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Posts posted by spasticated

  1. <br />The best way to get tenants is from the condo front office. Most condos run a management service and get the tenants from walk in requests. A good building will rent out a unit in days.<br /><br />
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    In my opinion this is not correct, I know of people at my site doing this and in 6 months the niti office has not found them a tenant they simply do not promote them enough, the best way is to do it yourself.

  2. <br />ray,<br /><br />there is a reason gov't's from around the world pass laws and deterences to stop people from flipping.<br /><br />if flippers/scalpers were not allowed to do business - then the owner/artist would get their share and the buyer/fan would pay an agreed price deemed to be fair - between the two. the transaction would still continue without the flipper/scalper and thus everyone would benefit more - BUT - when the flipper tries to skim off the top the price/market becomes distorted and this is exacerbated when there is collusion between numerous individuals to maintain a minimum selling price adversely affecting the market and the people involved. the main thing is these individuals are not required for the transaction but include themselves to benefit themselves.<br /><br />I suppose the enron boys were just making a living and they had every right to do what they did eh? nothing wrong with making a living eh!<br /><br />irene,<br /><br />are you sure you are better off than I?<br /><br />I am not the one having to flip/scalp off of others to make a living. generally people who do this are uneducated people with less opportunities to make a living and thus the lower moral standards. in thailand, these individuals are targeting their fellow countrymen as I doubt any thai would be stupid enough to fall for this charade. and by continually repeating a dogmatic selling line - buy no more than 50 meters from any BTS/MRT - they hope enough people will hear it and eventually an uninitiated individual in the honeymoon stage will succumb.<br /><br />how many fellow countrymen have you profited off of?<br /><br />and regarding your selling line - please tell me if it is so - why are the two most popular areas - ari and thonglo - when there are no condos within 50 meters of the BTS/MRT.<br /><br />another thing - anyone who buys a place that close to the metro is setting themselves up to more noise, pollution and the vibration from the metro. most people i know in bangkok choose to live near a metro but off of a major road down a quiet soi thus why ari and thong lo are so popular.<br />
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    Oh dear so how much money have you lost by not buying in the right location??

    Housing is a commodity like everything else get real.

  3. There has been an explosion in "letting agencies" lets face it Thais with little capital to invest in condos seem to be doing this or Farangs who cant really work etc I ofetn e mail them and ask about condos and have yet to have in many cases any response at all. They like to also copy photos off my website but thats ok as I then mail them and send them my webpage with my updated link slagging them off which seems to do the trick.

    Once they have had your money forget any help at all.

    I service my customers 24hours a day, if they call me at 3 am having lost keys I will be there in the next 20 minutes to get them in . Offer a service is my policy price is not so relevant.

    My units cost 1.2 million my rental is minimum 14000 baht per month per unit + utilities and service charge on top of that(12% return). I studied which units the majority of people wanted and studios where I am was the correct thing to buy. rental of 2 bed units was a much smaller market and much lower return.

    Do your homework like Irene says see what other ads are saying then get off your backside and go and look at these rooms also, whats their furniture like many have tasteless plastic sofas plastic flowers and an "old master" painting on the wall, if they stuck a few ceramic ducks up it would look ideal !!!!

    Its not difficult to get customers IF you are there. MY wife does it all Im not here.

    Your only real worry is long term maintenance and huge downturn in international travel both of which DO worry me.

  4. Greater than 10% no Im not kidding, several reasons , I bought when the baht was strong ie 72 baht to the £, low priced studios but reasonabley well known construction companies, make sure you get on the managemant team or in my case my wife to know everything thats going on and question everything, they have monthly meetings more if necessary . If you think you can sit back and do nothing you will lose money.

  5. <br />
    I wonder how much money was spent to research the bloody obvious? Must have been the easiest piece of research conducted for a long time. <img src="style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="rolleyes.gif" />
    <br />---------------<br />I think in interesting research project would be to see how far a 20 bhat coin could be bounced off their tight brown booties in their "srpay on' trousers .<br /><br />Is that gay? I mean really couldI be turning gay?<br /><br />"Not that there's anything wrong with that" - George from Sienfeld... <img src="style_emoticons/default/cool.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="cool.gif" /><br />
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    i would suggest a visit to the guy wih the gay dogs. maybe that would help?

  6. <br />spasticated,<br /><br />There is still hope for you for sure. I do not think, believe or put forward that we shall save the planet, or Thailand for that matter. I am busy saving Bangkok, because that is what it says on my Foodland grocery carrying nets. I would feel better if I could save Payttaya, since that is my city. But what the heck, I shall save whatever city that I can.<br />
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    Sorry to dissapoint you but humans are extremely selfish many Thais seem to excel at it.

