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Posts posted by shroomer

  1. Hello all. I want to drive my car into Laos and am looking for car insurance to cover the trip- my insurance company does not do it and I am having trouble finding a company which does. Any suggestions?

  2. Zeid, I own an ultralight there, not the airstrip.

    Dustoff, Prayote is still flying there, he owns the operation. He builds his own trikes, calls them aerocruise. The wings are aeros from Rusia and mostly the engines are verner 133M 4 strokes- that is what I fly. He is experimenting with various 4 strokes at the moment, he always has something going on. Attached is a picture of the type of trike he builds.


  3. I own an ultralight at the same airstrip near Doi saket where the original poster flew from, have been there for a few years. The group of guys who work there are great, a very decent straightforward group. The cost to keep an ultralight there is 10000 baht a year, but you would need to build your own hanger, not so expensive if shared between a couple of guys. I think the cost of lessons is about 50000 baht, but am not so sure on that. A new ultralight with a 4 stroke engine is about a million baht, but you can pick up decent second hand machines with rotax engines for half that or less.

    Someone mentioned a guy called Nimit earlier- he no longer flies in Chiang Mai. I have never met the guy, but have heard more than one story about his business dealing's / otherewise which I am not going to go into here- suffice it to say he is not a very savoury character.

  4. There are quite a few guys who do the same as John, mainly offshore workers who enter the country for 28 days at a time, then leave again for the same period- I am one of them.

    Where is the confusion? The visa's are not consecutive tourist visa's as they are not just border runs, and income is earned outside the country. There is no real advantage in a non immigrant visa unless you find yourself in the country for a longet period between contracts, due to illnes etc.

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