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Posts posted by netkoala

  1. Me too.

    Sorry i am not constructively adding to this thread, but I too would like to hear of a workable large corporate solution, please.

    i.e. Tie the IP phone into the LAN Cisco router, to supply an office full of call operators with calls.

    Link to existing commander call queue system etc.

    Make a 1800 number available.

    Maybe redirects into the PABX for functionality.

    I think there was once a guy on this site that had a product.

    Would like to hear from him again, but also from others that know of competing products.

    Think there were some products that queued messages using MS Exchange, for example. Perhaps a Linux based system? Or suggestions on sticking to PBX solutions and having two phones on a desk , one PSTN and the other VOIP.

  2. Does the black bag allude an object that the seller wanted back again.

    Does the 3 days after checking in allude to zero tolerence by those that are told to look out for small black bags ?

    Sounds like cannabis.

    Is cannabis looked upon with very serious consequences ?

  3. i got it. collect a toll from all farangs coming into Pattaya via a main road.

    say $5 each.

    Money goes to Police for over time.

    Project called "Stop the serial killer"

    If its the cops doing the deed in the first place, then the money goes towards implementing a policy of 2 strikes and your out. 1st strike is a warning if your name is on the donation register.

  4. Relax ozzieman,

    sure getting a bargain is 60% of a holiday and makes travelling to any country a great experience.

    But when you get there you dont always stick to budget and find that the extra is worth it. I you end up blowing extra cash, you will do so wanting it as you go along. No pain. Stop fretting, just do it.

    If it is low season and you were banking on extreme prices and they are not as low as you hoped, bad luck.

    Blame it on inceased oil prices and dont give a second thought to it.

  5. These Police would probably welcome a little overtime.

    I believe they are getting terrible pay anyway.

    Could probably solve it by getting many many eyes and ears over a wide space.

    Bit of organisation and wheel turning, and this thing could be stopped by the people that know how to stop it.

    Businessman clubs may pitch in, parents of deceased, lawyers settling wills, forum readers.

    There has to be some influencial Farangs that know someone that knows someone of influence.

    This last guy was only 12 months there and only because his drivers licence was suspended for F## sake.

  6. Okay thats it, now i am really spooked.

    What is the story here ? Serial killings, unpaid laundry tickets ? Man i know they do a good job with just soap and a board but..........

    On balance of probability, if you live in this 1 km radius and do not do drugs and keep legal with your extra curriculum activities, will you keep breathing ?

    If not what is the ###### apartment block to not go to unless your on a tourist bus driving by ?

    Does this stuff happen in Phuket too ?

    Are tourist police effective in some regions more than others, assuming effective means helping keep the peace ?

    Not that I know squat, but i like to think that if this guys family wanted donations to do something constructive about this, i bet there are alot of people that would help get the police to look into this with a few more resources at their disposal.

    Coming to grips with a jilted girl friend (turned entrepreneur overnight), you gotta figure there were some funny looks exchange over ricebubbles in the morning before it happened.

    But in this case it makes you wonder if some new real estate entrepreneur has cooked up a new get rich quick scheme.

    Could you imagine having to sell your unit to another farang, knowing they did not know the history of the tenancies ? It would bother me.

    How many more will die before this 1 km or this apartment block gets a name that will stick in the minds of the world press ?

    Perhaps i am being niave, perhaps there is more to this, and a consistent motive.

  7. I am wondering how many Farang press turn up for something like this.

    Some people that can converse. Get discussed by business clubs ?

    Getting into a fight could be a convenient excuse.

    Think this was an immigration jail, was it not ?

    This guy was only an overstay, geez.

    So sometimes wrong place and wrong time can see a situation degrade to the extraordinary, but most comments on this thread are apathetic, unquestioning.

    Anybody sure what happened ?

  8. Clearly when i was in high school, thinking how great it would be to one day go and have WILD SEX in asia when i could afford it , other people were thinking something different.

    In fact in NY is seems there were people thinking that when they grew up they would have 4 divorces and amass a personal fortune.

    Gee, ban alcohol, not sex, if anything.

    This story reads like political correctness gone crazy.

    Asia is not like the rest of the world and the rest of the world is boring as C**P.

    Economic prosperity is coming and very real and unstoppable, why does the world have to be vanilla.

    I've heard in Africa they talk to each other, sopmething you never see in NY.

    This travel agency was doing something wrong ?

    Perhaps this is part of a buy American campaign.

    NY does have prostitutes, right ?

    And what about the white women that work as prostitutes in Asia/Japan ?