  7. <br />spasticated,<br /><br />Thanks a lot for those insightful observations. I take it this is only a warm-up for your real contribution?<br />
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    Its not exactly "rocket salad" as they say is it, but obviously this is "western thinking" and wont apply here.

    1 All houses to have gutters fitted and water collected for whatever purpose, flushing the bog, watering garden etc

    2 Proper dual flush bogs 6 litres maximum

    3 showers only no baths

    4 Kazilllions spent on dams and long distance pipelines

    5 No Songkran ever again

    6 Mass education from junior school onwards

    7 Pressure testing of all underground pipework joints before burial

    8 no spitting

    9 turn the tap off

    10 charge for water the same as gas/ petrol

    or.................... shall we build a new temple, with a water feature of course!!

  8. Did you know it takes 2-9 litres of water to make 1 litre of Coke!! Depends who you believe http://mondediplo.com/2005/03/14india

    So you can stop drinking Coke and probably many other soft drinks. I love the stuff.

    Im sure nothing will happen here until its absolutely desperate, I know lets blame global warming theres a good one.

    Politicians here really couldnt give 2 figs but then again I suspect most of the population dont either you only have to look at the state of the country to see it, rubbish everywhere no lack of thought in virtually everything from driving to even basic thinking planning control etc . Compound it all with many lazy people with minimal education. I like the way the laziest just park where they fancy leaving the handbrake off must be good for pregnant women who need to shift it, even though there are many empty spaces but not near the doors.

    Im sure the "go home we love Thailand" mob can wade in with some crap now go ahead.

    I wonder how much water is wasted with their crazy 9+litre toilets too. If only you could turn dogs into water there'd be no problems at all!

    The list is endless.

  9. <br />Article in yesterday's Post about annual drought hitting farmers in Roy Et hard already too.<br /><br />Always boggles my mind how a "tropical" country like Thailand suffers annual droughts and every year we see terrible flooding too and all that excess water just flows out to sea!!!<br /><br />
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    Its called total lack of foresight and its ok they always have the money to build another temple......... oooohhhhh look at the shiny temple bahhhhhhh who needs to drink! Be more use if they sealed the doors took the roof off and waited.

  10. <br />My experence is that people are buying and renting. The growth rate is probably around 4-6 percent for properties in the 4-8 million baht range. Higher priced property is selling better. <br /><br />I have a house rented and I thing if you buy a quality place in a desirible location you won't have any trouble renting or selling. My average return on investment is about 8% without considering what I could make on the exchange rate if I sold it today (30%) <br /><br />IMO the market was too hot a couple of years ago and it really needed to slow down, but make no mistake it will continue to run along at 4-6% which is desirable in any economy. Let's not forget what the huge developers know and that is that there are millions of baby boomers retiring soon and they want to live in warm temps.<br />
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    I dont understand this bit above "Higher priced property is selling better" ??? Why? the market is smaller? how many buyers are there for 8 million baht condos compared to 2 million baht condos.

  11. <br />
    I leave my expensive helmet on the bike, never stolen, the bike never tampered with.
    <br /><br />you are extremely fortunate.<br /><br />i have been here only a few months and seen 2 gone walking already.<br />
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    Tell me about it! Wifes new pushbike 1500baht from Tesco 2 days old stolen in Bangkok locked to lampost. Rice stolen from fields in the paper today, nuts and bolts from powerlines, road signs, toilet paper, friend living in Sinburi had 2 solar lights stolen last month they were bolted to posts now he has to put cement over the bolts to stop them, my brother in law (Thai) had 4 ducks stolen 6 weeks ago when he went out last week and he is very poor. Wifes relatives have to watch their TEAK trees as someone has been "helpingthemselves" to it recently. So one poster says Im exagerating hmmmmmmmmmm really? They will steal anything here even if it is bolted down!

  12. Its just their way of life .

    About the karma what goes around comes around , they always try to find

    a reason not particular their own actions ..... I know what you might think ...

    But heh its much worse in India you know ......

    I find that they do sort of reason that events are a consequence of their actions - but not directly related to the particular occurence. I mean, like if some sh*t happens today then it happened because of what they done last month or 10 years ago. Not because they didnt look to the right when driving their motorbike in front of that bus!

    But my question remains - is it more believed by the poor and uneducated , particularly women - or thias in general?

