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Posts posted by Ricardo

  1. My vote , for whom to target next (that was the subject of this thread, I recall ?) , is Mugabe in Zimbabwe.

    He has courageously led his people to the point where half of them are starving to death. And we get only words of condemnation, not actions.

    Now if only they had oil there .... :o

  2. My dream is to go to Palestine and throw rocks at tanks but my throwing arm isn't so good anymore. I'm now thinking of taking up a collection to send sacks of rocks to the freedom fighters of palestine

    Possible Alternative - send the rocks direct by Air-Mail to whoever your target is ? ! :o a

  3. Boarding school at home?

    They'll be at home with us, in Mae-Jo , so day-school rather than boarding. Sorry I didn't make this clearer.

  4. My 8-year-old will need to go to school, once we move to CM, hopefully early-2005.

    Does anyone have any views on which are the best ones, for a good international education, to supplement the schools' regular web-sites ?

    Thanks for any info !

  5. Actually I thought prices at Mango Tree were good. I have had a lunch and a breakfast there now, and both times got change out of 130 baht.

    Yes I am a bit kee nio, but not overly.

    Nope - you just know like me that, at some time in the past , you had to sweat to earn it ! And ain't it sweet to be at the spending-end of the cycle :o

  6. Bars are being restricted to a few hours per day, and tourists discouraged.

    You can get shot anywhere/anytime , without investigation by the forces of justice, who are too busy planting the evidence and moving on to the next target.

    Massage & related-activities are being heavily discouraged.

    Fun is officially banned ,except for chicken cook-outs, which are mandatory for all citizens.

    The media are bought-up or silenced. The official oposition ignored or side-lined.

    Foreigners are denied many rights normally found in other First-World countries.

    This all feels familiar ? I have it ! The government's plan , to stop the revolt in the Southern part-Moslem provinces is revealed to me , Thailand will shortly become an Islamic Republic !

    Thanks be to God ! :o

  7. Sorry Boss - but I'm a pommie in-disguise - whoops ! There goes my deep-cover !

    Regarding the crash, I am assured that this was down to the evil capitalist enemies of LOS, who are probably also behind the bird-flu , as well ? (Source - Jane's Guide to goverment-excuses and political let-outs)

    But this mess surely high-lights the importance of a competent & professional administration , who understand how free-speech helps spot such problems and address them sooner , both being essential to all First-World countries. Or at least - something to aim towards.

    Having solved the problems of the world - time to flock-off ! Going to a BBQ with my ti-rak's secret-recipe world-class Thai-style chicken on-the-menu.


  8. If the cat (or bird ?) really is out of the bag , over in Vietnam , then maybe we all need to start digging our bunkers out in the back-yard - but what about the condo-owners ? :o

    Or is it possible that , being the cold-weather season , there are just the normal crop of colds & bugs going round - and we're all just more sensitive to them ?

    Sad to think of the effects of all of this on business & tourism & the economy - because it will really hurt our many Thai friends - just when they were getting on their feet again after the Crash.

    Maybe they will start offering Elite-cards at a discount - to keep the tourists coming - or even just make the benefits standard for all tourists arriving, with money in their pockets, to spend in LOS.

    Ckock-di - or do I mean Chook-di ?? :D

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