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Posts posted by Datsun240Z

  1. This about sums up the Thai government and how they treat their citizens and own people.

    Well I assume the boy wants to remain in Thailand so he can study and work here in the future. What he should do is get a Burmese passport. Stay in Thailand but represent Burma in this competition. Hopefully he would win, and no longer would he be a threat to national security; he would just be a threat to national embarrassment.

    For me, it's not about where your parents are from, or even where you are born. It's about where you are raised that defines your nationality the most. But who knows? Maybe if Burma decide to come in and batter Thailand for the millionth time, he would be fighting for the Burmese. You really have to be careful you know!

    And not a dam_n thing we can do about it! TIT

  2. The last time I checked Sweden was not in the Eurozone.

    Can't you read :) Who was talking Eurozone ?

    "Sweden, Norway Will Outperform Euro Area" Euro Area means: € area.

    Sweden belongs to the European Union and the only difference is that they have their Kroner currency instead the Euro.


    Yes, I can read, and in Wikipedia it says that Eurozone and Euro Area are same same.

    If you wish to be pedantic, Kroner are used in Norway.

    However, you seemed to have missed the point I was trying to make, because you have since added a long post about the UK (sterling and not euro) and another post about a Rembrandt painting.

    As you started this thread, one assumes you have some interest in the topic. Perhaps this gives you some licence to wander hopelesly back and forth. Even tho' Rembrandt was from Europe, I don't think he ever saw a euro. However, you added the phrase ''mea culpa'' when you realised. Hitting the delete button, would have been a better solution, and saved many of us from wasting brain cells on absolute drivel.

    Is it ok for me to finish with some pre-euro latin also?

    Quod erat demonstrandum (Q.E.D. , but then why use 3 letters when 21 will fit on the page ?)

    p.s. It's a lovely day here on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand. Time for my swim. :D

    Nope, The Dutch old Coin: De Gulden.


  3. Some quotes from todays Bkk Post:

    - Chatuporn Prompan, another UDD leader, brushed aside reports red shirt leaders postponed the protest because the number of demonstrators joining the rally was not large enough.

    - "The government imposed the heightened security measure to maintain order and prevent violence, not to bar the rally or stop the protesting," said the prime minister.

    - Pongthep Thepkanchana, Thaksin's adviser, said the government should revoke use of the ISA in Dusit district right away. The ISA should only be enforced when an irregular situation had already occurred, not when somebody planned to hold a rally, he added.

    - "On Sept 19, the three-year anniversary of the coup which toppled the Thaksin Shinawatra government, we will not retreat again but will stand and fight" said Natthawut Saikua, another leader.



    Following the insanity of Yellow airport closures and Red-riots, another Songkran type upheaval splashed all over world news headlines would absolutely bury Thailand. Also destroy any hopes for even a modest high-season and derail Thailand's emergence from recession. The 'colour' of the 'winner' would hardly matter in that case, Thailand would ultimately lose. :)

    ...the very little confidence some tourists still have in this country! If the "high season" fails it will turn into an economic earthquake with the magnitude of a thermonuclear bomb! And from that Thailand will not recover!

    Well we could say " let the Thais fix Thailand ", but would they really fix it or destroy it? Making it Burma with powerlines? A Thai is a Thai, they don't like outside critics.....

  4. Not sure if this thread is still valid. It sure is long.

    You indicate that 'Red' and 'yellow' are simplistic and shallow in defining the political divide, and then you tell me that I am committing the same error by defining the political divide as "pro-democracy' vs. 'anti-democracy'

    At least Brahmburger, I place the two sides into a political context. You must agree that group affinity colors say nothing.

    My point, that is exactly what the anti-democracy people want - to say nothing. They dont want the international community, or anyone else for that matter, to think there is a struggle for democracy in Thailand.

    You will notice they have low-keyed the 70-30 concept completely. As long as people focus on colors, and not 70-30 vs. one-person-one-vote electoral politics, gives them the space to strategize toward their goals.

    So Brahmburger, how would you, or others on this board identify this political divide......The elite vs. the egalitarian, the paternalistic vs. the electoral?

    Any sincere attempt at defining the political divide into a political context would be great for future discussions. Anything to get away from hiding political realities behind simplistic and shallow color descriptors would be an improvement.

    As long as one can avoid diverting into anti-Thaksin hatred diatribes that is the only political commentary many on this board are capable of, it would be nice to reach some sort of consensus on defining terminology.

