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Posts posted by HydeParke

  1. Quite a mouthful from someone who obviously doesn't know proper grammar, spelling, or capitalization. I stand by my comments, and if you think it is God like, so be it. I flew airplanes for years and had to wear a uniform, but other than that, I was not much of a conformist. But, I did not feel so insecure that I had advertise myself with body art (ink or metal); these guys should be carrying a banner that says, "I am stupid". It is like these morons wearing their hats backwards.........what is that all about......a very weak way to make a feeble statement about individuality. I hate stupid and always have had disdain for these type of individuals seen daily on the streets of Pattaya. I didn't come here for the cheap living, girls, etc; came to finish my third book (on a 3rd re-print), and saw a need to help a poor Thai family. I could not stand by and watch kids have to drop out of school after 6th grade. The oldest is starting 4th year University; next starts University in May; next is going to be a Senior at a private girl's school; and my son is starting 5th grade (he speaks 4 languages). I have added to this society and reserve my right to slam the idiots here; what have you contributed? Live and let live is a good intention, but there are times that some folks need a 'knock' up the side of the head, just to let them know that they are viewed as stupid and are here just taking up space. But alas, as I said before, stupid people do not realize that they are stupid (it is the other guy that is stupid), and stupid they shall remain, and I will call them on it everytime. Hyde Parke

  2. How can anyone be so daft as to display that kind of gold? I am sorry he lost it, but he deserved it owing to ignorant behavior. 5 years ago at the stop lite at Pattaya Tai, at 5 pm, with my son riding on the back of the MB, two young guys pulled up and snatched her neckless off, while one of them said, "sorry" and sped off. She no longer displays any gold that can be snatched. Remember, many of these guys have not proceeded past 6th grade, come from a poor area, and cannot hold a job..they are broke and need 'fun' money.....many people provide that 'fun' money by displays of wealth. Many Thais only think ahead as far as their nose (for the moment) and not of any dire consequences of getting caught, which some of them do........."mai kit" will always harm you.

    Hyde Parke

  3. SOURCE: Pattaya Daily News: March 27th 2008


    A scantily clad Englishman stopped his motorbike at Soi Buakhao, Pattaya at about 1 pm, on 26th March 2008, to do some errands en route to Tony's Gym to drop off his girlfriend when a motorcycle sneak thief swooped on him, ripped off his 45 gram gold necklace and sped off.

    Mr. Patrick Savage (39), a British citizen, hurriedly notified Pattaya Police Captain Suriya Wareewong that his gold necklace had been successfully stolen, snatched by an enterprising motorcycle thief. Mr. Patrick told police that he and his girlfriend had left his room in Cycle Court, Soi Sophon, Pattaya 3rd Road, Central Pattaya earlier.

    He was without a top due to the heat, making his gold necklace ultra-conspicuous. He had stopped to do some errands in front of Kasikorn Bank, Soi Buakhao, South Pattaya, before taking his girlfriend to Tony's Gym.

    Suddenly, a motorcyclist on a blue Honda Wave motorbike, wearing jeans and a grey jacket, with a full-face helmet, obscuring his face, rode up to him and snatched his 45 gram gold necklace. A Buddha image in a gold frame became detached from the necklace and subsequently fell to the ground as the robber made his getaway up the soi beside Xcite Entertainment, Central Pattaya.

    Because the snatch-and-grab thief had sped away so quickly, Mr. Patrick didn't catch his number plate, however, he did attempt to give chase, but lost the thief. Despite attempts to corral the motorcycle robber by Pattaya police, the robber escaped. Although Mr. Patrick later attempted to identify the robber from police records, chances of success are extremely thin due to his face having been obscured by the crash helmet.

  4. I meant to add that those who sport all of those head to toe tatoos and earrings, and think that they are expressing their individualism, should realize that they are not one of a kinds, as there are thousands like that who are deluded into thinking that they are independent trend setters. I never thought looking like a decorated lamp shade or trinket kiosk showed much class. Many of these guys are an embarassment to all men, but you must realize that stupid people never know they are stupid (it is the other guy that is stupid), but smart people realize when they are stupid and correct themselves so they no longer act stupid. As you can see, the admin people are trying to cater to a higher income class here that is more family oriented; maybe good, maybe not so good, but it would do away with the massive amounts of losers that congregate here for ladies, that otherwise would have nothing to do with them, but for their ATM cards.....sad, but true. I repeat myself when I say, that all of you who are here to re-invent yourselves, you are so obvious that it is laughable. Chohk Dii, all.

    Hyde Parke

  5. After 24 years in SE Asia, and having spent many millions of baht here, plus educating 4 Thai kids to University level, I feel that I have every right to hit back at some of these myopic idiots that keep repeating, "if you don't like it, go back to your own country". I DON'T THINK SO! When you yak yak enough (politely, but firm) things do get changed here, albeit slowly. There is absolutely no excusse to open your business, large or small, and not have the ability to make change. I, of course, agree that you should not pay for small purchases with large bills, but no being able to make change is inexcusable, and shows a complete lack of customer service (but, we all know that this term is foreign to Thais). It is always smart to carry small change for the baht taxis to avoid problems....paying with the ten baht coins always is a smart move. If you can't beat the Thai methods, just out smart them is the true answer in avoiding problems. One last thing about these transparent overly patronising folks, who are here to 'remake' themselves; you are obviously here because you are social outcasts from where you came; never liked to follow socially accepted rules..since there are few here; couldn't get a date back home if you were 'rolled in gold' and still fail to take a good look in the mirror, as for most of you, all you would see is a big ATM card; and what is with all of these tatoos and earrings...don't feel adequate as you are? Yes, this is a diatribe, but it only applies to certain farangs, and you know who you are. Phonetically, remember: "tum dee die dee, tum chua die chua". For those of you who do now respect your host enough to learn Thai, it means "what comes around, goes around". Khawp khun khrap to all of those farangs who add to this culture, rather than just take from it.

    Hyde Parke

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