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Posts posted by spasticated

  1. <br />
    To a farang this practice obviously wouldn't happen .
    <br /> Who said that this practice is only linked to Thais or other races??<br />Who told you that (Falang= westerners) do not practice this too?<br />I know and had heard many cases of different men from different origins doing the same but with a bit different scenarios.<br />One English gentleman have a (legal) married English wife with sons in UK , (Amphor) Thai wife here in Bkk with a son and (mistresses) here and there as his favorite pass time.<br />Other close work-mate he is a very hi-so (Farang= Swiss) he is too loyal to his first wife but he'd managed to keep a permanent (mia noi) in another city and go for the typical (business) trips.<br />Other one is just being so ultra faithful to his first wife so he always go with (gigs) . <img src="style_emoticons/default/dry.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="<_<" border="0" alt="dry.gif" /> <br /><font size="4"><b><br /><font size="2">It is not the place nor the <u>gender</u> nor the race nor the religion you are from that decide who and how you act ; IT IS YOU AND ONLY YOU !</font><br /><br /><font size="2">Kindly see this report and then :JUDGE by yourself!<br /><a href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/portal/main.jhtml?xml=/portal/2008/01/21/ftfaithful121.xml" target="_blank">Infidelity</a><br /><a href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/portal/main.jhtml;j?view=DETAILS&grid=&xml=/portal/2008/01/22/ftfaithful122.xml" target="_blank">Cheating keeps me happy!</a><br /><a href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/portal/main.jhtml;j?view=DETAILS&grid=A1YourView&xml=/portal/2008/01/23/ftinfidelity123.xml" target="_blank">Wake up call!</a><br /><br />I wish you could read them thoroughly and then share with us your honest opinion if it is possible.<br />Best Regards.<br />Zaza<br /></font></b></font><br />
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    I would say if you asked 1000 uk people if it was acceptable to do this it would be a high majority no vote but in Thailand it is considered more acceptable it doesnt mean it doesnt happen in the uk but its not that common. Yes people get divorced but then do not spend 3 days with one and 4 with the other. Stinks of male dominance to me.

  2. <br />Yes it was registered in Songklah I was at the wedding.She is from a good Thai family and she loves her husband that much I know.I guess I shouldn't be scandalised but she's at a loss at what do and divorce is out of the question.Loss of face and all that.The 'new' wife is much younger than he is and no job while my friend Air has been supporting his family and theirs through her university job.<br /><br />He's adamant about this course of action suggesting he spend 3 days with her and 4 days with the other and swap every month.I am no authority with this but have heard of it happening so any advice many thanks.<br />
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    I suggest she forgets the loss of face complerily my wife doesnt follow this rubbish, then say she will accept at least 50% of everything and he can visit his kids 1 time per month. I wonder why many Thai women look for Farang husbands , this it seems IS quite prevalent here and many actually do want a husband they love rather then a money machine.

  3. <br />after retiring from a hectic professional career years ago i found it quite relaxing to live a "reclused" life, i still enjoy that kind of life style and have no intention to change it. once in a while Mrs Naam is staging a small revolution. then i take her out of the house and the country for a week (we are presently in Macau) and that's it for some months to come <img src="style_emoticons/default/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /><br />
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    "Mrs Naam is staging a small revolution"

    Surely just a good beating is needed here before it becomes too serious?

  4. <br />Thailand is an incredibly dirty country in terms of garbage and litter and the Thais are uneducated and short-sighted when it comes to using stuff like plastics and the effect they have on the environment.<br /><br />You are wasting time with your efforts as the Thais always think they know better so leading by example is not possible.<br /><br />When they come to realise the effects on their environment in real terms they will understand, but unfortunately it will be already too late.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    CORRECT on all counts! (remember its just my opinion..... and Tuds too)

  5. <br /><i>"if every Thai picked up the bags and bottles they dumped they wouldnt need to make any more for a very long time".</i><br /><br />Thanks for that very insightful and indeed helpful piece of commentary spasticated. Just let your creative juices flow. See, now you feel better.<br /><br />I am thinking of doing a walk around the lake (Mabprachan), get a few people together, lots of garbage bags and gloves, and just start somewhere. It will never be enough, but perhaps a start? Or am I wasting my time here?<br /><br />Anyone?<br /><br />Gib? Moby? Monty? Naam? Raro? All you others?<br /><br />It might be a fun thing to do as well as useful. I shall leave it to simmer for a few days, and see if we get a critical mass.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    No No Ive got more, round up all the monks sitting around doing bugger all and get them to clean up Thailand most of its on their doorsteps anyway. Try the beaches near Chumphon, temple right at the end of one of em beach full of rubbish, monks gazing out to sea etc.

