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Posts posted by MayBeLater

  1. Is this true all over the world? The powerful and rich try and will still election using force, money or media

    Well yes but I don't think every country is so radically divided into two clear factions, and I don't think every country is seething with the potential of a revolution.

    I reckon the greens in Iran figure that their hopes were stolen so the question is do they have the patience to wait four more years to watch it get stolen AGAIN? I would bet they won't have that patience. Similarly to Thailand, the red faction will not wait for years to push their agenda forcefully again.

    There will not be any revolution in Iran for decades to come, they just had a revolution and revolutions aint flowers that you can pick yearly. Revolutions are extremely exceptional. Furthermore as long as the (former?) bully of the world keeps pestering smaller nations like Iran, North Korea the people in those countries will never ever rise up against their regime. No matter how they may hate their regime, its THEIR regime and not the trigger happy, cultural unsensitive and basicly totally out of touch bully around the corner that will occupy them (in their opinion) as soon as they it has the chance.

    In Thailand there will not be a revolution either, just some violent clashes.

    In the end the traditionalists win, its the tide world is in, democracy fortunately is on the demise (more then half a century too late).

    Some nice and well thought of parallels though. But so many differences that the comparison is not really viable.

  2. The US usage phrase "back in spades" to repeat ad nauseum has NOTHING to with either black people OR garden tools! Words have multiple meanings and grammatical functions. Back in spades simply means a thing will return at a later time in the extreme, in the context of the comment, it meant caucasian tourists would be returning in great numbers during their traditional winter season, it was much more elegant to say back in spades, I would do it again as it is correct, non-offensive usage. I am not going to apologize when there is nothing to apologize about.

    Yes, the word spade when used as a NOUN and referring to people rather than a garden tool is indeed offensive, but I did not do that.

    Hahahha Jingie you really don't get the point, falling of my chair with laughter hahahha, your cute:-)

  3. I know what spades means! But when used in the phrase BACK IN SPADES the word SPADES has a completely different meaning! Jeez!

    And you are wrong BACK IN SPADES is NOT offensive, at least in the US; spades does NOT refer to people when used in that incredibly common usage phrase. It means IN THE EXTREME.

    Jingie, the man was nice to you, just teaching you something. Why you always start shouting when people are nice to you and teach you something your obviously clueless about?

    Jingie, don't be such an angry person, your not in the US anymore, calm down :-) No need to be pumped up anymore.



    India, one of Thailand's key ASEAN trading partners, was highlighted as a "rising star from the Asian market" by the Tourism Authority of Thailand...

    Indian tourists, both private and corporate, are in the fortunate position of being, as the TAT put it, 'ready and able to travel', with the necessary wherewithal and inclination to travel. Furthermore, the Indian public does not seem to have been influenced by the recent negative publicity about Thailand and still regards the country as a prime travel destination.

    Message to TAT big-wigs...India is not a member of ASEAN!

    Translation: We have amazingly found a population of uninformed people who are clueless as to the political strife engulfing our nation and can sell them on the Thailand of 20 years ago. In addition, we think that they want to travel to a country that has very similar cultural background as their own and where many of the businesses are owned by their fellow nationals. Not!

    Hey Jonny, nowhere its written that India is part of Asean, read more carefull. Furthermore you blare out idiotic statements about Indians; being poor etc.. Poor people from Asian countries do not travel, certainly not to Pattaya. Maybe your one of the people that think Pattaya is only for the Northern European, American and Australians, its a different world Jonny, its getting bigger and is not the same as 10 years ago.

  5. Quite sure they have this in front of the entrance of the BIG C (inside the mall that is). They sell several fooditems there that are totally delicious, this one included, if I remember correctly. I think they also sell it inside the BIC C actually.

    Also about 100/150 meters down Pattaya Klang coming from TOPS. Close to the foodcourt.

    Let us know if you found it ok. Curious if its the same.


    P.S. should try Thit Bo Kho in Vietnam, to kill for.

  6. Don't ask people here, you'll never never get a good answer because what one might find appealing the other finds unappealing. Start traveling, explore the country you live in, travel abroad (seriously Thailand aint all that) to Lao, Cambodia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar. One day you will find a place you like and stay there. When your 'known' again you can continue your travel. Aint that the reason why you left home? For Freedom.

