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Posts posted by Gertrude

  1. A lot has happened since last May.

    I successfully managed to get a block put on lands and house, but that ended up being in June.

    At that same time, my lawyer said to the Judge that I was prepared to accept a 50/50 solution, the Judge asked the ex. She said she needed time to think about it (she had a year already) so the judge said to come back in 7 days. I returned to court the following week with my lawyer, she didn't. So the Judge said that I would have to wait until Feb '09, as he was interested to hear from her 'witnesses'.

    After this, she spent increasing times away from the house, living in 1 of her properties in BKK.

    In September '08, I got so frustrated as she had been away from the house for 11 weeks. Needless to say the house and gardens were looking a right mess. So, I went to the main Police station in Nathon wth my lawyer. I asked for the Police to give me permission to live in my own house, in order to save me paying rent, and to take care of the house. The Police gave me a report allowing this. When I got to the house I found both of my water pumps useless. A repair man managed to repair the 'well' pump on sight, but the house pump had been running for 11 weeks with no water, and was red hot. Once cooled, and primed I switched it back on. There were so many leaks, due to the seals having disintergrated, that the repair man had to take it away for repairs. A few days later, he brought it back and reinstalled it.

    I had to go to Hua Hin for a couple of days. In the meantime, the coconut telephone had been buzzing.

    When I got back from HH, it was too late to go to my house. The next morning my lawyer called to say the ex had come back to Samui and had been to the Police, originally saying that there had been 12 baht gold in the house. I think she was persuaded not to persue that angle, and to file a trespass suit aginst me. Well that's 6 months down the line now, and at last been dropped, after visits to the Police, finger prints taken etc, and visits to the Public Prosecutors office, the case has been dismissed.

    I spent 3 days in court last month, the ex only managed to produce 2 witnesses, neither of which I believe, were on her original paperwork. For obvious reasons I cannot comment on what her witnesses said. Anyway after me being in the 'box', the Judge asked me if I wanted to stay in Thailand, to which I replied 'Yes'. We have to go back to the court Friday 27th, for the Judges decision......................

    Hi Eric.

    I thought that I heard through the grapevine that you went to the court in January for arbitration, nothing came of it? :D


    I found out about this 3 days before the arbitration, my lawyer said no point in me going. Anyway I did go with some friends (I didn't want 'default of apperance' to go against me). There were 2 arbitrators, neither of which was approved by me. Anyway, I wanted the usual 50/50, but with the clause that I stay in the house to bring it back to sales standard. She refused. So that is why it went to the full hearing last month. There are reasons why I wanted it to go to the full hearing, but I cannot divulge them now as the judgement is only 2 days away.

    Way to go :o

    Yes, thumbs up for you today Eric :D

  2. dfc

    korat is a BIG town the same as chieng mai , phuket and pattaya and if you think by going there ....songkran ... will be any less CRAZY than where you came from ( pattaya ) you are 100 % wrong !

    stay at home in pattaya for a week ... lock the door .... and save yourself some money .... by staying at home ...

    thats what im doing ..... the original idea of songkran is ok with me ... but the ICY cold buckets of water thrown at you in chiang mai now .... complete with ice cubes ... is not good for a nearly sixty year olds heart !

    to me .... SONGKRAN SUCKS ...and always will.


    Agree with you Dave2

  3. For those trying to justify riding a motorcycle, good luck. It's not IF you will have an accident, it's when.

    Gary A, I have heard that argument before, not just relating to Thailand but other countries too.

    I have ridden motorcycles for many years here in Thailand & would guestimate that I have covered in excess of 150,000km whilst doing so & have never had an accident here.

    One incident I will relay to you though is, once I got off my motorcycle, took two steps, misjudged my footing and fell down a set of concrete stairs.....fortunately I had my helmet on, but I broke my shoulder, which caused me considerable trouble for some time :o .

    With considerable motorcycling experience I can tell you that my only accidents have been trackside & in the bush (dirt bike riding) which is the nature of the beast.

    Your theory on this is not as simply and dry cut as you state.

    I daily ride a motorcycle, and also have never had an accident. As said you have to ride defensively using all of your eyes>

  4. i dont think courts were established to protect peeple from their own lack of judgement.if man wasnt defrauded or anything similiar, gun to head yadda yadda yadda, its too dam_n bad gurl took him to cleaners.

    be a man and be happy she not eliminate you.

    sirr you were guilty of being silly. which many times you end up paying for. stop rationalizing by saying you guilty of trust.

    be a man and admit u were silly, cant say othetr word, not nice.......lol.

