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  1. Who to trust when you can't trust the Thai lawyers? I feel sorry for Tim; she did nothing wrong.
  2. Why is a university trip allowed (?) to take place but school trips are currently banned?
  3. Except for the top line, that's how it is appearing to me.
  4. Currently using Firefox (to get Youtube with no ads-Origin) but i have the same issue when I use Chrome. Windows 11.
  5. Yesterday, I screen saved this. The link shows /tha. Today, the link is via /ind. Odd.
  6. I will give that e-mail a go. Thx. Being a public holiday today I'm guessing I'll have to wait until tomorrow for a response.
  7. No VPN on. Same issue when I use my son's computer. That link I gave above is the first google hit for "VFS Thailand appointment" search.
  8. If this is in the wrong place I apologize. I've been trying to get an appt. to renew my UK passport. Access to VFS Thailand has been blocked for the last 2 days. https://visa.vfsglobal.com/ind/en/tha/schedule-an-appointment Any help/idea's?
  9. Shopee; Ultrasonic dog deterent, 80 baht. Sorted.... Stops the pack of soi dogs from congregating and barking/howling outside my front gates. No audible sound to wake the neighbours. Flashing torch light and ultrasonic audio and they disappear. Dont know why it took me so many years to get one. I will upgrade to the motion detector models for the gate entrances and keep the handheld device on my motorbike in case of being attacked whilst on the roads. Hope this info can help some of you with similar problems.
  10. Creating content and recieving money for it. Would Thailand view that as work and therefore taxable and requires a work permit? We can all but hope!
  11. Will vendors have to pay VAT as the increase in sales may take many over the VAT threshold? Why would sellers currently under the tax radar join the scheme if they then get a large tax bill as a thank-you?
  12. Yes. BBC iPlayer, ITVX, All4 and My5 (UK) are all suffering from the broken cables. I use Getflix not Perfect Player. The cables to Australia (Ch7/Ch9/Ch10) and New Zealand seem to be fine using Getflix. TVNZ has the catchup Euro 2024 football in good quality.
  13. If your experiencing buffering recently with iPlayer, All4 etc. (Broken Internet cables/Houtis?) I've found TVNZ (English commentary/free to register) with my VPN is working at a much better quality stream than the UK at the moment.
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