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Posts posted by sysardman

  1. Impressive mobilisation of resources and a 'get the job done!' attitude. I'd be interested to know their strategy for stabilising the large quantity of sand they've used. Anyone keen on riding the first fully laden freight train across in a couple of days?

    Well they may have filled that gigantic hole but I'm almost sure that this landslide has destabilized the structure of the adjacent sections.

    Well you saw where they were digging from on the videos Mike. Just where have they got all that extra sand from? It wasn't brought in by dumper trucks wink.png

    They took it from further down the trackthumbsup.gif

  2. Those responsible for this should also be very careful.

    It's clear that they have choreographed this situation, and it ended the way they wanted it to, but if any of the police find that their face is identifiable on YouTube, those uploading this kind of stuff had better have an exit plan from Thailand...!!

    I agree. They really should be careful .

    But how can you call it a set up? No one forced the police to take the money.

    And they didn't have to offer it either, you can see they clearly planned it instead of waiting to see what the policeman would do, I didn't hear him ask for it. If somebody offers you money do you turn it down?

    Yeah i guess you're right but maybe one would assume the honor of the uniform supersedes the laziness of asking for money.

    Nobody actually knows that he kept the money, he may have handed it in at the end of his shiftwhistling.gif

  3. massive police crack downs on drink drivers, that's one of the most corrupt laws going, it's like in the west they've never proven that it makes any difference to traffic accidents.Same goes for speed cameras!!!!!

    Are you joking?

    I guess you have never had a loved one killed or Injured by a Drunk driver?

    While I agree the speed cameras are used as Revenue generators.

    Getting DUI off the roads most defiantly does reduce the road carnage caused by these selfish and moronic <deleted>.

    You my friend must be the one who is in La land.

    I am guessing your the type of guy who drinks and drives often and pays bribes to the BIB regularly hence you defend this action so gallantly.

    Here we go again with the guesses and accusations - well I never drink and drive and have only paid one fine for not wearing a helmet (just hired bike and was on my way to buy my own helmet cos I didn't want a lice infected hire helmet). And try a bigger font next time - looks like fly crap on my iPad

  4. Well I was in Oz and I saw a police extortion roadblock handing out fines to anybody who just smelled of alcohol. I also didn't claim to support drunk drivers (totally fabricated by you). I just feel the current laws go the wrong way about dealing with it, that's totally different to supporting drunk driving.

    Was this back in 1970s? I've never seen that in 25 years of driving...

    I have plently of breathlizers, and once paid a fine for begin over 0.05 and under 0.08. I could have waited for a blood test as is my right, but I didn't want it to ruin my evening. So I left the car and got a cab, only sensible thing to do. Paid the fine a few weeks later, simple.

    Way back in the heady days of 2000blink.png

  5. ........ show me an honest man that wouldn't have taken the bung!!!!


    Pile of Buffalo S**t. A complete contradiction.

    Honest man who "take the bung" are NOT honest.

    Read the quote brain dead!!!!!

    just repeating for the hard of thinking - And how is it contradicting - an honest man wouldn't have taken a bung - plain simple English. You people are not worth arguing with because you live in cloud cuckoo land!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. What a piece of rubbish video - show me an honest man that wouldn't have taken the bung!!!!

    If you do illegal U-turns in the west you get a hefty fine (a lot more than in the video) and it all goes back into the annual policeman's ball - same,same but differentwink.png

    Sysardman - have you been here too long ? - do you even live here in Thailand at all ? - the majority of the world works on an accountable and taxable system. One aspect of this is to ensure people are not abused by the system. The other aspect is money from traffic offenses goes to system improvements whether those improvements are road repairs, lighting, safety, technological, cameras, new police cars or any of many improvements - all the same the money goes into the system - not the man’s pocket.

    This sort of behavior is exacerbated and perpetuated by the ease in which these BIB's reach out their hand and it greased with baht immediately. I always make them write me a ticket, then they must exchange the ticket with their sergeant (minimum) at the police station. I basically require them to work for the money.

    Your immediately conflicting statement - "show me an honest man that wouldn't have taken the bung" - I bet you call yourself an honest man - right ? - LOL - its quite obvious your eyes see a skewed view of people in general and your interpretation of life as we know it.

    You must be brain dead if you think all the money in fines goes on road improvements etc, where I lived in the UK there were more potholes than craters on the moon. And how is it contradicting - an honest man wouldn't have taken a bung - plain simple English. You people are not worth arguing with because you live in cloud cuckoo land!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I have always partitioned my main drive. I keep the OS and programs on C: and all my files on D: or on other drives.

