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Posts posted by ChiangMaiFurnishedApts

  1. I used to think that the expression " breeding like rats " was a joke.

    I have alienated all my friends over the last few months by forcing them to adopt the previous litters and now I am onto all of you next.

    On a more serious note, they love to chew up old toilet rolls and pieces of cardboard and will shread a credit card statement or any other personal document in minutes.

    Eco friendly shredders that run on nuts and the pieces of cucumber that I manage to aquire from the local 7/11.

    Panda mice :) Reminds me of Fawlty Towers and Manuals Siberian Gerbil.

  2. No, not THAT Blinky Bill, this one.


    I started off with 2 cute little gerbils and according to the expert at the pet shop, they were both boys. After the birth of 4 more babies yesterday I can definitely say that one of them is female and extremely fertile.

    I love them all and find it hard to part with them so I am looking for good homes for them in advance. I will only give them to you if you take a pair. I promise you that it will be a pair of boys or girls. Gerbils play with each other, talk to each other and sleep together in a nest as well as live twice as long if they have a companion.

    Blinky Bill and his brother / sister are now ready to move out and into someone else's life. He is now starting to take an unhealthy interest in his mother and I am tired of the monthly new arrivals so I am trying to keep the " interactions " to a minimum.

    I have their bags packed and you can come pick them up in a week. I can help you and advise you with regards housing and food for them. They are real easy to keep and don't smell as long as you change their bedding every week.

    BB is black, white and grey. He is intelligent and when he is older I expect he will also become a TV member. This one dosnt drink or make smart ass remarks and supports the English cricket team. His sister / brother is a little quieter and is a tan and white colour.

    I want to keep them for a week more as they are taking care of the babies with their mother.

    Send me a pm if interested and or you can drop by and see them. You can only look at the babies at this stage but not touch. They will be looking for names and homes in about 6 weeks as well.post-61386-1251005706_thumb.jpg

  3. Also VERY VERY confusing is the 'limosine Taxi' boot inside and all these limo-agents!

    Tourists tend to think that this is the only taxi there is, and don't get informed of more than 100 Bangkok taxi's with meter, waiting for yoy outside!!

    Please kick these limo-guys out!! and give CLEAR info where tourist can get a normal taxi, for a normal price (on the meter).


    I came thru there last week and while I was waiting for the bags to appear I went up to the limo taxi booth that is inside the arrivals hall before Customs. I was shown a sheet with pictures of some cars ranging from a limo down to a regular sedan. I was told that the sedan ( Nissan something ) was " only 950 Bt " and that included taxes !!!

    Thats to the city and not Chiang Mai by the way :)

  4. As someone mentioned earlier, saving 25 Euro on the cost of a visa would not be the deciding factor that will attract people to this country. People still have to take the afternoon off work ....... to take their passport to get the visa in the first place.

    Subsidised flights might do the trick, the offer of vat free shopping in stores without the hassle of trying to claim it back and perhaps a better exchange rate will draw tourists.

    Who knows what is ahead of us if this swine flu gets worse. Tourists scare easily sadly and with the economy the way it is people will be staying at home this year anyway.

  5. One of the few places in Chiang Mai to get large copies done is across the road ( to the right ) of the 3 kings statues. I searched for ages as i needed to copy full sized building plans and they have all the equipment in there to do large copies. Not sure about scanning but that should answer your copying questions.

  6. It would not be surprise me if the brilliant promotion is valid for Thai nationals only...

    Or a further inducement-make border runs 10 days instead of 15.

    EXACTLY what I was thinking. Last time there was a problem in Bangkok at the airport and the tourists fled any way they could they went ahead and decreased the 30 day visa on arrival ( by land ) to 15 days.

    That automaticially doubles the amount of people entering the country if they have to go every 15 days to the border and then HEY PRESTO, what tourist problem ?

    So now we have free visas, free rooms so what is the next carrot being offered to the tourist to lure them to the LOS.

