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Posts posted by Datsun240Z

  1. UOB now officially charge 150 baht and they tell you on the atm machine when you are withdrawing, i have been using UOB for the last few months with my nationwide flex account debit card and not been getting charged, but today i tried 3 UOB atm's (khaosan road, phonyothin soi 19 , and phonyothin 30) and all 3 warned me before i made the withdrawal that i would be charged (just like kasikorn, bangkok bank etc), so i clicked 'cancel', i am not happy that UOB have got on this scandalous band wagon and am seriously hoping AEON and GSB are not doing the same. I dont know of many AEON/GSB atms they only seem to be in malls, big C's etc, so this will be a bit more awkward for me as i already had a few UOB's on my daily routes. so not a happy chappy, I think they may have all decided (AEON and GSB) to join in with the charges now, so it may be time to start just transfering lump sums to my kasikorn thai bank account. Does anyone do this and have any views on it negative or positive? the only negative thing i can think of is that the £ seems to be getting stronger against the baht at the moment so if i transfer say 4 months worth of money tomorrow, i will get todays exchange rate where as if i was using my atm card i would be getting an up to date exchange rate (hopefully better than todays).

    if anyones get any bright ideas/info, please let me know!

    best regards,


    Lol, that's stealing :)

  2. The daily limit, without special authorisation, on most UK ATMs is still £200.00.

    Depends on who you bank with rather than the ATM.

    Don't know about UK, best here in NL, I can easily get 1000 to 1500 euro at a time from the ATM.

    Anyhow, I'm sure the Britt is lying, fake notes don't come out of ATM, they are well checked. He obviously believed the Thai's would fall for the trick, well they do. But NOT at an money exchange point.

  3. Good point Bangla, but she did ask for bht30000 a month. Without actually working for that i think she is taking liberties to say the least.

    For met that would be much too much.. i wish i made 4 times that. But the thing is the moment you start giving girls money you dont know if they stay for you or for the money.

    Indeed. And chill down Rob. No need to attack each other here. :)

    Edit: for me personally, the last thing I want is a girl that thinks money before love and respect for me. That's a harsh thing in LOS, I know.

  4. There are two places on my list where i would like to live if Thailand closed down - Vietnam (just sounds good from what i read about it) or Turkey, I had some wonderful times in Turkey, and the Guys are pretty handsome there too. :D

    Places I would not like to live, its obvious really, the bitterly cold, miserable, expensive UK. No Thanks.

    Turkey, just the thaught makes me :)

  5. I will be going to travel in Thailand for like 2 or 3 months.

    I am working now and saving up money.

    I suggest you bring as much money as you can otherwise you will probably regret it. If you don't drink too much, have little to do with the bar girls and avoid the western food then it will be much cheaper.

    ya all im spending money on is food and accommodation

    anyways ya im going like a month before i turn 18

    the truth is im just a guy who realizes that life is short and im gonna do what i wanna do in life, because when i wake up in the morning its me i gotta take care of

    and its not like my parents are paying for it, im working and saving some money then gonna travel when i get there probably all over asia and see what happens,i wanna help people in life.

    so any insight on cheap places or towns would be appreciated

    Absolutely right, just make sure you don't end up emtpy on money in Thailand.

  6. I've always been an "off the beaten track" guy. I also have an affinity with the sea. In the back of my mind, I have a dream of cheap paradise ocean front property far from the madding crowd somewhere along Burma's coast.

    I know! Impossible now.....but the country might have a change, and if it does, I will get in quick.

    Borneo is another place I would consider.

    Lao's lack of ocean is a deterant for me, although a big river or lake is somewhat of a compensation.

    Fu_ck yeah! :)

  7. After having spent many years together (on and off, as I go back to my home country to work), my GF is asking for a salary, but she tells this is not about business, it is about love! :) I ask her how much? She tells me bar girls can get about 30,000 B, so maybe my salary should be about the same. Of course, she was shy about talking about this at the beginning, because "it is not polite"! I am supposed to be a gentleman! I also must help her parents! I must also help my parents. Is she helping my parents? Is she going to? Nope! I am confused! Should I run?