    Perhaps that is just a personal choice.

    Personal choice and right to make a living ought not be outlawed.

    If NY'ers do not want to marry travellers to Asia, they should start putting marks on doorways as a warning system.

  9. There is a bit more depth to this story



    Lots of red faces

    Seems they missed their man when they had the chance.

    Guess all they needed was a warrant and to go in and find something that sticks.

    Whole lot better than being shot first and ask questions later too.

    Sounds like they did not get all that much.

    Not saying the activities were not serious or not bad, it could have been child porn. But a travel agent getting charged for trafficking does not sound like it will stick (in Farang court) unless they found explicit promotion material.

    All for a good cause though. Dont need that s**t.

    Guarantee the Aust cops will be doing a bit or verballing themselves.

    Seems like diplomatic status just got a whole new meaning.

  10. Well yeah, it you buy low and sell high then Malaysia is looking good.

    Indonesian does not look that great, but then I'm not a fund manager.

    But speaking about buying low, is the FTSE below value now or what ?

    The diff between this and the DJ must be staggering.

    Phillipines is looking quite low.

    Still it is moot that there is a breaking point yet.

    The rise seems to be based on fundamentals, if only currency inflated ego's.

    What was the news that brought these last two dips ?

  11. So if I'm in Bangkok looking for investment or export opp's - then there is no need for a work visa, but if I'm in Bangkok and Asia compiling a list of good investment vehicles or export opp's for a company I work for back home, and I'm getting paid to be there, then I do need a work visa , right ?

    I'm sure there is no intention to rule out my spending money.

    I thought a rule of thumb would be if I were being paid for something.

    Seems that you have to be very careful how you word things if ever asked.

    Your suggesting that you should never connect your wages to your presence.

    I believe there are alot of business men that use Bangkok as a base for travelling in Asia, that is why airfares are good too - visaversa.

    I guess being in transit is a safe way to word it. Discussing potential business is another.


  12. Some asian EW series available - see moneycentral.msn.com

    These iShares are exchange-traded funds that look like an index fund but trade like stocks

    The MSCI iShares are country-specific funds indexed to the MSCI index for that country and traded on the American Stock Exchange

    Greece, Indonesia, Thailand, Portugal, Turkey soon or already with Japan already

    Other typical ETF's are QQQ, SPY, EWJ, DIA, IWM, see complete list at http://www.amex.com/ and select 'more'

    You could try trading ^THDOWD and ^THDOW and (see yahoo) where there is also the ^SETI - probably a good arbitrage opportunity here.

    Generally things are a bit limited for Thailand, until the iShare comes on line at AMEX.

    see http://sg.biz.yahoo.com/i/ and conclude that Singapore is Thailands worst friend, and http://sg.finance.yahoo.com/l

    You gotta conclude that since international investors cannot see the exchange as well as Singapore, that any rise is a potential bubble and at the mercy of surrounding markets.

    But consider you can trade HK, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore,Tiawan as index funds that are setup and seeking investment.

  13. Don't know but Wealth-lab is what is needed to do it properly

    Free web updates using Yahoo Finance

    ^SET50 SET 50 INDEX (The Stock Exchange of Thailand) Thailand

    ^SETI THAILAND SET (The Stock Exchange of Thailand) Thailand

    kick arse language.

    I had a look at http://www.set.or.th/set/sectorialindices.do and http://www.settrade.com/login.jsp?txtBrokerId=IPO and used symbol lookup

    but could not see any.

    Thought maybe something on SIMEX. Singapore Exchange (SGX) but could not see any after a short look around.

    Gee it looks poised for a BIG buy on daily but breaking on the weekly.

    Guess you gotta be bullish.

  14. If your a Russian in a speedboat, and you were picked up on a different charge, and a misdemeanour charge of visa violation was rasied against you, and you were on the boat what can you argue.......?

    Actually seriously, when you leave port do you go to the yacht club and sign out ?

    If you arrive at Cambodia by sea, does the fact you never got an exit stamp disallow you from getting an entry stamp to LOS.

    Actually guess THAT scenario it is pretty self descriptive.

    But generally what are the rules ? Good for a few extra days leeway ? Maybe a real pain. Perhaps good if you do not need to pay late fee, but bad for late fee because you are better going to airport for that. ???

  15. Was looking for the other season .......

    perhaps ..................

    Jun-sept = wet

    October -Jan can be cool , although posts here suggest DEC JAN is cold at night.

    Think it was said that April is good.

    So Oct Nov looks good and cool and mar-Apr-may-jun looks good and hot.

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