    NOW I feel better thanks!

  6. <br />
    When the pair married a year later they brought Sakhon's two children, Ging and his sister Kanoklak, 15, over to the UK.
    <br /><br />I suspect the roots of their problems would be found in a full explanation of how they brought their children to the UK and on what Visa.<br />
    <br /><br />Yep, that would be my take on it.<br />
    <br />Although not having the full story, I'm inclined to agree. The question in my mind was did this gent initiate steps to legally adopt his wife's children? If he had legally adopted the children (or at least started the process), and then brought them into the country on that basis, then I can't see where there would be an issue.<br /><br />I do believe that if immigrants go to work without a work permit and it gets discovered, it raises a big red flag with the Home Office and HM Revenue & Customs. Possibly he was in the country legally to live but without the permission to work. It's hard to say without the rest of the story.<br /><br />The comments from some of the local yocals make my skin crawl. While I've met a lot of really fantastic, qualified hard workers in my time here, I've also observed that for a sizeable chunk of the UK labor force, the work ethic is &lt;deleted&gt; or non-existent altogether. It's no different in the US. Most people that aren't working are either physically unable to work or they simply are too lazy and unmotivated to work. To add the anti-immigrant bias on top of that is just irrational. Why shouldn't an immigrant take a job that someone else doesn't want (legally of course)?<br /><br />Hopefully if the "stepson" is being deported, then it will not happen with "personna non grata" status so that there may be an opportunity for him to return at some point in the future.<br />
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    I've also observed that for a sizeable chunk of the UK labor force, the work ethic is &lt;deleted&gt; or non-existent altogether" But Thailands is?

  7. <br />
    <br />
    It would be interesting to see what would happen if the Danish newspapers were printing cartoons which were viewed as anti-semitic or involved naked pictures of underage kids. Would they still be viewed as defenders of free speech?<br /><br />I think people in the Muslim community have over-reacted but continuing to publish this rubbish isn't helpful
    <br /><br />Middle eastern newspapers contain anti-Semitic propaganda and cartoons all the time.When &quot;people in the Muslim community&quot; as you oddly called the rentacrowd mob outside the Danish Embassy start dealing with that, I'll take their protests seriously.<br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Yes but the international community rightly criticises these anti-semitic publications and has done so frequently. There is not the discussion about the rights of free speech. Where is the international condemnation of the Danes?<br />
    <br /><br />I suppose one crucial difference is that objectors to the anti-Semitic cartoons (which are far more prevalent and extensive) do not resort to threats of murder, and in some cases-as in Holland- actually butchering satirists on the street.<br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    And this is the big difference, say anything in some Muslim countries and lose your hands, life etc. Now where do you want to live?

  8. <br />
    I have a foreign currency account at the Bangkok Bank Sukhumvit branch since a little over a year. Everything has been going fine with it, except for last time I tried to withdraw about 30,000 Baht from it and forgot my bank book at home. I thought I would give it a try anyways, but the lady responsible for foreign accounts on the 2nd floor said that without the bank book, she could not give me access to my funds and that I always had to bring the bank book. I was about to leave and return the next day when I asked her the question of what would happen if I lost my bank book and if I could have her make a new one.<br /><br />A simple question, I thought. Don't ask me why I asked it, but to my shock, she answered that if I lost the bank book I would lose access to my account and that she could not make a new bank book without me bringing the old one. That stuck like a rock inside my throat, since I have quite a large sum of foreign currency in this bank account.<br /><br />I asked her once again and she confirmed that I would not have access to it anymore and that she recommends me, in her own words, not to lose the bank book. That was followed by a smile (which didn't make me feel any better).<br /><br />I'm now seriously considering closing this foreign currency account at Bangkok Bank and moving the funds to another bank, perhaps Kasikorn Bank, which I've been very satisfied with. I can't believe that a bank would deny you access to your funds if you lost the bank book, but considering that this came from one of the higher bank employees gets me worried.<br /><br />Has anyone experienced something like this? <img src="style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="ohmy.gif" />
    <br /><br />There has been umpteen threads here in the past about Bangkok Bank and its dis-service.<br />I have a number of accounts with a few different banks, but I unfortunately have to have one also with Bangkok because my company uses them. However, I only leave a minimum amount in the account with them because of the poor and shody treatment I have received from them in the past. I would suggest to anyone if they have a choice, don't touch Bangkok bank with a barge pole.<br />
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    Theres no doubt now the they will voted "bank of the year" here now then!! Theyr'e sh!te!!

