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Posts posted by jasonslater

  1. They don't make it easy for the ones that wont to stay in the land of smiles. We as a collective spend a fortune every month, I agree that the government should step in and take notice of us long standing farangs over here, especially if we have Thai partners or children with them.

    My 1 year ME visa run out 2 months ago, and reading through a-lot of post in many forums about renewing it over here, seems to be a nightmare, like many things here in thailand for farangs.

    Please make things easier for US farangs not only on the visa situation but also on farangs owning freehold property and land, that would be my message to the government.

    Then life would be sweet.

  2. Yes, we are in Thailand!!! I always send the wife in first, that way I get thai prices. Being farang means we pay more, but the reality is it's still cheap compared with back home.

    I can agree with both sides, maybe because I have a thai wife, and charges more just because your farang would never be allowed or acceptable in our countries. Living in thailand for six years may have made me too soft.

  3. You should have a good life in the land of smiles, although $1000 is not that much, it goes a long way over here, especially if you don't have a thai wife!!

    Thai wives can spend that amount in 30 seconds!! :o

    If you get yourself a thai girlfriend keep her away from handbag and shoes shops.

  4. Think you need to spend time with each other in Thailand, see how things pan out. Stay at lest 12 months, you can apply for a 12 month ME visa from your home country.

    Bring enough money with you to last, don't over spend! If you don't have enough cash, wait until you do, the money you earn in your country will go along way over here.

    If after 12 months things don't work out for the pair of you.

    Move on, your young enough!

  5. The important thing is to read the post, some have a good marriage while others wont. There are nightmares which many people suffer. It's never easy, sometimes you have to go with the heart and what you truly believe is the best thing for YOU! I have been married to a Thai for over six years, like every marriage it has its ups and downs, but we both truly love one another, and that is something you find out after a long period of time. Don't jump into something, take time to find out bout one another. This applies even if your marrying someone from your own country, it important as marrying a Thai has many complications, often the family members are always put first. You must stay in control, do not every let the her or your family members put you under pressure, it will cause trouble if your not firm with issues that are important to you, she and you must understand one an-others culture.

    You can never be thai, she can never be from your culture.

    There must be give & take from both of you, never let it be a one way street. When your doing all the giving, and she's doing all the taking!!

    If that ever happens get out fast...

    Plenty more fish in the sea as they say.

    Hope this is of some use to you, and others.

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