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Posts posted by siamkiwi

  1. I got Chicco package with seat that also fits to the buggie, handy as you don't need to take the kid out from the seat. Just open the belts and lift the whole thing to the buggie. Propably in the expensive range but should be fairly safe as it is the same sold in US and EU.

    There is also one good web page / online shop. Britbaby? that has ok selection of imported stuff. Pricey but easy to compare the prices online.

    I'm after one that is multiple use. So you can take it out of the car and bub can sleep in it. Money not a problem when it comes to safety and convenience.

  2. Everything is available and before you know it you have bought lots of stuff you dont need or never use. I know i did :)

    Sure some items like car seats you propably can get cheaper outside but is it worth the hassle transporting them by plane.

    Our's was born in Bumrungrad and with all the freebies you get from them your ok for a week or two.

    For first bed you can get something like moses basket with couple of blankets, IMO better than "big" baby bed for the first month or so. Small pack of nappies, basic clothes and few bottles should do it. If your planning to breast feed then a breast pump could come handy if with formula get few more bottles and maybe a bottle sterilizer (if the MIL is not around to boil the bottles).

    And congrats !


    I checked out the pinned forum on seats and sounds like you can get quality cheap enough.

  3. hello mate, congratulations on being a dad for the first time.

    dont worry about finding anything that you may need or want in Thailand it is all here. prices are ok as well except for stuff like good quality buggys and car seats, they are expensive but everything else is very cheap. the Thais manage on very little money so you should be ok.

    I thought the same last year but most things were bought for us by family members and friends.

    good luck


    PS. Like your signature

  4. I'm new to babies and have read on this forum that some things are hard to get, or expensive in LOS.

    I'm probably going to be over concerned being a first time Dad, but want to have the best for the little one.

    I'm back in NZ at the moment and want to know if people with a bit more experience in this department can offer advice on what I could buy here and take back to LOS.

    The first thing that springs to mind is a car seat. In NZ it is against the law to carry a baby in a car without an approved child restraint, and I'm sure most will agree this kind of thing is not taken seriously in LOS. I'm sure my Thai family will have a good laugh at this one, but I'm going to try and educate them.

    Are good child restraints available in LOS and what other things should I be considering.

  5. I always read here something like Thai are bad and foreigners are good, there are a lot of thai very rich more than anyone can think , there are a lot of foreigner who ocme here only for sex,drugs and drinking and many times they hit ladies and fight. Maybe this man is a professional thief in his country and is normal for him to do that , maybe he just try to get back what think he bought , but in the wrong form. I really don't like to read everytime you foreigners are good and all others are bad, why you stay here ?

    I read the forum everyday but i don't like to write because almost all of you are stupid and always answer like " thai ladies are bad " , " she only cheat and get his money"... Why you don't look inside yourself on why you are here ? is better then your country ? If yes is also better if you respect the place where you live now and respect the person. If not why you don't go back to your country ?

    Remember one thing , you go to ATM or Bank to take money and the thai people go to bank to deposit your money, who is clever now ?

    Sometimes instead then speak and offend a population is better shut up...

    Well said. Good on you for speaking your mind.

    Does sound a bit fishy though.

  6. I voted maybe.

    First time I used it, about eight years ago I thought it was great. I travelled from Bangkok to Chiangmai. It is a cultural experience if you've never been to a developing country before. But as the years have gone by the novelty has worn off. First class is a joke, some times second class air smells like the toilet, who knows where they put the inlet duct. Personally I prefer to fly if there's an airport at my destination. Unless I'm paying for everyone, then you get used to the toilet smell after a while.

    We had a bad experience earlier this year. We were in the dining car with the window open when someone threw a bottle at the train. We didn't see it coming, just a hel_l of a bang and then one of our group's face was covered in blood. We had to get of at the next stop and go to the hospital.

    Don't let this put you off the trains. This is the only really bad experience I've had and it's a great way to travell long distances on the cheep, in realative comfort. I will however, never sit next to an open window again.

  7. RENT.

    It seems the only reason that people buy over here is to make ther other half happy. If your gal is happy with you renting, wherever in the kingdom then she be the right gal for you. :)

    I might start a new thread on 'building a house in the villiage'

    I'm hearing ya. It's all that face rubbish. Thai people are obsesed with their social standing and what everyone else thinks.
  8. I want to by a house under my wife's name.

    The problem is her family have a bad habit of using her (our) assets to borrow money from the bank.

    Is there some way I can arrange the ownership so they can't pressure her into mortgaging the house. :)

    Put the house in your name if you can. If you are buying a house already built, then get a usufruct attached to the land title. A bank won't lend against property with a usufruct attached.

    Thanks, will look up insufruct. Is that like a caviate?
  9. If you have problems like that now it means you cannot trust your wife. Why would you buy a house in her name if she does things like that.

    You must have more money than sense.

    I don't really have any probs now. Just dont want to run into any in the future. I just know during the low season they tend to borrow money against property and cars. They are actually pretty generous.

  10. I Agree. Things arn't so cheep here any more. And all the termoil here doesn't seem to affect the strenght of the baht. I can buy some dive gear cheaper retail in NZ than I get it for wholesale in LOS.