  7. This country is changing rapidly and not for the better imho, but Pattaya is doing just fine, and once the economic winds blow favourably again all will be fine again, money-wise that is. For the rest Thailand is rapidly becoming a shithole ;-)


    Frankly, MBL, that can be said about the entire world today! :)


  8. so I take it from your posts that you will be leaving us soon?

    I have spoken to a number of people who live in Pattaya and would dearly love to uproots and leave, not all I must stress, but they say because they cannot sell their properties they cannot afford to do so.

    Silly to buy property abroad unless your totally commited to the place, which none will ever be. Stay mobile.

    Pattaya changing. Yes it does, generally for the better in my opinion. Compared to 10 years ago the city is much more modern (personally I hate 'modernity', reason why I hate to stay for a long time there).

    Now not only sexpats and sextourists stay in Pattaya but also couples, Asian holiday makers, Russians etc.. The Pattaya city counsil made a wise decision when they starting expanding to those tourists groups, they diversified.

    Ten years ago Soi Bukhao was nothing, let alone the smaller sois inland, now they are packed with bars, hotels etc.. Pattaya became much bigger in 10 years.

    The downside is that Thai people often aint pleasant anymore, this applies nationwide and not just Pattaya. Many seem to think the farang is stupid (ok many are, granted) with money and should be helped to get rid of it asap. But not just farang are targeted, they don't trust eachother as much as 10 years ago; stealing and lying among themself is rife.

    This country is changing rapidly and not for the better imho, but Pattaya is doing just fine, and once the economic winds blow favourably again all will be fine again, money-wise that is. For the rest Thailand is rapidly becoming a shithole ;-)


  9. Bad luck Jingie. Good you already knew you should always have only small change in accesable places, in this way you minimized your loss. Next time: always hand in pocket on wallet when in crowded places. I have been in a simular situation before, bag on my lap from people I didn't trust, I just moved to bag back and waved with my hand between me and them so they understood I wanted space there. Sometimes its ok to use your 'me no understand Thai culture' attitude, let them loose face.

    I would have been infuriated also, but next time don't even consider going to the police, your in Thailand, a country where the majority of people despise farang, the outcome will seldom satisfy you. Save yourself that anger.

    Good Luck Jingie.


    P.S. That the Baht bus driver didn't make you pay the fare makes me wonder, I have never seen a Thai not asking for his money, never ever.

  10. None of the above.

    Here is my view which none of your choices cover:

    -- Thaksin was an out of control dictator, corrupt, criminal thief, vote buyer, involved as PM in the murder of many innocent Thais, Muslims and related to his so called drug war though pinning him for this does not seem to be a Thai priority.

    -- Thaksin's massive ego threatened _________.

    Something had to be done. Thailand, when it has to do, does coups. There have been so many. It has been the Thai way. Hopefully, this can change someday, but something had to be done.

    So, yes, I supported the coup, because there was no other way to remove the out of control dictator.

    But, after that ... problems.

    The coup government was horrible. They weren't as bad as Thaskin but still horrible and the country went backwards.

    Also, Thaksin would not go quietly into the night which is the expected, accepted proper POLITE Thai way for disgraced ex Thai pols to behave. He wanted power back. At any price. It was reasonable for the coup makers to expect that Thaksin would behave differently, but he didn't, he went postal.

    So I put the blame on Thaksin for tearing this country apart after the coup. The people who did the coup did not realize just what a noxious force of division and destruction Thaksin turned out to be. How could they have known? How could they have predicted he would self destruct this way, destroying himself and severely threatening Thailand. I can't blame them for this miscalculation.

    Thus I can't really say either thing:

    it was worth it

    and I also cannot say

    it was a mistake.

    I can say it is a BLOODY MESS.

    Got to love Jingie and his simplistic views created after finding this country three years ago on the map.


  11. As for these ladys begging with badies, the kids always seem to sleeping??????

    Drugs tend to do that to you. :D

    Huh, you get sleepy from drugs??? Totally not the effect they had (and very occasionally still have) on me, perhaps you should try something else :)

  12. I only give food away, and stay with them untill they have eaten it all. In that way I make sure it fills their stumach and not the stumach of some alpha/male. I also only give to non thai beggars (Burmese and Cambodian) because they are misused already in a bad way by the thai people. Also only to them because they appreciate it way more then some thai low life that despises me because I am only a farang.

  13. ...the current PM is too scraed to hold elections now, as he knows he doesnt have a mandate from the people....

