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Posts posted by sysardman

  1. Very sorry but I thought this thread died a death anyway when it started on about racist Korean debates.wai.gif

    Was just joking - if the thread was off topic I'd much rather read stuff about Aberdeen anyway thumbsup.gif

    Besides, I empathised with your lack of sexy chambermaid - surely an upgrade to a hotel suite with that many bells and whistles deserved one smile.png

    No offense taken, it actually brings tears to my eyes, it was a one night stay and here was me with a honeymoon suite and no bride. It's like the christmas present you get - 'no batteries included'.sad.png

    • Like 1
  2. Anyway, just how far off topic is this thread planning to go? I once got an upgrade on the train from London to Aberdeen for £10. rolleyes.gif

    Just to go further off topic because Aberdeen was mentioned, my company sent me there once and the hotel upgraded me to a massive suite with four poster bed, lounge with sofa and armchairs, bathroom with jacuzzi and bidet. Only thing missing was a sexy chambermaidthumbsup.gif Usually my company went for the broom closet size room with a pee-pot under the bed.

  3. Was reading this post and clicked to check my version and next thing I new it was installing 16.0.1 (was on 15) so lets hope it's OK.

    smile.png that was the same scenario for me

    Seems ok after using it for an hour or so anyway

    Normally I select the 'check for updates but let me choose whether to install' option but just checked and somehwere down the line I seem to have reverted to the automatically installsad.png

  4. You don't need to log the user's activities. Probably you will want to consider doing DIY e.g. getting 2nd hand linksys(flashed with 3rd party firmware) and get high gain antennas or alternatively make a chain of linksys with 3rd party firmware.

    Just to state the obvious it would help to draw out a ground plan of where the bungalows are with measurements so you can work out the best coverage from your routers. As another poster says it is quite an easy DIY job if you ask a few questions on this forum.

  5. WOW...I must say havent see any comments from the hang em high brigade...if this was an Iranian, Nigerian etc I am sure they would be out in force, calling for their immediate execution... but all I am seeing is sympathy and excuses for a drug smuggler...who knew exactly what they were doing and they got caught

    Hang 'em high! Satisfied?smile.png

    The ship of fools now boarding at pier 7 - all aboard

  6. Another young desperate going to lose her life to incarceration over drugs. Drugs are the total degeneration of our society here and abroad. The manufacturers should be summarily executed as there will always be people willing to transport it and they care nothing about either them or the end user. This is a form of human trafficking in its own right.

    Tottally agree , I lost my younger brother to a Herion overdose when he was only 21. He was the end result of the trafficking.

    I sympathise for your loss but isn't it a perfect example for legalisation, people only overdose because they are unsure of the quality of the product or whether it's been mixed with drain cleaner or rat poison or any other rubbish added by people who only see dollar signs and not human lives.

    PS One of my pals died of Heroin overdose but not for the above reasons, the guy was happy as a sand boy and could function as well as any Joe Normal but killed himself because of constant harassment from the police. He wasn't a kingpin or drug baron but was a known user and was hounded like a dog.

  7. Hi Nisa, I accept your points and yes I'm an armchair Sherlock Holmeswink.png but it's a known fact that drug smugglers are always intercepted at the destination and not the departure point. People are subject to the same scrutiny at both ends so why do you think this is? basically you are technically not smuggling until you leave the country so it's a better bust at the arrival point - smuggling and possession as opposed to just possession.

    This is not true. Trafficking is generally the charge and this is a charge you can receive walking down the street. The charges that are filed are filed under the country / state laws and not some Global Law. So, if you get caught say in the US leaving for Thailand with a good amount of drugs you are going to face trafficking charges just as you would coming into the US. The same is true for for Thailand. The penalties may be different and the charges called something else but people get busted at airports going in and going out. Bottom line is don't kid yourself, people are busted all the time for smuggling attempting to leave a country ... was fairly common years ago back in Thailand when the country was a big heroin producer and believe a number of books and movies have been made about people who found themselves in such a position. One such story ... http://en.wikipedia..../Sandra_Gregory

    I would be curious if there is some bust on record anywhere in the world where local authorities at an airport discover drugs in a routine search/x-ray of a bag of a passenger and then planted a tracking device in the bag to follow the passenger. I just don't think it has ever happened for numerous reasons.

