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Posts posted by nevets

  1. My Father who was in the Army in India before and during the making of Packistan said , that the Muslems will not stop until the whole world is bathed in Islam.

    Usual anti-Muslim bigots out in force it seems. Intelligence reflected in the spelling.

    My intelligence has nothing to do with my spelling which is well known on forums if all you can do is pick on my spelling then what i have writen has gone home to your brain , and maybe your spell check works better than mine does.

  2. try to see things positive.

    and its just gambling dens. what you want. the death penalty for them?

    Death penalty no, Loosing there job and a prison sentence might be in order,

    Problem is thailand does,nt really have a police force.

    Oh it has one, but it is wholly corrupt, incompetent and dare I say it... Criminal.

    Thai culture and society created this monster, it was no accident. It thrives under the mai bpen rai culture of ignorance, a lack of responsibilty, morals and ethics and gets rich off the greed and malfeasance of the ordinary citizen.

    There is no investigative policing here; just the usual culture of ham fisted, incompetent bullying that preys on the weak and emboldens the cretins in positions of power.

    Any person who gives two jots about this country or its people should be sickened and embarrassed by the police here.

    Farang Talk , i could not have put it any better well done.

  3. Its just something I hate having a relative killed by a drunken driver does kinda bring the point home.

    I could not care less what kind of drugs people do as long as they don't drive under the influence of them. I am all for freedom, but not when it means I am at a higher risk. So i for one am quite happy that they sometimes take a DUI serious. Would be better if it was always.. but baby steps baby steps.

    I have never had to suffer that pain and I wouldn't want to. Problem that causes in my case is no emotion of hard memories just a problem to solve.

    Mind you I think I would say a drunk Farrang driving is still safer than a sober Thai.

    And I say you get the award for the most idiotic post of the week.

    And i say come and see the Thai drivers where i live .

  4. The current visa system is designed with nothing else in mind than to ensure the farang makes the maximum amount of visits to immigration. Thereby maximizing the opportunities for immigration officers to take gratuity payments.


    That isn't its intention, but you're right they don't give a toss about making things convenient for foreigners at all.

    But if you're truly a self-made millionaire, there are dozens of ways you could set things up, the fact that they're expensive shouldn't bother you.

    The Ed visa was a huge improvement for thousands of people in your situation, many outfits make it very convenient, why isn't it for you?

    In any case one thing you're right about, no one cares that you're outa here, don't let the door hit your arse.

    One more time for the dummies FunFon and Cardholder....its NOT ABOUT THE MONEY...it is about the NUMBER OF DAYS LOST attending immigration and dealing with their 1800's rubber stamp approach to paperwork.

    I grew up poor...raised by a single mum on disability who died of cancer when I was 15. Lived on the street on two occasions when I was a youth. Worked hard, put myself through uni, started my own business, in my bedroom with nothing more than a phone and a laptop, and retired in my forties. I made my fortune building online management systems for global companies. I made money from simplifying complex workflow processes for my clients.

    With money comes freedom. I don't wish to spend my hard earned, and precious freedom, dealing with immigration officers who are too corrupt, or too inept, to put a couple of inexpensive and simple online solutions in place to streamline the current system.

    The 90 reporting system could be moved entirely online in a week for a cost of less than 15,000 THB.

    The re entry permit system could also be moved entirely online in a week for a cost of less than 15,000 THB.

    The reason why these two simple improvements are not made is because corruption is holding the current system in place.


    "DOZENS of things you could set up".

    Such talk is piffle, there are a few other visa options for someone under 50 but the paperwork requirements and time lost dealing with immigration make them absolutely ridiculous.

    So...enough typing for now...I am loath to waste any more of my time on Thai immigration...it follows that I am also reticent to waste time responding to ill informed drivel courageously typed by an anonymous poster.

    90 day reporting can be done by post.

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