    Hello there Greedy Thai Lady, "you not know we can see you?"

    Here's the solution I apply guys. First, I didn't do anything but rent at first, won't BUY anything I can't put my name on, she can't pay half for, or otherwise have a binding contract for. It's business, not love. Fact is, my girl doesn't ask for anything, but when I do buy her a gift, it's something like flowers, dinner, a new cell phone, education, or a trip she accompanies me on. The education is relatively inexpensive, helps us both, and is hers forever, something to give those you truly care about. The cell phone she wants is never top of the line, in fact, it's only been once (as hers sometimes wouldn't charge right), and I wouldn't want it either. I like having her along on trips with me, when she can go, as she works long Thai hours. Another reason that if we ever buy a home "together", I want her to contribute equally and be able to enjoy the satisfaction of something you work hard for yourself, or she just won't have the same appreciation, or get the same satisfaction out of it. Until then, I can walk away from my rental place with my stuff, or she can leave with her suitcase, case closed. So far this has been the most successful formula that has ever worked. Arguments are never swayed by what headaches one can cause the other over financial issues.

    Of course, all of this comes from years of learning from my own stupid "love" mistakes, but I continuing trying to adequately perfect my 'system' of doing things before I die and somebody else gets everything anyways.

    From the flip side view of things, as long as you are getting what you want, as often as you want it, and it's costing you less than the accumulation of what "bar fines" would be, then you are doing okay even if you lose it all. Spending any more than that without protecting yourself is just stupid, not love, and just asking for trouble that you probably wouldn't get otherwise.

    You guys keep saying "typical Thai lady", but what you really mean is "typical bar girl" type, not necessarily all bar girls are that way, and not necessarily has to be a bar girl to be that type. Tell yourself whatever you want, but there are so many wonderful Thai ladies out there, many who either have money or make a good living of their own, and many that have a good education, and just as many who would like to have more education. So if you choose to be with, or create your "typical bar girl type" by doing things that cause things to happen that way, then you deserve it, but I will still feel sorry for you. I recommend getting to know someone a) In time over the internet. :D someplace that you aren't smoking and drinking your way to oblivion at the same time. c) while getting some education of your own. d) all of the above. e) "insert your own better circumstance here"

    To eric if you are still following this thread, you kind of should have seen the flags that her owning several other homes threw up for you. She should've contributed half to the house you both shared, as she clearly should have been able to. Maybe you should've pursued having half ownership of whatever she has as well. Seems only fair to me.

    Disertation almost over.

    What it comes down to is; if you create a circumstance they don't appreciate and/or can benefit greatly from, you know that when the inevitable human feelings of anger, jealousy, etc., come along (for either of you), this is how they will play out. On the other hand, if losing a home they contributed half for (probably had to work harder for), appreciate as much as anyone, and don't benefit greatly by following the negative/destructive path, then things are much more likely to be resolved positively and amicably, and not necessarily ending. So if you really do want it to last, then plan to do it in a way that makes it likely. Leave the "bar girls" in the bar. That's the nicest way I can respond to "blizzard",....boy does that screen name give some away??

    Hindsight is always easier!! :o

    Too true. 'Private Dancer' & ' Confessions of a Bangkok Private Eye' should be compulsory reading for newbie guys, BEFORE you come here.

  5. i dont think courts were established to protect peeple from their own lack of judgement.if man wasnt defrauded or anything similiar, gun to head yadda yadda yadda, its too dam_n bad gurl took him to cleaners.

    be a man and be happy she not eliminate you.

    sirr you were guilty of being silly. which many times you end up paying for. stop rationalizing by saying you guilty of trust.

    be a man and admit u were silly, cant say othetr word, not nice.......lol.

    Hello there Greedy Thai Lady, "you not know we can see you?"

    Here's the solution I apply guys. First, I didn't do anything but rent at first, won't BUY anything I can't put my name on, she can't pay half for, or otherwise have a binding contract for. It's business, not love. Fact is, my girl doesn't ask for anything, but when I do buy her a gift, it's something like flowers, dinner, a new cell phone, education, or a trip she accompanies me on. The education is relatively inexpensive, helps us both, and is hers forever, something to give those you truly care about. The cell phone she wants is never top of the line, in fact, it's only been once (as hers sometimes wouldn't charge right), and I wouldn't want it either. I like having her along on trips with me, when she can go, as she works long Thai hours. Another reason that if we ever buy a home "together", I want her to contribute equally and be able to enjoy the satisfaction of something you work hard for yourself, or she just won't have the same appreciation, or get the same satisfaction out of it. Until then, I can walk away from my rental place with my stuff, or she can leave with her suitcase, case closed. So far this has been the most successful formula that has ever worked. Arguments are never swayed by what headaches one can cause the other over financial issues.

