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Everything posted by brianlg

  1. Here in AUSTRALIA the unbroken YELLOW line means "NO STOPPING" and "NO PARKING" !!! I guess in TH they use WHITE for the same purpose ???
  2. I have worked as a International Volunteer at the TECC [Thailand Elephant Conservation Center] near Lampang since 2003 and have great respect for these animals AND their Mahout handlers [mostly 1 man/1 elephant for life]. I have seen several minor "incidents" during this time BUT nothing of this significance in my experience. I am very surprised that the elephant threw off his mahout in such a manner BUT I am guessing that this particular mahout MAY have been ill-treating/abusing his charge over an extended period of time [which is also unusual in my experience with elephants BOTH African and Asian in both circuses and zoos]. That person usually comes to a very sticky end at the hands of the abused animal [ALSO witnessed by me on more than 1 occasion]. It is ALSO possible that the animal in question was in MUSTH [an hormone "imbalance" which can be alleviated by a change in the animal's diet discovered after many years of study by TECC staff]. IF this was the case then this animal should have been taken to the forest [for a rest period of several days or weeks] AND DEFINITELY NOT have been used for any tourist riding experience !!! DOH!!! I have worked with elephants "on and off' from when I was 10 years old [I am now almost 72yo] AND have never experienced an injury of any kind. The elephants I have been fortunate to work with over many years are some of my best [and most loyal] friends ... SADLY many of them have now "left" us ; including most recently "TRICIA" from Perth Zoo in AU ... The unfortunate couple have my best wishes for a speedy and long-term recovery ...
  3. They may have implanted a "conscience" and/or given him a "spine" ???
  4. 18000 units .... MUST be a big $$$ market for them ... otherwise why take the risk ???
  5. It would appear to be [from my recently somewhat limited modern engineering knowledge] part of the outer shell of a carbon-fibre material deep-sea submersible [possibly manned OR not]. Certainly not part of any known aircraft type ...
  6. They should ALSO start "checking" ALL guarantors "credentials" [ie: their ability to pay any debt] income/assets/property etal PRIOR to issuing any type of finance to other individuals and/or family members !!!
  7. NOT A GOOD IDEA in a flood prone area !!! "BIG BANG" Theory on first flood ???
  8. Try GEM GALLERY ... Not sure of address BUT they are nationwide sales/custom-made/gemologists etal. Haven't been to PATTAYA recently but think they are near edge of town. They do excellent work!!!
  9. I believe it may have been 6 Typhoons over the China Sea in some 3-4 weeks in that year ! ALL the five main northern TH rivers [which merge at NAKHON SAWAN] were in full flood. I was there when the then earthen levee walls collapsed under the sheer weight of water AND Nakhon Sawan CBD was inundated with floodwaters more than chest deep [in central NS ... much deeper elsewhere]. I was assisting in the flood rescue near Big C up to my chest in floodwater ... The new ALL CONCRETE levee walls built since that disaster should help prevent this from ever happening again in NS ... BUT who knows for sure ??? I believe the floodwaters covered some 70000 sq km AND sat there for 3 months !!! [Water as far as the eye could see] ...
  10. Just sent donation from my SCB Account in TH ... GOOD LUCK "JAA" with your University ambitions from Kuhn BRIAN in Australia ... I have volunteered in TH for the past 22 years and have a Thai family in Nakhon Sawan past 10 years ... Currently "stuck" at home in Australia due to ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and travel restrictions. Khop kuhn ma kup
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