    I disagree, AsiaMB. I think that if an election were to be held right now, the Democrats (with PM Abhisit leading them), would win. Maybe even with a slight majority.

    Then again, what would it solve. The REDS would be out there demonstrating again...on the other hand, if the REDS one, the yellows would be out there demonstrating after the election, so what would be solved, by holding another election right now?

    PM Abhisit, was supported by an open vote in Parliament, to become Prime Minister, after Khun Somchai had to step down.

    I'm not saying, that I support all of PM Abhisit's platforms. I am against privatizations and I oppose the so called "Global Economy", but I do think, that for Thailand right now, he is a Statesman, who can handle himself well internationally and who can hold his own in a debate. If given a chance, in my opionion, he will help Thailand to regain some credibility internationally.

    I thought, that talk about Thaksin would be history by now, but this seems to be an ongoing soap opera. I dont think it will go on forever, though.

    Bringing his family to safety makes sense, but doing it, while asking protesters to bring their children to the Protests, is irresponsilbe and low.

    Some of these protesters, and I'm not talking about the ones who were paid to bolster the numbers there, came there, because they believed, that Thaksin would ride in on his white horse (I guess in Thailand it would be Elephant) and lead them to victory, instead, the coward hides in some other countries, telling them now, to bring their children to the protests. That to me is very wrong.

    Kurt, why do you think Abhisit would win an election? I do not see any sign that backs this statement, thats because it is not true. If there would be another election and Thaksin would be allowed to run for office by the single power that matters (and we all know who that is) he would win again, no doubts at all. And Abhisit knows this, thats the reason why he will not ever allow fresh elections. He also knows the power that matters and the circle surrounding him (military and chinese business elite based in Bkk and the south) will always back him and will use violence to protect him, and in him themselves.

    People here blaming Thaksin for corruption etc.. truly do not understand the nature of this conflict. Yes he was corrupt, as are virtually all people that are someone in Thailand. The nature of this conflict is the will to emancipate of the undereducated poor North and North-Eastern peoples (they themself just use Thaksin for their own gains) against the fear of loosing their grip of power of the educated Bkk based Chinese-Thai business elite (with the middle class) alongside the a mojority of the Southerners. The military backs the rich ones because they profit from them (same as western politicians never interfered with our bankers, after their terms they will be well paid advisors etc..: do not bite the hand you eat from). The military now forms a state within the state with their own businesses etc.. any change in power that treatens to realy shift the (in) balance of power can only worsen their position and for that reason will not be allowed).

    And ofcourse Thaksin uses the poor for his own gains, and the poor do know he does, but why should they care??? They can go to a doctor for 30 Baht, they can get loans, they were someone when Thaksin was in charge, he took them serious (ofcourse just for their votes, but does that matter?) and they could improve their lifes, in short: they had a perspective.

    The unforgiveable error in judgement Thaksin made was to flaunt with his support, to think he was invincible, to think he could break the power(s) that matter (and in that way secure his own powerbase for years to come). Now he pays the price. But to actually believe he was more corrupt then any other Thai is silly and shows an unwillingness/ inability to understand this country.

    Please don't start using words like squarehead, spoiled brats etc.. Using these words just reveal you can not think independently and objective. I do not care for Thaksin, nor for Absihit, and not for Thailand at all (just another country), just don't let your view be blurred by personal feelings of sympathy or antipathy.

    Sorry for my poor english, its quite hard to use the right tone and words when your not a native speaker.


    P.S. Absihit is NOT a statesman, being able to speak english fluently and to be educated at Oxford really doesn't tell anything about your ability to govern a country, atleast he didn't show a single sign of statemanship or did he?

  14. i dont blame them.

    they got samak for a cooking show.

    they could give the children 10 years for blowing their noses if they wanted to

    things are looking to get nasty.

    best to play it safe.


    This is by far the best post untill now, sums it all up.

    Pity most posters here are inept to understand the powerstruggle that is the root cause.

    Go Thaksin.


  15. Pitbulls are legally forbidden to own or breed with in my country, the reason is clear: they are bred for aggression and not for cuddling.

    This lady owned three killer dogs to protect her property. She bought them to maim and kill, she got killed by her three killer dogs. Is it justice? I think so. Same with people owning guns, dont whine when your 3 year old shoots himself or your wife. Don't own something intended to kill. But its sad this lady came to her end no matter what.

