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Posts posted by momosan

  1. Great reaction from you. I know in the same situation I would have totally lost it with the guy, which would have made things a lot worse. Thanks for showing people like me there are other paths that can be followed which can still result in a favorable outcome.

  2. Just saw the ad for ponds facial cream again today. You know the one with "_GOLD_" in it? You really can't miss it it has the title saying "pure gold mixed in" showing up every 5 seconds just to remind you in case you forget before the ad ended. At no time at all during the ad does it mention the benefits of adding gold to a facial cream, not once. And last time I recalled the main reason gold was used for jewelry and in dentistry was because it was so inert (non-reactive) with the human body. So really how utterly pointless can it be to add this stuff. But we all know the reason this product exists (to give overly wealthy house-moms bragging rights). The reason why I'm ranting about this is because this is the second product that I've seen in as many days that is just so pointless. The other being that birds nest beverage. But not just made from ordinary water, oh no. It's made with mineral water; but wait for it..... All the way from France. Yes ladies and gentlemen solidified birds' saliva mixed with French mineral water. This thing must now have super extraordinary magical healing powers. It's all just too much in as many days, so _END RANT_

  3. To setup a truly secure wifi router will require lots and lots of information most of which can be googled for but the list of required configuration must have are these:

    1. Network encryption/password -- WPA2/AES would be the obvious choice for this role as WEP and WPA are not considered the safest for this role.

    2. Disabling SSID broadcasting, the most people casual peoples will not be able to 'see' your router. (Though people who really want to will still be able to.)

    2. MAC client filtering on the router so that only the specified MAC addresses which belong to the machines that are allowed can contact the router.

    3. Turning down the transmit power of your router to limit how far the signal will extend outside of your home.

    With those options enabled you should have a pretty bullet-proof setup that will keep out all but the most hardcore of people. Again finally for information to do all of these especially with your specific router google will be your friend.

    Finally a bit of fun, try changing your SSID (the name people see when they scan for wifi networks) to something like Virus.exe / Connect-if-you-wanna-die or something similar might also be in your best interest.

  4. We (myself, wife, mum, baby) drove down from bkk last night to a room already booked and paid for by dad (who himself lives here in Pattaya). First night pretty good weather, no rain, last week dad was constantly complaining about rain and flooding here in Pattaya, so lucky for us I guess. In the morning didn't know where to go for brekky so came on here for a quick look around and decided on Lek's Villa (18/2 (110 baht buffet)). Excellent value for money, nice food and great coffee (4 cups). Then we went to the floating market (2nd time for myself and wife) my mum's never been there so we took her for a look round. Baby's sleeping now and I'm stumped as to do something this afternoon and tonight. And tomorrow for that matter (last day here). So some suggestions pretty please for something to do/see around here. Yesterday night when we went for dinner at Central on the baht bus we went past what looked like a carnival with big ferris wheel and all, is it worth a pop in??

    Finally very good (nice and light) traffic around today.

    Cheers all round. :lol:


    I see this as no different as buying anything else in someone's name and using it yourself. How many here have brought cars/motorcycles in their significant others names and use them regularly. Cars/motorcycles can also kill other people just as easily as a gun can. Okay I do concede that cars/motorcycles are not made directly to be a weapon to kill and harm others. But at the same time neither are guns, the intentions of the person holding the gun is directly responsible to the actions taken by the gun. If their intention was the use the gun as a paperweight then that's all it will be -- if it's to murder someone..... I don't think the OP has any intention of using this object to go out and randomly shoot people on the street; just as others who buy cars in their wives names don't intend to drive while recklessly drunk and run over school children.

  5. Just a quick update, took it into tire/mag shop across the road. Used a rotary lift to lift up the car, showed me a single nail deeply embedded in the wheel that was leaking (others had nothing). Two guys worked for 10 mins flat and had wheel back on and I was off again for 100 baht :lol:

  6. One of my tires (rear/driver side) keep leaking air. It's doesn't seem to be much though. I fill it weekly to 30psi and every time it seems to have lost about half the pressure during the week's usage (12-15psi left). What are the sound options available for me to get this taken care of here in the LoS?

  7. I've managed to get Thai citizenship. All it took was having a Thai mum :) Easiest and cheapest route by far IMO after having read most of the threads concerning this issue. The whole process seems geared to discourage people from trying to go for it, so many hoops and hurdles. I dunno why anyone would put themselves and their hard earned cash into it unless they really loved something in this country that they cannot achieve without the citizenship. Or maybe you'd just have to be the ultimate masochist.

  8. Do you have the link as do not see it on website - I know there were advertising such a deal last month as "going to happen" but have not seen anything since.

    Believe the idea was to increase landlines and thus potential wide band internet service and make the money up on that.


    That could be a reason why this is happening, because at first I didn't see how this would be profitable for them thus feasible.

  9. So they've got this promotion it's to any other phone in Thailand and that's including cell phones (any carrier). No time limit, for 3 baht per call. I've gone through the fine print and I can't seem to find the hook anywhere. Anyone else checked this out? It seems too good to be true from a telecommunications company regardless of country of origin for said company.