    Time to increase the departure tax and decrease the visa on arrival to 7 days

  7. Its not only the city of Pattaya that should be considering incentives to get people to come and stay. I have never seen Chiang Mai so quiet in all of my time here. The hotels have barely occupancy, I have seen alot of foreign owned restaurants fold because they have no customers and the people in the night market here are just sitting around watching tv all night.

    Its getting people to come to Thailand in the first place is the problem, those who have cancelled or chosen somewhere else will not change their mind over a few promotions sadly.

  8. What a shock, Ian. When were you in Scotland visiting my ex?

    Thanks, T-Dog. I have tried those shops before. No one offered to build me a pair. I'll have to try again.

    I guess I'll be going to the States to visit my aging mother at Christmas. I suppose I'll be bringing back two extra suitcases. One filled with shoes and socks, the other with underwear and shirts.

    Funny you should mention that. I did the same thing a few years ago and stocked my closets full of XXL items. Sadly due to the over consumption of Thai food and beer they still sit in the closets awaiting the time in the future when they will fit me again.

    I dont remember the last time I wore a pair of socks but I have enough to pass onto my great grandchildren, same with the underwear :o

  9. I have the same problem and if i ever hear of anyone coming over here I will buy stuff online and they will bring it to me. Transportation fees usually paid in beers.

    I am now the Imelda Marcus of Chiang Mai with 8 pairs of size 12 " stashed " away like a squirrel just in case ......

    Its almost impossible to find 12/13 here and if you do they are a very narrow fit.

    Keen makes so great sandles, they are the only shoe that I wiill buy online and not worry about the fit.

    Perhaps if you are nice to Ian he might bring some over for you :o

  10. CNN is now leading with this story and the Somali pirates have had to take a back seat for a while as there are more interesting pictures available with this story to lure and retain viewers + scare away any potential Tourists for the next 3 months.

  11. Skype is fine, generally, but don't expect too much on the fancy options. The more basic problem has to do with Thailand's national infrastructure problem for the internet, which many countries are trying to deal with. Just don't expect megabit service! Similar experiences in the USA not very long ago; still are, in some rural areas! Lighten up!

    I use the Zay Hi card alot and although it is not perfect it is cheap. You have to dial into a chiang mai number first before you enter the card number so you are paying for that call as well. Its impossible to call Malaisia on it, line connection is poor but calls to Europe and the US are mostly perfect. If i get a bad line I just hang up and re-dial.

    You can but it in Buddy Internet or Black Canyon ( Chang Klan anyway ).

    Card costs 300 Baht and is valid for 12 months.

  12. And here is the exact reason I have a no sex tourist policy
    What about sexpats? What about single guys & girlfriends? And vice-versa. How do you differentiate? :o

    Well, thanks for letting us know which accomodation in Chang Mai to avoid. :D

    Easy answer to that, registered guests only. :D

  13. understandably, the hotel management were worried, i imagine the orgy was disturbing other guests (noises), probably stains all over the upholstery .............................

    And here is the exact reason I have a no sex tourist policy as well as occupancy limits in all of the apartments.

    Imaging having to clean that room afterwards and worse still, imagine being the next guest in there.

    The guy at the front desk should have thought something was up when a group of 10+ people were all heading up to the same room. With 7 ladies I am guessing that the wait to use the only bathroom and shower was over an hour.

  14. " Of course I enjoyed my time in the freezing climate of the UK visiting my parents and kids "

    Tonight here as far as I am concerned is the coldest night yet. I hope you still have your hot water bottle and long johns with you.

    I was away recently for just 4 days and I actually missed the place. Well I missed the prices mostly. A few days of reality, supping down decent beers, eating stuff I have not eaten in years and shopping of course and I was ready to come back.

