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Posts posted by strawberry

  1. Hi All,

    many thanks for the valuable info you sent.

    I know I have the problem , my son spent a few days with me and slept in my room apparently called out to me dam_n well breath and as I have had problem about not getting enough sleep for a while it seems obvious that sleep apnia could be the problem.

    Brian I couldn't get back to you

    again many thanks


  2. Hi All,

    my visa renewal is coming up next month. I'm in the Pichit provence and understand an immigration office has openned up in Phitsanolok. my last notification was for me to report to Mae Sai. There has been no notification for me to report to Phitsanolok. My problem is do I report to Mae Sai only to be told I'm to report to Phitsanolok or vise versa. Can anyone tell me what the score is.

    Regards Joe

  3. Hi all

    I'm looking to sent my 12 yo daughter to english camp this coming school holidays.

    Can anyone give me info on this. The only camp Ihave had a look at is St. Stephens this runs for 2 weeks at a cost of 25000b

    Are there any others I can check out.

    Thanking you in advance


  4. I've had similar problems with this mob. last year i went into the shop in town and asked for a quote. just wanted a cheap pair of glasses suitable for the work on the PC the cheapest was 2600b. Went to the city and got 2 pair for less than that price.

    i did buy a pair of glasses at another Charoen Optical but continuing problems with these, no more bussiness with these people


  5. The local hospital is the government hospital and I assume its done in all government hospitals and you would need to go tothe government hosp. closest to you. so ypu have to wait around for a while but at least they make you feel they really care. I'm usually in there for about 3-4 hours every 2 months.

    Cathyy many thanks I'll check it out today

    Regards Joe

  6. Me too but at the Chainat hospital, a government hospital. private aircon room 5 days in hospital total cost 17000 baht. Farang doctor. you can contact hospital ask to see Dr. Scott or email me and I will give you his number.

    Regards Joe

  7. I need stevia for my morning coffee does anyone know where I can buy it. does anyone know where I might be able to buy maltitol. It seems maltitol would be helpful and might taste better in coffee.

    I have to say that I really have messed up my treatment but still have my feet.

    For years I tried to treat myself but now go to the local hospital diabetic clinic and find the staff very helpful and very importantly have reduced my monthly bill for medication. 2 months now cost me between 5 and 6 hundred baht. On my pension thats very helpful.

    Regards Joe

  8. I' often wondered why they don't plowthe hay back into the ground, telling my wifethis she says the tractors are not strong enough. I notice that local villagers are hired to cut the grass / weeds along the canals. There is no garbage collection in the area and we are forced to burn everything. I'm in the Pichet provence and used to live in Chiang Mai the air here is not as bad as I remember it in Chiang Mai but it could use improovement.


  9. I'm not at all imprest with the teachingskills of the teachers I have experienced. The thing that seems to be missing is parents and teachers assoc. My opinion of thai teachers is that they are above themselfs and there is a great need for the P&T assoc.

    Yesterday afternoon she comes home with a speech she has to give today with 5 syllable words goes into a panic because she has not heard the words before. This was defeating for her and I had to spend hours with her to build her up again.

    Many times I have been asked to teach and have done some volunteer work with thai teachers at her schools. I won't take on a teaching job because I believe that teaching in an art and I don't have it. But then again my observations are that most of the thai teachers don't have the art either.

    Then there is the farangs who need a job go to BKK for a couple of weeks get a certificate and come back to pose as teachers of english.

    Incidentally my daughters speach for today is ''The importance of learning English''

  10. Deffinately not.I'm using TOT with the ipstar sattelite costs me 1600 baht. There is no land line here so I don't have an option, the service has taken anything up to 10 days and only come if I threaten to throw it out. The techies are really agressive and disrepective.

    I've tried using blue tooth but its incredibly slow. I'm totally pist with this lot.


  11. Hi All,

    my wif is into all this stuff, heaps of god images that have cost me heaps sometimes the insense smoke is so thick its hard to breath.

    last year she nags me about building a spirit house and promises to pay me back with the money from the lime trees she has planted, that I payed for.

    26k the spirithouse costs. it will bring us good luck,she says, The month after this the pension drops from 80k down to 56k and I get diagnosed with prostate cancer

    You can understand if I'm peeved about all this crap. The day that the spirit house got together all the family came along with a couple of clowns ,one dressed in a tiger suit and the other in a long gold coloured dress chanting and making crazy sounds.

    anyhow my pensionis starting to go up now and my balls have been operated on to slow down the cancer.

    I won't ask you to pray for me cause I might get deluged with a flood :)

    Regards Joe

  12. I attend the government hospital forthe diabetic clinic everycouple of months and they proscribe for me 300 mg asprin. I think the important thing when taking asprin you should eat first or drink a large milk

    Regards Joe

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