    My contribution is the pro-democracy movement-PDM (in favor of one-person-one-vote elections) VS. the anti-democracy movement-ADM (the advocates of a paternalistic 70-30 concept). That may not be a perfect dichotomy, but I think it comes close.

    Just to get this clear Maiya, if you ask any red-shirted farmer, (which most of them are) what is so great about Thaksin, you'll see the answer will mostly be something like : He cared about, us! How? He gave us money!

    So there you have your "struggle for democracy", people simply fell for the populism of 1 million per Moo Ban, 30 Baht Health care skeem (scam), aso. The main thing is the million, they want this million more than everything else, democracy, come on, who gives a dam_n? :D

    Thankfully people are too uneducated, and ignorant to realise that this money didn't come out of the pocket of their "beloved PM" but out of their own pockets. So all in all it's just populism, which the less educated and political-economical knowlegeable people fall for so easy.

    There are endless examples how he was acting smart to win over people by spending money, which was not there. Otherwise he wouldn't have been in such a hurry privatising the hel_l out of thailand. And there we come again to the point that some educated people around realised, that without stopping him at that point, half of the country would be in foreign hands. and I'm not talking about hotels in phuket, I'm talking about railways, TOT, electricity board, and many more.

    I know some years have passed, but don't forget why people where digusted at the time. He was selling out his own country! (to make the poor farmers that wouldn't know what was going on in the first place, think he is throwing around millions out of generosity)

    Get real! Most people in this whole pro-democracy movement, don't give much about democracy but they love their "elected PM" for the money, he seems to have so much of!

    Maybe soon it will be "nung phet do moobaan" (one diamond per village) :) sounds good and would come cheaper!

    Ow wait, isn't that in every " Democratic Modernized Country " the case? The get protection and safety, you need to pay TAX. :D

  5. Pretend you are broke then if she stays with you she really loves you. :D

    Excellent advise. If she is not willing to stay with you in a rented place - even infested with cockroaches - dump her and find another one.

    A poster above said 'My home is my castle'. Not in this country. Your money (what is left of it), your feet and your passport is the only things you can trust.

    :) well said gentleman

  6. Here's a man, Turner, with an impossible job.


    Large parts of the City have grown too big and need to be cut down to size, if necessary by imposing new taxes, according to the chairman of the Financial Services Authority.

    Lord Turner of Ecchinswell, an influential figure in the reform of banking rules in London and beyond, said that the City had grown "beyond a socially reasonable size", accounting for too much of national output and sucking in too many of Britain's brightest graduates.

    "I think some of it is socially useless activity," he said, adding that the financial sector had "swollen beyond its socially useful size" and seemed to make excessively large profits.

    "Socially Useless Activity" - nice one coming from a Government body.

    Anyway, he is banging his head against the wall.


    Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), which is 70 per cent-owned by the British taxpayer, has awarded a bonus worth £2.3 million to a new executive including £1 million just to stay with the company for two years.


    It emerged last week that RBS had spent more than £10 million on hiring two bankers. Antonio Polverino, a star banker from Merrill Lynch, is on a £7 million one-year package while the bank's new finance director, Bruce Van Saun, is joining from Bank of New York Mellon next month on a multimillion-pound salary.

    I wonder what Antonio can produce for his 7,000,000 Quid, or 20,000 Quid every day?

    Bernanke lives on a moderate USD 200,000 and King scrapes by with just 300,000 Quid, and they are running the Central Banks.

    Suddenly a thought strikes me, could this be why the economies are in the crapper, down the plug 'ole?


    Why on earth is Merv farting around in London on a pittance when he could be earning TWENTY times his salary running a single bank? Why is Ben trudging around with all the earache for just USD 500 per day (Jeeze, that's only 15,000 Baht/day) ? Maybe they just can't get a decent job offer? I wonder why?

    More crap to come.

  7. Hey look I can cut, now I'm a doctor lol. Seriously. As with everything, Thai's pretend they know, but really they do not. It's more face to the outside, but eventually it's the quality of the lessons and the system that counts. I don't need a hot chick to teach me english, better a fat old mom, as long as the quality is there...