    Still not convinced by your arguments, I'd say many more are caught arriving than departing. The Gregory case you're quoting was a sour grapes case by somebody snitching and it was hardly a major smuggling case - she was carrying her boyfriends stash.

    As for the planting bugs is clear evidence that despite all the crap about fighting 'war on drugs' they only move when evidence is put under their noses. Investigation is too much hard work and might lead back to the kingpins who are more than likely police chiefs or politicians anyway.

  8. Another young desperate going to lose her life to incarceration over drugs. Drugs are the total degeneration of our society here and abroad. The manufacturers should be summarily executed as there will always be people willing to transport it and they care nothing about either them or the end user. This is a form of human trafficking in its own right.

    "The manufacturers should be summarily executed" I agree wholeheartedly!

    All well and good but they never catch them do they? only the mug mules.

  9. why not let this lady thru then follow her and catch the big guys ?????

    While this does seem like a plausible thing to do, check out the the US DEA fast and furious drama that has played out the last years but even if you were willing to take the heat of some kid od'ing and dying from the drugs not confiscated, you would need to know she was carrying them well before her plane landed and you would have to have undercover officers ready and on call at the airport unless you could find a way to delay this women for hours, without causing suspicion, as they get the man power set up to follow her from the airport whether by taxi or by train or personal vehicle. Then you have to hope that the few minutes you can't see her every move while in a bathroom or at her hotel or whatever that you don't lose track of the drugs because if you do then you will have no case against anybody and very little chance of getting this women to talk. And if the likely didn't go wrong and you found the person she handed the drugs off to, there is little chance he is much more of a player than she is and it is not going to lead to the king pins as the only thing flowing to them is the money.

    In this day and age are you suggesting they couldn't have planted a tracking device while doing a cursory search of her suitcase? A few people here have suggested that the customs must have had an idea she was carrying or are we to believe the Philippines security are that lax. I think 4Kg of ice surely can't have just slipped past.

    Again, they would have had to know she was coming with drugs and despite what posters here may speculate about the Philipines letting people go through their airport with drugs, the article makes no suggestion this happened.

    Hi Nisa, I accept your points and yes I'm an armchair Sherlock Holmeswink.png but it's a known fact that drug smugglers are always intercepted at the destination and not the departure point. People are subject to the same scrutiny at both ends so why do you think this is? basically you are technically not smuggling until you leave the country so it's a better bust at the arrival point - smuggling and possession as opposed to just possession. As for the sting operation that really comes down to police motivation because as I pointed out the technology is there and a bug can be so small that you can't tell me a trained customs officer doing a sham search couldn't plant a device in the womans luggage? just have another officer divert her attention by asking routine questions etc and you could plant an elephant without the suspect knowing - people (even innocents) are very nervous at customs and are not thinking 100%.

    Anyway I believe that the departing airports pass on the intel and the police here are not interested in catching the kingpins but are content with back patting headlines. That's why I think this 'war on drugs' is just another load of political flim-flam and the victims are the public for believing this crap and the desperate drug mules who are pawns in a game.

  10. Well done BIB. Time for the narcotic prevention bureau to do its job -> maximum penalty: death sentence to be set as an example. There is no excuse at all for distribution of such a nasty drug.

    Another one on the hang 'em high bandwagon. The only danger posed by drugs is their prohibition and hence their control passed to unscrupulous gangs and crime lords. By supporting this 'war on drugs' nonsense you are playing right into their hands.

    • Like 1
  11. why not let this lady thru then follow her and catch the big guys ?????

    While this does seem like a plausible thing to do, check out the the US DEA fast and furious drama that has played out the last years but even if you were willing to take the heat of some kid od'ing and dying from the drugs not confiscated, you would need to know she was carrying them well before her plane landed and you would have to have undercover officers ready and on call at the airport unless you could find a way to delay this women for hours, without causing suspicion, as they get the man power set up to follow her from the airport whether by taxi or by train or personal vehicle. Then you have to hope that the few minutes you can't see her every move while in a bathroom or at her hotel or whatever that you don't lose track of the drugs because if you do then you will have no case against anybody and very little chance of getting this women to talk. And if the likely didn't go wrong and you found the person she handed the drugs off to, there is little chance he is much more of a player than she is and it is not going to lead to the king pins as the only thing flowing to them is the money.