    Of course, all of this comes from years of learning from my own stupid "love" mistakes, but I continuing trying to adequately perfect my 'system' of doing things before I die and somebody else gets everything anyways.

    From the flip side view of things, as long as you are getting what you want, as often as you want it, and it's costing you less than the accumulation of what "bar fines" would be, then you are doing okay even if you lose it all. Spending any more than that without protecting yourself is just stupid, not love, and just asking for trouble that you probably wouldn't get otherwise.

    You guys keep saying "typical Thai lady", but what you really mean is "typical bar girl" type, not necessarily all bar girls are that way, and not necessarily has to be a bar girl to be that type. Tell yourself whatever you want, but there are so many wonderful Thai ladies out there, many who either have money or make a good living of their own, and many that have a good education, and just as many who would like to have more education. So if you choose to be with, or create your "typical bar girl type" by doing things that cause things to happen that way, then you deserve it, but I will still feel sorry for you. I recommend getting to know someone a) In time over the internet. :D someplace that you aren't smoking and drinking your way to oblivion at the same time. c) while getting some education of your own. d) all of the above. e) "insert your own better circumstance here"

    To eric if you are still following this thread, you kind of should have seen the flags that her owning several other homes threw up for you. She should've contributed half to the house you both shared, as she clearly should have been able to. Maybe you should've pursued having half ownership of whatever she has as well. Seems only fair to me.

    Disertation almost over.

    What it comes down to is; if you create a circumstance they don't appreciate and/or can benefit greatly from, you know that when the inevitable human feelings of anger, jealousy, etc., come along (for either of you), this is how they will play out. On the other hand, if losing a home they contributed half for (probably had to work harder for), appreciate as much as anyone, and don't benefit greatly by following the negative/destructive path, then things are much more likely to be resolved positively and amicably, and not necessarily ending. So if you really do want it to last, then plan to do it in a way that makes it likely. Leave the "bar girls" in the bar. That's the nicest way I can respond to "blizzard",....boy does that screen name give some away??

    Hindsight is always easier!! :o

    Too true. 'Private Dancer' & ' Confessions of a Bangkok Private Detective' should be compulsory reading for newbie guys, BEFORE you come hear.

  6. i dont think courts were established to protect peeple from their own lack of judgement.if man wasnt defrauded or anything similiar, gun to head yadda yadda yadda, its too dam_n bad gurl took him to cleaners.

    be a man and be happy she not eliminate you.

    sirr you were guilty of being silly. which many times you end up paying for. stop rationalizing by saying you guilty of trust.

    be a man and admit u were silly, cant say othetr word, not nice.......lol.

    Hello there Greedy Thai Lady, "you not know we can see you?"

    Here's the solution I apply guys. First, I didn't do anything but rent at first, won't BUY anything I can't put my name on, she can't pay half for, or otherwise have a binding contract for. It's business, not love. Fact is, my girl doesn't ask for anything, but when I do buy her a gift, it's something like flowers, dinner, a new cell phone, education, or a trip she accompanies me on. The education is relatively inexpensive, helps us both, and is hers forever, something to give those you truly care about. The cell phone she wants is never top of the line, in fact, it's only been once (as hers sometimes wouldn't charge right), and I wouldn't want it either. I like having her along on trips with me, when she can go, as she works long Thai hours. Another reason that if we ever buy a home "together", I want her to contribute equally and be able to enjoy the satisfaction of something you work hard for yourself, or she just won't have the same appreciation, or get the same satisfaction out of it. Until then, I can walk away from my rental place with my stuff, or she can leave with her suitcase, case closed. So far this has been the most successful formula that has ever worked. Arguments are never swayed by what headaches one can cause the other over financial issues.

    Of course, all of this comes from years of learning from my own stupid "love" mistakes, but I continuing trying to adequately perfect my 'system' of doing things before I die and somebody else gets everything anyways.

    From the flip side view of things, as long as you are getting what you want, as often as you want it, and it's costing you less than the accumulation of what "bar fines" would be, then you are doing okay even if you lose it all. Spending any more than that without protecting yourself is just stupid, not love, and just asking for trouble that you probably wouldn't get otherwise.

