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Posts posted by HydeParke

  1. Australian jailed for life in Thailand


    Andrew Hood pleaded guilty to the crime.

    (Reuters: Sukree Sukplang, file photo)

    BANGKOK: -- An Australian man who confessed to trying to smuggle three kilograms of heroin out of Thailand has been sentenced to life in jail.

    Police arrested Andrew Hood, 37, in early December last year as he tried to leave Bangkok airport for Sydney.

    During Hood's trial earlier this month, two police officers gave evidence and showed photographs of a number of packages taped to his stomach and legs.

    The packages contained heroin worth about $500,000.

    When he was first detained, Hood told reporters he attempted to smuggle the drugs for the money.

    Hood's feet were chained as he stood in the court as the verdict was read.

    The judge told him he was due a death sentence, but his confession meant he was given a jail term instead.

    Outside the court Hood told reporters he was disappointed with the life sentence.

    Thai authorities have issued an arrest warrant for the 34-year-old Australian who was with Hood at the time he was arrested, but who escaped.

    -- abc.net.au 2009-08-05

  2. Expats are being stripped out of the management of many companies over here, and naturally they return home.

    Ironically, I completed this survey and remember there are many different versions of expat. Full deal-short secondment, full deal-long term, long term stayers with offshore payments etc etc. The survey was attached to the HSBC offshore banking website, so by definition it has some pretty high earners in it's customers.

    I know of at least 10 pretty senior people with families in Bangkok who have been repatriated, 6 with jobs back home and 4 basically fired and repatriated.

    This is the way it goes. You come overseas and take the benefits and the cash, but it is wise to remember where you come from and make sure the benefits allow you to create something to go back to.

  3. I am a bit puzzled about all of this visa 'stuff'. If you are over 50, you just get a retirement visa, check in every 90 days for free, and renew after one year for 1900 baht....EASY. For you others, don't you work or have a job? I thought most people who are still in the work force get a couple of vacation weeks a year and then back to work, therefore the 30 day FREE visa is enough, and no need for border runs, etc. And, I see no problem with a little criticism where it is due concerning some of the ineptness seen daily here, since it is the ex-pats who provide most of the revenue here.

    I see many who are younger than 50 with a myriad of tatoos and earrings wandering around here and I wonder where they got their money??? If wealthy, they can still get a one year visa, or are they 'running' from something else?

  4. I must be 'asleep at the wheel'??? What is this free crapola? You get a free 30 day upon arrival anyway. I have lived here 10 years and have a retirement visa, but this announcement is as useless as that so-called Thaksin 'special priviledge' card at a million baht or something like that.......what a total rip-off. This country is run by a bunch of Monkeys.......the only problem is that they don't get paid enough bananas and peanuts, and therefore do not get the job done..............getting the baht back up to near 40 to 1 on the dollar would stimulate more spending, me thinks? Would also help exports. The BOT is trying to stay in line with China.........Thailand 'ain't' no China!!! I must have failed 3rd grade math, but doesn't it make more sense that I would be spending around 160,000 per month instead of 120,000 per month, with a weaker baht???? Tum Dee Die Dee, Tum Chua Die Chua.................


    My wife heard on the radio that Sondhi LImthongkul - the founder of the Manager Daily Newspaper, ASTV, and a core leader of the PAD - the People's Alliance for Democracy, was shot, along with his driver.Sondhi is in serious condition : doctor

    Sondhi Limthongkul is in serious condition

    BANGKOK: -- Sondhi Limthongkul is in serious condition after being shot as a bullet hit his left skull. The bullet is still in his skull, causing bleeding inside his brain, Vajira Hospital Director Dr Chaiwun Charoenchoktavee said Friday.

    Doctors are conducting an urgent operation on Sondhi and the operation is expected to finish around noon.

    Sondhi, a core leader of yellow shirts, known also as People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), who seized Bankok airports late last year, has no wounds on his body.

    His driver, Vayupak Mussi, was also seriously wounded from the attack. Doctors said later that he survived and was now in stable condition.