  16. I didn't realize from the reviews that it was a low cost, cafeteria style restaurant

    Back off cowboy! I NEVER said Ritz was a cafeteria. I said it was for the most part a SET MENU restaurant, that you SHOULD READ THE BOARD for what they have that night. Yes, that is not a full service restaurant. It is limited. So what? Take it or leave it but don't judge it on a standard it does not pretend to be.

    Here is what I DID say. It is called an analogy. Now you know what an analogy is and also how a SET MENU restaurant operates. Got it now, dude?

    It would be like going to a cafeteria and complaining that they wouldn't do table service.

    Hey jingie, using capitals on the internet is considered yelling/ screaming, its quite impolite. Please just try to accept people can have a different view then yours, your aint that perfect yourself judging your sudden outbursts of total rage.

    Jingting on Pattaya klang just 250 meters down the road from Tops there are about 10 nice Thai eateries, reasonable good food etc.. Cheap so you won't feel the recession that much. I often eat there when I am in Pattaya, but its Thai style, so prepare your belly first.



  17. I wonder how many authentic Thai restaurants there are in Mexico.

    Irrelevant. Indeed probably none that are authentic. There aren't Thai people in Mexico. There are plenty of potential customers for good Mexican food in Thailand. I agree about the salsa issue but am hearing good reports about the Mexico City style salsas at Tacos and Salsa Bangkok. Britmav, what would a Brit know about Mexican food, sorry ...

    Lol, brilliant remark, once again Jingting, just gotta love you.

    What would an American know about Mexican food? Or do you actually believe as an American you have a clue about how real Mexican food tastes like, or do you believe the watered down versions available in the US, like Taco Bell etc.. represent Mexican cuisine.

    Jingting, thx for bringing a smile on my face in the morning :o


  18. Funny ( ) that you actually went to the policestation to give them this information.

    Would you have done this also in your home country? Or would you have politely told them to leave as its none of their business. Surely you would have told them to leave back home, so why didn't you do now? Because your foreign you accept everything?


  19. Hello to everyone!!

    I've just found this site and registered.....i guess my first query has to be,is it possible to live in thailand on the australian disability pension?.....i lead a fairly modest life, nothing too outrageous.

    Any help or advice would be much appreciated



    Can you live from a disability pension in Australia?

    If yes; as far as I know Thailand is way cheaper then Australia.

    Question answered.


    P.S. and ofcourse many people here said it will be hard, just ignore those people, some people seem to loose brains when entering Thailand.

  20. Hi

    Wasn't sure whether to put this in the pet or Chiang Mai forum but I think other CM residents advice will be the most useful.

    Recently my dog got very sick and when I took her to the vets they had to run all these tests and then perform urgent surgery and basically she very nearly died. The vet was very doubtful about her chance of survival and said it was a miracle when she did. They also told me the cause was that she had been kicked by someone. I was shocked. She had only been outside for half an hour for the last two weeks as she was supposed to be resting after heartworm treatment.

    Anyway my dog's treatment finishes tomorrow and then she will be allowed outside as normal again (she actually made a miraculously speedy recovery) and I don't know what to do as I'm terrified something like this will happen again. I feel it is cruel to keep her in the house all day. I can't keep her in the garden as she can easily escape from the garden outside. She likes being able to go out and do what she wants when I'm at work. Is it fair to try and stop her? How can I make sure someone doesn't kick her again? She is a very sweet skinny little thing I don't know how anyone could do this to her.

    Does anyone have any experience of anything like this in your neighbourhood? Any advice would be very welcome.

    Dude next time don't care so much about an animal, you talk about that animal as it is a human, giving it an operation and stuff, madness. Taking care of an animal is normal, you act like its your baby, pathetic.


    If she didn't have that operation she would have died immediately - so I should have just let her die?! You obviously have a different opinion of animals to everyone on this thread - why did you bother to read it.

    I read what I want to read. And if I have a different opinion then 98% is it forbidden to tell what I think? If you want only agreement perhaps you should join a cult? Anyway, I think its pathetic behaviour of treating an animal as a human, giving it an operation and medicins. There is a time of life and there is a time of death. Different mindset we have :-) Anyway still think you talk about that animal as if it is your baby, pathetic.


  21. Are you jealous about it :o

    I'm not a Brit. But I have 2 knee prostheses, therefore can not work, but I'm allowed to spend 3 months a year outside the country. Now I'm retired.