    You guys keep saying "typical Thai lady", but what you really mean is "typical bar girl" type, not necessarily all bar girls are that way, and not necessarily has to be a bar girl to be that type. Tell yourself whatever you want, but there are so many wonderful Thai ladies out there, many who either have money or make a good living of their own, and many that have a good education, and just as many who would like to have more education. So if you choose to be with, or create your "typical bar girl type" by doing things that cause things to happen that way, then you deserve it, but I will still feel sorry for you. I recommend getting to know someone a) In time over the internet. :D someplace that you aren't smoking and drinking your way to oblivion at the same time. c) while getting some education of your own. d) all of the above. e) "insert your own better circumstance here"

    To eric if you are still following this thread, you kind of should have seen the flags that her owning several other homes threw up for you. She should've contributed half to the house you both shared, as she clearly should have been able to. Maybe you should've pursued having half ownership of whatever she has as well. Seems only fair to me.

    Disertation almost over.

    What it comes down to is; if you create a circumstance they don't appreciate and/or can benefit greatly from, you know that when the inevitable human feelings of anger, jealousy, etc., come along (for either of you), this is how they will play out. On the other hand, if losing a home they contributed half for (probably had to work harder for), appreciate as much as anyone, and don't benefit greatly by following the negative/destructive path, then things are much more likely to be resolved positively and amicably, and not necessarily ending. So if you really do want it to last, then plan to do it in a way that makes it likely. Leave the "bar girls" in the bar. That's the nicest way I can respond to "blizzard",....boy does that screen name give some away??

    Hindsight is always easier!! :o

    Too true. 'Private Dancer' & ' Confessions of a Bangkok Private Detective' should be compulsory reading for newbie guys, BEFORE you come hear.

  7. that is why, you buy in your house name, you use her to BORROW from the bank and pay monthly

    1) good for credit if you never leave her

    2) cheaper than renting

    3) things go sour? leave her with the bills and tell yourself you've been renting.

    Sorry 'notasexpat', I fail to see what this has to do with the topic?? :o

  8. I know countless farangs who built houses in gf/wives names. Each and every one of them lost the house. When you do something like this, you are gifting the house to them. Write it off, you gave it to her. I'd say you have a lot of nerve to try and get back any portion. btw, it was very nice of you to build a house for the lady

    How many lost the house based upon a Thai Court's ruling and how many lost the house after they listened to advice similar to yours and just walked away without a fight????

    I have never heard of anyone saying they took there claim all the way through the court process and lost. Most just give up and say they have no chance.

    Until proven otherwise it appears that the problem does not rest with the Thai Court System, but rather foreigners lack of commitment to see the legal process through to the end.

    I see people complain everyday about the unfairness of the Thai Legal system, but it seems to me (from anecdotal information that I have heard) that those who follow it through to the end have normally been successful.

    You're right of course CWMcMurray. I think most people are put off, firstly because of language problems and the cost of a professional interpreter, and then of course reading what losers like 'Beavis & Butthead' write on these forums. Stick to it, keep positive, and get a good lawyer.

  9. That's one of the problems on Samui - Foreign Residents wanting things the same as back home - Tesco , Starbucks , McMuck or whatever

    What a load of rubbish you write, have you never heard of all the Chinatowns around the world, and the little Italy's, the Irish sectors, there is even a Thai area in Santa Monica, etc..........

    And by the way, the market in Lamai, near the PTT station is to remain as far as I know.

    Tesco's is proceeding very well, ground levelled, concrete piles hammered in, basic construction started,

    Also, have you noticed that they hose the trucks down as they leave the site, now that is something you don't see very often even in the West.

    Excatly, a good reply!

    And what the hel_l is wrong with buying produce from Tesco rather than a market where it sits in the sun all day with flys, bugs and motorbike fumes all over it?

    Why is Tesco such a success in Thailand? Becuase the Thai's see it as an improvement thats why.

    Some people would still be living in a cave rather than look for some progress in their standard of living!

    Couldn't agree more, same applies to the chicken and other food stalls that line some roads. Do people really want to eat fly <deleted> and sand/dust with their roasted chicken, also they do not wash the chickens before roasting!! :o

  10. Section 301 of the Thai criminal code........:

    'Any woman , cuasing herself to be aborted or allowing the other person to procure the abortion for herself, shall be imprisoned not out of three years or fined not out of six thousand Baht or both'

    The code goes on to give exceptions to the rule, which include medical reasons and offences committed against the woman resulting in pregnancy.

  11. 12 years ago an acquaintance (American guy) I knew had a foot massage somewhere in Chiang Mai.