    Meanwhile PAD's spokesman Parnthep Pualpongpan said at least two attackers riding on a pickup blocked Sondhi's vehicle who was on Samsen Road, heading to Manager newspaper office in Banglampoo area early Friday morning.

    The attackers then shot four tyres of Sondhi's vehicle before stepping out of their car and sprayed more bullets on the car. The attack lasted about five minutes and the attackers went back to their pickup which sped away along Tevet Road.

    Police who rushed to the scene found Sondhi's car riddled with bullets and they could collect more than cartridges of AK-16 and rifles from the scene.

    Parnthep said Sondhi was informed of reports that he could possible a target of attack, but he simply ignored the warnings.

    Meanwhile Chamnong Paokorn, 53, a bus driver, said that he was driving his bus past Iamworanut Temple when he saw a blue pickup truck which had no license plate blocked Sondhi's vehicle.

    Then two men on the back of the pickup then opened fires on the vehicle. Then another vehicle sped to the scene and exchanged fires with the attackers who later escaped the scene.

    -- The Nation 2009-04-17

  6. Reds, Yellows, Blues, and probably some Pinks too. All with small minds and big ideas. What a mess this has become. First of all, you have a country with such a low educational standard and requirement, that 200 baht can buy anything concerning a following or vote; next, you have an elite percentage that DO NOT want the "lo-so's" to ever get out of their rice paddy; and an elite that want more more more.........so they can say, "I have more than you do".....GREEDY folks with juvenille minds. When the USA offered to help in the south, they were told, "we have it under control and don't need your help".........I beg your pardon!!! The Thai armed forces couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag, and the "save face" attitude is more important than winning or getting the job done. From what was and still is perceived as the "Land of Smiles" is a dam_n joke and anybody with half a mind knows it. Been here 10 years, own property, and speak the language, so I know something about this country........and it stinks!!! So, you folks out there who blatently patronize everything Thai.....take another good look and pull your head out of........................! I do believe that the SAS and Special Forces could get the south cleaned up in short order, but of course the government leaders of England and the USA have to keep out of it and let the military do what they do, so another VN, Iraq, and middle-east mess is not repeated. This gives me a head ache, so I think I will have a Tiger Beer and calm down. Chohk Dii people!!!! DW Pattaya

  7. I am not sure what planet the 'Penguin' is from, but Thaksin sure as hel_l did not spend one baht of his own money on anything but his own self-interests. I do not have on rose collored glasses by any stretch of the imagination........I call it the way I see it. I am not for the yellows, reds, blues, or pinks, but Thailand is not the land of smiles......that is a facade! This whole episode is like 6 year olds fighting over toys in the sandbox. The Thai schools are a joke; having to pay for uniforms and books is also a dam_n joke; AGAIN, how do you think a 'cop' could become one of the richest men in the country........come on now, be realisitc.....he is a crook and a felon. And, people, please use correct spelling and grammar in these posts.........

  8. Enough is enough!! These people in red make me want to 'puke'. They have IQ's that can be counted on their fingers. When one backs a man who gives them 200 baht and promises them the ability to get government loans, THAT THEY MUST REPAY, you know they qualify for 'DIM-WIT' status. When there was controversy in the USA about the 2000 and 2004 general election, you DID NOT see the people who lost gathering in Washington D.C. and doing what these people in red are doing. Thailand is years off of being a Democratically run country, as greed and power are the only driving factors. Just think how selfish and stupid the previous PM was: 76 billion baht and not one baht DONATED to the good of the country: i.e. donations to schools; hosptials; environment; ad infinitum........if he had done this with no outside urging, he would still be PM. His days are numbered, but he doesn't get it still. Why don't his followers ever question how a policeman can become on of the richest men in the country........it sure wasn't by hard work......other elements were at work...don't kid yourself! I think it is now OK for the police and military to step in with VERY HEAVY HANDS!!!! To the reds: when you play with fire you will get burned....tum dii, die dii, tum chua, dii chua!!!!!

  9. Interesting comments here. Obviously all cannot agree. After ten years of living here, this is my take:

    1. A majority of ex-pats seem to fit into the catagory of trying to 're-invent ' themselves. Have no ties to anyone from whence they came, i.e. high school chums or University chums (if they ever went); sort of like social mis-fits....sad.

