday. And as usual, it was great.

    Decided to show them Bang Saray. Started off with sunset drinks at the Bang Saray Club (which also has pretty good food) then my friend who lives there recommended this restaurant. He knows all the places there, and we've eaten at most of them with him, but went to this place last night per his recommendation. Last time there we ate at the other Belgian restaurant, also owned by a guy named Peter! LOL

    Yes, free beer! We were lightweights, but had 2 glasses of beer each with dinner. All included.

    Have you eaten at the Irish place there in Huay Yai? Rimmer and I ate there a month ago or so. It was pretty good!

  7. Hello, just a quick question: are normal forum members also allowed to make such one-off informational posts/threads about venues?

    They do it all the time...check out jingthing's restaurant thread. Great source of info for our forum members. I've got no personal interest in this place. Just found it to be a nice place down near where I live.

    • Like 1
  8. I just checked with our village manager. Everybody here is having problems with ToT. He's going to check with those on 3BB to see what's going on.

    Yes, it's cable they had to run to our village. I guess. But most have switched back due to the poor service/performance. I attribute that to growing pains though.

    Still horrible speeds from ToT today...

  9. If you come to Pattaya live on the dark side. As to condo prices dropping like a rock,as someone said please pm the wife with details of them as she is an agent and would love to list them,and perhaps we could buy a few at these rock bottom prices,I take it they are in prime positions

    I saw one on Tuesday in Pratumnak. Was listed at 18MM for the past 3-4 years, now at 12MM. Stunning 180 degree view of the ocean with Koh Larn in the background, top floor penthouse, huge balcony, large jacuzzi, fitted out with top of the line fixtures. Nothing can be built in front to block the view. If I had the money, I'd buy it! LOL

  10. The ones who are on 3BB in the village here have it even worse and many are going back to ToT. Plus, if you need something done, seems 3BB charges an arm and a leg for the repair work.

    I have 3BB. I've never paid anything for repairs.

    If I have a problem I call them, they call me back within a minute or two, I describe the problem and someone fixes it within 48 hours. Sometimes without coming to my condo at all.

    In the year I have been with them I've done this three times, and the first two times were in fact down to bad wiring inside my condo building (and so not in fact 3BB's problem at all, but they sorted it out with the building technicians).

    They came to our village about 2 years ago, or so. My neighbor had problems and they said it was the cable and charged them 3,000B to lay a new one. I think they signed up too many new customers and the service was terrible, so many switched back to ToT. Not sure how it's working now. But I know for sure ToT is not doing good here! LOL

  11. After watching the trailer of Dig I thought this could become something good or it could go terribly wrong. After watching the first (one hour) episode I have only slightly changed my mind. The show is about a 2000 year old conspiracy playing in Jerusalem. It seems to have some Indiana Jones elements in it, too. Story and action are alright, but not really "holding-your-breath" alright. The filming in Jerusalem is great. The show is definitely made professionally. As far as I know, it is only a four part mini series. So, I'll stick to it, hoping it becomes somehow more gripping. If not, no real waste of time but probably not worth remembering, either.

    Wow. Looks very interesting. I'll definitely watch this one. I like the main actor and of course Anne. This movie is a bit of fluff, but the actors are some of my favs:


    Right about this time is when Anne left Steve Martin for Ellen DeGeneres. Too funny. I'm sure Steve got a lot of grief for that! LOL

    • Like 2
  12. Definitely don't give them your passport. It's not a requirement. Also, make sure you've got proper insurance. Many accidents happen on that loop. Take it easy and drive slow. It's a beautiful ride. If you get stopped, you'll probably have to hand over some money. Normally 200B or so. I'd keep that amount in a separate pocket ready to hand out. Keep it with your license.

    Does your home country driver's license have an endorsement for riding bikes?

  13. I'm with ToT and it's been dodgy for months. But really bad lately. Especially the past few days. Can't even stream video the past day or so. Cutting in and out.

    The ones who are on 3BB in the village here have it even worse and many are going back to ToT. Plus, if you need something done, seems 3BB charges an arm and a leg for the repair work.

  14. Bang Saray is a pretty cool, small town. Foreigners ride bikes around, nice beach and not too far from Pattaya. Though it is quite crowded on weekends and a zoo on major holidays.

    But definitely worth a peek. If you do visit there, stop by the Bang Saray Club. Right on the water and a nice place to have a drink and watch the sunset. Not easy to find, but worth the effort.

    You might also want to check out Bang Chang. Not sure if it's what you want, but worth checking out. Very close to Samet and Chang if that is of interest. And some interesting options for ocean front condos.

    • Like 1
  15. A few nonsense posts have been removed from view. We've got a great thread here, please don't spoil it and please abide by forum rules:

    11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

    • Like 2
  16. I've done a 90 day report and an extension in the past week. The extension took me less than 10 minutes. A record. The 90 day report on the same day took me over 40 minutes.

    Today, the 90 day desk was packed. Dozens of people all standing around trying to hear the numbers being called out. The extension desk guy was sitting there bored with nobody in line.

    Strange new procedure for getting your passport back. You have to pick it up in person as they now take your picture. Wifey tried to pick it up for me on Tuesday. No way.

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