    Sadly this senario seems to be the norm with Thai girls when they become involved with Farangs.

    Quite honestly, they`re not worth even giving the time of day to and there is a word for women who request money for being a girl friend - prostitution.


    This is what breaks and hurts so many farang hearts..at LOS. Not blaming that girl right away. As said before to the OP, just be carefull, and do what you think is best, not only giving what she wants, if she then says she is no longer your girlfriend, it aint real.

  8. This is one of those posts that gets right to the heart of an issue that seems to really bother alot of ex-pats, who are

    exposed to the corruption here. I have read many of the replies, and there seems to be a sense of resignation. How

    can anything change? Well, it is changing throughout the region. Malaysia, Indonesia, India, and Vietnam are making

    serious efforts to root out the corruption. Officials, CEO's, and people in positions of authority and power are getting

    arrested, and sentenced. Of course, that seems almost impossible here, but I do hope it happens. I guess the aspect that

    is not getting mentioned much, is why Thailand has so little interest in addressing it's staggering level of corruption. Malaysia

    has set up a corruption commission, and is making DAILY arrests of top officials, ministers, local politicians, and businessmen. Indonesia

    has set up a corruption commission, and so far their antigraft commission has achieved a 100-percent conviction rate in 86 cases of bribery

    and graft related to government procurements and budgets. And where is Thailand in all of this. Why aren't men like Newin, and others, who

    are coming up with expensive schemes to line their pockets being arrested, and tried? Why is the CEO of King Power still employed? Why is the

    Police Captain in charge of the airport security, who appears to be involved in the King Power scam, still in his position? Does anyone really think

    there is even a chance that the King Power scheme is not real? That they are arresting only guilty shoplifters? Does all King Power have to do is

    post one video on the internet, of a guilty party, for all of us to let them off the hook? Is that all it takes? Even India is getting actively involved

    in tackling corruption. When was the last time we heard of a government minister, or top official, or corporate CEO being arrested on corruption charges,

    here in Thailand? There was a recent story of jet ski operators in Koh Samui, extorting $1,000's of dollars out of tourists, with the threat of,

    and occasionally acts of violence, right on the beach in front of dozens of tourists, for supposedly getting a scratch on a jet ski. When one tourist

    caught this on video, and presented it to the authorities, the culprits were confronted, and forced to a pay a fine of 1,000 baht! I am sure they

    have not stopped laughing since the incident. Unless Thailand gets serious, and starts introducing fines and jail sentenced that are in proportion

    to the crime, nobody will take them seriously. Thailand will continue to be the laughing stock of the world. They will continue to be considered

    "that 3rd world country with so much promise, that could not do ANYTHING, to help itself". Or, "the country that always shoots itself in the foot".

    Thailand is rapidly approching a point of being way past redemption. If nobody does something truly gutsy or courageous, the time will pass, for

    Thailand to turn things around. History may show Thailand as having achieved it's greatest apex of development in 2000-2005. History may show

    it being all downhill from there. The Thai people nor the Thai government seem to have no realization of how serious things are, and how perilous a

    time this is for the nation. Very, very, very few people here seem to get it. A country can only make so many mistakes before the world leaves it

    behind. Especially when neighbors like Malaysia, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, and others are making so much progress, and trying so hard. This makes

    the lack of effort here seem all the more staggering, and shocking. Someone needs to act. So what if jobs are lost. So what if heads roll. So what if

    people in power are humiliated, and their lives are ruined. So what. It is not too late for Thailand, but the time when it is, is rapidly approaching. Change

    is hard. Progress is difficult. But, not impossible. Thailand is not beyond redemption. There are many good people here who would like to see things

    different. Conviction, with fines of 500,000 baht and up, and jail terms of 5-10 years is a good place to start.

    Nice post. Agree with you. Problem is changing a nations behaviour takes a longgggg time.

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