  9. When I first came here I went to BKK Bank an opened an account. it took 5 hours, firstly told couldnt but after about1.5 hours with the wife I could. I also arranged at the same time so she could withdraw money form this account to pay for a condo as I WOULNT be in the country, she had to sign various paers and me too. On the day of the condo purchase she went to the bank and you guessed it........... they wouldnt let her withdraw any money. She got it eventually after some heated words. Thats was the end of BKK Bank for me , then I tried SCB with 1 million baht to go in first, manager said farang cannot without work permit visa etc. Walked down the raod to Kasikorn no problem and the guy there said when we go in just call him first no need to wait in line with all the other customers.

    Kasikorn now for me!!

  10. Whilst entering Chumphon National park today the guy letting us in asked my wife what farang thought about the price there, Thai 100 farang 200 baht, I said it was ok but not more than this sort of price discrepency although as we are "properley" married ie certificate not "party" type wedding I think it should be the same. He then told us he had been to China and they charge Thais a lot more there than the local Chinese so now he knows how we feel about this overcharging.

  11. <br />Why the obsession with plastic? Thailand is barely out of the era when everything was wrapped in a banana leaf. Plastic bags seem, ooooohhh, so much more sexy! <br /><br />Reminds me of the USA in the late 50's/early 60's--and the accompanying trash problems.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Ask the locals to dump a "banana" bag outside your house or a plastic bag and tell me after 50 years whihc one you prefer? Reckon they should take a step backwards in this case

  12. <br />I'm a peaceful sort of guy <img src="style_emoticons/default/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><br /><br />But there is one thing that sends me into a blind fit of rage...<br /><br />That's when a Thai person telephones me and insists on chanting 'halloor, halloor, halloor' until I put the phone down on them....<br /><br />When they call I answer 'hallo' or 'sawadee krap;<br /><br />they say 'halloor'<br /><br />I say 'Hallo, yes?' or 'sawadee' again or 'dy yin mai?' or whatever..<br /><br />they say 'halloor'<br /><br />now I'm getting a litle impatient 'Hallo, yes, hallooooooooooo'<br /><br />they say 'halloor'<br /><br />I put the phone down on them.<br /><br />What are they waiting for me to say? Is there a hidden phrase that I need to use to encourage them to say something else? (I can think of a few choice phrases, but when I've used them before it hasn't worked!)<br /><br />Simon<br />
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    Just keep saying "Hallooooooor" back and see how many times u can do it then just keep saying it until they hang up.

  13. <br />
    I have been told by some Thais that they beleave that when a farang dies there spirit goes home. So there are no Farang Ghosts in Thailand?
    <br /><br />Well you see Farangs have no soul. That's why you don't see Farang ghosts in Thailand. (And also explains why they do not know how to dance....)<br /><br />...Just joking of course.<br /><br />Actually there have been sightings of Farang ghosts following the Tsunami:<br /><br /><a href="http://www.cdnn.info/news/industry/i050120.html" target="_blank">http://www.cdnn.info/news/industry/i050120.html</a><br />
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    Do they have to pay more?

  14. <br />
    Muslim do belive in them kind of but they are called jinn
    <br /><br />"its life, jinn , but not as we know it." <img src="style_emoticons/default/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><br />
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    Sounds more likely drinking to much "Jinn" to me!!