    In this day and age are you suggesting they couldn't have planted a tracking device while doing a cursory search of her suitcase? A few people here have suggested that the customs must have had an idea she was carrying or are we to believe the Philippines security are that lax. I think 4Kg of ice surely can't have just slipped past.

  12. People wanna get high. I say let 'em. The war on drugs was lost before it began.

    Legalise all drugs, control the purity and tax them like cigarettes and alcohol.

    Remove the profit for the unscrupulous scumbags who prey on girls like this.

    Good to see that there are sensible people on TV, praise to HardenedSoul, Londoedan, Rubberduck and anybody else supporting legalisation of drugs. To the others who support the 'war on drugs' and the 'war on terror', how many realise that every time you fill up your tank with gas you are either funding terrorists or the brain dead cretins fighting 'the war on terror'. In that one our soldiers are the mules and the king pins Bush and Blair and other politicians line their pockets to the tune of millions. Both the 'war on drugs' and the 'war on terror' are just political crap sold to the gullible that cannot see that better options exist because they are idoctrinated by twaddle.

    • Like 2
  13. Personally I would recommend for any home network to purchase a decent wifi router. DORK has made some great suggestion in another thread on this. For me, I won't buy a router unless it can be flashed with dd-wrt or tomato. All my routers are 80211 b/g since I don't have many devices that use N. If I was in need of a new one I'd get an N one to be prepared for when I start changing my devices over to it.

    Then you only need a basic1 port modem from any ISP and you will put it into bridge mode that will cause the routing function to stop and pass everything straight to your new wifi router that will handle all the NAT routing and WIFI access. The modem will only act as a modem (the way it should).

    I think DORK mentioned that the ASUS are better value for hardware so I will make a note of that when in need of something new. I currency use all linksys/cisco stuff.

    I brought over a linksys wrt-54g-TM from the US that I paid like $20 for. Is an outstanding modem cause it has far more memory than most of the other 54g series routers. I wish I brought over a few more. You can never have too many of these for that price.

    I have to comment on all this rubbish being spouted here, most of us want a no fuss, simple internet connection and yet this poster is talking about a home network and then goes on to quote somebody using an office network. Why add all the complexity for no benefit, please explain.

    The benefit is stability for your home network. If you have only 1 computer then no need for any of it. Most of the home networks we have are more than 1 computer consisting of several devices. If you don't like what I said.. then just move on. Have you even bothered reading the rest of this thread? We are not discussing a simple 1 device internet use here. What more explanation can I give you?

    Well actually I'm the one that has read the thread - where in all this did the OP ask for advice on flashing routers with DD-WRT and tomato? and using his modem/router in bridge mode etc. You guys have turned a simple question into some tech geek forum just to show off that you read IT weekly or something.

  14. Personally I would recommend for any home network to purchase a decent wifi router. DORK has made some great suggestion in another thread on this. For me, I won't buy a router unless it can be flashed with dd-wrt or tomato. All my routers are 80211 b/g since I don't have many devices that use N. If I was in need of a new one I'd get an N one to be prepared for when I start changing my devices over to it.

    Then you only need a basic1 port modem from any ISP and you will put it into bridge mode that will cause the routing function to stop and pass everything straight to your new wifi router that will handle all the NAT routing and WIFI access. The modem will only act as a modem (the way it should).

    I think DORK mentioned that the ASUS are better value for hardware so I will make a note of that when in need of something new. I currency use all linksys/cisco stuff.

    I brought over a linksys wrt-54g-TM from the US that I paid like $20 for. Is an outstanding modem cause it has far more memory than most of the other 54g series routers. I wish I brought over a few more. You can never have too many of these for that price.

    I have to comment on all this rubbish being spouted here, most of us want a no fuss, simple internet connection and yet this poster is talking about a home network and then goes on to quote somebody using an office network. Why add all the complexity for no benefit, please explain.

  15. mmm i didn't know that.

    I already have a Linksys router with DD-WRT so the free modem is enough for me...

    but another question, they using the TOT line or they have they own line?

    right now my home have TOT internet and phone but real we never use the phone (such a very old technology or maybe only for complain when internet not work xD)

    this is the first time that I rented a home for one year so I not have any idea about this services, and really I prefer no IT guys from any companies, with me is enogh xD, I can use the existing LAN network in this home.