    2. Do any of these guys ever look in the mirror? I have never seen such a terrible

    combination of dress....stripes with checks; black socks in sandals that have more straps than one can count; Pants that are not pants, nor shorts, but what we used to call 'pedal pushers' that only women wore.

    3. What is the deal with all of these backpacks? It seems that men are trying to be more like women, with every possible item carried with them....you are not in high school or college! Stores give you bags for purchases.....LOOSE the backpacks!!! Looks stupid.

    4. You live here, learn the language!!! I will not talk to a farang who says they don't have to learn Thai....plain rude!!!

    5. Police are a complete JOKE!!! Avoid them like the plague.

    6. DO NOT suggest that I move, as I have two homes; a wife; a son; and have put one boy thru University; his sister thru high school; other sister thru private girl's school; and son in private English school. Let's just say, I have contributed to this society and the Thai people.

    7. Tatoos and piercings say a lot about a person.............you be the judge.

    phonetically: 'tum dee' die dee', tum chua die chua............learn it and remember it!!!

  10. :o New address: Imam B. Hussein Obama

    The Black House

    Washington, Dark. Country.


    Makes me want to puke!!!!!! The dumbing down of America. Just watch those "freebies" for the lazy, paid for by those who started companies and took the risk, and who will now be paying even more taxes (already pay the most of anyone anyway). The F. Mae and F. Mac fell into a pile of s... because of people like Dodd, Frank, Clinton, etal.........not Bush; do your homework idiots!!! A very 'Black' November!!!

  11. Anyone who thought they would return is living in the dark ages. As for that idiot Pracha, he is just an empty headed puppet.....a complete joke! What honour you twit!!! They gave that up long ago when they fleesed the country. The Thai courts must be in on it too; why only a ฿5,000,000 bail bond? It should have been for the full amount of the scam. I have TS's London address if anyone would like to say "hi". Living here gets worse everyday, but I have 4 kids in school and and two homes.......... can't leave, dam_n it!!! Re-write the Constitution...........why!!! Because they can form it to their present needs, that's why.............Democracy? Are you nuts. The USA has the best Constitution in the world and it has lasted for over 200 years with NO re-write........through 'thick and thin' times; if you need change, copy it.

  12. Two things: those god-awful pants that aren't shorts and aren't pants.....they are like girl's pedal-pushers or 'high-water' pants............look absolutely terrible and I am sure these guys do not look in the mirror. What is it with all these back-packs? I have lived here 10 years and have never needed one. All stores have bags for your purchases, and other than shopping, you only need a small copy of your passport and some cash. I am beginning to think that guys want to be more like girls, with their big purses..........and have every personal convenience on their person at all times........look like high school kids. [email protected]

  13. I have lived in Pattaya/Jomtiem (Grand Condotel in a home) for a long time and I am not worried about telling anyone where I live, as most are jealous of the way I live anyway. I also have a home in Surin and not ashamed of that either. Just stay away from the 'dregs' that accumulate here for their two weeks fun and frolic and everything is fine. I do admit, that this place is a magnet for some of the lowest forms of human life I have seen in my world travels; good people watching though, even at a distance. Unfortunately, these 'warts' on the face of the earth do not see themselves that way or they wouldn't continue to be 'warts'........it is true that stupid people do not see themselves as stupid and they remain so, but smart people who sometimes are stupid, recognize it and quickly change back to smart.........just short lapses in their life..........ะีท กรร กรำ กรรม ะีท แ้ีฟ กรำ แ้ีฟ

  14. You DO NOT need a lawyer. Go to your Embassy (you say you have the necessary papers); go the Foreign Ministry Office (BKK); and then back here to the Amphor in Banglamong and it's done. Took me one day to get it all done. If you haven't known this Lady for more than a year or two....don't do it!!! I am lucky....8 years of marriage and no problems with her or family.