    Its all about control, if you knew you could get away with anything with no repercussions would you do it? Do I believe it? no way there are only repercussions now, if you can make people believe there will be some repercussions "in another life" many will comply.

    Be good and go to heaven with Christians ha ha ha yeah right.

  13. <br />
    <a href="http://www.gfabarchitects.com/projects.php?id=35" target="_blank">http://www.gfabarchitects.com/projects.php?id=35</a><br /><br />Go modern try "Aqualina" on this website Im gonna have a go at building this one in the next few years, look sstunning to me!
    <br /><br />There's some cracking places in Samui on that site. I wonder what the build cost's were? <img src="style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="ohmy.gif" /> <br /><br />I better get saving <img src="style_emoticons/default/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> <br /><br /><br /><br />RAZZ<br />
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    Found the "GULP" prices!!!! try 28-36 million baht however reliable source tells me local builders fix the prices on Samui I have the real costs now and its a lot less than this A LOT LESS.

  14. <br />how long on average do your tenants stay... <br />and for how long on average does the place stay empty until a new tenant is found?<br />and lastly, what method do you use most to find tenants; real estate companies or advertise it yourself?<br /><br /><br />
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    1. how longs a piece of string?

    2. its never been empty (4 units)

    3. use our own website dont waste time with useless agents.

  15. <br />
    <a href="http://www.gfabarchitects.com/projects.php?id=35" target="_blank">http://www.gfabarchitects.com/projects.php?id=35</a><br /><br />Go modern try "Aqualina" on this website Im gonna have a go at building this one in the next few years, look sstunning to me!
    <br /><br />There's some cracking places in Samui on that site. I wonder what the build cost's were? <img src="style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="ohmy.gif" /> <br /><br />I better get saving <img src="style_emoticons/default/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> <br /><br /><br /><br />RAZZ<br />
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    Yes sadly Ive always had expensive taste however Thailand should allow me to realise living in somnething similar to this with a bit of saving over the next few years. Very nice though arent they.

  16. <br />Take the fillings out of your teeth while you're yawning? Oh...I don't think it's that bad <img src="style_emoticons/default/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> <br /><br />I've seen some graffiti here, but nowhere near as bad as back in the States. I once saw a car that somebody had "ghetto-ized" with spray paint. I think this was in Miami. A nice sports car in my hometown which was parked on a grassy road shoulder with a "For Sale" sign got vandalized. The rear window was smashed to pieces...probably by some dumb kids tossing a rock from a moving vehicle. As for cars being keyed and other things being smashed, I haven't really seen that here in Thailand. If somebody keyed our car it would probably look better <img src="style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /><br />
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    When i first came 2.5 years ago i saw little graffiti but now its quite prevalent in Bangkok. Strange you mentioned keyed cars as I did see one 2 days ago at a fun park in BKK but I would admit mindless vandalism is not common here.

  17. <br />
    The last few days have been very difficult for me and my wife. Our young son has been sick and he needed to be taken into hospital. He developed a high fever three nights ago and due to this he had a seizure. I was away at the time as I needed to go to Burma for a border run. I was unable to get back until the next day. <br /><br />When I got back to the hospital it was a huge shock to see how sick Timmy looked. He was in the middle of a high fever and his face was all puffy and he his eyes were open but he was so quite. It almost tore me apart to see him this way. The hospital was unable to find any reason for his symptoms. I was amazed to find that they hadn't even taken any bloods yet. They wanted to wait and see it the fevers would resolve themselves.<br /><br /><br />Our local hospital is very basic. Timmy was born there seven months ago and they did a great job, but I wasn't sure they were the best place for him this time. I wanted to move him to the city and to a private hospital. The problem was that it was two hours away by car and I was worried that he might have a seizure again while we were far away from a hospital. In the end we waited until his temperature was falling and moved him. <br /><br />The local hospital wanted us to wait until the doctor arrived in the hospital, but they couldn't tell us when this would be. I wasn't prepared to wait around for a few more hours for a doctor's letter that wouldn't say much. I though it prudent that we move Timmy while he was having a break in his fever. I basically told them that they couldn't stop me moving my son and that we had already waited three hours for the doctor to arrive. They probably found it shocking that they were having their orders questioned, but I was beyond caring about saving face. I am a trained nurse and know when things aren't been done right. <br /><br />In the private hospital they immediately took bloods and performed other tests to try and find a cause for his symptoms. They still can't find anything but at least they are looking. Timmy seems to be improving and was fever free for most of the night. It looks like he is on the mend. <br /><br />While most of the time I think it is wrong for us westerners to be pushy in most cases in Thailand. I think that sometimes it can be of benefit.
    <br /><br />Your absolutely right Garro.<br />I'm a 47 year old mother of 3, and having learned though experience, there are just some times when you need to step in and take charge of the situation. Looking after your children is priority number one for a mother, and don't worry about making someone lose face, even professionals screw things up. Glad to hear your child is on the mend, hope things work out in the end.<br />
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    I think the best advice is to always get a 2nd and then a 3rd opinion and use the internet to back up what they are saying especially when it comes to drugs/ My wife has thyroid problem (hyper thyroid) and the doc changed her medication yesterday to a different one and never mentioned that she should avoid becoming pregnant whilst usng it despite the fact she is of child bearing age.