  15. <br />I just arrived home from 7-11 and bought 6 small cans of coke. There were 12 straws thrown in and it was in 2 plastic bags enough to hold a kilo or 2 safely. What is it with the plastic obsession and where do all these bags and things end up?<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Lucky you din't end up with one bag per tin of coke they love to do this too, 1 bag per item essential, i wonder if you buy a plastic bag they would put it in a plastic bag? Reckon so.

  16. <br />Just look at the side of the road, you'll see alot of them there.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Along with the beaches I have just visited today in Chumphon broken glass bottles, nylon, bags, half a car, old shoes, car parts,etc Thais really need to get a grip on their rubbsih habits they're filthy! Ruining their own country its everywhere you look any street, beach or countryside.

  17. <br />My father in-law (Thai) has been staying in the hospital for the last few days as he has a problem with a disc in his back.<br /><br />My wife went to stay with him yesterday and one of his friends had recommended some kind of fortune-telling Buddhist medicine man to him.<br />So this medicine man shows up and says "You'll be better in a couple of days", he then goes on to say my father in-law needs to buy a cow in order to get better. Claiming that my father in-law killed many cows in his past life; kind of strange as he doesn't eat any meat except fish.<br />The cow costs 12,000 baht and the medicine man asks for the cash, he will go buy a cow from a slaughter house and then they can do a ceremony on Friday and give the cow to a farmer; who will not kill it.<br /><br />At this point my father in-law is convinced that this 12,000 baht cow is the way to go, but my wife tries to convince him that maybe he should at least wait and pay the cash on the day that they actually buy the cow.<br /><br />Medicine man seems put out that my wife doesn't trust him; and then proceeds to do some fortune telling; to prove his powers.<br />So he says the following for my wifes fortune:<br /><br />1) She is not yet married, and her current boyfriend will not last very long<br /><b>She is married</b><br /><br />2) She is not yet 25<br /><b>She's almost 26</b><br /><br />3) She will have a serious accident 15 days after her 25th birthday, so she should go ahead and book the hospital now (i'm not joking)<br /><b>She's already had her 25th birthday without any accidents</b><br /><br />4) She will marry a governor<br /><b>I am not a governor</b><br /><br />.. and the false predictions go on and on, but my wife just listens on, without "breaking his face".<br /><br />He then says that in the past she said some bad things behind her father's back, so she should also come to the ceremony with some flowers and apologize to her father; in some kind of ceremonial way. (she never actually said bad things about her father)<br /><br />My wife then asks her father, "Do you think David (me) should come to the ceremony", and the medicine man asks "Who's David", and my wife tells him that i'm her husband.<br />The medicine man then asks why the name doesn't sound Thai, and if i am a foreigner. He then explains that he was unable to detect me because i am a foreigner and thus "too far away".<br /><br />But not conceding anything he goes on to state that we will either break up or one of us will die soon anyways. And that my wife should definitely book that hospital room for her 25th birthday; and my wife decided to tell him that she is already 25.<br />He did not have any response for this so just changed the subject. <br /><br />But here's the kicker; my father in-law still wants to go ahead with the cow ceremony, plus gave the guy 5,000 for his hospital consultation.<br />I reckon all said and done this guy will probably take my father in-law for over 20,000 baht. No doubt the whole cow thing is a scam, buy it from the slaughter house for 12,000...sell it back tomorrow for 10,000 and everyone is happy.<br /><br />I mean even in you believe in mystical healers and such, why would you believe in a guy who just told you a fortune which was total wrong on every point?<br />
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    I think it tells you quite a lot! The first is in any predictions of the future apart from the Buddhist Guy's increasing "mysterious" wealth, Thais really should say more and not keep face.

  18. <br />Logic?<br />She did use Thai logic. <br />YOU made a mistake by not going over every detail of the potential repair and she took advantage of you, plain and simple.<br /> Don't feel too bad though. She would most likely do it to a Thai too.<br />There is no morals or integrity when doing business in Thailand.(most of the time)<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Many farangs think Thais have it in for them but as said above its "ANYONE" they will happily do it to a Thai as well its just they "know the ropes" more.