  15. Granted these police are not to be trusted, but if you aren't doing anything wrong, why the concern? Once when I hired a cab to take me to Surin to my other home, we were stopped by the police for no other reason than a bribe; SOLUTION: I was a Navy pilot and like to wear my flight suit on long trips for comfort, so after sitting in the back seat for a few minutes, I put my Officer hat on and stepped out of the car....as soon as they saw me in a flight uniform, they immediately let us go, no bribe. Maybe, keeping an Officer hat and Jacket handy might also save you problems, even if you weren't in the service. You can't beat these so-called police, but you can outsmart them.

  16. I've been 10 years in Pattaya, and I highly recommend the APC clinic on Soi 5. Newest equipment; speaks English; not too expensive; painless; tried BKK/Pattaya, and they mis-diagnosed a sinus problem for two root canals and destroyed two perfectly good teeth, and had to be repaired at APC. My whole family is satisfied A-ONE! If you do not heed my advice, good luck to you.

  17. After 10 years living here permanently, if I did not have a family here, I would only come for fun and frolic. Too many backward things for my taste. Police are a joke completely!!! the Pattaya City admins are also a joke; the so-called land of smiles is not that at all.......beware of the hand in your back pocket. These folks for the most part are not 'wired-up' too well. I have two homes in Thailand; two kids in University and two in English private school, so I am doing my part in trying to prevent 4 Thais from falling into the mess I see around me daily. So, I cannot just up and leave as is suggested by some who are here trying to re-invent themselves. I have learned to not put myself into compromising positions or in situations that piss me off, so I can live the jai yen yen attitude, but I still maintain the right to 'bitch' a little when it is called for. Slowly too, the price is not staying 'right' with the baht being where it is not justified. I am thankful that I have enough income to not be too effected by this volatile movement, but I see many ex-pats who have had to really tighten their belts or leave for Cambodia........with the greed and corruption as a way of life here (and in Asia), I have little hope for too much change in my lifetime. Tum dee die dee, tum chua die chua (phonetically)........I hope?

  18. Great video, but I have to eat some crow: I can open the bags OK, but to attempt to tie one....give me a break..........so many moves for such a simple task. Give me the scissors and I will beat you any time in the opening part..........why do the Thais make everything so damned difficult? After 10 years here and learning the language, I can only understand my own family and their reasoning behind everyday things. Not to say they are wrong, but they are certainly wired-up differently than anyone from the west........includes all Asians. Move across the international date line in the direction of Asia, and you have moved into 'Laurel & Hardy' land............mai pen rai.........you cannot beat the Thais; you cannot join the Thais; so, just learn to go 'around' them, and all will be jai yen yen.

  19. Hi Alex,

    I have to first be brutally honest with you. Why are you bringing your Lady here? No disrespect to your most likely wonderful Lady, but it is rather like bringing a sandwich to a banquet. Just stay away from the beer bar scene and all will be well. Never pay the price first offered by any store vendor. Do not wander around after 10 pm. Lock you valuables in the Hotel safe. Never carry wads of cash or anything valuable on you; if you do, keep in your front pocket and be constantly aware of your items. Do not purchase gold necklaces and then wear them around......they will be picked right off of your neck by two on a motorbike. Do not rent anything with wheels....take the baht taxi and pay 10 baht. Chohk Dii Khrawp.

    ps if you have time, the first thing to do is learn to count in Thai....helps when haggling during shopping.

  20. Yes, they sometimes are frustrating, but real easy to do........if this is too much of a problem for you, I am fearful of what else might be a problem for you. Also, yes, a knife does just fine if you are exasperated. Most packaging in Thailand is ridiculous hard to open, but then again, it is very safe from infiltration of 'bad things'.........Hyde Parke

    ps the real problems are: businesses that open and cannot make change....STUPID!!!

    crossing any street........police are just mannequins programmed to take bribes......

  21. First of all, the US government does NOT belong anywhere near the AFL/NFL. Face it, only one play, ONE MISSED TACKLE, cost the Pats the game. I don't recall any better football days than when Fran Tarkenton and Carl Eller and company ran the Vikings; unfortunaltey they couldn't pull off a Super bowl win (4x) ....I was there in row 10....Sad day. Hyde Parke

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