  8. Engineer Mr. Uwe Keienburg worked with/for Vinci Consulting Co., Ltd. - Thailand.

    Vinci Consulting seems to be a respectable engineering/infrastructure and consulting company in Thailand:


    i don't know if the look of that website makes vinci consulting to a "respectable engineering/infrastructure and consulting company". there is a lack references of sucessful projects in the past.

    if i check the whois of vinciconsulting, i come to the healthmedasia.com adress. it's long gone, but few bits are on archive org. web.archive.org/web/*/healthmedasia.com

    check this for example: web.archive.org/web/20040903095029/healthmedasia.com/introduction.htm

    that looks like an odd business concept.

    why is it so unbelievable that people commit suicide? it's a sad thing, but it happen.

    the detonation cord looks like a leaveless twig to me. or some other piece of string.

    maybe he just made some small installation that the grenade hangs in the air and he have his hands free for a last prayer. or constructed somekind of a booby-trap, to be triggered by himself and explode behind his back. he could had fixed the grenade and the trigger with 2 different strings and when he moved forward the trigger got released. did some ritual or last meditation, before he felt ready to go and make his last step forward and it made just a click noise behind his back.

    psychologically maybe an easier process than hold the grenade in your own hand and face it for your last few seconds.

    As an answer to your first sentence: Mr. Keienburg worked for 2 respectable VERY LARGE companies in Thailand ( 1 from the USA and 1 from Italy/Thailand) and a.o. on the construction of the pavement on Suvarnabhumi airport:


    Of course that doesn't say anything but I wrote: "Vinci Consulting seems to be......".

    He was an engineer and not in a shady bar adventure but anybody can end up in problems in Thailand or any other country.

    Your last assumptions are speculative..maybe....maybe.

    If we would only know more.....but to commit suicide on such a strange place, far away from home in a rubber plantation, with a grenade (with detonation material, hard to get) doesn't make sense to most.

    But...who knows ? :)


    There's big money in misery. When there's money, there's competition. The guy paying him usually wins.

  9. How quick people here have labelled

    Most Thais do not want to go/move other country. Thais are not like that. Remember Thai Rak Thai. For them, their country is number 1, and the place they want to live. Family always comes first, and to be abroad and far from family is unberable for most of them. Thais are freezing cold when the temp drop to 25C. Then the foreign food and language.

    So many reasons for them to not want go/live other country.

    This should be printed out for every foreigner who tries to take a Thai girl to his home country, to aviod later sadness.

    Talking from experience there are we Nissan? What later sadness would that be?

    I suspect the girls gb57 mentions are from a certain segment of Thai society, the ones some dumb guys marry and only find out later she has 2 kids in tow she never told him about, and in some cases still has a husband in tow.

    Yes what gb57 says is true, but the opposite is also true, in the past month I have spoken to two Thai women who live abroad, and are happy to do so, so much in fact they have no intention of ever living here again, there main reason for not wanting to come back, family.

    Personally my wife cant wait to leave here, and it wont be sadness she feels when we leave.

    Sure. I've know many Thai woman that live here in NL. But it's like a bridge they have to go over first, before they are more easy minded. In the beginning, it's only fear and panic of wanting to go back to Thailand. Thai are community people.

    Ow and @ Tommy: Congratulations, you signed your life transaction boy :) . Get ready with the gold.

  10. I believe we have been over sanitized in the west.

    Not true. I do get stomach problems when switching to Thai food, this is only because of the hygiene standard, even my TGF got sick when she went back to Thai food. I never use meat that has been out of the fridge. Can't believe you guys actually eat meat, that has been laying there for days..... Like many Thai street vendors style.

    I used to as well, but after being exposed to no doubt dodgy street food my gut can now take anything and am starting to experiment with bbq frog and will at some stage try the insects. BBQ frog is great with beer but I avoid the head its a little to pungent. Same goes with water. The sooner one starts to accidentally swallow tap water the better. Your body will gradually build up resistance to bacteria over time. My water filters expired 12 mths ago but don't bother changing them here in BKK, not sure about quality anywhere else. Cooked meat like chicken In a new fridge I would give 6 days no probs

    Good luck :)

  11. Back when the down turn of the world money problems started i predicted that the Euro would tumble in Value, and the pound would rise again , This was on another site, The problem was that the Euro is heavily subsidized and has been kept at a false value for years , the smaller EU country's cannot sustain putting large amounts of money into the monetary fund , Country's like Ireland , just do not have the vast amount of money needed to keep the Euro at its present value, Time will tell

    you have just qualified for the award certificate "...possesses a wealth of NO idea." :)


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