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Posts posted by Qauvorka

  1. Doesn't seem the OP has replied back to his own post after 4 pages of replies. Maybe he bought the bike then drove into a sinkhole?

    Maybe the OP was looking for an answer to his question with some clarity as I was when reading the topic. But unfortunetly has left me with less direction on the subject, but don't get me wrong because as always the bickering was nothing less than entertaining. SO does anyone know who can organise a good green book for me if buy a bike of TV classifieds?

  2. 3BB do different kind of Packages, the 10 MB advertised will only be for websites that you are visiting within Thailand, International sites will be a slower speed and they will not tell you this unless you ask them

    So what speeds do you actually get after school hours and on weekends? As you said they do offer a business plan I got years ago and gaurantees 3mbs for overseas sites but it costs me 1149 per month which is crap. I went in there to get the cheaper faster service but they told me it would be slower than what I have at peak times and for O/S. What is the truth, what speeds do you get overseas at peak times.

  3. It seems very popular in Thailand to jump from hieghts for both Thai and westerners. 2 days ago I was at the 4th floor roadside of Bkk airport and saw a man not 10 metres away attempt to jump from the railing while arguing with his girl friend. It was a genuine attampt and if not for the quick action of a taxi driver he would have made it. It took 3 Thai guys to hold him from jumping as he had one leg over and another 3 to drag him back to the foot path where he struggled with them and later the police. Love is a powerfull mind altering drug

  4. See: http://www.thaivisa....ts-as-a-father/

    Basically you will have a lawyer file a pettion to the court for you to be recognised as the legal father and the process is set in motion. You and the mother and maybe the child might be interviewed and if all agree, a judge will recognise you and you get a court decision. This you take to the amphur, where the court decision is entered into the records.

    For immigraiton the court decision is important.

    Once again thanks for taking the time to help, cheers

  5. The information is accurate. Consulates have been told to not accpet the birth certtificate only anymore. But some seem to accept an extra note from the mother confirming you are the legal father and taking care of the children.

    Best is to legalize the children through court. That gives much more certainty, also makes you the legal father and opens the way to an extension of stay if you ever need one.

    Thanks for your reply. Excuse my ignorance but how exactly do go about legalizing my chidren through court? What is the process

  6. Sorry to digress but my non o visa just expired and I am a unmarrried father of two children, so you now say I can get this visa anymore?

    You will need proof you are the legal father, in essence go to court and ask to be recognised as the legal father. The might take 2 or 3 months, but then you can also get an extension of stay from immirgaiton.

    If at least of of the children is 6 or 7 years old, you cna try to go to the amphur with the child and mother and claim you are the legal fahter. Then you will be recorded as the legal fahter. For some reason most immigraiton offices will not accept this, but consulates will for a visa.

    The birth certificate alone is not enough. But you can try with a small note from the mother confirming you are the father and are living witht her and taking care of the children. No guarantee on success, but it might work at some consulates.

    I usually send the birth certs of my children one is 5years old and one just turned 1 year old and I also provide evidence of money transfers showing support while I'm overseas working as well as a letter from my partner stating our relationship. Reading this thread says this is no longer available, I cannot find any info of this and would like to know if this is accurate

  7. No reverse thrust. But they feather the props to aid braking.

    Feathering aligns the blades with the airflow to reduce drag and is used in the event of an engine failure on one wing. Fine (flat) pitch would aid braking if reverse pitch was not available.

    Excuse me my bad I'm going to have to change my morning drink. Good to see a educated or resarched answer.

  8. Toyota Australia have just announced 350 job losses at their manufacturing plant here; high Aussie dollar, falling sales. Didn't mention other countries charge 200 % import duties crushing any chance of export. Meanwhile a vehicle produced in Thailand could be exported to Australia with nothing like that kind of duty charged.

    Australia still has alot of natural resources to exploit. Thais have nothing, only their people to rip off from.

    I notice they are creating a USA base there to help protect Australia from China and their desire to rip off your resources.

    Yeh help out of the kindness of thier heartsclap2.gifcheesy.gif

  9. Toyota Australia have just announced 350 job losses at their manufacturing plant here; high Aussie dollar, falling sales. Didn't mention other countries charge 200 % import duties crushing any chance of export. Meanwhile a vehicle produced in Thailand could be exported to Australia with nothing like that kind of duty charged.

    Life is unfair, so what.

    You want same same both ways.

    Oz come to Thailand no need visa. The reverse is not true.

    You still want same same both ways?

    Yes true Australians can have a month holiday in Thailand without visa's

    But they can't get citizenship or even stay without renewing visa's annually

    Yes life is unfair both sides

    Both countries are infested with crocs. You can't trust either it's smile or it's tears.

    Nothingwrong with a good croc steak

  10. Toyota Australia have just announced 350 job losses at their manufacturing plant here; high Aussie dollar, falling sales. Didn't mention other countries charge 200 % import duties crushing any chance of export. Meanwhile a vehicle produced in Thailand could be exported to Australia with nothing like that kind of duty charged.

    Life is unfair, so what.

    You want same same both ways.

    Oz come to Thailand no need visa. The reverse is not true.

    You still want same same both ways?

    Yes true Australians can have a month holiday in Thailand without visa's

    But they can't get citizenship or even stay without renewing visa's annually

    Yes life is unfair both sides

  11. My heart goes out to the family of the poor woman of this heinous crime as dismembering a body is far more a savage act than murder alone.

    And sorry for using your post alone as there are many with the same assumtion that the perpetrator is Thai (this was my first thought too) but hopefully the attorities have a more broad view and not discount farlangs on the island at the time as there are many 200 baht a day backpackers getting by on the island on a cocktail of chemist drugs and sangsom as I have had encounters with them personally.

    how many thais you no with blonde hair and blue eyes!! maybe a katoy haha

    thailand has become a very dangerous place _many people dissapear never to be seen again..... back last year a farang lady in soi boukow was found tied to a tree suffocated,her jeans wrapped around her ankles_used condoms nearby.."police say they can not tell at this stage if sexual acts had taken place---- police are like buffalo--stupid-!! this is a warning to lady tourists who travel to thailand_expecially those alone...dont be fooled into thinking these people are here to help you_you are farang..they just think your a rich tourist visiting a poverty country.

    and will steal what ever they can from you if given the oppertunity.i have seen this at first hand.....they take your kindness as a weakness...thailand has become a graveyard for the farang tourist............with the baht ----again the pound sterling slides to just under 46

    people cannot afford to travel to thailand...when i first started visiting this wonderful country i recieived 72 baht to the £

    thailand will collapse simply because it rely upon tourism_and with these stories of farang ladies being killed_only deter others not to travel.

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