    Forgot to add that there's also no monthly charge to use this package, it's pay as you go (however many times you call) plus the line rental charges.

  10. My car is about 4 months old now and I got free first class insurance with it (which expires in Dec). By now there's a few bumps, deep scratches and even a cracked rear skirt (most of which were done by someone else while the car was parked and with no note left by the perp). What I want to do is get it all fixed using the insurance. Is this a wise move and what could be the consequences of such an action on future insurance renewals/claims?

  11. Who's replaced their in-dash radio in their VIOS? Because the thing's really not standard size so I'm wondering if it can be done. If it can, how it would look and can it be done and not look like a frankenstein with bits sticking out or parts left open. I saw an in dash replacement that replaces the whole console unit including having holes for the AC built as well. But it's a little too expensive for me since it has GPS and the video screen as part of the replacement. I just want something I can hook my ipod to (cable) my phone (bluetooth) and memory sticks (usb).

    Any pics would be sweet.

  12. There's such a thing as right and wrong. When you allow people to do wrong and even reward them for it that gives them an incentive to just keep doing it and maybe even upping it a little in the future to get more. Allowing and facilitating blatant corruption to go unchecked and unpunished is not what anyone with any morals should be doing. Money is not the issue here.

    Another missionary joins the discussion.

    So you believe that we should actively do anything we can to stamp out corruption in Laos, Thailand and every other nation where we don't belong?

    This is also bad advice. The sensible advice is to go with the flow and don't make waves. There's nothing you can do about it.

    It should be pretty obvious that this "blatant corruption" you speak of is a accepted by everyone working there...right to the very top, the Consul General. The security guards and various other consulate employees are probably related.

    I can pay 500 baht and have my application taken care of in 10 minutes on the busiest day of the week at any time I choose to arrive. These people work together and know each other.

    Get off your soapbox before someone knocks you off.

    Did I mention stamping out corruption in a country anywhere in my post? Can you read/understand/comprehend a post that contains one simple sentence? I personally don't pay bribes to anyone anywhere. Never have never will, if that causes me grief then so be it. If you can't stand up for yourself and your beliefs--then you know what you are of course don't you?

    Of course you do.

  13. It is not wise to ignore a security guard. His job however menial , is to ensure the security of the place in question , and as such may have the authority to refuse you permission to enter. It could result in your day being completely ruined.

    I think it would be more sensible to respond to the guard accordingly , should he indicate to you that the closing for applications is past and you cannot lodge your paperwork,

    I would say I am sorry for being late and offer some minor financial assistance to assist him as needed.

    Who really cares about an extra 200-300 baht as long as you get what you came for.

    Why be a cheap charley all your life...

    The Visa is free anyway , so why worry about an issue as small as this. OMG what next.


    There's such a thing as right and wrong. When you allow people to do wrong and even reward them for it that gives them an incentive to just keep doing it and maybe even upping it a little in the future to get more. Allowing and facilitating blatant corruption to go unchecked and unpunished is not what anyone with any morals should be doing. Money is not the issue here.

  14. What's so special about the Seven Oaks then? Price? Location? Amenities?

    Just curious to why it caught the OP's attention among all the hotels in this fair city.

    No reason really, I just picked one at random and looked at the details for it and it looked OK. Price helped decide as well.

  15. Thanks, could follow it on google maps just fine. The reason why searching for Thappraya in google maps didn't help is now also apparent: it's listed 'Thap Praya' in there.

    Again, a big thanks!

  16. Going to Pats this weekend and already booked hotel, but for the life of me I can't find it in google maps. It's supposedly located on Thappraya Road, even that's not on google maps. Can someone please point me into the right direction on getting to this place:

    Seven Oaks inn Pattaya : 308 / 53-55 M.10 Thappraya Rd., South Pattaya,

    Please keep in mind I'll be driving there from BKK and know absolutely nothing about getting around in Pattaya.

    Cheers in advance.

  17. Just picked up my new VIOS yesterday. The sales gal recommended gasohol 95, any differing opinions?

    She also recommended that when I take the car in for the 1000km service I should opt not to do the oil change yet because it wouldn't be needed so soon. I understand about the possibility there may be metal fragments or shards from a new engine being worked in ending up in the oil. How likely is that with a car that's just rolled out of the factory last month?

    Lastly all the material (manual, pamphlets) are in Thai (I can read it all no problems but it's a chore) any chance of getting it in English? I've asked her already and it it looks like she can't/isn't willing to get em' for me.

  18. My license (1 year) just expired a month ago at a time when I could have gone to renew on a weekday but I didn't keep track of it. So from now until after the 25th I have no more time off and we're getting a new car on the 20th, what can I do? I don't want to be driving around with no license for a week.

    The district offices are open on the weekend and offers basic services such as making ID cards and things related to the house registration book. Does the department of land transportation do the same? Because this indeed would be a very simple exercise (copy of house registration, ID and expired license). Then just sit down and take a new picture, wait 2 minutes and viola!

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