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  1. Are you actually suggesting that people should take the coke-fuelled paranoid ramblings of this violent, coercive and controlling thug seriously?
  2. Not necessarily so - and not being treated as such at the moment. Several knives seized after attack on army officer
  3. The passage you quoted in your earlier post is from one contributor and is by no means the majority view - and there's is definitely pushback. Here's what one poster wrote in reply. This post got 25 likes, whereas the post it was replying to got only 4 so it's clear which is the view that more of the contributors on that site favour.
  4. The article explains exactly how it's linked: "many French people prefer to escape the crowds. Families are avoiding the event, purchasing air tickets in advance, and have been travelling to Thailand since July 6, marking the start of the summer break for their children.”
  5. Not so - seven rooms were booked but the seventh person did not check in and was already back in Vietnam before events unfolded, as stated in the other thread on this.
  6. Of course the DOJ will appeal this - Special Counsels have been a standard part of the US legal system for decades and as the Supreme Court stated in relation to the Nixon tapes subpoena, their appointment is wholly consistent with the US Constitution. United States v. Nixon, 418 U.S. 683 (1974) Furthermore, as stated in the article referenced in the OP:
  7. This will be almost certainly be appealed to the 11th circuit, who have aleady reversed Judge Cannon twice. The appointment of special counsels had been settled law for decades. Multiple courts, up to and including the Supreme Court, have upheld their legality in the past. Of course if it gets as far as the current SCOTUS, who knows? What it does mean of course, is that there is absolutely no chance of this case ever getting to court before the Presidential election (not that there was really much chance of that happening anyway).
  8. It's an anonymous post on X from someone claiming to be a police sniper but as far as I can tell, with no confirmation that he is who he claims to be or that the sequence of events he describes, actually took place. Unless of course, you have evidence that you can give us?
  9. Here's a couple. Sorting the Fiction From the Facts About Noncitizen Voting The Perils of Cherry Picking Low Frequency Events in Large Sample Surveys Noncitizens Don’t Illegally Vote in Detectable Numbers
  10. As about half a dozen people have already pointed out, there is no tax on gambling/lottery winnings in the UK so they don't need to move the money to avoid UK taxes.
  11. Based on what data source? Please provide a link for that factual claim.
  12. Not a rumour - his voter registration is a matter of public record. Here's a copy of it.
  13. Here's just a few - and there are many more of them. And incidentally, if Trump claims not to know its authors, his memory must really be going - most of them were in his administration. A look at the Project 2025 plan to reshape government and Trump’s links to its authors Trump disavows Project 2025, but he has long-standing ties to some key architects Trump seeks to disavow 'Project 2025' despite ties to conservative group Trump is trying to distance himself from Project 2025 -- but its architects helped shape his RNC party platform
  14. If by "skitters" you mean mosquitoes then no, they're not. As the article below states: Are Mosquitoes Attracted to Light?
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