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Posts posted by amja

  1. ....but when a foreigner....in front of dozens (?) of witnesses....was knocked unconscious....and kidnapped....

    ...nobody saw....nor filmed....anything....nor even made a peep.....

    ...not even the morgue...that was holding the murder victim....an ex-soldier...that fought for his country....for 5 weeks....

    ...nor the police...that delivered him to the morgue.....

    ...!@#$%^&* you.....you are savage...racist scum....scammers...thieves...criminals...murderers.....

    Think it´s time for you to get the next flight home!


  2. Well, when my wife died some years ago and when I was over the first mourning, I realized the only thing was to go forward an don´t look back.

    So many "sofasherlocks" here what do you want the widow to do? Close her livelihood?

    I can really understand the mother, but sorry to say I dont think it will do any change.

    In my country it would be called manslaughter and render 9-12 years with parole after 2/3 of the sentence.

    In LOS it´s all about money!

    As for you sorry asses that find a conspiracy in all things....GET A LIFE!


  3. Could ayone explain why the authorities need such a long time investigating when the whole accident is on tape?

    Pratuth must have seen it, so can´t anyone accuse him for delaying a conviction?

    If this monk scam goes through, I hope some international take hold of this.

    Thailand in tha afetycounsil, hahahahahaaaaaa

    Burma will go there first!


  4. I wonder who is really behind all this destruction of the real charm of Bkk?

    For me much of the reason I go to Bkk is the smells from a nightbazaar where you can sit down in the middle of the night for a beer and some often delicious food, poking around in the streetvendors stalls (often just crap, but sometimes you find just the thing you want for a fraction of normal price)

    The very few xtra minutes are absolutely worth it.

    The ones complaining should just hire a Limo to go between the superexpencive trendy malls with a/c environment or just skip Bkk and go to Singapore.


  5. To me Bkk are a spakling place, much to thank for all the sidewalk markets an foodstalls!

    Never mind it it takes 10minutes more to walk a distance when you have people selling all kinds of stuff.

    Bing able to sit down on a wiggly plastic chair for nice food and/or a drink even it it´s ate at night.

    That is Bkk charm for me!

    Most of the complainers here are the bitter old men that yell about almost everything.

    For those, I recommend move to Vladivostok! Nightlife very quiet (if there is any, i did not find) sidewalks and streets totally free from any marketeers!

    The Bkk I loved are quickly going away, my heart bleed.


  6. Eh? Where is it mentioned the boy was playing in the street?

    I would hope at least one of The mediums here who read sooo much more in any article can tell us!

    I really hope that some neighbour or someone have seen anything to help that kid back home, must be terrified if still alive.

    Anyone check the father?

    All people can´t aford a nanny but al parents have to sleep sometime, so don´t start blame the mother!



  7. i believe law is law and police is right to take them. i am not sure why this is made a big deal.

    if they are playing card games in Thailand, they have to follow the rules.

    rules says that you cannot play more than 120 cards if they dont have government stamp on this.

    so, police just did its job by checking foreigners playing cards in sin city Pattaya. There were many instances in the past foreigners opening hidden gamble houses caught by the police.

    how can they know what those foreigners doing there?

    moreover, you can also gamble with bridge! a simple search at google shows this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gambling_3NT

    so what?

    Hope this is a sarcastic(but very bad) comment!

    Othervise, get a life, open your window and smell little reality!

    Must be hard to live with all those small minded thoughts in your head.

    Elderly bridgeplayers caught, forced to 12 hours arrest, leave their passports and made to pay 5k!!!

    If you think that is ok, you need to think about if planet earth is the right place for you!

    I´ve been following these threads and even Swedish morning Tv had some reporting

    Police or military aside, I think the saddest things are the posters, like you, that can not see beyond outdated laws!

    I feel sorry for you and hope you return to your homecountries ASAP (Bet you know your own countries lawbooks by heart)

    Ok, now you can crash down at my writing, but english is my third language.


  8. Well, they could declare the whole Island a Nature reserv and charge all falangs who come about 5k bht/a head.

    Take away ALL foodvendors and restaurands in sight of all beaches, most falang´s are fat eough already..

    Close Bangla and all bars and discos at 10pm so all the families and oldtimers can have their beautyslep and can spend their days in the aircinditioned shoppingmalls buying domesticly made qualitystuff.

    Emediantley stop all touristboats in the Phangnga archiperlago, the falangs should be grateful to buy an expencive postard.

    Set a minimum of spendingmoney to 20k/day so no no bloody poor people can snooze around (Chineese exepted)

    Just a few little things they can do!


  9. I wouldn´t have that for my reguglar because of the prices, but for the rarer things they are really good!

    They fixed my radther heartmed n 3 days.Not the same name, but same ingredients.

    The one on North rd had a very nice selection of handicap things too ( croutches, wheelchairs etc but now maybe more branches have, it was some years ago.)

    Plz oversee possible langue errors, this is not my first language



  10. About 30 years ago, I flagged down a taxi outside DM to go to the Malaysia hotel.

    It was an older guy who spoke very good english and after a while I noticed how he lent over to the right door, away from the steeringwheel.

    At first I thyought he wanted to see mee when we spoke, but finally I asked him.

    He smiled, pointed at the little BUDDHA on the dashboard and told me he just had to leave some more room for him!

    I can still write this, so apparently we got there safe and sound. (In those days Malaysia Hotel was one of the real late night hotspots, now turned to a gay clientele)


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