  19. <br />
    Just what Thailand really needs, &lt;deleted&gt; educating the public after all I dont know a single Thai already in debt??? Talk about getting your policies worked out!!
    <br /><br />Do you really believe it is the role of government to use force (jail, guns) to tell people what is best for them? That is a really repugnant concept, that one person/being (king/government) knows what's best for 60 million people and will use force to push their views on them.<br /><br />And, further to that, do you know one American who isn't in debt? In fact, the great majority of Americans are bankrupt... especially when you add up all the debt owed on municipal, state and federal levels. It works out to about $300,000 per person... so a family of four is in debt to over a million.<br /><br />Yet, you see some thai people who owe $500 to someone and get angry that now their economy is going to increase dramatically because a bunch of tourists are going to want to come to Thailand to play some blackjack?<br /><br />Your thought process is very, very deluded.<br />
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    Being English I dont know 1 American , I do know most of my friends are in debt but not due to gambling due to buying houses. I owe nothing. At the end of the day when all these Thais are hocked up to their eyeballs its the rest of the countries taxes that will bail them out . How many poor Thais go to court and get let off how many never pay off the debt who pays in the long term? probably every other Thai tax payer or their family loses their farm land and more people suffer. In the Uk now you can declare youtself bankrupt after 1 2 months many are now doing this its a total "getout" for them just gamble and borrow and in the end its the tax payers who foot the bill. They need education after all if you knew the chances of actually "winning" in gambling and you probably do you's know its stacked well and truly against you and in the long run the casinos win. If you dont know this............................?

  20. <br />
    Just what Thailand really needs, &lt;deleted&gt; educating the public after all I dont know a single Thai already in debt??? Talk about getting your policies worked out!!
    <br /><br />Do you really believe it is the role of government to use force (jail, guns) to tell people what is best for them? That is a really repugnant concept, that one person/being (king/government) knows what's best for 60 million people and will use force to push their views on them.<br /><br />And, further to that, do you know one American who isn't in debt? In fact, the great majority of Americans are bankrupt... especially when you add up all the debt owed on municipal, state and federal levels. It works out to about $300,000 per person... so a family of four is in debt to over a million.<br /><br />Yet, you see some thai people who owe $500 to someone and get angry that now their economy is going to increase dramatically because a bunch of tourists are going to want to come to Thailand to play some blackjack?<br /><br />Your thought process is very, very deluded.<br />
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    YES I DO THEY NEED EDUCATING HALF OF THEM HAVENT A CLUE and the other half dont know!!

  21. <br />
    "...director of the...mental hospital, said he [alleged killer] showed signs of having mental problems as the man could easily be provoked and become paranoid."<br /><br />Yeah, lack of sleep for 4 months due to your neighbors' every-night partying, just might push you over the mental brink. <br /><br />Been there, done that up to the point of <i>wanting</i> to knock everyone off! <img src="style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="ph34r.gif" />
    <br />True enough, however, the last time I was living in Phuket was on the edge of a large rubber yard, stupid choice I know, and sure enough every night/morning about 3-4 a.m. we would be woken by the local rubber tappers--what goes around. <br /> I guess he never considerd earplugs--cheaper than a 20,000 baht 9 mm.<br />
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    Ear plugs dont stop you feeling the music ie "BASS" simplest , easiset and probably politest solution failed, he had already asked them. Too many people in this world think they can do what they want when they want and &lt;deleted&gt; everyone else its common in the UK now. All respect for other people has gone out of the window, when I was young I never heard anyone swear now its every other word and all out in public.

    Wife from oop North Thailand says when she was young too it never happened she's horrified how many Thais behave today and she's only in her early 30's.

  22. <br />
    Whats that all about!
    <br />It's about communicating your requirements. You asked them to fix the screen and that's what they did. You should've asked them to repair it so that it worked as new. Then, she might've said "We'll fix the screen first and then see what else is broken." Then you would've known there were more costs to come.<br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    I found this alot here, stop and ask when driving how far to the nearest gas station and youll get "far" or "not far" youve got to be real specific ie how many kilometres or how long in time BY CAR or they may well tell you how far on foot.

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