    BTW I don't stay in Pattaya, I never even been there

    So with two knee protheses you are incapable of working? Get a grip, you can work and you know it, your just lazy. Is it that hard to admit you are, I mean your not incapable of typing, so you can work in an office. Its not about you dude, most people would do as you did given the chance, but the chance should not be given. We have bred ba society of 'bread and games'.


  22. Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

    surely this cant be legal?

    I agree with you misterman. Western societies have been pussies for decades about the lazy people claiming they can't work due to perceived incapabilities. Missing legs or arms or whatever you miss doesn't mean you can't work. Lets hope that the current economic crisis can cure us of the weakness that entered our societies in the past decades. All people should work. People that can't work can work. And the tiny handfull of people that are truly incapable (mentally & physically) of working should not be allowed to go to live a foreign country, the handouts they receive should be spent locally and not in wokkiewokkie land. Aha the good times are coming again!


  23. Hi

    Wasn't sure whether to put this in the pet or Chiang Mai forum but I think other CM residents advice will be the most useful.

    Recently my dog got very sick and when I took her to the vets they had to run all these tests and then perform urgent surgery and basically she very nearly died. The vet was very doubtful about her chance of survival and said it was a miracle when she did. They also told me the cause was that she had been kicked by someone. I was shocked. She had only been outside for half an hour for the last two weeks as she was supposed to be resting after heartworm treatment.

    Anyway my dog's treatment finishes tomorrow and then she will be allowed outside as normal again (she actually made a miraculously speedy recovery) and I don't know what to do as I'm terrified something like this will happen again. I feel it is cruel to keep her in the house all day. I can't keep her in the garden as she can easily escape from the garden outside. She likes being able to go out and do what she wants when I'm at work. Is it fair to try and stop her? How can I make sure someone doesn't kick her again? She is a very sweet skinny little thing I don't know how anyone could do this to her.

    Does anyone have any experience of anything like this in your neighbourhood? Any advice would be very welcome.

    Dude next time don't care so much about an animal, you talk about that animal as it is a human, giving it an operation and stuff, madness. Taking care of an animal is normal, you act like its your baby, pathetic.


  24. i love my issan sweetie to bits. but how do i rid ourselves of the freeloaders. its like im a cash machine. any suggestions for businesses they can make lots of money off of.

    im thinking maybe i should go hi so girl. poor ones got lots of problems financially.

    Have you given them cash handouts? If the answer is yes your nothing more then an ATM, never give any people money for nothing.

    You are not responsible for them. Which (smart longterm) actions have they undertaken to lift themself out of their current lifestyle?

    Thats the best idea.


  25. Well well....another thread about the volunteers of pattaya......yawn....6 years and counting!!!

    Some things you need to know:

    FPV's, Foreign Tourist Police Volunteers are based at Soi 9, Pattaya Police Station. They also help at Immigration and with the Highway Police (which I strongly oppose by the way!!!!)

    FTPA's (Foreign Tourist Police Assistants), work mainly on Walking Street, but will often get called in to assist Pattaya Police with cases.

    Niels Colov is the Group Leader of the FPV's

    I (Howard Miller) am the Group Leader of the FTPA's.

    WE ARE COMPLETELY SEPERATE GROUPS.....therefore any complaints should be forwarded to the relevant Group Leader, preferably face-to-face. Comments on this and other forums are ignored and regarded as baseless, especially because most of the posters are anonymous and just enjoy the power a chat forum gives them.

    You can make complaints to me on Walking Street most evenings after 9pm at the Tourist Police Mobile Unit. I will be happy to listen to them, and I will act upon them if they are genuine. I am also happy to explain to anyone face-to-face on Walking Street about what we do and how we have helped thousands of Tourists and ex-pats over the years.

    Thats all from me......HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE!


    Group Leader


    Hello mister Group Leader/GrüppenFührer,

    I saw those volunteers just one time (aint a fan of walking street) and I had to bite on my tongue to not burst out in laughter. At Loy Kratong I saw about 8/10 old bald unintelligent looking wannabe policemen at the beginning of walking street sitting on chairs in the middle of the street. For what you sit in the middle of the street, do you consider yourself that important? I really didn't get the impression you oldies are of any use except for publicity purposes for the Thai. Remember that when people 'yawn' about you boys the yawn does have a meaning.

    Anyway your a GrüppenFührer now, and dam_n it you even got a uniform to impress yourself!


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