    I got into this habit after a particularly inconvenient crash left me with out crucial files for my business. Now if C: gets hit by something, I still have my stuff on D. Although these days a I rely on externals for the most part.

    Anyhow I never like having irreplaceable stuff on C:

    OK I'm just trying to hit 700 posts but for my two penneth, having 2 partitions under Windows makes no sense at all. To start, if your disk crashes you will probably lose both anyway. If you are lucky and just need to reinstall the OS then the stupid MS registry makes a nonsense of having a true integrated OS + data system. The partition scheme only works best under Unix/Linux where you can mount a seperate data partition at boot time under /usr or /usr/mnt or whatever you want to call it and the OS is very happy indeed. You can install, re-install or upgrade the OS as many times as you want and if you mount your data partition in the same spot the OS will never complain.

  8. NEVER let a thai person install software, you have no idea what these peoples are installing on your COMPUTER. Hell they could of put a key logger on the dam_n thing before you;d know.

    Additionally beware of:





























    Bulgarian ..... and quite a few more............. they may also put key stroke loggers on your computer .....

    I gave you a like because I'm not British, I'm English and you never got that far (I'm also not a United Kingdomonian either)thumbsup.gif

  9. I don't know if it's quite 50m deep, but definitely not 50cm.



    Picture tells a thousand words, excellent pic.

    The Nation's photo is pretty tame. More descriptive images and video here:





    Note that the original 3 to 10 day estimate has been ammended to "indefinitely."

    As thaibeachlover says, that is NOT a sinkhole! Talk about trying to underplay a situation. We have had 'sinkholes' appear in bangkok 2 m wide and 2 m deep! There is no way that they can fill that in, it would appear that some serious foundations need putting in and a bridge constructing. Perhaps they need to educate locals about the problems caused by deforestation.

    I think you're all making a sinkhole out of a molehole - all they need is level the bottom, knock a load of those massive concrete posts you see them banging into building sites for foundations, a load of rocks for ballast and maybe a bit of concrete and Bob's your uncle (well actually he's my father)thumbsup.gif

    Lazt weak I cudnt sphel Injunear an nar I iz wun. wink.png

  10. Its probably as in my case the agency,school or college is preparing the visa papers/ wp papers ,so any overstay fine will be covered by them.

    Ah yes, that's sounds like the most likely scenario. Thank you.

    All I can say is do your research thoroughly because if you turn up at the border with a big overstay and claim that a friend told you it would be OK, well they might share the joke while you are counting out the readies and getting a nice big red stamp in your passport. All the UK consulates give advice on visas and requirements and will answer questions by phone or email and have good websites.

  11. I credit the BIB to have enough intelligence to stop taking bribes after a few hundred have been caught and fired. At least be a bit less blatant than extortion roadblocks. If bribes were levied instead of fines there may be some merit to the system, but when it evolves to the current level when people are forced to pay a bribe when no offence has been committed..........

    I sincerely hope your support of drunk drivers was said in jest.

    Well I was in Oz and I saw a police extortion roadblock handing out fines to anybody who just smelled of alcohol. I also didn't claim to support drunk drivers (totally fabricated by you). I just feel the current laws go the wrong way about dealing with it, that's totally different to supporting drunk driving.

    Your anecdote sounds like BS. Any body charged with DUI has the right to have a blood test done.

    Learned my BS in OZ mate. I often heard Ozzies call Brits whinging poms because they wanted Oz to be like England. Seems the boot's on the other foot now.

    Also who's to say that person who may have failed a test was going to cause an accident?

  12. What a piece of rubbish video - show me an honest man that wouldn't have taken the bung!!!!

    If you do illegal U-turns in the west you get a hefty fine (a lot more than in the video) and it all goes back into the annual policeman's ball - same,same but differentwink.png

    Those responsible for this should also be very careful.

    It's clear that they have choreographed this situation, and it ended the way they wanted it to, but if any of the police find that their face is identifiable on YouTube, those uploading this kind of stuff had better have an exit plan from Thailand...!!

    I agree. They really should be careful .

    But how can you call it a set up? No one forced the police to take the money.

    And they didn't have to offer it either, you can see they clearly planned it instead of waiting to see what the policeman would do, I didn't hear him ask for it. If somebody offers you money do you turn it down?