    And I also don't want to live like a poor Thai. Alot of the Thais I Know would'nt live in a 2500 pm appartment!

  11. Visiting Krabi in sep/oct just wondering if theres any reggae bar/clubs in Krabi were i could play a set as i'm a reggae dj with a sound called Natural vibes based in Dublin Ireland,and would like to bring down some new tunes and play.thanks in advance for your replys.

    Koh lanta has a few reggae bars, just look for one of the dreadlocked locals. Have you heard of Job Ban Job, He's South Thailands answer to Bob marley.

  12. Hi there,

    Another newbie farmer. I have been looking into buying land for rubber trees or palms. I have found lots of good info on this site regarding rubber trees, but can't find much about palms. I am looking at 20-50 Rai in Trang, Sikao district. Would appriciate any info on yields, returns, how long trees take to mature, how often they are harvested etc etc. Any body want to argue the pros and cons of Rubber verses Palms.


    Hi, i'm also thinking of buying 50 rai in Trang, my wifes family has been offered palm land with electric, water etc for 5,000,000 baht dont know yet what or if there is land title.coming over to Trang in Sept.

    Hi taffy, Does the land have anything on it? ie; palms. Where in trang is it?

  13. Hi there,

    Another newbie farmer. I have been looking into buying land for rubber trees or palms. I have found lots of good info on this site regarding rubber trees, but can't find much about palms. I am looking at 20-50 Rai in Trang, Sikao district. Would appriciate any info on yields, returns, how long trees take to mature, how often they are harvested etc etc. Any body want to argue the pros and cons of Rubber verses Palms.


  14. I'm another Newbie.. But I've read a lot of your posts and will aim not to annoy any of you experienced posters.

    I'm looking at buying 5 rai near Trang for $500,000 baht. Trees are about 9 years old and it's right next to a main road. Is this a good price?

    I've read all the warnings about economies of scale etc. but GF (soon to be wife) wants some land near her family (who are rubber farmers!). We live in NZ and will do for a while yet but would be nice to start accumulating a bit of property in Thailand sooner rather than later.

    Biggest problem I see is that I won't be there to oversee the farm. But, then again should just be able to get the family to work it right?

    Lastly, how much work is involved in maintaining / fertilising a farm this size given the trees are already 9 years old? I.e. How much work is involved beyond harvesting the rubber? I have been led to believe not much but all the posts I've read seem to indicate there's a hel_l of a lot.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated. I'm very serious about purchasing some sort of land in Thailand.

    Regards, byoung2

    Hi mate, Im a kiwi living between trang and NZ. I am also looking at buying some land for rubber or palms. Have done a bit of researce but definitly no expert. 9 years seems to be pretty much the optimum age as far as having reached their potential yield and still having plenty of life left in them. There's plenty of opinion on what kind of yield you can expect but i think trang would be at the high end as it seems to be one of the main rubber growing areas. I've been looking around and that sounds like a pretty good deal, depending on the type of title.

    Good to hear another kiwi in trang. There's an ozzy guy got a bar over the road from the train station, should catch up for a beer one day. Cheers.

  15. Question, if there is a stop sign ahead,that means a vehicle has to stop in any case,or does it matter which side the street comes from?It is a 2way stop,i noticed vehicles what come from the right side never stop,they even honk at me if I go after I was first at the stop sign on the street what comes from the left side.In case everybody has to stop at a stop sign,what is the rule,who can go first,is it like in the USA,who comes first can go first?

    Dude! How long have you been driving in Thailand? Stop signs (depends if you're in Bkk) are optional. The biggest vehicle has the right of way!

  16. I use those ferries alot and haven't had to wait two hours let alone six. There's usually two ferries running nonstop at each crossing.

    I agree wth the duck. I cant see them building any bridges in a hurry. Mind you at the rate the sweeds are taking the place over who knows. Not that I've got anything against sweeds they're some of my best customers. :o

    siamkiwi can you share your tip on how to do it without the long wait?

    Are you going to and fro at particular times? Is the backup heavier to Lanta at a certain time and off Lanta at a certain time?

    As I will be travelling there a little more often, I'd appreciate your insight.

    Thanks, HB

    It's pretty random, but I usually travell to Lanta mid after noon and leave mid morning. I think if you avoid early morning and late afternoon the wait wont be so bad. I'd have to agree with the duck again. If you dont need ya own car catch a ferry and hire a motorbike.

  17. The whole tourist boom is out of controll. It's a vicious circle. The local people want more tourists because its good for bussiness, but the more tourists means more inexperienced people on the reefs, more rubbish, more toilets (and who knows where that goes on some islands). Some resorts even offer fishing trips in national parks! I've even had locals tell me that it doesn't matter because fish move around and more fish will come. It's all about education. How much rubbish do you think gets generated on some of these small islands and how much do you see leaving the island! It goes without saying that all the so called experts are spouting the rubbish that they're getting paid to promote, and relying on the ignorance of the common people to get away with it. Its only when it gets published in english that they get riddiculed.

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