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Posts posted by Fantasteak

  1. A couple of times a month won't hurt you (too much), indeed it'll make a man of you.

    One full English breakfast please with the large cumberland sausage and a pot of tea.

    Indeed. If we took all the advice from "Da Experts" we would be eating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well we would be hungry.

  2. I can't comment on True as I know nothing about there service. However I use the TTanT maxnet 1 meg premier package. Its just over 1100 baht a month. I have used it for 5 months with no problems what so ever. On a speed test it showed very fast speeds to the UK. For torrents it is excellent. It would run the latest episode of Lost at 95kbs until it finished downloading. About an hour in all. Do not be tempted to go for the Indy package! This is for people who want to nothing very fast at all. If you use your own modem with Maxnet you will not have to sign a years contract.

    Good Luck.

  3. Had a rather jolly good whizz back to Blighty on Monday with Thai and on this occasion absolutely NO Complaints.

    Because KW was using on of her upgrades it was fastrack to the lounge (with her mate who is actually No 3 at Suwanna customs.. :D ) for a couple of aperis...G&T plus others......and then to the budgie...bit old but again MPR.....

    Delightful cabin crew combined with a charming and serene ambience (no bliddy kids or chaves ferting about)great food,good selection of flicks,and lashings of champers,cheeky reds and whites (chilled) singha,changs and Heinees as well as a great selection of "apres le repas" liquers...donk....cant remember wot exactly..... :D ..but MPrai....

    Even Heathrow on arrival ...early...didnt/woznt too bad...and the IRIS scanner even worked. :D

    10 minutes through Immi/customs including K wifees 4 suitcases containing most of Thailands food exports for the month of march.....and we were quickly picked up by our pre arranged cab and orf along the M 25 and back in the local for a end of jolly swallow trying not to think about work...next day...

    NOW over 3 quid a pint :D

    All in all..ref the flight...as they say and to repeat.......Smooth as Silk....Luvly jubly.......we wont now be selling our shares .......... :o

    How do you remember any of it? I like a sherbert now and again and again and hic gain, but if I drunk that much I would,nt be able to recall it like that. You sure it was,nt just a drunken dream? :D

  4. I had to book a flight to England with only a few weeks notice. My prefered airline is EVA. Never really had a problem with them. There planes are all fitted with individual TVs and modern seats. I have also flown BA and Quantas which were OK ,but a bit more expensive than EVA.

    EVA were fully booked for what seemed like a month ahead. BA and Quantas were far too expensive. The cheapest flight at the time was Qatar and one of the other ones that do a stopover in the middle east. The price was around 27000 baht one way. Thai were 32000 baht one way. I weighed up the cost of a night in BKK and a stopover in the Middle East and decided to go for Thai air. I went to book at the Thai air office in CM as it is just down the road from where I stay.The price went up to 36000. I went back home to book on the Internet and the price was,,,,,,,,,, 108,000 baht one way economy. What the *&^%. I went back to Thai air and payed the 36000 . Thats almost £600 one way.

    I had a connecting flight from CM with Thai air. The plane from CM to Bkk was a modern plane with

    individual TVs and modern comfy chairs. Not really needed as its only a 1 hour 10 minute flight.

    The Flight from Bkk to London was a 747 and was running on time. On boarding you get a little look at first class. Nice! Turn right and were back in the 90s. What a shocker. I did'nt know that they still had long haul planes like this. No individual TVs. Just one big projector screen and tiny 12inch screens in the aisles. The seats were skinny little things with really old looking upholstery. Oh well its was only 12 hours to go. When I took my seat I was 14 feet away from the 12 inch screen that was hanging from the ceiling inthe Aisle. The large screen was directly to my left so I could only see a glare.

    Now, obviously I have a choice and I made it. It was the wrong one to choose Thai air. Are all there long haul flights like this ? Or did I just get unlucky? Well after speaking to a few people since Ive been back apparently not. They are apparently having alot of financial problems. This may explain why they have not upgraded all there planes.

    I will not book with Thai air for an intl flight again. I will even do a stopover to avoid flying with them. If they were the cheapest, or nearly the cheapest I could understand why the plane was such a crate. They are not!

    Just a little funny bit to finish on. The lady in the sit next to me had requested vegetarian food. The Camp steward said that there was'nt any left. He asked her if she could eat normal food? Priceless! She got a tray of fruit for dinner.


    Why fly Thai International? Well I fly about twice a year from Athens to Bangkok. Thai has a direct flight, about 11 hours each way. There is also a Olympic Airways flight. Thai leaves at 1630 from Athens and arrives at BKK abou 0600 in the morning, The Olympic direct flight leaves early in the morning, about 0900 I believe, which means I can't get there from Crete on time, and I would have to spend a night in Athens if I took the Olympic flight. There is a Gulf Air flight thru Dubai to BKK. It makes you wait for 12 hours in Dubai outbound and about 20 hours on the return leg. I could also fly thru Istambul, Turkey....the total waiting time in Istambul would be almost 30 hours (waiting time going to Bkk and return time added together). The Thai flight from Bkk to Athens leaves BKK at 0025 and arrives in Athens at 0630 the next morning. Therefore I can catch the 1030 flight from Athens to Crete, and still be there in time to work the night shift that day.