    It caused a blood clot, which travelled through his body to the brain. He died the next day.

    So, that's a ''yes'' then.

    Now come on how was that proven to have caused it???

    Again, massages (unless really brutal) do not cause blood clots. If the story is true, it is more likely he already had a clot and the massage mobilized it. If you lead a very sedentary life or have just gotten off a long airplane ride, skip the massage. If you're still worried about this tiny possibility (remember, this is a story of one case twelve years ago) take half an aspirin every day.

    Someone - further up commented on this one already and did set things clearer, the poster mentioned that massage won't "cause" it, but more likely "liberate" the clot - that's the plot!

    And I can't see why a proper Thai massage can be "dangerous" if had more often than 4 days break periods...

    And the "pressure points" in the groin are the major blood vessels, not simple "pressure points", they are held close and after some time suddenly released, it's what causes the sensation of a "heat wave", "warm flow" into ones legs... I don't know, what that could cause, I just don't like it!

    Indeed, it's this precisely, what can 'liberate' any unknown blood clot in the legs.

  12. Thailand to borrow Bt270 billion to boost economy

    BANGKOK: -- Thai Finance Minister Korn Chatikavanich said on Saturday he would seek Cabinet approval Tuesday for a plan to borrow Bt270 billion from domestic and international lending agencies in an attempt to stimulate the Thai economy amid the current global downturn.

    The sum will be sought to bolster liquidity at state banks and firms so they could provide more funding and extend credit facilities for varied manufacturing and exporting sectors.

    Of that sum, an estimated Bt70 billion will be borrowed from the Asian Development Bank, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the World Bank, the finance minister said.

    The Bt270 billion loans will be injected into the country's economic mechanisms and add to the government's mid-year economic stimulus package which recently won approval in the first reading of the House of Representatives.

    Eight state banks and financial institutes, including the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Bank of Thailand (SME Bank) and the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives will be instructed to extend credit lines for their customers such as exporters and small- and medium-sized entrepreneurs.

    The finance minister dampened fears that the government might be running out of cash to cover regular expenditures -- including the monthly payroll for government personnel nationwide, given an untapped sum of only about Bt52 billion currently left in the state coffers.

    Mr. Korn said the government will collect a sizeable sum of revenue from corporate income tax around the middle of this year in addition to the sought-after loans.

    -- TNA 2009-02-01

    There is no need to borrow so much, a simple devaluation of the baht would bring immediate results.

  13. The only really dangerous part of a foot massage it when they pull your toes and make the 'crack'. There are some many tiny bones in your toes, especially the big toe.... they can get broken!! Same applies with the fingers.

    Another danger in Thai massage is when they stop the blood flow to your legs by applying pressure to your groin. The release of blood when they remove their hands can, and has, released minor blood clots in your legs causing the clots to enter the lungs and even the brain.

    So ask them to avoid these practises.

  14. Alas, there are none.

    I did a survey last year in just about every beach/area around the island. None would met European standards, and most are possitively dangerous.

    PH & KT are little better.

    This is mainly due to the fact that these beaches are in the Gulf of Thailand.

    Untreated sewerage flows freely into the Gulf from Bangkok and all of the towns upstream of the rivers flowing into the gulf. Also all of the towns between Bangkok and Suratthani do the same.

    So if you enjoy swimming in SH^T, feel free to do so, at your own risk.

  15. I love them.

    There is also much benefit to the Thai economy.

    Staff who work in them, and they are huge employers, pay taxes.

    Most of the locals shop in them, and resell at a profit.

    Thais now realise that they don't have to eat the crap sold to them in the open markets.

    They realise they can have clean meat that hasn't been hanging around on a stall all day at 30 degrees, and free of road dust and fly sh^t.

    Most of these chain stores sponsor local charities.

    And don't forget, we are now into the 21st century!

    Wake UP.

    Taxes, an interesting concept, I wonder how many of these little mom and pop shops pay a baht in tax -

    the ringing of two tills.

    Mom & Pop shop pay taxes....I don't think so!!!!!!!!! :o

  16. Up until I met Sorn he only tattooed in rotting ink so you had a choice of either black, blue or red. The Thais in Nakhon and the South are very dark skinned so most just go for the heavy black. This has made Sorns style quite unique with his heavy black shading. Since I bought him a nice range of colors he has moved into doing coloured work and he is getting better and better. He is only 29 so has huge potential to be a real master of this style

    Are you into a relationship with Sorn? Certainly sounds like it. :o

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