  13. What a piece of rubbish video - show me an honest man that wouldn't have taken the bung!!!!

    If you do illegal U-turns in the west you get a hefty fine (a lot more than in the video) and it all goes back into the annual policeman's ball - same,same but differentwink.png

    Fire a few hundred BIB for taking bribes and the country takes a step towards corruption free; condone it and nothing changes.

    BTW Fine levels elsewhere are completely irrelevant

    Fire every officer that takes a bribe and you will have anarchy, this is what makes Thailand Thailand. Why do you want to change it? you want it like Oz - massive police crack downs on drink drivers, that's one of the most corrupt laws going, it's like in the west they've never proven that it makes any difference to traffic accidents.Same goes for speed cameras!!!!!

    I credit the BIB to have enough intelligence to stop taking bribes after a few hundred have been caught and fired. At least be a bit less blatant than extortion roadblocks. If bribes were levied instead of fines there may be some merit to the system, but when it evolves to the current level when people are forced to pay a bribe when no offence has been committed..........

    I sincerely hope your support of drunk drivers was said in jest.

    Well I was in Oz and I saw a police extortion roadblock handing out fines to anybody who just smelled of alcohol. I also didn't claim to support drunk drivers (totally fabricated by you). I just feel the current laws go the wrong way about dealing with it, that's totally different to supporting drunk driving.

  14. Everybody seems happy that they can commit a traffic offense here and get away with it for only a few dollars. What about when you are banged up by a drunk guy who gets off because his bribe or connections allowed it. You're in a hospital paying big bills, potentially crippled for life, and he is back in the bar having a drink.

    Not exactly unique to Thailand

  15. What a piece of rubbish video - show me an honest man that wouldn't have taken the bung!!!!

    If you do illegal U-turns in the west you get a hefty fine (a lot more than in the video) and it all goes back into the annual policeman's ball - same,same but differentwink.png

    Fire a few hundred BIB for taking bribes and the country takes a step towards corruption free; condone it and nothing changes.

    BTW Fine levels elsewhere are completely irrelevant

    Fire every officer that takes a bribe and you will have anarchy, this is what makes Thailand Thailand. Why do you want to change it? you want it like Oz - massive police crack downs on drink drivers, that's one of the most corrupt laws going, it's like in the west they've never proven that it makes any difference to traffic accidents.Same goes for speed cameras!!!!!

  16. Yes I do feel rather sick with guilt about the whole thing. However unfortuately just luring them out and then blocking up the hole wasn't really an option, because various other locals were coming around every day and unblocking it again to feed the dogs - I'm not the only person in the neighbourhood who was concerned about the puppies' welfare. The dogs would have just waited around for feeding time and then gone straight back into the den after it was unblocked, only to be shut inside again the next morning by the grounds staff.

    I'm away from BKK for a good part of each week, so I contacted every animal welfare organization I could find on the web and on Facebook and they all either didn't reply or told me they couldn't help - but now I definitely regret not just capturing them and releasing them at a public park or something.

    But the real blame most firmly lies with the school and the guy wielding the stick - I certainly wasn't the one trying to beat the dogs to death. Anglo Singapore International School Bangkok is an expensive private school and they certainly have the resources to get a couple of stray dogs removed, but for whatever reason they chose not to do so. The charitable explanation would be that the staff member acted of his own accord; the uncharitable explanation would be that Anglo Singapore School instructed their staff member to kill the dogs in the middle of the night when they thought no one would notice.

    I don't suppose you had the foresight to take photos of this beating? even better a video on Youtube would have gone viral. At the moment it's your word against theirs.sad.png

  17. If the purpose here is to genuinely care for the poor dogs, your residence is just across the campus you should simplyapproached the school office staff and bring to their attention about your concern. Anglo is an international school and its staff are professional enough to receive you and address your concern immediately.

    Therefore, your assumption that we received your email and unsurprisingly no response from our part was an imprudent justification for this article to be written in order to draw a crowd to protest as a support to your cause.

    It is equally inhumane to stand by watching those animals and taking such a long way to solve the problem if the real concern is about saving those animals.

    I hope we can both agree that this concern can be resolved in a more diplomatic and effecient way if we work together and seek the assistance of relevant government agency to relocate the poor animals.

    @Elvin we await your response too to these allegations!

  18. Cruelty to animals is terrible, but the title and article appear to be untrue.

    I assume they have libel laws here in Thailand, in most of the world the author and the publisher could be open to legal action. As all has been resolved I would suggest this is deleted.

    A thing that was on my mind is how does Mr/Ms 54321 know that the title and article is untrue - if you are not just a 13 post troll please explain!!!

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