    EVA doesn't fly out of Athens. Any other questions?


    If I find myself in Athens I may well fly Thai again. As I fly from London and have lots of choice I will not fly Thai from there.

  5. A very good place to grab a bite to eat and the system is brilliant. The burgers and fries beat Mcdonalds by a mile and the restaurant is clean and does not smell bad. Service is fast. The place is absolutely packed all day, every day.

    Is there something in the air today? You would hope a burger bar did'nt smell. Most places beat Mcdonalds. Where the bloomin eck is it?

    Really is it just me or are there some real dodgy postd today? It is 2nd April.

  6. Quite obviously Baked chicken is better for you than fried chicken. Is it much better when its covered in sweet and sticky bar-bq sauce as these chicken wings( actually drumsticks) are? Not sure they are actually baked in an oven in- store though?

    No real breakdown of the calorie difference between fried and baked and change in trans-fats and all those nasty things that make you fat and die on the toilet. Maybe just another sales gimmick?

    Breaking news- My ex has just logged onto msn and tells me she is feeling sick. I asked her what she has eaten? You guessed- KFC baked chicken wings. What are the chances of that?

    Bon apetit

  7. Interesting that they will be following you everywhere in the shop and getting on your nerves, but when you actually need help they will not have a slightest idea about the product. But the following thing I think is related to the fact that Asian customers actually like to be followed by the shop assistant, because then they feel like little emperors. :o

    Quite true I tried in vain to buy "undercoat" the other day for painting a door the top coat will be off white colour.

    I asked for undercoat and got led to aluminium wood primer and told that was what I needed, really I said so for a cream coloured door a nice dark grey coat of aluminium wood primer will help I asked, puzzled look and then pointed me to a tin of Red oxide primer! Doh!!!! Home pro know nothing.

    I thought that primer color doesn't matter and that primer is only used to create a surface that topcoat paint will adhese to better.

    Of course the primer colour matters. If you are useing a light topcoat you have to use a light primer or your going to have to apply more coats.

  8. It's in the interest of the "öwners" of this country to keep the masses under control: ie, keeping them dumb. Feed them cheap rice so their tummys are full (no need for revolutions) cheap petrol, game shows, soap operas and music, and lots and lots of propaganda which tells them they are the best, the greatest, happiest, luckiest, everythingest race on earth and that their country is the centre of the universe. I can totally understand why Thais think the way the do. Generally they have been brain-washed since birth. They don't know, and don't see the need to know any better. I can completely understand why they think and behave the way that they do. And actually providing the average Thai intends to live and die in Thailand why do they need to change? To some extent I envy them. They feel totally confident in their surroundings "Thai Ruk Thai" and all that stuff. However, for those who do venture outside of Thailand, they find the real world that most can not survive in.

    I am not judging them, it's just my understanding and perception of the situation and environment around me.

    What you said there reminds me of a book I just read. "Stupid white men" Michael Moore. He was describing his fellow countrymen at the time. Not saying its true or anything. Are you Michael Moore? :o

  9. hi guy's,

    i'm belgium 27 years old

    i'm in thailand rayong on the moment on a tourist visa.

    yesterday i went out and purchase my first car in thailand, went to immigrations for the paperwork but the lady behind the counter diden't want to give me the papers i needed.

    she sayd ''you are here on a tourist visa, i will not give you the papers, you can't buy a car here''

    i told her i was sure i could and my thai gf told her to that she know falang buy car on tourist visa but she still refuse to help.

    i did not fight her on the topic because i have to go back there for my extensions so i buy the car on my thai gf name.

    if i go pattaya or bkk would i have more chance to get my papers.

    or can i fight her decision for not giving me the papers i'm sure off i can get.

    or am i so wrong and is she right and can't i buy a car here.

    hope you guy's can help

    grtz dennis

    The thing is with these situations is that one person will tell you you can and another that you can't. This is there experience. I registered a big motorbike on a tourist visa 4 years ago. At the time every farang I knew was telling me I could'nt. Somebody I told this to tried to register a bike and was refused. I am not sure that the people at the government offices know the rules a regs properly? Also if they find out they have been giving you the wrong Info the " Loss of Face" thing may well kick in? How could a Farang know more about this than they do?

    Hope that clears that up for you :o

  10. Personally, I find Thailand a difficult country to spend my money in. No, really. I have a policy of not spending my baht anywhere where I'm pestered, pressurised or cajoled into a transaction, even when it's a bargain and to my detriment. This means I spend 99% of my time looking for the 1% of shops, restaurants etc that leave me to browse in peace. I can't stand the "wellllcome" refrain. I can't stand the "hello sir, how are you" bull. I get fed up with waitresses leaping on you as soon as you even slow to catch a glimpse of a menu. I tire of having a shop assistant hovering on my shoulder as I peruse the goods or waitresses that wait expectantly while I try to find something to eat.