    Hi ITGabs, as you didn't include a quote I'm not sure what you don't know, if it's about keeping the router then don't hold me to it because the sales guy (although we warned 3BB there was a farang here ) did not speak any English. My wife translated and she left out my curses about the price of the Wifi router - can get a lot better at IT city for much less money. Anyway she seemed to think he said we can keep it but she sells food, she knows nothing about IT and ISP contracts.

    Hi Sysardman wink.png

    Was about the free modem, and keeping the router, sorry

    But now I have a better idea.

    The unique thing that I still don't know is about the telephone line

    Do they put a new telephone line?

    My girlfriend already call to 3BB she is thai and she haves degree in IT/business with some experience, but she gets very few information all the time, she change the mod with the young, not professional or not farang people, like a very clasist girl, so all the time is disagreeable, not smile and ask very few things xD ...when we travel together the past months I get better prices/places than she speaking my bad thainglish, she only find enemyies in the reception of the hotels :/

    So I prefer to have the big picture by my self and later explain everything to she and she do the rest

    When I signed up for TRUE adsl they came an put in the phone line. I has both TOT and TTT before that and each had their own line. So, I've had 3 phone lines brought to my house. I think the only one I paid for was the first one that I got before I ever signed up for internet.

    just fyi, I think 3BB is re-branded TTT.

    To clarify the situation, if you go for the cheapie 3BB option the router/modem provided is ethernet only. If you are decided on using Wifi then for a few more baht they will provide a Wifi router/modem. No phone line is needed as they will install one as part of any package you sign for.

  16. Anyone find rods less than 2.6mm,

    1.6mm would be ideal.

    You dont get a 1.6mm SMAW eletrode smallest two sizes are 2.5mm and 3.2 mm

    You would have to be getting into GMAW or GTAW type wires for very small diameter

    Just been reading these posts and am in the same position i.e needing 1.6mm coated arc welding rods. Was confused by Soutpeel, are you just saying cannot get in Thailand? back in England can walk in to any welding supplies and buy 1.6mm rods (even Halfords stock them). Anyway if anybody has sourced them in the Chiang Mai area would be grateful for info.

    PS please don't say MIG, TIG, Gas etc, I'm just doing a small job and my neighbour has offered a small arc welder - beggars cannot be chooserssmile.png

    I am referencing Thailand, under AWS classifications for SMAW electrodes there is only one 1/16" (1.6mm) eletrode which is an E6013, all other electrode classes start at 2.3mm diameter...a E6013 is a GP electrode which I imagine would suite what you are trying to do, but the point I am making is even worldwide 1.6mm electrode is a bit of an oddity and the amp range for this type of electrode would very low/narrow...ie one suspects in the order of 25/45 amps.

    Typically the smallest diameter SMAW electrode a professional welder will use is 2.3mm

    Halfords do on-line orders so would suspect it woudl be easier ordering from the UK and getting them sent over, if this is what you want to use

    Thanks for answer, I looked at Halfords and they do packs of 10 for 3.99GBP but don't deliver outside the UK so I think that's a non starter. Just to add to my frustration the guy who loaned me the welder found one 1.6mm electrode in his garage but cannot remember where he bought them from. I did try it on the sheet metal I'm using for my project and it was perfect - nice bead, good penetration and no blow holes at 35amps (got a bit of a sparkler effect because coating was old and probably damp - no ovensad.png ). I tried the 2.6mm electrodes and with me not being a pro welder I found it very easy to blow a hole.

  17. Anyone find rods less than 2.6mm,

    1.6mm would be ideal.

    You dont get a 1.6mm SMAW eletrode smallest two sizes are 2.5mm and 3.2 mm

    You would have to be getting into GMAW or GTAW type wires for very small diameter

    Just been reading these posts and am in the same position i.e needing 1.6mm coated arc welding rods. Was confused by Soutpeel, are you just saying cannot get in Thailand? back in England can walk in to any welding supplies and buy 1.6mm rods (even Halfords stock them). Anyway if anybody has sourced them in the Chiang Mai area would be grateful for info.

    PS please don't say MIG, TIG, Gas etc, I'm just doing a small job and my neighbour has offered a small arc welder - beggars cannot be chooserssmile.png

  18. Hooray for old people!

    Maybe this will set a precedent against age discrimination in other fields.