    Plesently greeted by Immigration in CNX and given the token inspection by customs who were amused that I had 5 kg of cadburys, 2 tubs of Philidelphia cream cheese with salmon and 2 kg of mature chedder and 7 litres of ribena :o

    I have worked out that no matter how bad this place becomes sometimes, I can always retire to some corner of my apt and consume the above goodies and all will be ok.

    Welcome back.

  15. I was under pressure to buy one of these little " Toy Dogs ", you know the ones that you dress up and drive around town on the front of the bike ?. There is no way I was having that on my bike.

    I stood firm and agreed to go look at other alternatives in the pet shop. Now what trouble could two tiny little furry things like that be and besides, they cost nothing to feed and they were no more than 40 baht each. This was too good to be true, The sulking over the dog immediately stopped and all attention was focused on the 2 fur balls that now lived beside the bed in a cage with a wheel. After one night I would have confesed to anything, waterboarding is nothing compared to this.

    So my math were wrong ( slightly ). Mother nature stepped in today and it seems that the runt became a snack for the mother.

    So 16 babies, 5 already gone or will be going, one missing in action, that leaves 10 beautiful hamsters that still need homes. Had them all cexed today so if you want 2/3 I can pretty much guarentee you that you can have 2 boys or girls.

    Is there a Peruvian restaurant in Chiang Mai by the way ?

  16. Even though I sat them both down when they first came to live with me and lectured them on " safe sex ", our Hamsters have now given birth to 8 red jelly bean like babies. After doing some basic maths and looking at a calendar, if this continues at this rate we should have 347 of them by June.

    So in about 4-6 weeks it will be time for most of them to pack their pouches and look for other accommodation in the Chiang Mai area.

    Update on the above :

    As predicted and I told my other half to keep the parents apart, I came back from a few days holiday to find that Mommy hamster was extremely overweight and this morning she gave birth to yet another 9 healthy little red jelly beans !!

    I am at my wits end now, there are 19 hamsters in my apartment all squeaking and fighting to take their turn on the wheel.

    PLEASE, there are so " Narak " and need homes before they ( the babies ) start experementing with Boom Boom.

    The first set are on solids now and I will check with the lady in the pet shop about when its safe to remove them from their parents.

    They are miniture hamsters, about an inch long, extremely cute and if you want to see photos I can email them to you.

    PLEASE, before I am out on the streets with no where to live, consider taking 1 or 10 of these lovely pets home with you.

    Not recommended for young children or for people who have cats.

  17. Im also in the market for a meanoy :o


    If that is the case I suggest you look into buying a tandem model so you can take her back here with you. Dont bank on her doing any of the peddling though unless you hook up a TV to a bicycle run generator, sorta like a carrot on a stick.

    I also suggest you look into hospitals in the area that do genital re-attachment cause if your current Fan reads your posting about wanting a gick, you might need one. :D

    Im all game for a South to North trip up India starting in April and ending up in Ladakh when the snow melts and the roads open in May(ish). Check out Enfield Indias website and look at the bikes they offer on the British and American market.

    Of course in order to keep this thread relevant, this trip would have to start in Chiang Mai.

  18. Funny question but then I remembered a guy I met 2 years ago who did the opposite trip entering Thailand from Laos. He had bought one of the generic Chinese black bikes for a 50 quid or something and peddled his way from Kunming. Now he would tell me stories about his experience entering Thailand and the immigration and customs form he filled out. He put down that he arrived in Thailand by bicycle and this caused a bit of confusion to say the least. No one arrives in Thailand by bicycle at least not from Laos. He insisted that this was correct and stood his ground until they finally gave up.

    I think the old bike is still around and worth a mere 40 quid now.

    So its possible the other way round. If I can find the guy I will hook you 2 up .

    Now that you have perked my interest, how about flying to Madras/ Chennai in S. India and buying a couple of old Enfields from the factory and taking them up through India and into China that way ( via laddakh ) or into Pakistan and then into China from there.

    I could do with a few months holiday especially when it gets hot here.

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