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Everything posted by Larryst

  1. I plan on buying a truck up north. How long is the certificate from immigration good for when buying a truck. Also, any info on buying and any other paperwork needed.
  2. I really think the guy I mentioned posted, made his own problems. Doesn't listen, doesn't take any responsiblity and for the heart problem. He did it himself. By over doseing steroids and testerone shots for years. He will pay in the long run.
  3. Here's the whole story on what happened. The guy had insurance about 2 years. He bought the cheapest plan they had. He then had a motorbike accident last February. Everyone told him most insurance companies won't pay or hardly anything on motorbike accidents. He got mad because they wouldn't pay. I told him to upgrade his policy to a better plan. Instead he switched isurance company for a different plan. 4 months later he went to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital with heart problem. New insurance company told him preexisting condition. Now has to pay out of his own pocket. Knowing him. He will try other companies with out disclosing the heart problem. I told him. He's screwed.
  4. I know a guy that got a policy with a Thai insurance company. They have a 6 months grace period. Where anything comes up is preexisting problem. He had the policy for 4 months and had a heart problem. Went to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital diagnosed with heart problem. Not covered under the policy (preexisting). Can he try other insurance companies in Thailand so he can get covered? Do all insurance check at all hospitals? Or is he not insurable and has to cover hospital bills out of his own pocket?
  5. I was doing a search on the same problem. Vejhani Hospital came up as a excellent hospital for spine problems online. Haven't been there. Have anyone have any responses for this hospital.
  6. Do you get a letter or notice from the retirment desk in immigration. To report 90 days afterwards with a copy of your bank page with your name & balance. I asked before why people using a visa company don't have to. I get no response from the people working at immigration. Do you submit the form or ignore it?
  7. Direct depost to Bangkok Bank at BigC Pattaya. Now moved the branch to Pattaya Klang.
  8. Last month I got a letter from Bangkok Bank. It says to inform me about certain adjustments regarding my deposit account with Bangkok Bank. It says it has come to there attention that I utilize this account for receiving money transfers via electronic system from a US Governmebt Agency (Social Security). According to the terms and conditions governing this service, the account owner is required to appear in person and present their account passbook at any branch to make withdrawals from the savings deposit account. Further more, the account cannot be used to conduct any transactions through ATM service or any other channel, nor can it be deducted for any purpose whatsoever. (money transfers). Starting 27 May 2024. I can only be able to withdraw funds by visiting a bank branch with passbook. I had to open another account with Bangkok Bank so I can use a ATM card and be able to transfer funds. Has anyone else received a letter like this.
  9. I tried the muscle relaxers and pain medicine. Works for awhile, I don't like taking them all the time. Only when the pain is too much. I tried exercises and it helps a little. A few years ago I had the procedure Spinal Stenosis helps to reopen your spinal canal, the channel in your backbone that houses your spinal cord and nerves. That helped great. Except it lasted for 3 weeks and it was back to where it was. After that I took the steroid or cortisone shot and that lasted for over a year. Lately when I get up in the morning is when I get the pain in the lower back and goes away after a few hours of moving around.
  10. My lower back has a problem with my L4 & L5 disks (for years). They are degrading. I had a cortisone shot a few years ago (2nd time) and it relieved the pain for awhile. I checked on line and it says a person should only have 3 shots in his lifetime. Also online, I seen that cortisone shots can also cause blood clots. I had a blood clot about a year ago. Ended up in BPH for 3 weeks. I have been checking on the procedure of OLIF (Oblique Lateral Interbody Fusion). Has anyone tried it here in Thailand. If so, did it work. Which hospital to recommend for spinal repair & estimated cost.
  11. I did my yearly retirement visa last November. I used a combination of direct deposts and money in the bank. I was given a form from immigration. To report 90 days after the visa stamp, a copy of passport page, visa stamp, front page of bank book and last page of bank book. Why do people using a visa company to get a retirement visa. Don't have to report the funds in the bank 90 days after their stamp?
  12. Thanks. I did make a appointment a few weeks ago with Bangkok Hospital Pattaya for a RT-PCR test. I guess I don't need it. They would charge 3,800 baht. I did try calling Delta just to confirm what is needed. Or tried, they put me on hold and said my waiting time is 1 hour 26 minutes to talk to a human.
  13. I plan on going back to the states in a couple weeks. I will transfer from Bangkok to Seoul and then to the U.S. Am I required getting a Covid test. I already have been vacinated (two shots). Do I have to get a PCR and Antigen test.
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