    I'd rather have a young fit bird serving me coffee if I was honest. But the most important things for me is that they know what they're doing and I'm as safe as possible.

    Hooray for old people!

    Maybe this will set a precedent against age discrimination in other fields.

    I'd rather have a young fit bird serving me coffee if I was honest. But the most important things for me is that they know what they're doing and I'm as safe as possible.

    which still won't happen by the time they are 60..its thai airways we are talking about.

    They may be starting to cut back on safety budgets and might feel that in case of a crash a few old gimmers might be expendable.biggrin.png

    On second thoughts it might be a safety improvement because the pilot and co-pilot might actually spend more time flying the plane than sneaking off for a crafty with the young trolly dollythumbsup.gif

  19. Hooray for old people!

    Maybe this will set a precedent against age discrimination in other fields.

    I'd rather have a young fit bird serving me coffee if I was honest. But the most important things for me is that they know what they're doing and I'm as safe as possible.

    Hooray for old people!

    Maybe this will set a precedent against age discrimination in other fields.

    I'd rather have a young fit bird serving me coffee if I was honest. But the most important things for me is that they know what they're doing and I'm as safe as possible.

    which still won't happen by the time they are 60..its thai airways we are talking about.

    They may be starting to cut back on safety budgets and might feel that in case of a crash a few old gimmers might be expendable.biggrin.png

  20. A tourist visa entry on UK passport is 60 days. If you received 30 days you did not have a visa and received a visa exempt entry. You can visit immigration a day or two prior to expiration and obtain 7 days to exit with a normal extension application costing 1,900 baht or you can exit one day late and pay nothing at an airport but you might get an overstay stay (but that really has no negative consequence).

    For a 1 day overstay they won't put any nasty stamps in your passport. 500Bt fine sounds your cheapest option, they may even let you off but the fine is nothing to worry about. I once miscalculated a visa run and they just took me in the office, took the money and gave me a receipt. That was some time ago and have been back many times since, no problems.

    That's not true, you will get stamp and fine of 500baht.

    I was on ED visa 2 years, im young and was legit student, the report was stamped over my 90 day extension. So I went to immigration a day late because I looked at report date (both are 90days and i always did them at same time ..) . I had to pay 500baht and I got a stamp.

    Maybe varies where you go or possibly they've tighted up recently, I didn't get a stamp in mine and was just issued a receipt. I don't think it will affect future travel to Thailand anyway.

  21. For a 1 day overstay they won't put any nasty stamps in your passport. 500Bt fine sounds your cheapest option, they may even let you off but the fine is nothing to worry about. I once miscalculated a visa run and they just took me in the office, took the money and gave me a receipt. That was some time ago and have been back many times since, no problems.

    That was good for you, but there have been reports by members saying that when leaving from Bangkok airport with a one-day overstay they had to pay no fine but a stamp or handwritten note was put in the passport regarding the overstay. However, this is beside the point. The OP wrote:

    ...I booked my holiday (from UK) for 31...But I don't want any hassle/ have overstay on my passport or risk missing my flight...

    Being told at check-in at the UK airport that they won't give him a boarding pass because he has neither a visa nor a ticket for a flight out of Thailand within 30 days from arrival would be some hassle, I think, and this risk exists. I understand that he has decided to do what is necessary, ie get a single-entry tourist visa, and to try and dissuade him from this course seems counterproductive.

    Well lopburi3 (moderator) said similar and I don't think the check in people would actually count the days for issuing a boarding pass so long as he has a return ticket. Anyway I agree if he wants a totally risk free trip then OK get a single entry visa.

    PS I usually travel on a single ticket and the check in desks don't seem to have a clue about visas until I explain it to them.

  22. A tourist visa entry on UK passport is 60 days. If you received 30 days you did not have a visa and received a visa exempt entry. You can visit immigration a day or two prior to expiration and obtain 7 days to exit with a normal extension application costing 1,900 baht or you can exit one day late and pay nothing at an airport but you might get an overstay stay (but that really has no negative consequence).

    For a 1 day overstay they won't put any nasty stamps in your passport. 500Bt fine sounds your cheapest option, they may even let you off but the fine is nothing to worry about. I once miscalculated a visa run and they just took me in the office, took the money and gave me a receipt. That was some time ago and have been back many times since, no problems.

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