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Posts posted by eddiemonster

  1. At the end of the day, the ones pulling the strings don't really want us here long term... if anything, things would get tougher on the whole. Consider being charged a grand for every 90-day report for instance...

    I would imagine this is a much more likely way forward. :o

    As always when the OP's ideas are brought up I am sure most "residents" here would jump at the idea or something similar. The only hitch being that its up to the Thais not the foreigners.

  2. 9. The Thai immigration officer considers your visa to be invalid, deletes it, and gives you only a visa-exempt entry stamp with permission to stay for 15 days. Nothing illegal.


    As a matter of interest, why would the Thai immigration officer consider the visa to be invalid? Because the passport wouldn't show exit/entry from Laos for either side of the date on which the visa was issued?

    Do they really check passports so thoroughly for travel in and out of other countries?

  3. Thanks for the replies, I am already speaking to a Thai lawyer about requirements for a charity/company set up.

    The suggestions of involving the local Wat seem good and I will look into this.

    I remember visiting a wildlife sanctuary near Hua Hin which was in partnership with their neighbouring temple. I will contact them to seek out their experience.

    Anyone have any experience of working with the local Wat on any projects or know of anything similar that might be able to pass on their experiences?

    All the best


  4. Just remember to get a work permit.
    "Work" means to engage in work by exerting energy or using knowledge whether or not in consideration of wages or other benefits.

    Source: Ministry of labour

    Yes, opening the charity company (or having employment) comes before being issued a work permit though.

    There must be some TV members who work for or run NGOs in Thailand?

    My understanding is that to get a WP for a charity would require the same criteria as for a waged job. Can anyone confirm this?

  5. Does anyone have any experience of starting a charity in Thailand?

    Is it even possible for a farang?

    Any idea what laws and regulations there are?

    I am continuing my googling and research elsewhere, but if anybody would like to share their knowledge, advice, tips or information it would be greatly appreciated.

  6. I think in Phuket you will get wind from the south west during the rainy season and from the (north) east during the dry season, so I would bear this in mind.

    In my experience, while high ceilings obviously help, possibly of more importance is the ability of the wind to be able to pass through the house by having openings opposite each other. If you can have substantial openings on all sides it will give the opportunity for a nice through draft at all times of the year.

    Having it high up off the ground above walls, bushes etc will maximise this.

    Also try to make sure the sun doesn't hit the windows so it doesn't get too hot in the first place. Depending on where you are in Phuket and if you are building the same as the house in the photo I would position the house in (S)W/(N)E direction. To allow the wind to pass straight through the house and (I can't see any windows on the side) to keep the sun off any glass.

    Of course, then the monsoon rains are going to be hitting the (S) west facing side directly so ensure your doors/windows have good closure.

    Also, depending on your position in Phuket and how open to the elements your house will be, if you are relying on open windows/doors for cooling, careful consideration needs to be given to how you will keep the house cool AND dry during the rainy season eg the size of the overhang of the roof.

    But this will impact on how light it is inside. It is always a balancing act between light and shade, rain and sun, hot and cool. I am not sure if anyone has found a 100% perfect solution just from the structure of the house.

    With this style of house I would imagine a nice wooden floor, well off the ground, with lots of gaps would have a very cooling effect. My friends overcame the problem of mozzies etc coming through the gaps by putting mosquito netting on the underside of the floor. It certainly seemed to work in the short term but don't know about the practicalities long term.

    And then with open windows/doors comes the tricky issue of security....

  7. Far from being an expert, I have, however, been in a similar situation to your goodself. Whilst I wouldn't dream of advising you on colour preferences without knowing your tastes I think glossing your staircase is your easiest and cheapest solution.

    Personally, I would go with white. A touch boring maybe but very few people dislike it, with the added bonus that if at a later stage you decide to go with another colour it is easier to cover.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to you too. And good luck.


  8. Does anyone know a good place to buy a sunbed in Phuket?

    My main criteria are that it should fully recline and be light to move around.

    One of the bog standard white plastic would be fine as would something more stylish in aluminium for example.