    Am I alone in thinking they'd extract more cash from us if they'd give us a little more space to shop in peace? Or maybe people actually like this level of service and it's an effective strategy?

    Its always been one of the real annoying things about shopping and eating for me. I can actually feel shop assistants standing behind me. It made me feel so uncomfortable. The waiter that hands you the menu and then places his her pen on the pad. Its a loosing battle really. You get frustrated the waiter or assistant get confused and your appetite for food or shopping starts to dissapear.

    For me I eat in regular places or tell the waiter to come back in 5 minutes. The shop assistant takes a hand stop gesture and "I am just looking" instuction. If there feet move within a millisecond of you taking you first step away? You must repeat the same exercise again. If after 3 attempts the penny has'nt dropped you are cleared by air traffic control to scream and foam at the mouth. Best just to leave the shop or learn the Thai for " I am just looking. If i need any help I will call you".

  11. Been using skype in UK and HK with no problems. Since moving here I never get a good connection.... poor audio quality every time with skype to skype and Skype Out. Anyone using skype successfully? I presume it is the poor adsl here. Any advice or should I just forget about it? :o

    Not a very Teci one here but it might help some. If you are typeing messages to someone on skype in CM the messages can often get held up or sometimes they just wont go. If this happens just call the person you are sending the messages to on skype. As soon as you here the ringing tone you can hang up. The messages should then go and it should work properly.

  12. Oh wow...major drug bust...one small bag of weed!!! Looks like personal use quantity to me and I would suspect a pissed-off girlfriend or under paid nite-time companion as the "intelligence" in the English men's case.

    Its an odd amount of weed to be caught with for sure. Dont think there gonna get away with saying its for personal use though. Its almost 2 an half ounces which is alot of spliffs. If they had any scales or small drug bags around them they will be buggered. Probably quite literally when they go to Jail.

    Anyone who is thinking of coming to Thailand and is thinking about having a smoke when you get here should learn from this. Its easy to get carried away with how beautiful and relaxed it is. It can and does all go pear shapped in a second. These two fellas are going to do a long and miserable stretch. Think about what there family must be going through. They were stupid, but boy are they going to pay for there mistake.

    Be careful out there and remember anyone thats dealing in drugs in Thailand will sell you up the river in the blink of an eye when the S*&t hits there fan. Obviously the best thing to do is have a beer and a malboro light and leave it at that.

  13. I had to book a flight to England with only a few weeks notice. My prefered airline is EVA. Never really had a problem with them. There planes are all fitted with individual TVs and modern seats. I have also flown BA and Quantas which were OK ,but a bit more expensive than EVA.

    EVA were fully booked for what seemed like a month ahead. BA and Quantas were far too expensive. The cheapest flight at the time was Qatar and one of the other ones that do a stopover in the middle east. The price was around 27000 baht one way. Thai were 32000 baht one way. I weighed up the cost of a night in BKK and a stopover in the Middle East and decided to go for Thai air. I went to book at the Thai air office in CM as it is just down the road from where I stay.The price went up to 36000. I went back home to book on the Internet and the price was,,,,,,,,,, 108,000 baht one way economy. What the *&^%. I went back to Thai air and payed the 36000 . Thats almost £600 one way.

    I had a connecting flight from CM with Thai air. The plane from CM to Bkk was a modern plane with

    individual TVs and modern comfy chairs. Not really needed as its only a 1 hour 10 minute flight.

    The Flight from Bkk to London was a 747 and was running on time. On boarding you get a little look at first class. Nice! Turn right and were back in the 90s. What a shocker. I did'nt know that they still had long haul planes like this. No individual TVs. Just one big projector screen and tiny 12inch screens in the aisles. The seats were skinny little things with really old looking upholstery. Oh well its was only 12 hours to go. When I took my seat I was 14 feet away from the 12 inch screen that was hanging from the ceiling inthe Aisle. The large screen was directly to my left so I could only see a glare.

    Now, obviously I have a choice and I made it. It was the wrong one to choose Thai air. Are all there long haul flights like this ? Or did I just get unlucky? Well after speaking to a few people since Ive been back apparently not. They are apparently having alot of financial problems. This may explain why they have not upgraded all there planes.

    I will not book with Thai air for an intl flight again. I will even do a stopover to avoid flying with them. If they were the cheapest, or nearly the cheapest I could understand why the plane was such a crate. They are not!

    Just a little funny bit to finish on. The lady in the sit next to me had requested vegetarian food. The Camp steward said that there was'nt any left. He asked her if she could eat normal food? Priceless! She got a tray of fruit for dinner.

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