  18. <br />Hard to know how silly the guy was without being there. There is nothing wrong with assimilating into another culture, even if it seems a bit forced at first but it's okay to choose not to assimilate too. <br /><br />The only thing in the story that seems off is that the guy spoke Thai to another foreigner, especially an unknown one. That's where the guy seems smug and there are a few expats that get smug about their level of assimilation. I have foreign friends that are capable of doing many "Thai things" with minimal strain that I wouldn't dream of even attempting. They are friends because they aren't smug about it and they respect that not everybody wants to go native.<br />
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    And the problem is many of the posters here are extremely clever, have no problems learming virtually anything easily and then dont realise they are lucky to be able to do this. I could spend all day trying to learn Thai in fact I have been here 8 weeks now and I have learnt about 6 words, my wife recites them daily to me so they sink in and I stll forget. On the other hand give me some tools and aks me to construct or fix something and its no problem.

    So smart people remember how LUCKY you are to have been born with this abilitly to learn understand and remember easily.

  19. <br />Thailand is a country which has no 'safety net,' no welfare and no pensions (except for public servants). You work to survive. I noticed the same thing in Singapore. Why is there so very little crime? People are working 8-10-12 hours a day, 6 or 6 days a week.<br /><br />It's not that they are too lazy to do graffiti and vandalise things - they don't have the energy.<br /><br />Peter<br />
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    So little crime???????????? jeeeeeeeeeez they'll take the fillings out of your teeth while your yawning here if your'e not careful.

  20. <br />This is my first time on this site so go easy with me please. lol<br /><br />Basically my situation is that i am looking to start an internet/games shop in a small village a few miles from Korat with my girlfreind. Obviously i have been to the village with my girlfreind (as she lives there) a few times now. I have looked at the competition, market potential and tried to study what would be needed in that area. So i think that a shop like this would do ok and maybe very well. Money is not a problem to start this small business and to be honest although i know what people will say, im happy to put it in my girlfreinds name to start and make sure she has money to buy all materials, computers etc etc and pay all fees and taxes etc etc. The questions i have for this forum is 1. Is it true that you can apply for a WP if you are starting a business, or do i have to start it first and then apply ? 2. Someone told me about a 51% - 49% business partnership you can obtain by going in with a thai person, is this true ? If so, can you also obtain a WP via this route ? 3. as anyone any general advice on the route that i should take when looking at something like this ? like i say i am confident from the location and market reserach that i have done that this shop would make profit and i would have the full support of her family too but i am just confused as where to start. It seems that you cant get a work visa without showing a sponsor or a business, but then you cant work without a WP, so eerrrr.........which one first. Should i go in on a tourist for 3 months then come back to england and apply for a WP when the business is setup, or try and get a visa before the business has started ? but then how do i show prove of employement!!!!! any advice would be great even if it is harsh advice...lol. <br /><br /><br />
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    How long have you known her? just so they can bash you thoroughly. I started a business here worked out incredibly well doesnt rely totally on foreigners for income either. I didnt use a lawyer for anything.

    Just expaneded it again so it can be done. I think the ineternet is going to be a loser here in all honesty the reason is coms are getting cheaper the cafes will slowly close down as the public get their own coms. It happened in the Uk with video rental its just a matter of time here in my opinion.

  21. <br />check out thoroughly your idea as there arent many untapped ideas that will work.......dont wanna burst your bubble just wanna bring you into reality.there has been millions of guys throwing money away for years on great ideas that would let them live and work in thailand and make money.please ask around and get proper advice...maybe even tell ujs your idea then we could tell u all pitfalls etc...i know your worried we might steal the idea and make ourselves rich but more than likely there will be guys that have tried and tested your idea so will save you a lot of hassle. <img src="style_emoticons/default/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> goodluck anyway<br />
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    It may be worth remembering that those who have made it work probably keep very quiet about it. It bit like only hearing the "bad girl" stories

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