    For the record - the micropores in latex are actually larger than the HIV retrovirus particles - bet you don't hear that kind of information too often.

    Actually, if you google it you will find a lot of reports about it. Mainly spread by members/supporters of the catholic church who have their own agenda.

  10. Many thanks for all the humorous replies.

    Unfortunately none of my Isaan neighbours have risen to the challenge and there I was looking forward to a tasty barbecue of the little blighters. :o

    So I think putting them on the night flight to Paris might be the only answer.

    I keep removing the frogs from the pump and transporting them further each time but of course it is a little tricky to see the difference between one frog and the next but I assume it is the same two which keep coming back. Are frogs territorial? Can I put a drop of paint on them for identification purposes?

    I have now sealed up all visible gaps but obviously it needs to stay open on the water side. There is chlorine in the water from tablets very near to where the frogs bed down for the night. While some kinds of frogs seem to die very quickly when they get in the water these ones seem to be unaffected.

    Mesh is an obvious but unattractive solution, so maybe the snake is the way forward. I tried putting a life jacket on the cat :D but he is more interested in geckos.

  11. We are trying to get rid of a couple of unwanted frog tenants from our pool filter. By trial and error we are sealing up the entrance points but in the meantime we forcibly evict them but without fail they are back by the morning.

    Does anybody have any idea how far I would have to take them before they couldn't find their way back? Or any humane ways of discouraging them?

    After a few Singhas one night we thought about putting a snake in there but thankfully came to our senses the next morning :o

  12. Once this "pressure tank" was installed by the shop technicians the Hitachi Inverter pump was activate FAR less. In my opinion it saves NOISE, ELECTRICAL USAGE and wear and tear on the Hitachi water pump.

    Big apologies guys if this is a stupid question but when you say: your "pump was active far less" (kamalabob2) and "It helps prevent the water pump from cycling too often." (TPUBON) are you refering to your water pumps 'working' when there is no water being used in your system?

    As you might have guessed I can hear my water pump working but nobody is using any water.

  13. 2) Do use a reputable architect and Engineering firm

    My conclusions after the best part of 6 months are:

    There seems to be lots of dodgy people passing themselves off as professionals in Ao Nang and Krabi

    Only mr_lob has someone positive to suggest. Unfortunately my land purchase fell through so its back to square 1.

    Never found the: "reputable architect and Engineering firm" despite checking out everyone in Ao Nang and Krabi.

    Have heard similar stories from Pattaya to Phuket, especially involving farangs. Maybe thay just don't exist. Maybe Krabi needs another 10 years. Maybe its the wrong time to be investing here anyway: credit crunch, global financial meltdown, political turmoil. Maybe just stick to the holidays, who needs the hassle?

  14. Theres a florist opposite (more or less) the Cliff resort in Ao Nang which sells cut red roses. Lillies etc I dont know

    Ok so I spent ages looking here

    there is a hotel called FLORA house so Im guessing this is where you got your wires crossed LOL

    ta x just so nobody else goes hunting for the shop!

    Its the last one in the row of shops just before Phranang Place Hotel. Identifiable by the lillies in the window.

    I know a great little optician in Ao Nang if you are interested LOL

  15. It was Chiang Mai, then Phuket, then Krabi...and now Ao Nang. I'm looking for a place that has beautiful beaches, fewer tourists (than Phukets main areas), cheap rentals (less than 10,000THB/month for a decent place), and moderate nightlife (pubs and a couple of small clubs). Gotta find a place in Thailand to stay for 5 months, from October 08 till March 09....wanna relax a lot but not get bored while doing it. My idea was Nai Harn/Rawai/Kata Noi in Phuket...but all are too expensive.. Is Ao Nang the perfect place for me?

    you can certainly find somewhere for under 10k/month, just depends what you call decent - Leela Valley and Chollada Gardens have large rooms with tv, air con,maybe small kitchen and bathroom for under 10k and they are within walking distance of the centre of Ao Nang. Moderate would be the best way to describe the nightlife - Luna Bar and Ibark are about the limit of clubs, couple of irish bars and a few others but it definitely aint Patong!

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